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Everything posted by Jennifur

  1. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning ya'll I went to bed at 9 and up at 7:30 and I could have gone back to sleep, but have to get up and ready for open house at FD. Last night was homecoming dance - first before you look, I look sloppy - I don't normally wear shirts that big because the bunches around little buldges makes them look like huge buldges and no... I have not shurnk... I'm still 5'5... my daughter is (or was 6 months ago) 5'9" and had on heals. What's everyone up to today? It's freezing here... ok cold. 40's this am, I had to put on sweats, long sleeve shirt and socks to get out of bed, tonight might be a great night to have a fire.
  2. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey all quick check in, have a few minutes Have been having a wonderful 2 nights with George, only had class for 1 hour last night so he is totally pampering me. we slept in til 8 this am, I forgot how well I sleep with him Well I'm going to relax a little bit we are going to dinner tonight and maybe a movie, maybe just hang here with a fire and a movie
  3. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Thanks for posting that Cindy that sounds good
  4. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    HI KAT - nice to have you back! That is scary about the tire but glad you guys are ok and had a nice tome. Michelle - Thanks, I am sore today but much better, I'm going to bed at 8:00. I hope to have a quiet weekend and relax Suzanne - the rain is just starting really hard here, it has rained all day, but not like this. well, i'm off to bed... night all
  5. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Trey - Tracy knows this, but I have serious issues... LOL I still see myself as I was 100lbs ago - plus didn't help my pants are 4 sizes too big which made me look even bigger.. LOL - I KNOW I'M NOT RIGHT!!! I am so completely sore - home to have some pulled pork and off to class I am going to bed as soon as i get home from work tomorrow Have a great night all
  6. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Oh man - I just saw my fat ass just as they were doing a close up on the news... At least was only back view so the entire world won't know it was me
  7. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Morning yup - I'm up 4 1/2 hrs sleep if that is what you call it. My body hurts in places I forgot I had. I did lose 3lbs so only have 3 left to get to my lowest. Well I guess I shoud get up, have to stop and get some motrin on way to work - Have a wonderful....
  8. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey Ya'll Quiet here today How are you all doing? I am just chilling - about to crash I'm exhausted, and hurt, and well, went to FD drill and as I was waiting for everyone to show... Got a call for bad (fatal) car accidnt. My first 2 calls were intense. My fd dist i only 3 miles and this is not typical those who know me know how I feel about camera... so bad news was there ... I've seen more in a week than I have in a life time. So I lost what I was going to say, I'm mentally done. If i can get pics online I'll post, I know I was in some with my pants that are a different color than everyone else's (only because they are really small or really large, this was the only inbetween.) anyway, I'm physically and mentally done, I told them I want to take my gear to work and wear it so i can lose 20lbs... lol they are hot and sweat is an understatement i have to go to bed, can't even think straight
  9. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    HEY!!! where's mine ... lol Well, I have to go take a shower - have 30 minutes to get showered and leave for class. I have a test - wish me luch, i have not studied in 2 days and I'm tired and hurting. Hope all is well Kat - miss ya - hope you are having a wonderful trip :wink:
  10. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Morning all Tracy - LOL I did think i said night, but now I'll say Morning...How are you doing? Angela - now that is funny Debbie - sorry about BIL- That does sound rewarding - keep up the good work. Suzanane - today starts your busy week, what you have on today? Did you get the pool closed? I'm off to get ready for work, rain the next couple days, i guess I need to dress accordingly Have a great day all
  11. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Suzanne - I was cracking up when I saw your post - It is actually the best party I ever have. I usually get shaving cream, the best bath salt ever, and silly stuff, but when you get 15-20 females, margaritas and obnoxious stuff together, it is a great time! Cindy - ROFL... I'm sure Suzanne would figure it out.. Your dd is absolutely beautiful Well, I'm heading to bed in a few, have to get up at 3:15 have a wonderful
  12. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Because I don't have anything better to do with my time... I am going to have a "Toy" party 11/13, and no it is not for children.. I've been screwing around all day - going to get up and clean my room and upstairs, work my way downstairs. Lazy day
  13. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi Angela We posted same time How old is Zach? That is very exciting with the game. We went costume shopping yest and I remembered how much I love Halloween. I so want to have a party but I don't have any friends and definately none that would dress up. This year is my year to grow and fd is going to be my way to do it and meet new people who like to have fun fun and not just bar fun. I was going to decorate, but ya know what, I'm not going to do it, my house has been a mess and I just want it clean, maybe I'll get my xmas lights on outside while it is nice so it is done and get things together for fall. Glad your uncle is hanging in... Have a wonderful day,
  14. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning ya'll Go Suzanne LOL I'm just getting up, took some children's motrin and actually slept last night, I'm hurting this am... So... 2:30 I got a FD call and this was it, I decided it was going to be my first call, there has been 3 since I joined but have not been able to go. So, middle of the night I get up and throw on clothes and out the door I go. Car accident on country road at 2:30 - my first thought was Drunk... I was so right, and probably good other FD was there and secured the scene just as we got there - Kids head was completely wrapped, car rolled, hit a tree, spun around and hit another tree, it was only 1/4 mile on the start of the road and his dd who dropped him off when he hopped in the car was right behind him and saw the entire thing. They had pics I hope to get some to show my dd what the car looked like, because I want her to know why you don't drink and drive. What an adrenlin rush but after pulling up, seeing the car, blood everywhere, I was better than I thought I would be and this is going to be an even better thing that I thought. So - I was going to go to Rochesester with George on Thursday and spend the weekend with him... Change in Plan, he will be here tomorrow afternoon and leave Tuesday after I leave for work (late) and then come back Friday afternoon when he is done with his class and spend the weekend here. He already had a trip planned but is worried about me and worried about me in car sitting with my back the way it is so he is going to come take care of me for a few days. I had a meltdown about hurting and being alone last week, he only got a comment or 2 but knew there was something wrong so he changed the plan. So I'm going to get up and clean in a few - and enjoy the relaxing day What are you all up to today? anything exciting? Tracy - how are you today? any better I wonder how Kat's trip is going? Suzanne - I did 25 hours in 2 days, I wouldn't know what to do with myself if i did that in a week LOL have a good day all
  15. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning Hey Tracy - you sound so bummed - all ok with you? I'm just getting up, hurting so tossed and turned lots going to drink coffee
  16. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey ya'll quiet day - I'm beat, taking a break inbetween day and night. I have such huge bald spots just from monday - Well, just finished my redbull and going to figure out what to do for an hour to stay awake before class and then back to work. I am so sleeping in tomorrow
  17. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi Plain I see you - isn't it some insane hour where you are?
  18. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning all just took the hottest, longest shower ever! My pain is really isolated which I guess is good - right? The stress of this accident is doing me in - I lost more hair in the shower this am than I do in an entire month, It actually scared me. Well I'm off to get ready - going to be a long day - work until 4 at the latest, home for dinner, class until 9 or 10 and then back to work until 1 or 2 am while they finish the concrete pour. I know bad week to work so much but last night I sat in trailer and did paperwork and tonight I am going to do my last 2 chapters of my online class and if I have time study for Monday's EMT and then there will be nothing all weekend except for to clean and get my stuff together for next week, I'm going to Rochester Thurs and Friday with George and then he is going to come here for the rest of the weekend. My BIL talked to him about being my new boss - He said they wouldn't let him on site becuse of conflict, but I am starting to think it is conflict with our relationship - although when we worked together no one knew we were seeing each other and we kept work very professional. ok enough ramble Have a great day everyone, see ya'll later
  19. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Tracy - so miss you sister - I wish I could join you guys in the worst way, I'll make it George might take a job down south next summer and i might join him, (working of course) and bring Dylan with me, so you never know, I might make it there to live for a year or 2 - I've already been contacted by a recruiter too, so ladies, I'm going to find my roots yet! Well, worked a 12 hr day and I'm hurting and need to sleep. Hope you are all well and miss ya, i wont check in until late tomorrow
  20. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    When are you guys going to get together? Maybe I'll plan a trip for a weekend if you tx people can do it again, or it might have to be april... Plain, you crack me up, Its probably a good thing I won't be there, I'd probably get in big trouble.. MY SA friends - I'm not quite as bad as I was on our TX trip, ...... hmmmmmmm ok, but I'm still no saint well, running late, seems to be the thing to do this week, but oh wait, I'm suppose to be on bed rest...and since I'm working late tonight I'm sure they will get over it. Have a wonderful day, I'll get caught up tonight, no class, nothing :smile2:
  21. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning all Just wanted to sy my am hi rough going, I had pain in my stomach ok I guess maybe my abdomin - and I realized that last night every time I moved. I guess I need to call the dr only working until 1 so I can get my car and study and take a nap before my class
  22. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    hey all just quick check in, worked 10 hrs today and can hardly stand up straight had dinner and just medicated. going to bed so i can get up, have to leave work at noon so i can go pick up the car and study for my make up test. i'm hurting, hurts to breathe, ribs are bruised. kids were not with me, i was on my way home from work. hope all is well and thanks for the well wishes
  23. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning thanks gals I am haing a hard time moving so wanted to stop in. My entire right side is sore and stiff and I couldn't sleep for nothing last night. Tylenol and off to work. have a great day all
  24. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    hi all, i guess i have a lot to catch up on but since i'm just getting home from hospital from a car accident (i'm fine, bruised but fine) I'm going to bed. I'll catch you all tomorrow night after I go pick the car up -

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