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Everything posted by Jennifur

  1. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good morning I'm heading out to the gym this morning, other than that quiet day. Have my committee meeting tonight. Suzanne, at least it is only 12 days into the year and not 12 days left of the year. LOL You are getting your head back in the game. Kat - thinking about you and sending you good thoughts and prayers hi Tracy Cindy - Hi, thinking about you too ttfn
  2. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    i logged my food and exercise, and if everyday was like today I would be at 164 in 5 weeks.... one can dream right?
  3. vicki I'm afraid to get on the scale I had a cup of soup, mostly veggies and a serving of the biggest loser meatballs for lunch, was almost like a wedding soup, then i went to the gym, did 40 mins on the arc trainer and jogged 1/4 mile and walked 3/4. I am not going to get on the scale until Friday, I know what I was yesterday and I am not going to beat myself up, an hr of cardio is nuts in my mind
  4. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    arent you all glad that you are happy and secure with your hubby's? This was so much easier when younger, and I didn't think I would click like that, it just happened, i was looking forward to dinner and that's about it.
  5. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    hi Kat - i do know what you are saying, I think I am just too afraid of even letting my guard down at this point and don't even want to risk being hurt. if that makes any sense. I had a connection and don't know how to deal with that.
  6. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning all Kat - sounds so much more like you that Rick is back . I have turned into a boot addict this year. I've never been able to wear them because they never fit - so now I can't get enough. You continue to be in my prayers. Cindy - Ericka will be in my prayers. I hear you about the ticker. I have a stupid 15lbs to go for my personal and I can't get the scale to move either. Hi Suzanne, are you staying warm? Tracy - I said yes, but here is the thing, i'm emotionally unstable which I'm ok with, but he said it perfectly, I scare him because he has not felt like this in a long time. And I am freaked too, but he had to go to Nebraska yesterday and is going to be bringing is girls back here with him. So I am not needy, but don't need to have a great date and then get pushed to the side, but I think what scares me most is that with everyone I've dated in the last year with my crazy up and down, I have not felt a spark with anyone like this Well, i'm off to get ready to go on my Patriot Hills mission today and really want to hit the gym. So have a wonderful day and I'll be back love ya'll
  7. Good Morning Hot marine had to go to Nebraska to take care of some things. What a strange weekend Anyway, up to 183 after yesterday. I'm going to shower and do some running for my project with Patriot Hills, and hit the gym Have a great day
  8. Good Morning all You can add what ever you like to season, I like a little kick but whatever makes you happy works. That's the nice thing. I was born in Burbank and still have family out there, I went with dd about 8 years ago and we did disney for 2 days, by the middle of day 2 we were done, but could have done a few at SeaWorld, and I want to do 1 at Universal and do 2 beach days. Plus, I might splurge and book the Nick hotel which has a huge water park. Went out with a retired Marne who i met at my last job last night, he is so sweet, actually asked if we could start dating. Had such a nice time, he is in the middle of a divorce and knows what I've been dealing with, so no secrets. anyway, going to shower, going to a roller skating party xoxoo and yes, Vicki, throw that junk away! or Wait for your quiet time this week, nice and quiet and good time to focus
  9. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Morning had the nicest date with a retired marine last night! he is so cute... actually asked me if we can start dating Going to jump in the shower, have to go to a birthday party and going to roller skate!
  10. ymmmmmm fried cheese I have been out of control too, so detox for a couple days doesn't help i've been on the couch all morning planning my FL trip in Feb. Just signed up for the disney give a day get a day program, so we will get a day at disney for making tie blankets! Hotel package comes with seaworld tickets and might even stay at the nick hote. I have never been to FL
  11. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    I'm excited for you Tracy It has been quiet, i hate this time of year. I just signed up to give a day get a day at disney. My 6 year old is old enough, and we are going to make tie blankets for project linus, and each get a day pass for Disney. I am staying at Seaworld, so get passes for there and want to hit a beach and I have a couple friends who live/stationed there that I really hope to catch up with. I'm so excited!
  12. Val my detox is green veggies and i had a small head of cabbage so here is what I did in a big pot, 2tbs olive oil, saute 1 onion and some garlic when start to turn clear, added: 1 very small head of cabbage 2lb bag of frozen spinach 2 cans no salt added diced tomatoes 1 32oz low sodium chicken broth seasoned with cyanne, fiesta seasoning, and added some dried minced garlic and onion. simmered until cabbage was tender and i'm having a bowl right now. it is really good. I didn't want a ton of broth but you can add more if needed. when I warmed it up I squeezed a lemon wedge into the bowl, I love lemon on spinach. so easy with the detox, i get unlimited chicken and green veggies and 3 small oranges a day, so this is very satisfying and can eat as much as i want
  13. Good Morning all Life has been beyond crazy, but I'm here. Vicki glad you got your fill! How are you feeling? did you step back and do some softer food to adjust? Rain - How exciting, you will be the 2nd person I know with a band baby! I have been up and down, but I made a pot of cabbage soup yesterday and I'm going to detox this weekend and then I'm going to start eating using the biggest loser cookbook. I made meatloaf, meatballs and enchalada chicken yesterday and put some in the freezer so next week I won't have a single excuse. I am going to join a biggest loser contest with a friend's group and hope for the best. I'm going to FL in feb (just decided a couple days ago) and would love to be down 15lbs by then. I can do that now that I can get back to the gym every day. I'm going to take the time I have available at the moment and focus back on that. Have a great day everyone!
  14. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Morning everyone Tracy - you moving?
  15. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi everyone sorry, been a little crazy and wanted to post earlier but have been busy cooking for my new life style, the biggest looser way Kat - omg. giant hugs and prayers coming your way, Rick is home? That is great. LOVE YOU Tracy - yipee, I know where my next road trip is going to be to! Crzytchr - Did you enjoy your day off? Suzanne - I'm jealous, I could use some snuggle time. Well, I am going to Orlando in Feb. I did my preliminary tax return and I have enough to put 4 months of mtg payments away, go to FL, put get my new pool stairs and fence my yard, and have my house painted. You know how much stress is off my plate? I am going to take my next safety class on the 19th, have vacation, and a military function on 2/21 and then a spring fling for the troops in April, and look for a job, it is all good. don't get me wrong, I'm still mentally in the same place, but I think that job was stressing me, I'm not a receptionist, so I can deal with the rest! HUGS ALL I'll be back
  16. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    tracy My fingers are crossed for you. And I'm so sorry about Nanna, but you are right, should everyone be so lucky to have a full life and end so peaceful hugs to you
  17. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    hi guys I actually slept last night, so stress must have been doing me in from a job i really was not meant to be at. well, here i am... started a diet based on biggest looser cookbook today. OMG the food is amazing and cooked in normal portion control sized, not mass amounts. was 182 this am, I'll keep you posted!
  18. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    hola friends Well, lets just complete my day... I lost my job today, no more work from me, just get financially back on track and back to the unemployment line. No reason, but we think it was because they found out about my BIL and he is one of the major subs on the job. "MOLE" is what they call it... Anway... going to start my next certification tomorrow... no time like the present to start
  19. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning gals Tracy- that pic of the bonfire gave me goosebumps! Holy crap, you can't miss that face! Suzanne, wow, schools closed because of cold. It is warm here... a whole 17degrees as a high, usually - numbers with the wind chill Kat - amen - I guess this is going to be the year to clean house and realize a lot about some people. I miss my friend but I just don't have it in me to put all my effort into it, when I need to take care of my needs for once in my life. I was watching miss congeniality *sorry for the sp* and all the memories of the Riverwalk came back. I would so love to take the kids there, I loved it. I'm going on vacation with my kids this year, who knows where or when. We are also going to get good camping equipment at tax time and are going to spend our summer weekends camping. I miss that. Ok, now that I'm really late for work, I guess I should get up. Took a muscle relaxer last night because I have not slept in days and my back was killing me from my ds sleeping on top of me the night before. I'm foggy but slept. Trying to find a good head dr. Have a great day everyone... hope all the mia gals are doing well. see ya all in the am, I have my ways and means committee meeting tonight.
  20. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Suzanne wow, I'm not alone with this! Same thing, I have my own issues right now and I just don't have the energy to fuel that fire. When do you go back to the dr? I'm going to call the head dr I left a message for last week. I really need to talk to someone, it seems to be getting worse every day. I got up and cleaned up xmas mess and that took just about everything out of me. I was going to a freinds tonight and he cancelled. I have no desire to leave, shower, and if the kids were not here I wouldn't get out of bed. Cry if the wind blows the wrong way. every day i just shut down more and more and don't know what to do. I know she won't be able to help me but i just can't pick a name out of the book, so even a referral would be great.
  21. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Morning Kat - hard time of year for Rick to be gone, snowy and cold so what do you do right? I hear exactally what you are saying about friends too. Suzanne - chili sounds good. I'm to a point where one minute I can eat and the next I'm throwing up. I gained 1lb but I think that is lack of water, I realized yesterday I had not been drinking much of anything. Maybe I'll join WW to get back on track. I am frustrated at this point, I need to get focused. It is also hard in the morning, I can't eat and don't have time when working. Maybe I'll just take a protein shake with me in the morning, and have lunch at 11 and a snack on my way home at 3:30. So, ya'll know the basic drama with my friend. Well I invited her to dinner new year eve as a break the ice thing, and she said she wasn't sure if she was up to it... then said she has health problems, and I said hope they fix quickly... and she came back with "who gives a f@#$" ... Well, they scared her to think had cancer, she doesn't but still has issues and having a hysterectomy. She has been mad at me for weeks because I don't have 24/7 to take care of her. So she gives this I am so sick pitty party and she has been out to dinner and drinking but too sick to function... So yesterday my mom went to help her shovel and she told her not to, and she might as well just kill herself. She is on progestrone, and her mom had serious mental health issues , I'm worried about her but at this point in my life, I don't have the emotional strength to deal with me, let alone take the abuse she feels she needs to give me. I feel really bad for her daughter, because if she is having these breakdowns with me, what is she doing to her daughter. I know when she was waiting to find out if she had cancer, she was walking around feeding the negative energy and her daughter was besides herself, almost in tears saying mom stop saying that! It is just sad Anyway, sorry that story was all over, but you get the basics of it. I am going to get xmas cleaned up today, snowy and windy. Tonight going to go to my friends and hang in the garage with the guys while they work. Oh my sister got the biggest looser cookbook, I'm going to have to check that out. But it is not the cooking that is the problem, it is the portion control, which includes eating too little ttfn friends
  22. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    wow so quiet hope you are all off to a wonderful start to the new year!
  23. Jennifur

    Shrinking Violets - Part 5!

    Hi everyone Wanted to stop in and wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thank you for the cards and holiday wishes. Things have been so crazy I didn't get cards out for the first time in 20 years. I went back to work a couple weeks ago so going to start the new year off right God bless Jennifer
  24. Happy New Year Quiet here, had a pre new year party with a few friends, so went to bed early last night. it is strange to hear fill of 5.5 or 6. I only have a 4cc band and have 1.5 in me Trying to start the new year off right, positive and happy. Have a great day all
  25. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    T, he freaks with thunder and fireworkshat sounds like fun. LOL Your poor dog. I have a big giant cat, he is bigger than my neighbors shitzu, anyway, he freaks with fireworks and thunderstorms. He climbs under the recliner and wont come out for at least 24hrs. Suzanne, I went to bed at 7:30. How is that for early? What do you put in your potato soup. I've been making quick/easy cheating potato chowder but would like to make from scratch. Well, nice quiet day, I might get my tree down today and get some stuff in the trash since we have an extra day this week. Other than that, going to make a roast or the kids for dinner and hang out. I guess starting the new year with new friends and a lot of the old have left my life in the last 2 weeks. I made a last attempt with my friend I told you all about and to sum it up told me to F'off... Nice huh? I said last words of "I'm trying, have a happy new year" So as bad as I feel about the whole thing, I tried to make a mends and I can't feel guilty about that. So here is to a New Year of changes and possibilities. I have a new job to start the year with I have a few friends (locally) but they are good ones! I have my health and my children, can't be all that bad. thanks all for being a part of my life love ya'll

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