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Everything posted by Jennifur

  1. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Morning 58 and rain today. and back to 17 by friday. unreal! Suzanne - I'm there with you, this guy i've been kind of dating came over last night, he is a potential keeper. We were wide awake at 1am, and he said, who would have thought when we were 14 that we would be where we are now. His best friend, who I also went to school with told him to stop screwing around and marry me, or date me forever because he has always like me and to get his shit together. But it is all one day at a time, and it is ok, the first time in a long time I'm content with the way things are. well, off to get kids on the bus
  2. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hello everyone just checking in. been a lazy day. My stomach is a huge mess and can't keep anything in me for 3 days now. Since my gall bladder came out, whenever i am stressed, i mean severly stressed, everything goes right though me. Funny, stress caused me to gain over 100lbs, now It is helping me get to my goal Ironic isn't it? going have leftovers for dinner, so guess i should see what i have going on.
  3. hi everyone dealing with some demons, but wanted to check in. Doing all i can to survive a day, still at 180 but i am going to change that this week.
  4. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Michelle you hit the nail on the head with me, I always have a hard time in winter, but if you even knew what has happened in the last 3 weeks you would wonder why i have not taken the bridge. I'm better than past years, and as soon as i get my tax return I'm going back to tanning
  5. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi gals thanks for sharing the info, I'm so lost with all my stuff being in my old phone. Suzane, you should be sainted and I was up last week, back up to 188 and today was 180. I don't know why or how but I'll take it. I need to get back to the gym this week, I have 25lbs to lose and I'll do it this year Here is the thing, I didn't realize I missed Dec ins payment so I don't have health insurance right now, slightly freaking out. I'm going to medicade Monday to see if I can get state insurance. Now that I have pre existing condition, I don't get a tummy tuck until next spring if I get ins to cover it. That is ok, this is going to be a year about being healthy and I'm just getting my hair back so didn't want to have surgery soon anyway. I am slightly freaking out though. I also have to go to family court and not by my request, so lets just say things have been ugly around here. I so need my tax return and a job. I wish i didn't need his money because I have to deal with him - he doesn't give a shit what he did to not only me, but our children, I wish i could write him off, but I need the money well, I spent the day cleaning, house is almost back to being mine since mom is gone. so nice to have clean organization. hugs to you all i'm sorry i have not really turned on my puter, and well, youknow my phone iissues.
  6. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    kat I know what you are saying, i love doing laundry just knowing i don't think i ever wore a size 12! they look so normal
  7. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi Kat - thanks for the info I just finished designing our ID's for Patriot Hills, I'm going to have 1 laminated and bring to the meeting next week. I'm actually going to laminate my extra drivers license on the back of it so they are both together, since I will need both to get on to base. I got our local country station to donate air time and going to do a "30 second public service announcement" for us. So basically a commercial, and they are going to donate 4 country fest tickets for our give away the night of my semi-formal. We got a $1000 donation today, we just need to raise $3000 more by April First. It is the only thing exciting right now, and keeping me going. I am going to reach out to a celeberty to join us the night of our event, and support. I'll post the info when I have something to say, but it is someone who is huge and a huge military supporter! Keep your fingers crossed that next week I can tell you all who it is and that I'm taking a road trip! I'm going to finalize everything with the Hilton on Tuesday and going up north to meet the people from the community we are going to be working with. PLEASE SIGN OUR PETITION AND HAVE TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS TO SIGN TOO... PLEASE WWW.PATRIOTHILLSOFNY.COM THANKS ALL LOVE YA
  8. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    good morning dealing with more than I can right now been in class this week, today is the last day.
  9. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    hello all I am just relaxing after my first day of class. my 30 hr training. Long day but great, going to be a great thing. my brain is fried and my throat hurts so badly. I gained 5lbs of bloat, but it is gone already. miss ya'll
  10. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Kat we posted at the same time That is funny, so when you say watch out... that is not a bad thing right? LOL
  11. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Morning all nice relaxing morning. house is getting cleaner by the minute. My throat hurts - took cold meds last night so feel a bit better I am going to shower, have a side planning meeting tonight to go over a timeline and fund raising and tomorrow morning is day 1 of my safety class. busy week sad, but we have decided to put off FL until Easter. There will be so much more time to plan and pack and will still pay for this when I get my taxes, but won't be so last minute. I guess it will be much warmer then too. Anyway, hope you are all well
  12. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good afternoon girls OK SO, Kat, that is funny stuff about you getting hit on, not that you did, but how sweet is it that Rick is jealous. Kind of cute Tracy - you must be beat, how is the homestead? Suzanne - that is horrible, I will keep her in my prayers Michelle - took the last 2 days of and have not been drinking close to enough water. Got to get on track Well, Thursday night I went out with a guy I went to grade school with, he had a birthday party last night but i ran into him while out to dinner with the family, told him i was going out for a bit, well don't you know he came looking for me I have to call him about 6 tonight and he is going to come over and hang out. Going into this, he is just out of a 9 year relationship and can't fall for anyone right now. Which in a way works for me, I get some attention and a companion without the horrible pressure. What confuses me, is that he keeps telling me that he can't fall for anyone right now, as he squeezes me tighter. very mixed emotions there, but trying not to read into anything and get freaked out, you all know i do that. And as he says he can't fall agin, askes if he can see me tonight. We have talked and flirted over the years, don't know why now, but i'm kind of glad. Things happen for a reason right. OH and get this, he is a civilian!
  13. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Michelle so nice to hear from you. I can't get out of the 180's so I feel your pain. Monday i am back to reality! been going to the gym... that has to count for something. I am having female issues again, which is kind of scaring me well, in the 40's here today, beautiful spring like day. did a little cleaning but not too much, going to get cold tomorrow so spending the day cleaning , plus, mom goes away for 3 months tomorrow morning, so all her stuff will be organized so I can get things back to normal have a great day
  14. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Morning crazzy day yesterday I am not even going to hop on the scale. Since working out I started spotting. not sure what that is all about but I don't like it. I feel bloated too, i'm going to drink extra water Tracy - I'm excited for you! Have a great day Kat - how are you doing? take care of you Gone $4ever - that is horrible, please take care of yourself and check in and let us know how you are doing! Suzanne - hey how are you doing - still having a warm spell Cindy - hope all is going well with you and Erika Jolly - hope all is well and calming down a little sorry if I missed anyone, still waking up
  15. Good Morninig I am sure I'm up a ton, I feel it, so not going to weigh in. I actually started spotting ... WTH its been 6 months and giong back to the gym I've been messed up since. its annoying So today I'm going to drink tons of Water and take my water pills. I never get rashes from my fills, How is it doing? that is very strange and Vicki had great advice
  16. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Morning all just another day, don't know what itt is going to bring yet. I might start tanning to get some light, it is so yuck out and that might not be helping my state of mind. have stuff to do today so that might help too :biggrin: My thoughts and prayers are with everyone who needs them. I don't know if I have mentioned this lately but I glad you are all in my life, we are all very special and I don't know where I would be without you guys. :thumbup:
  17. Good Morning all starting my day early, getting my hair done at 11 and my nails after and goinig to the gym. Gained 3lbs from my crap food, or lack of water. wth? today is a new day, actually spotting today which i have not done in 6 months. that stinks too but explains a lot. hope you all have a good day
  18. i did so good today, and i am in a slight depressed funk, i'll get over it and be fine, but going to order dinner I got an antipasta salad I am going to share with my dd and she wanted fries so I'm sure I'll have one or 2. so I guess could have been much worse did do 50 mins on the arc trainer today... but I was also just as lazy the ret of the day so does it count?
  19. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi ya'll Kat, glad you are back Jolly - nice to hear from you, it is crazy time of year I'm having a sad day, you know me, I put on a giant front to pretend that I'm ok with everything and then have a bad day, tomorrow is another day so I'm going to allow it. How's that? LOL always find humor.
  20. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    KAT - it is going to be all good today sending you such good thoughts and energy! Hope you can feel it. LOVE YOU!
  21. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Ok Last post Hi Tracy - how the heck is the packing going? You must be busy, and taking care of your neighbors baby while moving. God bless. Suzanne - we are having a heat wave this week, going to get up to 30 by the end of the week, unheard of, almost scares me, it is usually -15 this time of year with the wind chill. Waiting to finish my taxes and pray for the best with FL in Feb, would love heat!
  22. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    HI PAULA, nice to have you here with us Cindy -how are you? How is Ericka?
  23. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Morning everyone yesterday was a strange day, just all over the place. I ended my night at my committee meeting for Patriot Hills. They were so happy with my planning and results, we are having a spring fling on April 23 and having it up in Saratoga. I am going to the hotel with one of the board members Friday morning to look at the banquet room and get menu information. Next week I am taking my safety class so it is going to be crazy, but good.
  24. I am doing ok, yesterday I was bad and lazy, but today back on track. I added a serving of Biggest Loser meatballs to my soup, it was amazing. I was scared because I was able to eat the last couple of days, NO MORE, must be TOM. The only time I can eat anything in site is 2 days before, but since I don't physically get it, I never know. I'm so glad you like it, and quick and easy. Enjoy your couple of days and take the time for you I'm glad you can eat a little, I get head hungry a lot or want to finish everything on my plate, even if small plate. Take it nice and slow and I bet you will be fine! Great thoughts going your way! Keep us posted. Good morning, trying to choke down an egg and heading to the gym
  25. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    hi ya'll I should be in the shower but I'm watching UP with Alexandra. Taking her to the Dr at 1, I am afraid she has Mono I just finished up my Mortgage and deduction part of my taxes, just waiting for my w-2's to confirm my year end paystubs and submit... and then firm up FL trip and all is well, i'm so excited it is all going to be ok

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