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Everything posted by Jennifur

  1. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    just wanted to stop in and say hi and thank you As much as it sucks, at least it is done, I know in the long run it will be worth it. Just wish I got my mail. The killer is how could they not realize they were getting my mail back, and I did have a forward on my post office when it closed. Oh well, I'm off to shower, I'm just mentally done, but getting better. Starting off the year clearing up all the old crap and I know this is so it can all be in the past and I can start new and be happy
  2. hi just wanted to check in, have been off line for a few days I was 178 yesterday don't know what it is today but was good yesterday hope you are all having a good weekend
  3. We are still feeling out the waters so not in a relationship at this point, but i'm content. and working on me! I just got some very depressing news, student loans sucked up my tax return, no vacation for me, plus a lot of other things that needed to happen. Vicki I didn't realize you are down that much ... good for you, i'm happy for you The stress of the next 2 weeks and today might just get me to where i need to be. hugs to you all
  4. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    hi just had to share with someone... so here goes my FL trip has been cancelled. My big student loan was apprently in default and not included in the ones I deferred and they had my old po box so i never received notification they were taking my refund, so ... the 8k i was getting that was going to be a nest egg, vacation, and catch up on life is not happening. I will only owe 700 after they take that, which i guess is good, but righ now, i feel like my world is crashing. Kev is not paying me support, taking me back to court to reduce and I am still not working. I hate him, which is probably why the universe is sending me bad stuff right now. He has officially sucked ever ounce of everything out of me. EVERYTHING. I will never trust anyone every again I will never really love anyone every again I will never give all I have physically and emotionally every again. I am officially drained, did I mention I'm still getting his mail, so I got lots of reminders this week of what he did to me, mentally. I am shutting down my computer for a few days - it was still up and open so i need to vent. thanks for listening, or if not... just letting me type love to you all
  5. Val - you never know I've been seeing this guy, and it is refreshing, he may not be "the one" but he treats me well, and I don't call him, he calls me, I have not seen him since Monday but he has called me every night to say good night and see how my day was. But he doesn't want to be in a relationship? LOL I have more confidence than I have had in a longtime. I had a long talk with my sister, she was bigger than me and has worked really hard and lost 75lbs in a year, she looks great and I was jealous. I'm wearing smaller clothes than her, but we are built completely different, always have been. So she weighs 156 and I m at 178, I'm an inch or 2 taller than her and for the most part don't hold my weight any one place. She has smaller legs and butt but bigger on top. She thought I had to be 135. I told her if I weighed 135 I would be a size 1. at 178 I'm a 12, and pushing a 10, someplace I've never ever been. She was floored. Funny, I see myself being so much different that what she saw me as, and told me not to focus on the scale because she would never guess in a million years I weighed that much! OH well, had to share that, I still don't know how to absorb all that, 135 and she weighs less than me... I don't see it, any of it Vicki - how are you doing today. I needed that laugh, and had to share it! Off to get ready to get my hair done
  6. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Kat that sounds awesome! I so want to start camping again with the kids, I wish I had friends who would go with me, I would be sold in a minute.
  7. Good Morning everyone I have my own issues, but so glad I don't have heartburn.. Although I know I can't eat spicy food like i use to. I was on a wing sauce kick last summer and was in bad shape at that point, but now that it is only a treat, I don't have any issues. I do add cyanne to everything to get the little kick I need. Vicki - I'm sorry you are lonely, I so understand what you are saying. I need to take a road trip to visit you. I've been sick as a dog, but finally sucked it up and taking antibiotics and feeling much better. Been detoxing all week and back down to my ticker weight so i'm happy, considering it is pms week, maybe I'll make the 70's next week. Well off to bring some stuff to my dd that she forgot before it starts snowing too hard. have a great day all
  8. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Morning all Suzanne, are you going to the Falls this year on your trip? Buffalo is about 5 hrs west of me. On the news/weather I am close to Albany to give you an idea. I have friends in Buffalo so if you ever head that way let me know, I'll make a trip, I've been looking for an excuse Tracy - no plan today, paperwork, and resume printing all day. It is starting to snow, we are only getting 4-6" but good day to stay in. School is probably going to close early. Doing my chicken/green veggie detox, today is day 3. Down 1.5 yesterday so right back to 180, my lowest in over 15 years. I also started spotting this morning, yuck went 6 months with nothing, so very bloated, but would explain the lower back pain I've had the last 2 days, so maybe I'll get into the 70's this week. Fingers crossed! Suzanne - go you going to the gym and being so good. I'm going to go back next week, I know I said that this week but I'm still coughing, much less and more productive, but think cardio would kill me right now. Well, I'm off to dd's school, she forgot her ring receipt and can't pick it up without it. How exciting, my little girl is getting her class ring! Then coming home to make a batch of greens and beans, yummy
  9. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    hi all just getting in from a day of shopping, spent way too much money but my daughter's best friend, who is like my daughter turned 16 today so I got her a really nice charm from me and the best friends charm from my dd. Kat - wow that sounds like a heck of a concert! Michelle, I'm almost 3 hrs north of the city well, my brain is fried so i'm going to make a plan for tomorrow, it is going to snow! finally, and only 6" so not too much either
  10. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Morning everyone You all know it is an open invite for all of you to come visit me, I would love it! How's the new homestead Tracy? How is Macy doing with the new school and adjusting? Cindy - I was ready for bed early last night too, but started watching a movie and stayed up until 11. Kat - you make such good food. I don't know how but after being lazy and sick, I thought I gained 10lbs last week living on mashed potatoes... I was scared but last night jumped on the scale, I only gained 1lb. I don't even know how that is possible. Don't get me wrong, i feel like a ball of flab because of being lazy but there is hope I can get under control. Maybe since you guys won't be going anywhere until sept you will have a chance to ride a lot this year? Suzanne - holy smokes, you are going to need that 3 weeks off at this rate. Good luck at your appointment today, I'll be sending you good thoughts. Well, I'm off to try to wake up, I am not coughing nearly as much but still really run down, or just bored and making me tired. I'm going to set my laptop up in the back room so i have a table to work at so I can get a bunch of paperwork done I just can't seem to do in the living room have a good day all
  11. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hello all busy day here yest. I didn't watch the game but glad you gals are super happy I have been on antibiotics since sat night, and breathing treatments all day yesterday and actually got some sleep last night Feel lazy and bloated so going to detox this week and hit the gym tomorrow, I was going to go this am but... figued i'd give my lungs an extra day to catch up.. Kat all that food sounds so good, glad you all had a good night last night Tracy - that is an open invitation! Suzanne - how are you doing, still on a mission? I'm joining you
  12. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    hi everyone I've been so sick, have been coughing up a lung for days, getting a little better today. Got up and cleaned away and just showered and watching the mercy I missed. First night I've been up past 8 in forever it seems. Michelle, glad your daugher does not UTI and hope she starts to feel better soon Kat - You are in my prayers, I hope the 2nd round of antibiotics starts to really work. That is great you got your tax return, you must have missed the cut off for last week. I did mine last Saturday and it says that I will have money in my account by the 12th. Good thing I changed FL trip, I was suppose to leave Thursday. I'm also really not in the mood and being sick.. Did I tell you all I read Dear John the other day? If I did I'm sorry for saying it again... but I picked it up and read the entire thing before noon. It was my life... when I was a teen to now, little different but the same. I have been an emotional wreck all week. Tracy, he is welcome! My daughter can babysit! Ok i'm going to get some more stuff done, I wanted to check in
  13. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi all we can make it through this rough patch! I have been eating like a pig myself too I have to get it back under control this weekend! Tracy, my military fling is April 23, want to come??? xoxoxox
  14. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey ya'll I have not had my computer on much, I've been fighting this horrible cold and finally stopped coughing up a lung. I am super pms too so feel huge. Oh well, lots of Water today How is everyone, so quiet here. Tracy how is the new homestead? Suzanne - you are now my inspiration, you are so focused Kat - I'm still hoping for April Vacation and a job so I don't get other options this year. I'm off to shower, have to go get more resume paper and get that mailed and get some stuff together for tomorrow
  15. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    That was funny now I can't get it out of my head I''m good with this Suzanne, thank you We are still in a good place, I'm in a good place, one day at a time and it is a good one day at a time. The bad thing is, it is just comfortable. He had a bad day yesterday and came over last night, we talked until almost midnight and just fell asleep. Nice. I have not been able to do that in a long time. Content is what I am right now. Well, I'm taking a road trip and have to be ready in 20 mins and not even close to it. Have a good day all
  16. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi all still hacking up a lung kat, that is great i'm not getting support, and have not talked to him since xmas. been dating this guy who just ended a 9 year relationship and he is lost, which is sad because I confuse him because he likes me and didn't want to be in this place. he calls every day and we see each other at least 4 times a week, so good thing we are not getting serious. The sad thing is, I'm confused too, I really like him and it scares me, it is more than a date and tossed a side. well tomorrow is new day, I'm going to work on cleaning and painting the office where my new elliptical is going to be
  17. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    hi everyone not much going on, not much to say. been out of control eating and feel like crap with no exercise. Found my elliptical and going to get it next week when taxes come in and cancel my y membership no one goes with me and I just can't afford it. I'm bumming when is spring here?
  18. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Morning all my crazy week caught up with me. I have a cold and slept until noon, showered and going to get stuff to finish up my project linus blankets Tracy --I've been super lazy for the last week, I need to do something, I should look on Craigslist and/or classified ads first too, hope you are all well
  19. Thanks sorry, been a little pre occupied - have not been on the scale in days and afraid to, doing ok with food but horrible with water, which is my worst enemy!
  20. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi all just a quick check in glad to see you all posting, i'll be back to do personals in a bit. I have decided to get an elliptical and put it in my office. That is what I was doing at the gym and I pay $80 a month for that? I can do water aerobics in my pool in the summer and I don't go now. So I'm going to spend $500 to get something I would use every day and not have to leave and if I go back to a gym for weights I will go to one of the $20 a month places. So that is my story and I'm sticking to it. I hate driving to the gym
  21. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi Michelle Sorry you hurt your back, that is the worst! Nice to see you
  22. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Morning everyone not too much going on here, just working on finalizing the invitations to the the semi formal I'm putting together and trying to tie up some lose ends that I can for tonight. I'm glad I will have stuff to do for this but no meetings for the next 2 weeks. I'm exhusted and so much happens at night feel guilty. oh as I type this I get a call that we might have to reschedule until Tuesday - that would not hurt my feelings at all. I'm just going to run up to base to rop some stuff off. Well, off I go to get myself together hope you are all doing well. Tracy - I want a new bed! I love my sleigh bed and can't give it up, I might get one of those memory foam things to put on it, I was on one at a store and melted, it was foam but had different shapes for different parts.
  23. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning all it is sad what is going on in Haiti and I think we should help I also think there is a lot of sad situations going on in our country but unfortunately the media doesn't give 2 shits about that. Sorry, look what it took in LA for anyone to even know what a poor situation many people were living in I'm in a funk, but when I think about why, I realize that there are people who are so much worse off, it is sad anyway, sorry if i offended, I didn't mean to. I supported Haiti too so please don't take that the wrong way. I spent the day up in Saranac Lake yesterday planning and working on Patriot Hills, it was very interesting to say the least. The mayor there is amazing man. Today I'm updating my resume and doing a cover letter so I can mail out tons of copies and get my dream job. hope you are all doing well,
  24. Hi vicki Hi all. I know I have been quiet. Lots going on with me. I am holding my own here at 180. I have had a bad couple of water days so I hope I Am able to get in the 70's by the end of the week. I'm exhausted and don't know why I got good sleep last night. I am going to drink some cranyberry green tea and hope it wakes me up Ttfn
  25. Jennifur

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    I'm still holding my own at 180, but did bad on the water yesterday so today i'm going to focus on it I'm off to get ready to go, I'm suddenly exhausted and I slept last night, i think the warm temps is causing my allergies to be nuts

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