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Posts posted by danyelleb

  1. @Jessless great work on the one pound. It all adds up over time. Additionally getting the Snacks out of the house always helps! It sounds like you know what the issue is. I had a poop ton of weight gain and I am now down 13 pounds. I’m over the moon. It has been S L O W and steady but I went back to Protein first, not drinking with meals, cutting out crappy food, and exercising 4 days a week. We’ve got this. Keep at it and be patient with results.

  2. On 06/25/2020 at 20:14, Prestonandme said:

    A friend of mine gained back 60 lbs. seven years after her weight loss surgery. She was hovering at about 185 when she decided to take radical action to lose the weight. She began weighing and logging everything she ate and drank. She exercised more. And she became very careful about her diet -- giving up processed foods.

    She is now back to 125 lbs. So it can be done.

    That is just the news I needed to hear!!! Thank you for sharing. I’m doing the same. This week I’m down three pounds! Woot! Woot! I know not to expect that next week since I’m still in the beginning, but it’s great to h e some positive momentum to keep me going.

  3. Hey! I’m not someone who has gotten it back off, but I am someone who has been working at it for the past week. I am in a similar boat in that I have gained quite a bit and I feel it. It’s horrible. I have more than 40 to lose and was sleeved in 2012. I came back to BP, started back with basics- Protein first, no eating and drinking at meals, and cut the crap. I’ve also been exercising again. I can post weekly updates here if you’d like. Start today. Good luck!

  4. Hey! It’s great to hear from people that have been successful and those with challenges. I was sleeved in March 2012. My highest weight was 235 and my lowest was 117. I became an ultra runner and was able to maintain at 135-145 for a few years without work. I was okay with this. It was comfortable and I could eat what I wanted.

    Then I took a new job and went back to school. I stopped exercising and continued to eat like a runner. Two years later I am sitting at 187. I am uncomfortable and unhappy. I’m happy to share that I changed jobs again (my start date is July 1) so I won’t be commuting and I will have time to work out.

    Now I need the mental strength and fortitude to get it done. Running is not the same for me, but I am trying to get my ish together. I am starting all over again. I am trying to recommit AGAIN. I start and then fall off the wagon. Horrible cycle!!

    This is what brought me back to BP. I find myself in the horrible loop of saying, “I just need to get through this week, weekend, holiday, etc and then I’ll start”. There is always a date, a weekend getaway, stressful week at work and so forth. I am sad that I know what needs to be done but I still make poor food choices or am just too lazy to exercise.

    Thank you to the vets that post. Hopefully I can find my way back to a healthy weight and lifestyle.

  5. I can't remember how far post op I was, but I want to say it was 6 months or later. I recall being a very cheap drunk. Lol. One drink was all I needed. I did find that I cycled quickly (i.e. Drink, buzz, perfectly fine and ready to drink again). I'm not a big drinker, so I really don't drink. Maybe I'll have a drink or two every three months or so. No beer or big margaritas- no room.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  6. It's shocking that you can gain on so few calories even as a runner. I'm a runner now too and have to force myself to eat 2200-2400 calories a dayto not lose anymore weight at 20 months out. I seriously have to eat 8 times a day to get enough calories in.

    Lol!! Yes, I used to be that way too! Then I switched from marathons to ultra, started running long, but slower, and that's when I started gaining. It's been a challenge ever since. It just so happened that I was also three years out too. The last year has been a challenge.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  7. I'm four years out and 9 pounds over surgeons goal and 19 over my lowest weight. Yes, I'm hungry and it's a struggle to keep the weight off. I'm very active- I am a long distance runner. This is one of the reasons why I'm hungry. Lol. I can gain if I'm not eating 1200 or below and that's with running 4-5 times a week. I think my metabolic rate has slowed. My husband says all the time that my body is not normal and he is in disbelief when I am lamenting about the numbers on the scale. However with that being said I love sweet and salty food. It's a combo. Even though I run, I can't eat anything I want. The struggle is real. This is part of the reason why I popped back on the boards. The sleeve is amazing! I'd do it again in a second but I still struggle with my weight. I don't think that will ever go away.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

  8. Hey!! I remember you as well. I decided to check in today and lurk around. :) I'm a few pounds over goal and a lot of pounds over my lowest weight. I'm crazy active but eating like an idiot. I'll do well for two weeks and then make stupid choices. Bah to cyclical dieting. Anyhow- I'm glad you're reaching out and getting back on track. I'm reading over threads and I'm seeing it's definitely possible but the struggle is real. ;) best of luck to ya!

  9. This has been an interesting thread to read, because I have always hated running. I always loved sports, but never could run worth a darn. I don't currently aspire to run, you know, EVER, but I really want to do one of those obstacle courses with the mud and stuff. I doubt that qualifies as "running" really, but someday I will do one of those - what's that one where you jump over fire? Not. That. One. LOL :blink:

    In order to get my 5k on, I do random walking events, and I even bought the event shirts last year because they finally fit me! I recently did a Turkey Trot in the pouring rain on Thanksgiving and it was fun despite the sogginess. I've set a goal for the new year to do at least 4 events in 2015 (only managed 2 in 2014), even if I'm only walking. :)

    That's an awesome goal!!! Obstacle races are a lot of fun. So is the color run. Look into that one too!!

  10. Well darn it all! I went running today and only one block or so out I tripped on a sidewalk upheaval and fell/rolled hard. I figured just wounded pride and a bit of bruising, so I finished my 2.5 miles... My upper ribs on one side hurt like almighty, and although I've iced it, it still hurts a bunch, AND it means no 5 mile race tomorrow! Damn!

    I just had to whine. I'll see a doc tomorrow if it's still bad. Sigh.

    Still, even hurting like crazy I loved the run and felt good about it and good doing it. Wild.

    Oh no!! Falling is the worst. I'm sorry about your race. :( hopefully it feels better tomorrow. Good plan about seeing a doc if ur still sore. Welcome to the gravity check club! :)

  11. Today I ran 5 miles, at 6am, without the slightest bit of effort...I was floating....so much so I was concerned that I was not getting any real aerobic benefits. So I finished by doing a series of all out sprints, 45-60 seconds each with a 2 -3 minute walking rest in between......just to get my heart rate up and some sweat!

    That was today...there are other days it is pure hell to get started....

    I wish I knew the secret, and can bottle it...how can days be so drastically different...what's the secret combination?

    Isn't that odd how that happens sometimes? The usual culprits for me is that I'm not fully recovered from a taxing run or I'm in the middle of a serious training cycle.

  12. I'm going to setup a message thread to see how much interest there would be in a Bariatric Pal Ragnar team. I think Vegas would probably be the best bet because tickets are cheap to there from everywhere. It's also in November so if you're just starting out you could train in that amount of time. Or if we could get a group together quickly, I would LOVE to do Zion Trail in April.

    Sounds like something I would definitely be interested in but I'm booked in April and November. Building race schedules are amazing until something like this comes up. Lol! I'll keep checkin in tho. I love the idea of a team for Ragnar.

  13. Wow! Six marathons in a year! Color me impressed! Spooners Cove is part of the Coastal Trail Runs series but just l looked up Brazen and am very intrigued! I figure for a first marathon the mountains to the beach would be do able LOL!

    I've been looking for trail races to mix into my training. I've looked at coastal trail runs, but I haven't done one yet. I mixed them up. Yes, definitely check out Brazen. Fantastic organization. Can't say too many good things about them, they put on excellent races for sure! I did their ultra trail half series in 2013. Super intense but worth the coaster! Lol. As for mountains to beach- that would be a good first, although I'm partial to CIM. :) that was my first. Great race, but there are some rolling hills even though the race is a net downhill. I'm doing Redding in January as a training run and I'm running Big Sur in April. So excited that I was able to get in. 2015 is going to be a great running year.

  14. Setting up my race calendar for 2015! Goal is a 10k or longer race every month. Top contenders now are....

    Ragnar relay socal

    Catalina Island sprint triathlon

    Goleta or Malibu beach triathlon

    Catalina Island Eco half marathon

    Spooners cove 7 mile trail run

    Santa Barbara International half marathon

    Las Vegas rock n roll half marathon

    Two local half marathons and our local sprint triathlon

    Trying to decide if I'm up to training for a FULL marathon next year! Eyeing the Ojai to Ventura "mountains to the sea" marathon! Or the half if I'm not up to the full. Anyone done a full????

    Loving the race calendar!! I get so excited about building mine for the past two years! I've done 7 fulls. They get easier the more you do them. I went a little crazy and completed six this year. Mountains to beach is on wish list as well. :) I noticed you have spooners cove. Brazen race, right? I love brazen races. In fact I'm running the NYE half on the 27th!

  15. 50 miles! That's awesome! You were very inspirational to me when I first started running after surgery. I've done 3 halfs and a Ragnar relay. Just started training for a marathon this week. Hoping to be ready for the OKC Memorial Marathon in late April.

    Aw, that's cool to hear!! Ragnar is on my list. Super cool to hear that you're doing well! Woohoo marathon training. My race is on April as well. Here's to great weather and even better training!

  16. Love running and it does get easier if you stop challenging yourself. I was sleeved 3.12 and since then I've completed lots of half marathons, and 7 full marathons. I'm currently training for a 50 miler. I was never a runner. I tried several times prior to sleeve surgery and I'd always end up with injuries. After losing lots of weight, my body no longer comes up lame. Lol. Give it a fair shot. You have to get past the sucky part. You'll get there in time. If you still don't like it- don't do it. There's too many neat ways to get your cardio in!

  17. Thank you, Lynda for the great post. I've been away from BP for awhile and hopped on to do some research regarding ulcers. I was also sleeved through Kaiser but changed insurance. :( I didn't know they did revisions for ulcers, nor did I know that ulcers were a long term effect. OR I did know and simply forgot. Either way- thanks for the post!

  18. While at the sports doc I was referred to as an athlete. The best was when he said that he'd hopefully have me healed for my "spring season". I have a season...and it's not in reference to mensis! How cool is that?! I never thought that would happen. :)

  19. DeniseM, if you continue working at it YOU WILL be able to do that sprint triathon (if you don't have any preexisting conditions and/or injuries) by next summer! It is amazing what losing weight does in combination with a consistent exercise regiment. Go! Go! Go! ;)

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