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Everything posted by danyelleb

  1. danyelleb

    12 week Transformation challenge for vets

    Hi guys! I'm down four pounds this week. New weight is 125. Focused this week on eating "clean". Geez, I struggled. Things are getting better. I did eat a whole wheat pb&j before my long run yesterday and had energy chews while running. The sugar gave me horrible gas! Lol. I was cracking ass the whole way, my dh said that I was gas powered. Gotta figure that out because I definitely don't want to be like that during a racing event. Lol! I did p90x but not consistently. My focus this week is that! I NEED the strength/resistance training badly. I know that my body is changing because I'm now wearing a baggy size two! This is crazy to me. Good luck to everyone else! I look forward to hearing how things are progressing with u! Happy transforming. (This made me giggle, yeah- I'm a goober).
  2. danyelleb

    12 week Transformation challenge for vets

    I followed the docs diet (kaiser) pretty closely until about 6 months. I kept my cals around 800. I've had my cal goal set at 1000 since Dec/Jan. I consistently run three times a week (my distance and workout was est in Aug. T/R my runs vary from 5-6.5 miles, Sats run is long- 13 miles and up. I took two weeks off twiceI think). Once due to injury, the other due to a nasty ovarian cyst and mirena insertion. . Currently I'm down to 125. I adjusted my diet and lost four pounds this week alone. I also logged 29.8 miles on Nike +. I have been doing couch to 10k with my youngest, so I'm walk/running with him on m/w/f. I also did double workouts this week with P90x and bike riding. So not only did I adjust diet, but I increased my activity level. As for the TDEE thing- I don't know how I feel about it. I'm concerned that ill be stuck eating 1100 cals for life. Maybe once I stop losing again I might consider upping the cals. The idea of gaining scares the crap out of me. I'm sorry that u have been stuck.
  3. Yeah, I never thought I'd say it, but yeah it's a tiny concern. I figured worst case scenario- ill just eat more. Lol! It's funny how my brain works. I have some serious issues. I think that I could lose more, but I wear a baggy size 2. Never thought that would happen. Oddly, I see myself as normal sized that could lose a few pounds. It's crazy.
  4. danyelleb

    Any non yoyo dieters?

    I was a yoyo dieter and it sucked because I felt like everyone knew how things were going in my life based on my weight. I'd stop dieting when stressed and then gain weight back. Ugh, yoyoing is the WORST.
  5. Sadly having an occasional treat turned into a nightly thing. I kept my cals low and didn't gain but I was making poor food choices. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that i run consistently. So, it's back to the drawing board. I found that right now I needed to "detox" from sugar and processed foods. I have a sweet and salty tooth like no other! It's scary. Right now I'm satisfying my sweet tooth with oranges and smoothies. I will keep fighting the fight! Lol!
  6. danyelleb


    The extreme desire to maintain my loss. I have serious fear about regaining. But honestly- I'd be lost without it. I love the feelings I get when I run. I enjoy pushing myself physically. I also like the scenery. Lol! This morning the sun was rising as I was wrapping up my run. Geese flew by. It's just beautiful outside. Other tips include find something u enjoy. Exercise does not need to be done at the gym. Put exercise on a to do list. Get a buddy or someone that holds u accountable. Work towards non-food related goals. Sometimes u just gotta do it even tho u don't have motivation. For example- brushing ur teeth. U just do it. Good luck.
  7. danyelleb

    My Twins :)

    Congratulations!!!! Twins?! Oh goodness.
  8. NICE! U look healthy. what a great place to be. U have great skin btw- I'm jealous!! I wish mine was as cooperative as yours.
  9. I wish I felt this way. I was at the mall last night and almost wanted to throw a tantrum in front of Cinnabon. Okay, not quite. But I was close. I'm happy with where I'm at, but some food is soooo appealing. Sometimes I have to work really hard at this. Btw- I didn't get a Cinnabon.
  10. danyelleb

    are these sounds normal?

    Yes, it's normal. Get used to it. Lol. My students named my stomach chewie (short for chewbaca). It does get better. My stomach really doesn't make any noises now, but I do still have random sounding burps every now and then. My dh says they sound like Godzilla.
  11. danyelleb

    Addicted to VST

    Nope! I check in periodically throughout the day and I've been sleeved for 14 months. There are some really great members. It is a great site! I'm glad u found a place for info and support.
  12. danyelleb

    Mirena IUD vs. Birth control pills

    Hi! I had the mirena inserted in Feb. I've had two children and it was the WORST pain of my life. My uterus is tipped and I have a tiny cervix. Anyhow, it's been almost three months and I'm just getting to the point where I don't regret my decision. I cramped consistently for the first month. The second month, I'd get strong cramps out of no where and start a mini period. I wore feminine protection for almost two months. The consistent spotting is putting a damper on things in the bedroom. But like I said things are getting better slowly. I started having acne on my face and a little on my chest within less than a week after insertion. I'm not having any more children and I've already had a tubal. I chose the mirena because of other issues (horrendous periods,etc). I've had two friends that had the mirena and they loved it, but they too have had miscarriages and have not yet been able to carry a full term pregnancy. Definitely do ur research and make a list of questions for the gyno. Best of luck!
  13. danyelleb

    12 week Transformation challenge for vets

    Thanks for the encouragement. I've been doing well with staying on my eating plan, but today I STRUGGLED through my morning run. I felt dizzy and slow. I'm sticking with it tho. I decided that I'd give myself two weeks. Day 3 out of 14 is done! Woot! Woot! Btw- I noticed that I was actually hot today. This is super weird because I'm always cold. I think my body is trying to adjust. I hope that u and everyone else is doing well with the 12 week challenge.
  14. danyelleb

    12 week Transformation challenge for vets

    Hey! I'm a week late to the party, but after a lot of consideration I decided to do it! I was leery of starting any sort of challenge because it's the last two weeks of the school year. I wanted to make sure that I was ready to make a serious commitment. I'm trying to avoid falling off the wagon. Lol! I'm so busy avoiding falling off that I never really get on. I'm happy with where my weight is, but I am a weakling! I'm also embarrassed about how bad my eating is. I justify a lot of the carbs with the runner excuse. It's easy to do. It MUST stop. I thought a lot about creating goals. I don't know what it achievable in regards to inches or weight loss, so I decided that I would set a general goal to commit to the 12 weeks. I will be happy with whatever my results are. I took my pics and measurements. I'm hoping that I will see a change with my abdominal area- I'm so flabby with excess skin. I am going to follow Fiddleman's example more or less with a couple tweaks: 35 years old 5'3" 129 lbs pre transformation (as of today) Married with 2 children, 4 dogs, 2 horses, 1 sheep Physical goals: I plan on continuing with my "training" (preparation for trail halves and a tri). I am also going to start P90X (borrowing it from a friend). I need a video or something to provide guidance with strength/resistance training. I can't afford a PT, nor an additional membership. I'd rather spend my money on running events. food goal: I will cut Protein bars and other items that are high in sugar. No more sweets, crackers, chips, or other junk food. I will try to avoid processed foods and stick to lean protein, veggies, and fruit. Thanks for the challenge Fiddleman!
  15. danyelleb

    For Distance Runners

    Thank u! Yes, I did. At first I was worried because I do feel a bit of a drag, not much though. I like to think that whatever time I lost in the water, I made up while running up the hill to transition. It was not smooth sand! There were pokey plants, rocks, and other not nice items to step on. Other people were gingerly making their way up- not me! I jogged up the hill without worrying.
  16. danyelleb

    For Distance Runners

    That's bad ass! Seven minutes is CRAZY! I love that u know what u need to qualify for Boston. I always joke that I can't wait to become older, so maybe then I could qualify. Lol. I have also made it known in my house that if I ever do qualify- I'm gonna go for it! Great work with the training!! Keep shaving those minutes off!
  17. danyelleb

    For Distance Runners

    Update: I completed a little tri today!!! A big thank you to massindex and Lisa:) for encouragement and tips! I had a FANTASTIC time. I can't wait to do another!
  18. danyelleb

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I love ur new profile pic!! Congrats on finishing. I hope that u had a fantastic experience. Way to go!

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