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Posts posted by Kiloalphatango

  1. Called my dietition this morning, she said not to worry about amounts of sugar etc ( with the exception of pureeing a mars bar) because we aren't getting the proper amount of calories anyway, if it was 1200 cals + 60g of sugar itd be a problem - but as is it's really nothing to worry about as we still need to function day to day

    Thanks for the Optifast tip - ill have a look for something lower in sugar once I run out :)

  2. Hmmmm I'd do both to be honest.

    Cardio while awesome for the heart, gets the blood flow happening & is great for the weight loss, just make sure u mix it up (which is partly why c25k is so awesome with its stop starts)

    Weight lifting, also great because the more muscle u have = the more fat u burn

    Target heart zones are annoying, yes when u push past a certain level u go into the fitness zone but that's still great! If u think about it cardio = fat burn so if your in either zone it's fine.

    I'd stick to the c25k, it gets results & ull be running 5k like its nothing within a few months. As you get fitter your heart rate will drop while u excercise as well as everyday (this bits annoying) and you will sit within fat burn more often.

    Any excercise is good, but just mix it up as much as possible otherwise your body gets used to it and u don't have as many results :)

    Good luck!

  3. I'm at home (day 6) and have been told to wear the super sexy compression socks.

    They should be very easy to get hold of as older people tend to wear them often, and people wear them for flights and post surgery all the time. I have to wear for 2 weeks at minimum while I sleep

    Also shots every day for 2 weeks.

  4. the post op liquid thing isn't bothering me (day 6 PM now for me), I'm stressing about the amount of sugar I'm getting thou! Its WAY too much!

    today, 2 Optifast shakes, 200g kids choc custard, 1/4 cup of Soup (stopped cos it was too sweet), 1/2 cup banana custard + sugar free cordial in my drinks thru the day - my fitness pal is in meltdown! Everything else I have to have more of, but the sugar is in the red!


    total calories 543, carbs 78, fat 11, Protein 31, sugar 61!


    Maybe ill stop trying to mix it up so much and just live on Optifast shakes. (that won't go wrong at all! hahaha)

  5. Be happy and grateful. I'm 2 weeks out today. I can't lie on my sides, I can't lie on my stomach, I still hurt a bit get out of bed. I can drink all the Water in the world, all the peppermint tea in the world, I'm not hungry, I get gas pains. I walk a few miles a day broken up.

    I'm craving to lay on my stomach, but I can't even get to my side without a screech. Be grateful and take it and run with it. Congrats and good for you. I know some day that I will be pain free too, it's just not today lol!

    Oh no :(

    But look at how well your doing!!!

  6. yay look we started on the same weight!!

    It's fantastic that your having no pain! CONGRATS! I know it's kinda scary and your wondering if this is for real, but it is and you are doing great! I have only had tenderness at my incision sites and when they were healed, only discomfort when I over do it. I have had no complications from my surgery or slimes, vomiting, etc. I consider myself lucky but wish that on the occasional times that I eat to much that I would have it be painful so that I will learn my lesson and not over eat. I am a little concerned about stretching my sleeve and want to keep from stretching it. I am working on practicing mindfulness. Today I am starting to weigh my foods and keep my dense Proteins between 2 to 3 ozs and incorporate more veggies.

    BTW: My surgeon took out 85% of my stomach. Did your surgeon explain why he only took out 75%? Just curious, you will have the same results with weight loss I'm sure. :)

    YAY look we started on the same weight!!

    Im not sure why he only took 75%, i think thats just the norm around here? Hopefully ill still have the same results :)

    He said its now teeny tiny! hahaha

    Good thinking weighing foods, I'm sure that will help :)

    Your doing so well anyway!

    The stretching thing is a bit scary! hmmm

  7. Hi :)

    Surgery in Canberra, Australia on Wednesday of last week all went fine, no dramas at all.

    Starting weight 106kg / 233lbs (after preop)

    Current weight 102kg/ 224lbs (5 days)

    Day 1 - walking around the ward, zero pain with the exception of getting out of bed 1st time and closing one super heavy slide door

    Day 2 - 3 ice cubes, still zero pain

    Day 3 - More ice cubes, about 500ml of apple juice, still zero pain (except the cannula in an annoying spot)

    Day 4 - A litre of apple juice, Some orange juice, released from hospital, still nada on the pain scale

    Day 5 - 3 full Optifast shakes, 1.5L of water/iced tea - feeling awesome

    Day 6 - 3 full Optifast shakes, some banana custard, 1.5L of Water - Feeling awesome even did some baking (for others) and cleaned the house

    Is this right?

    No pain, No problems drinking Water, juice, cordial, no problems drinking my optifast or eating custard - nada!

    Im not full, I don't want food but I drink my opti because I don't want my hair to fall out... I sleep on my stomach

    Not even any gas pain, anywhere...

    Went to maccas today to get a friend her morning coffee - nada - didn't want anything, didn't feel like I was missing out...

    Im happy about the no pain thing, but also really concerned about how easy the drinking of the shakes is (the full shakes) Not really even trying too hard to sip or anything.


    surgeon said he took out 75% of my stomach, and its now the size of...well if u put your two thumbs on top of each other in the straight line, sorta so the nails/tips of the thumbs are the connection...(perhaps pretend your singing 'tragedy') so shouldn't I feel full, even though its just liquid, its thick liquid?

    Thanks :)

  8. If you go to the doc, please please don't take her with you.

    I know it sounds strange, but i remember going to the doc as a kid and my mum telling him I was overweight and him saying well not really... but maybe a little puppy fat!

    Straight after we got home I snuck out and bought some lollies cos i felt rubbish (cue emotional eating)

    Depends on her I guess, but she may already be copping flack about it at school etc :(

  9. There is a fine line though - if you push her she will just go and buy her own junk

    My parents pushed me cos i was overweight as a child and it just made it SO MUCH WORSE, i know they think they were helping and they meant well, but honestly it was the worst thing they could have done - it made me resent healthy eating. I was always incredibly active so that was no issue.

    The swimming thing is wonderful, but it may be that her body is so used to it it doesn't have much impact anymore so she may need to change it up - but only of course if she wants to

    its a really hard thing to deal with for you and her...

    Honestly, coming from the side of the parents pushing for healthy eating I would just leave it alone and support her in everything she wants to do, maybe start making more fresh salads for dinner but keep them exciting and filling (none of this garden salad no dressing rubbish, add lots of protein) and maybe get her to help with making them so she learns?

    I don't think it would be a good idea to mention anything to her, it will only bring her down and make matters worse and its only a matter of time before she realises herself, and at this time she really needs love and support more then anything

    800 calories for lunch is so gross! Wheres Jamie Oliver's school dinners thing when you need him!

    Maybe, introduce her into counting calories - but you do it too? Make it a family thing? Myfitnesspal is great (and free)

    then on the days where she has a rubbish lunch (we all do it) she can educate herself to have a light dinner, or know to have a light brekkie because she's saving her calories for lunch? Then if you see she had say a mars bar, say ohh lucky you! Im saving my calories to have one on friday (or whatever, you know what I mean) so she realises its a treat!

    Please please try not to push her or let her know your worried, honestly it could just bite you and end up so much worse!

    Feel free to PM me if you like, i'd be more then happy to help where I can

    Good luck!

  10. No need to be nasty. Have some calm down juice & re read what I said and stop seeing it in a negative light.

    What I'm saying is no matter what u choose it depends on u and how u use it, the excercise thing was not a personal attack (why would I bother, I don't know u). Whatever u choose it's a tool and not a solution. If your happy to take supplements for the rest of your life then go the rny. If your not, which is very clear considering uve come here and basically picked fights with anyone who tried to give u advice, advice that u asked for, then possibly consider the band or the sleeve.

    Don't come on here and then get the shits with anyone who doesn't agree with u straight up.

    Each person will have different - if any - results Depending on how they treat and use the tool (and of course medical issues along the way)

  11. Is having your intestines re arranged really worth loosing that tiny extra bit of weight a little bit earlier?

    Not being able to take a bite of food u like, having to take heaps of Vitamin supplements, throwing up every time u have a meal?

    Each surgerys results depends on the person. The band has just put a friend of mine down to 60kg from 120kg in a year, she does not exercise. But also throws up & people think she's bulimic.

    Sleeve (yes I'm pro sleeve) is showing results probably slower then the re route, but end of the day u can eat out, u can eat what u like (in small amounts) & u don't have the massive life style change u would with band (visits for fills every few weeks) or the re route your gut (just gross & scary).

    Each one depends on how u use it. Bigger people may not need to excercise, but why would u spend all this money, undergo surgery & not want to assist by taking a stroll around the block once a day.

    End of the day, no matter what u choose u can still cheat & stuff it up. Or u can embrace it & work with it for the best results (better non saggy skin etc)

    Good luck with your decision, but I do think ud be nuts getting your gut re arranged just to loose it faster.

    Possibly consider the sleeve & go hard at the gym & ull loose it just as fast & also be toned.

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