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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kiloalphatango

  1. Kiloalphatango


    I was sleeved on the 13th too I found Water was gross if it didn't have ice, but now I'm drinking the fake hospital fruit juice and it's fine. Maybe just add ice or some sugar free cordial? I also LOVED water b4 surgery
  2. Kiloalphatango

    Nsv - Day 2 - Woohoo!

    That's great news! Go u!!! I think we had surgery same day (13th?) great to hear others are doing so well I'm still in hospital, go home today or tomoz am drinking juice & walking around etc. just bored! Haha
  3. Kiloalphatango

    Water Intake

    I'm 2 days out of surgery, have just been given a glass of apple juice. Omg. It's amazing. I tried water but as soon as it went warm it tasted a bit yuk, so now I have apple juice in a glass filled with ice! Yummo! Maybe just try other things like juice or some cordial with your water to ease it down? My surgeon said its common for people to struggle getting water down, but given something else & it's easy good luck!
  4. Kiloalphatango

    Eating Everything In Site

    Yeh - its the best! Maybe stop and calm down a week before but otherwise go nuts! Keep in mind though the more u gain the more u have to loose AND you could stuff yourself up and not be able to resist the slider foods once u've have the surgery now that your in that frame of mind....
  5. Kiloalphatango

    Pre Op Diet

    u guys are lucky, I get three Protein shakes - thats it! For a week! Day 3 just started and I'm having my brekkie shake mmmmm same shake for the 7th time in a row....
  6. Hey everyone! Was anyone sick in the lead up to surgery? I've got a chest infection and I'm supposed to be having the surgery in 9 days! I'm really worried they are going to cancel it on me once they find out! Have waited a very long time for this so of course I'm now super nervous its not going to work out! eeeeek! xx
  7. Kiloalphatango

    Any June Sleevers?

    June 13th in Australia Start Preop Diet tomorrow! Crazy excited (she says while going out for one last horah)
  8. ok will do! I just called my surgeon to let him know, I was pretty happy that he said I could still take medication up until 3 days before! Yay! Maybe I'll get over it in time! Will remind them for sure when I check in Thanks
  9. I find I'm telling most people that I want to know, close friends, good colleagues etc etc. So far everyone has been awesome about it. I didn't tell the horrible lady who said 'so, i guess your not on your diet anymore' when I had an egg sandwich for lunch *gasp* how dare I (I'm pre surgery) but everyone else, yep- why not! I don't feel that its worth keeping it as a secret and i'd feel terrible when word does get out (as if its not going to) if they think I did it thru diet and exercise only. If I was me asking someone how they did it, and they said 'oh diet and exercise' and then I found out later they had the surgery, i'd be super cranky. Also, If someone like me sees I'm getting results, I don't want them to compare themselves to me thinking diet and exercise alone - then not getting the results - cue downward spiral Its not something to be ashamed of I'm not doing a Facebook shout out or anything, but if people ask, I'm happy to tell them!
  10. Kiloalphatango

    Pre-Surgery Purchases

    Im June 13! YAY!! We don't have the variety of stuff you guys do here sadly! (Australia) I think I'm going to live off cup a soups! haha
  11. Kiloalphatango

    Walking Vs Bike Riding

    Just wondering if anyone chooses bike riding over walking? Very keen on riding, but also don't want the gas pains that walking is supposed to help with - am supposed to be getting surgery in a little over a month, would love to get back on my bike and do my 20km to work in the morning & 20km back in the evening! Currently (pre weight loss) I drive 1/2 way and ride the other half everynow and then - seems like a waste though, I want to do it all dammit! So does riding help with the gas pains? Or do I really have to walk to get rid of them? Ideally, i'd like to start this 2-3 weeks after surgery - too soon? Thanks team!
  12. Kiloalphatango

    Walking Vs Bike Riding

    Awesome thanks! Ahhh hills! Lucky for me my 20km both ways is very flat I'll try and ease into it! Sadly I'm a gen y so just want it all now! Hahaha
  13. awwww mann! After reading this, not yet sleeved - im a bit shattered that I may not be able to drink Champayne or Cider! Couldnt care less about coke, pepsi etc cos I cant stand them anyway - but not the champayne!! *tear*
  14. Kiloalphatango

    Gas Problem

    hmmmm - question about this one - is the gas issue from just after surgery, or forever! Really not keen on the idea of sitting at work/out at dinner etc etc and blelching - or WORSE!! Ahhhh!
  15. Kiloalphatango

    Denied And Annoyed!

    That really sucks! My surgeon initally said no to me cos my BMI was under 35, but I said so you want me to go home and eat rubbish until I get to 40 - leading to SO many complications and health issues. After that he laughed and agreed to go ahead (yay!) So maybe use that argument - you want to improve your quality of life etc, so being told your not big enough for a potentially life saving operation is rubbish etc etc
  16. I like what your going for there! Mine is the opposite, but same same! Im doing it for vanity, but im excited about the health stuff that will go along with it! Great work so far!
  17. 100% Vanity - which will lead to the emotional etc On paper im the perfect bill of health, lower then normal cholestorol, great everything else. I did a health test at work a few weeks ago, and was rated above average for all fitness, flexibility & health related tests. I was actully really cranky about it! I also live in Australias most active city... so go figure I just want to look good, which will make me feel good
  18. Kiloalphatango

    Telling People & Any Regrets

    Thanks guys! Im kind of excited because I really love protein shakes anyway, and already have them for breakfast most days! yay! Jazzie -thats such a low weight to start on - im surprised they let you do it! Awesome that they did thou! Must. fight. food. funeral.
  19. Hey guys! Been following this forum for a few weeks now, its what turned me into wanting the sleeve over the band! I'm booked in for 13th of June, pending super approval (aussie system, borrow from retirement fund). Just have a few quick questions Does anyone have any regrets about doing it? Is there a different way you would have done it? Im 26, 100kg, BMI of 34 - the minimum BMI here is 35 with dodgy blood pressure, cholestorol etc - so im scraping in with no major health problems - but, I still managed to get the OK from the doc after mentioning that it was riduculous to send me home to put on weight to prove a point (yayyyy!) I'm concerned that this next 2 months will be an its ok to put on weight, but not ok to loose weight time - dont want that, but at the same time its unavoidable and ive never had the 'its ok to put on weight thing' before! I could just try to stay the weight I am, but im a yoyo person! I've started telling a few close friends about what I plan to do, and most are wonderful, but some have been very 'thats cheating' - I dont see that it is, not like I get to sit on my bum and eat doughnuts after i've had it done, I still have to work at it. Anyway, does anyone regret telling people? I want to tell because im really excited! But at the same time the cheating status isnt fun! Any info would be great! Really appreciate it
  20. Kiloalphatango

    Telling People & Any Regrets

    Thanks AussieGirl - really appreciate it! Def not the easy way out! I think that might be the way I go too - just telling if they ask. Part of me not wanting to keep it a secret is if there is someone like me, wanting to know why im dropping weight so fast etc and I say diet and excercise, they would be shattered when they dont get the results I do

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