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Posts posted by SGDodge06

  1. Wow guys, I am so behind. Page four and I havent said a word lol. Ok. So thank you so much for starting the challange! Yesterday was the first time I was able to get in my 64oz of Water. I've been going to the gym with my mom after work, so the exersize wont be so hard. we do 20 mins of tredmill and free weight traning the abs. I am so happy to be able to have a slice of whole grain bread with three pieces of healthy choice ham and dejionase. People at work are like "wow you can eat real food now" lol. I am starting to feel human again!

    As for my fill I feel cheated lol.

    My doctor didnt tell me how much he put in. He just pushed on my port which killed! and then had a convo with me to destract me from the really long needle that he stuck in my port and when the stuff went in I felt a gulp in my tummy. I asked if I had to take it easy and ice my port he said I would be find and can now do anything at the gym. He didnt even tell me about being on Clear Liquids and then thing puree then thick. When I asked him about it he said yes to do that. Weird that I had to ask him about it.

    Hope everyone is doing good!


  2. We can only fit so many characters into our signature so these will work better.

    MaRcHiEs MaY ChaLLeNgE

    Exercise: 30 min. sessions 0 of 20 sessions completed

    Exercise: 40 min. sessions 0 of 20 sessions completed

    Exercise: 100 crunches/day 0 of 20 days completed

    Water: 64oz or more/day 0 of 20 days completed

    I just spend half our trying to fix it to fit lol

  3. matzah is constipating. I want matzah bry ooooooh

    So now I am finally on solid foods and beginning to figure out what works and what does not. Let me tell you, yesterday I had a real problem with MAtzah, my first PB and not fun at all.

    But in the last few day my appetite has increased and I have gained back two punds...this is very discouraging. Should i call the Dr and try to get a fill earlier than 6 weeks?

  4. Keep it up babes!

    Weigh-in at the hospital last night and I am down another 2 pounds. Weight loss is slowing down now since I've moved on to soft foods, but I am still happy with the loss because I have absolutely NO restriction. I've been working out like crazy and measuring my food trying to keep the weight off. 5 more days 'til my first fill. I refuse to gain any weight back...I'm OK with maintaining, but I definitely don't want to gain. Congratulations Sophie and everyone else on your weight loss victories and non scale victories! :)

  5. I am sooooo happy for you hun! What a great NSV!

    A great NSV (non scale vicotry)

    I was feeling my stomach today (and I have always stayed away from my belly button because it is soooooo sensitive~girls you know what I mean) and my belly button is not so deep~wierd the things we notice huh! I had a HUGE inny and now it is not such a huge deep inny. :o (the things we share) ha ha

  6. Yay Trac! :clap2:

    Hiya guys/gals! I just started my pre-op today and I concur with whoever said liquids SUCK! LOL

    Sygnalchic: YOU ARE FRIGGEN HILLARIOUS! I'm hoping you are still as full as a tick! and I gotta get me some of those tie dyed skivies!

    I can't wait to join everyone in band land!

  7. Well,

    I am eating cream of wheat with fat free milk for Breakfast and watered down cambell's select squash Soup for lunch. Last night for dinner I used my bullet and put in cooked cauliflower little bit of butter fat free milk and a bit of greated cheese and blended. It was so good like mashed potatoes. My doc said no slimfast no ensure no boost for me. Too much sugar. I got 100% whey Protein from Target. It is chocolate flavored and i put in 8 ounces of fat free milke. I have to have one Protein shake a day for atleast the first month. I had my first post op BM today :).

    I am down to 183. I was 191 going into sugery. and 193 when I first came home from all the Fluid. Since I am a lower bmi bandster even loosing 5 pounds is alot for me. I hope this helps :mad:

    <TABLE class=tborder id=post431808 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead id=currentPost>#1482 <!-- [sTART HACK='vB Pager' AUTHOR='UAEWEB.COM' VERSION='3.0.0' CHANGEID= 6 ] --><!-- [END HACK='vB Pager' AUTHOR='UAEWEB.COM' VERSION='3.0.0' CHANGEID= 6 ] -->

    <!-- status icon and date -->post_old.gif Yesterday, 06:55 PM <!-- / status icon and date -->

    </TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt2 style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px"><!-- user info --><TABLE cellSpacing=6 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2> http://www.lapbandtalk.com/image.php?u=14873&dateline=1171854810</TD><TD noWrap>SGDodge06 user_offline.gif<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_431808", true); </SCRIPT>

    Registered User

    </TD><TD width="100%"></TD><TD vAlign=top noWrap>Join Date: Feb 2007

    Age: 27

    Posts: 118


    </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- / user info --></TD></TR><TR><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_431808><!-- message, attachments, sig --><!-- message -->I was lucky I only had pain in the left shoulder the day of sugery on Friday.


    Yippee!! You did it! Your begining your new life :clap2:. How do you feel? Are you hungry? Tired of liquids? What liquids are you on? I hear alot of people on slimfast and Atkins I think I will do that along with broth, Jello and possibly yogurt (is that a liquid or cremy?) .... oh you have to tell us everything... you know how we are just dying to hear all the details. :high5:

  8. That is so good to hear!

    I've never worn a bikini in my life, although the idea intrigues me now that it's becoming a possibility (after A LOT of surgery).

    I am looking forward to going into Victoria's Secret and buying some sexy underware soon. Even if my audience isn't a beach full of hunks, my hunk will appreciate the view.

  9. That is so nice to hear. Now repost this on our new thread lol :Dhttp://www.lapbandtalk.com/marchies-...340#post431340

    Good news, I went in to Dr. Rodriguez for a check up ~ (two weeks out from surgery), I wasn't feeling the 'restriction' I kept hearing about, so since I vomited twice the night of surgery, I was concerened about slippage. He saw me this morning and everything looks great, I guess that feeling will come with my first fill?!

    I'm starting the mushy stage today, so far the variety is nice.

    ~~~Thanks for all the support~~~

    Banded March 19, 2007

    Dr. Jose Rodriguez ~ Acuna, MX

    Starting wt. 233

    3/19/07 222

    current 210

    Goal 135


  10. Never again,

    Have you been walking alot? The walking has been helping with my gas pains. I am hungry all the time by the way.

    Ok, so my recovery thus far has been relatively painless, but I have to say, those shooting shoulder pains are very bad. I've been lucky to have no loose stool or anything incredibly unpleasant except for said shoulder pains. A small piece of the surgical incision glue came off this morning and it kind of freaked me out, but I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Only other thing is trying to differe between hunger and gas pains is difficult. I'm down 13ish pounds since pre-op, so I'm pretty optimistic!

    Oh, and HI everybody!!!!!!! :D

  11. This thread is for the girls who all their lives have longed to wear an itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka-dot bikini! This will be for our journey on the way to kiniland! Sorry guys not a place to rant about not ever wearing one again! I tryed to hold my toungue but this is a happy place only :D

  12. Thank you Tammyj :D

    I just had to applaud :clap2: Mrs. Husker and SGDodge for posting your before pics on the before and after thread. Good for You! I took pics before surgery, but I should have taken some with less clothes as well to really see the difference in my body. I can't wait to see how you two change over time.

  13. Hey,

    I just got the magic bullet yesterday. I when I get out of bed I am watching a movie now I will look it up or have my mother inlaw look when she comes over later.


    Anyone know if the magic bullet cups are microwave safe? I don't see anything written on them about it and can't find my paperwork that came with it. Would be nice to be able to puree Soups and then just microwave when I got to work.

  14. Hey guys!

    I got home late last night. Banded on Friday. Me, my mom and my DH got to the hospital in NYC at 5:30 am for my 7:30 am sugery. They had me booked as gastric bypass, but my doc knew he was doing lapband. Thank g-d, but all the paper work kept saying bypass so it was kinda scary. Things went really well! I was in the recovory room for 2 hours though cause they said I wasnt taking a deep breath my oxygen was too low. I was on oxygen the whole time I was in the hospital and had to use a one of those asthma treatment machines with the smoke coming out I forgot what it is call. Had to do 5 of those. I was told i was going to go home between 1 and 2 pm yesterday and had to have and upper GI between 8 and 9 am first. I didnt have my UGI until 12 and we were waiting for the results for very long. I had to wait for that and then I could finally drink. Once I drank they would take out my cathider and if I urinated I could go home. I would have eight hours to do so. So the UGI game out negative and they let me drink, but there was somthing wrong with my blood test. So, they had to do another later. Everytime I saw the doc he was like y do you still have your cathider in. The dumb nurse kept saying she didnt have the order. well anyways she took it out and I urinated right away thank g-d. We finally got the blood test results back at like 5:30. I got dischared around 7 pm they gave me a happy shot before we left my DH and i were soooooooooooo tired. The ride home was sooooo rough! I felt like when you are drunk and you have to pee. It hurt so much! We had to stop twice to use the bathroom. We went to CVS to get my pain meds since that was the only thing open. I waited for that while my DH wen to get wonton Soup for him and broth for me. we ate I took my pain meds and passed right out. Best sleep last night I had gotten in a long time. At the hospital I only got 4 hours sleep total, all I wanted to do was walk. The doc was happy and said keep walking. I let my DH sleep in the room while I walked he needed the rest and I had the nurses lol.

    Today was good. I had for chicken broth for Breakfast. I had squash Soup for lunch. I had to do two oz. of soup with two oz. of Water. I didnt know how thick it was. My mom and dad came over. They brought lunch for DH and when food shopping for things I didnt know I would want or need. I walked in the morning and then again with my mom. I want to walk now but it is raining :girl_hug:. For dinner I had my first Protein shake and it was soooooooooo good. I have been hungery the whole time. Dosent really bother me though. I have sips of things and it goes away for like 5 mins. The gas hurts, but when I get up and walk it goes away and I am find. my insitions moved so much. in the hospital my port was right under my left breast. when i woke up this morning everything had come down so much. even mike (dh) was like what the hell. I guess the swelling has gone down some now though.

    Sorry about the long post, i'm sure there is more too.

    Hope everyone is doing good. My pain meds make me hyper lol.


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