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Posts posted by terrapin16

  1. I know what I 'need' to do. Protein. Protein. Protein. I've been snacking more than I should (can't even admit to what I've been eating :() .

    I just liked smoking bc I ate less. But I know I can't go back to that.

    I know I'll figure it out. And my motivation right now is at least to get down another 10 pounds before I go back home for the holidays. Every day is a new day and I CAN DO IT!!! ;)

    Thanks for all feedback. Happy Holiday weekend to all....

    PS: anyone ever wish MORE of their stomach was removed? So, I think they take out about 80%- 85% of the stomach. I wish I could get another 10 removed....wishful thinking I'm sure. :P

  2. So, I've smoked on and off for the past twenty years or so. Recently at work the three of us who smoke were trying to figure out a competition or something (kind of like The Biggest Loser) to see who could quit. When one of the 'big suits' found out, he offered us a challeng: Quit for one month and everyone gets $50! We all had no problem doing it and we're all $50 richer as of yesterday!!!! :) I've quit a hundred times in the past but have always found my way back to it (that's a whole other story). So, now that I'm not smoking, I realize I'm eating more. In the past I've always had in my mind: either I smoke and get cancer or I eat and get fat.

    Kind of regardless of the smoking thing though is I've been at a 50 pound stall for a good 3 months. Although I'm proud of myself (surgery was in MX Jan 3 of this year) I'm really really freaking frustrated. 50 pounds is great, but it's absolutely not enough. I definitely have another 50 to go and I'm really struggling.

    I don't want to start smoking again but I need to find a way to keep my eating in check. I was exercising for a good solid few months but when I started this job I come home completely exhausted and just want to sleep....which is ok with me bc if I'm sleeping I'm not eating!

    Any advice?

    PS: the suit told us that if we started smoking again we owe him the $50 PLUS another $25 ;) The guy is awesome and him supporting us in this is amazing.

  3. I went to Dr. Kelly. My surgery was 7-25-12. I stopped taking in a week after surgery. They just said it was for my stomach, and I really didn't know what that meant . . .

    EXACTLY!! I took what Trish gave me til it ran out. Guess I didn't notice right away (since I was feeling/experiencing other things related to the surgery) until I was able to pinpoint what the feeling was....'stuck in throat' feeling. I talked to Trish and she told me to get Omeprazole. So I've been taking it for months now and it really helps. I think I might try with half a pill starting tomorrow. I'll bring the other half with me to work just in case I need it.

  4. I took it for three months and tried to stop but had terrible reflux about the 4th day after I quit. I took it for four more months and then tapered the dose down--skipped a day, took one, skipped a day, took one, then after a week or so I skipped two days and then three, then stopped altogether. I've had 2 or 3 episodes of reflux since but nothing that requires a daily PPI. Now I just take a Pepcid if I need it.

    I was thinking about trying something like that. I was wondering if I could break the pill in half and taper down that way instead of skipping days all together ( I truly can't make it through one day without it). Anyone take half of one?

  5. I tried the past two days to not take Omeprazole and about halfway through the day I feel like whatever I eat is stuck in my throat. I don't want to be on Omeprazole for the rest of my life (I take enough pills). Just curious if anyone has been able to stop taking it and feel ok.

    PS: had my surgery in MX so I don't have a dr here who will see me bc 'they' didn't do the surgery. What a pain. I know I can email Dr. Kelly in MX...just don't feel like it right now so I thought I'd try the forum here first.

    And, yes, it's not the worst thing in the world...I would just like to be able to stop taking some meds. I thought for sure I'd be off blood pressure medication by now...but nope :(

  6. Yes, the hospital Dr. Kelly is at provides gowns. I think I got the tip from someone on this board (maybe elsewhere, can't remember) to wear two: one that tied in the front and one in the back so I didn't have to be worried about being 'covered up.' Worked perfectly! After my showers the nurses knew to always bring me two ;)

    Good luck to you.

  7. Hi spainter. Welcome.

    Who is your surgeon in MX? I was with Dr. Kelly...no complaints whatsoever....except crossing the border back to the states...pain in the a#$.

    Ok. So I found two local groups that allow anyone to come (and you can bring friends, family, etc if you choose). The first one is at Rose Medical Center in Denver and the second is at North Suburban in Thornton. I went to Rose last week and the people/facilitator were great. And I'll go to North Suburban this Wednesday and see if I like it. Here's the detailed info:

    Rose @ 4545 E 9th #650

    2nd Monday every month 6:30 pm


    North Suburban's Basement Classrooms 6 pm - 7:30 pm

    3rd Wednesday of every month


    Hope this helps. And I'm sorry you're not getting the support you need from your in-laws. Not everyone is going to be open to something like this. But at least you do have some support. And I think the groups will only add to that support.

    Keep in touch....

  8. Hi SLG,

    Greetings from Denver :)

    I found a group near my house that meets every 2nd Monday of the month. I've only gone once but hope to continue going. And I found another in Thornton that meets every 3rd Wed, so I'll check that one out next week.

    Are there any groups down in Pueblo for you? How has life been since surgery? I've been at a stall for a few weeks now which is driving me CRAZY but I have to have faith that it will pass once I get out and start walking, riding my bike, etc. And eating more Protein.

    Nice to hear from another Colorado Sleever!!

  9. I'm just over two months out of surgery (Jan 3rd) and have been at a stall for a good three weeks or so. I had one a few weeks earlier (during month one) that lasted just a few short days. Now I've been at the same weight for about three weeks and am not sure if this is normal/what to do about it/etc.

    I'm getting pretty upset about it (have therapy tomorrow so there's something fun to talk about ;). It's also a little harder for me at this point bc I just lost my job and my schedule is off which makes my eating habits off, etc.

    I haven't yet started exercising. Ugh, that dreaded word. There was a time I actually looked forward to going for walks/riding my stationary bike, but now I can't muster up any interest in it AT ALL.

    Advice from anyone who has stalled for more than a few weeks and then kicked back into gear? Would love to hear from you. Thanks!

  10. I went to my primary dr about a month and a half after surgery in MX because I was having pains in my throat (have posted about that here) that felt like food was getting stuck and not going down. She said most drs would not want to see a patient who had surgery by a different surgeon but put in a request for a referral just in case I got lucky. I figured 'whatever happens happens' and in the meantime she put me on Omeprazole which seems to be helping somewhat, but not entirely.

    Today I got a letter saying my referral was approved for an Upper Panendoscopy. I'm not even sure what that is (google is my next stop/thinking it's a scope) but I'm curious if anyone had this procedure done and what the outcome was. Were you knocked out completely or just twilight? These are definite questions I'll be asking when I call the doctor on Monday but just thought I'd check here first. About 6 years ago I had two scopes done (both determined I had IBS) and though they told me I'd be out, I really wasn't. I pretty much remember it all. So, any feedback you guys have would be greatly appreciated. As I type, my throat is hurting (maybe it's my esophagus???) with that tight feeling. I want it to go away but don't want any unneccessary (sp) procedures if possible.

    Thanks for any insight!!


  11. So I saw my primary dr yesterday. She said most doctors/surgeons will not see a patient who had surgery done by another doctor (which I kind of knew going in to all of this). She did put in a request for a referral and it could take up to a month to hear back, but chances are I won't be seeing anyone else about the pain I'm experiencing.

    She did mention Omeprazol (prilosec) which is what I was given at the hospital and took for the first month post op. On day two of it and things seem to be a little better. Hope everything stays on track as being scoped is NOT what I want to have to go through...even though it doesn't even seem like a choice at this point.

    That's all. Just wanted to update those of you who sent well wishes.


  12. So I had my sleeve done Jan 3rd in Mexico of this year. Things have been ok up until the past few weeks. I've been feeling nauseaus and having chest pain (even when I'm not eating). Tomorrow I go to my primary doctor to get a referal to see a GI. Last two times I went to a GI (6 yrs ago) I had a scope done. Both times I was about 80% aware of what was going on, when I think you're supposed to kind of be knocked out. So I'm scared to have that done. Scared for what they might find. Just all around SCARED. I'm probably going to lose my job considering how many days I've called in sick and that's just another burden I get to carry with me. I'm not doing anything wrong as far as I can tell so I don't know what's going on. I mentioned in another thread that it feels like food is getting stuck in my throat. But how is that possible when the surgery was for my stomach, not my throat. It's not like they removed 80% of my stomach and now the food has less area to travel through. BLAH BLAH

    Anyone have a scope done after surgery? What were the results?

    Rant over...and thanks for listening to me :)

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