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NC Mama

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NC Mama

  1. NC Mama

    Drinking With Meals

    For me I found that once I got good restriction it was really uncomfortable to drink while eating. You may find as you go forward and reach restriction that you really can't drink comfortably while you eat. This in and of itself helped me to quit.
  2. I went to see my doctor yesterday and I had lost 11 lbs since my fill four weeks ago! He was so pleased with my progress that I don't have to return to see him for 3 months. I am so excited to see the pounds falling off. This has been a great experience so far and as I press on I am excited to see what the future holds! I am finally in the Green Zone!
  3. NC Mama


    Congratulations! I have 9 more pounds to go before I get there myself! I can't wait to be celebrating with you!
  4. NC Mama

    Wierd Stuck Episode

    Yes. I had my first stuck episode that involved it coming back up on Friday night. I was eating shrimp and did not chew well enough. As much as I felt better after it was finally up (which was like an hour after it first got stuck), I actually felt pretty weird the rest of the night. I drank some hot tea and the next morning I only had a protein shake. I did not eat anything real for about 24 hours; from what I've read this can help as after a bad stuck episode you can have some swelling. I would take it easy for a day or so and give yourself time for the swelling to go down.
  5. I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this and/or if it gets better. I got my band in February, everything has gone well. Last week I had an additional fill. Since then I feel like anything I eat no matter what it is or how mushy it is gets stuck initially, the first few bites are like this. I have the stuck feeling and then after a couple of minutes it passes. After the first few bites it seems fine and everything goes down fine. Has anyone else experienced this? Does it go away or should I have some Fluid taken out? It has been 7 days since the fill. Thanks!
  6. Thanks everyone! At least I know it is not just me and I will definitely try some of these suggestions!
  7. NC Mama

    Can It Really Hurt Me?

    I just want to encourage you that it will get better. I see that you have gotten a lot of advice, but similarly to Summerrian my doctor had me do one week of full liquids, then one week of mushies then I could start solid food. I am not saying not to listen to your doctor, I just wanted you to know that as you have seen some doctors don't have you wait so long to start mushy food, so I doubt at two weeks post op that some mushy food is going to totally ruin your band. With that said of course only your doctor knows what is best for you and really only he/she can give you that advice. I really just wanted to encourage you that this phase will soon pass and you will be on your way to better days! Keep you chin up and keep trying to follow what your physician says as he has your best interest at heart.
  8. NC Mama

    Plateau Busting Diet?

    I would love to have some tips in this area as well. I seem to be at a bit of a plateau myself.
  9. NC Mama

    Plus No More

    Congratulations! I am almost out of the plus sizes myself and am looking forward to it!
  10. How long have I been banded - 3 months Goal to lose - 90 lbs Weight loss so far - 30 lbs Rate the surgery - 10 I'm really happy with my decision. I have not needed any fills yet (but some Fluid was put in my band at surgery) and love that I can enjoy a wide variety of foods, since my band is not really tight. The band controls my hunger well and I am enjoying the slow but steady weight loss.
  11. NC Mama

    Am I Being Sensitive

    It is definitely normal to feel upset about it at your point in the journey. I have small kids and so I had to get over it quickly, but at first it can be very difficult to see others eating things you want to eat. Now (three months post surgery) I can even fix them dessert and not eat it myself. I just doesn't bother me anymore. But when you have been on liquids for a long time and you would kill for solid food, it can be rough. Hang in there, you will be on the other side in no time.
  12. NC Mama


    When I was pregnant those were the only kind I could take without being sick, they had be take three a day, one with each meal. So I am currently taking two a day now.
  13. NC Mama

    Lap Band, My Future And Possible Issues

    It is a good sign that you guys are still holding hands and cuddling at times. Are you guys going to bed at the same time? Do you have a TV in your bedroom? Couples who have a TV in their bedroom have 50% less sex than couples who do not. I guess what I am getting at is do you guys go to bed early enough to have genuine interaction or are you doing other things until you are exhausted and want to get in the bed to sleep. Try setting aside time in the late evening to go in the bedroom together and lay together, cuddle, kiss etc.. Start small and slow, just set aside one night a week at first for 15 minutes or so. Also, I would not assume that she is cheating, it is very easy to slowly drift apart sexually in a marriage. That does not mean she is cheating. In regards to you child, my first child was a birth control baby. My husband and I had only been married six months when I got pregnant and I found out then that I got pregnant very easily, as I was just switching from one type of birth control to another and the OBGYN told me I would be protected from pregnancy. Some people just get pregnant quickly, that is no reason to doubt paternity. Best of luck to you and I would definitely try counseling if that is something she is willing to do.
  14. NC Mama

    Lap Band, My Future And Possible Issues

    If you think she would be open to the idea you may want to try some counseling (together). With that said, it is very difficult for couples to jump right back into intimacy after it has been lacking. There are several things that can help. One technique is to take things really slow. Think of it as rewinding and starting over in the sexual department. Okay she does't feel comfortable having sex, so how about holding hands, kissing, cuddling and as those things become comfortable again and the intimacy returns to the relationship, sex will be a natural byproduct. I know that seems like a lot of work and it is not a magical quick fix but, you have been waiting a long time as it is and backing up and taking things slowly may be just what she needs. Good luck!
  15. NC Mama

    Struggling Emotionally

    I am now three months out from surgery. It really has gotten better. I would say the first 6 weeks were the worst as far as emotions go. However, I have noticed in the last couple of weeks, that I have not been nearly as sensitive to things and that I have not even wanted to eat when I get upset. It will get better, you just have to give yourself time to adjust to all of the change.
  16. NC Mama

    Calorie Intake?

    My doctor recommends between 1200-1500 calories for women. Along with 60 minutes of exercise 5 days weekly (which creates a calorie deficit of between 300-500 calories). For me I really started loosing weight more consistently once I was eating at least 1200 calories and combining with the exercise. Many days I eat close to the 1500 and I am easily loosing 2 lbs per week. I do think it is interesting that when I was on the liquid diet post op (only getting around 600 calories per day) and then I progressed to real food and the higher calories that my weight loss stalled for about 2 weeks. Once my body got used to the 1200-1500 calories again I continued on my journey of weight loss. All that said it is different for every person, but just remember that you want this to be something you can sustain for a long period of time. I would talk to your doctor and see what he or she recommends.
  17. I'm the director of worship ministries at my church and I was singing 2 days after my surgery. However, that is not to say that it did not hurt (not during, but after I was really sore). The biggest thing for me was that I had to work on my breathing as it was a real change with the band in. I took me a good three weeks (singing for 45 minutes or more at least every other day) to get my breathing correct and to really feel comfortable singing. Also, since I tend to burp more since I got the band, I do not eat within 2 hours of singing. For our evening services, I will either wait until after the service or I will drink a protein shake or smoothie about an hour before.
  18. NC Mama

    Stand Still

    My doctor insists on 60 minutes of cardio 5-6 times a week. If you increase the number of days you are exercising that might help.
  19. NC Mama


    Looks like we had surgery around the same time and I was experiencing the same thing a few weeks ago. I decided to quite counting my calories for a while and just focus on stopping when I am satisfied and exercising. I went on vacation and was eating higher calorie foods than normal (but still in small portions) and after I returned home, that next week I lost about 3 pounds. I think sometimes your body gets in a rut when you are doing the same thing over and over. You may want to try not counting the calories or try changing some of the foods you are eating for a while and see if that helps. Good luck!
  20. I had pain/pressure in rib cage for about 14 days post surgery. The operation takes place very close to your diaphragm and so it may have gotten bruised and could account for the pain. My port site hurt for about 4 weeks. You will feel a little better each day. But give yourself about a month to really feel great.
  21. NC Mama

    Overseas Travel

    Have any of the people you are going on the trip with been to where you will specifically be going in Uganda before? If so, you could ask them for a list of the different types of food you will be eating. Where we go in Kenya, we have mostly rice and a little bit of veggies and some type of mystery meat. So, that is why I will have at least some of the Fluid taken out of my band before I go. Many times in Kenya the people who provide the food take great pride in what they have prepared you and so it is really rude not to eat the food. I think if you can find out more information from your team leader you will be able to make a more informed decision. If the food is prepared at a hotel or a guest house mostly it may not be as concerning since you will have more control over what you choose. BTW I have never gained weight on a mission trip, even pre-band. You will find that in countries like Uganda and Kenya they have much more conservative portion sizes and processed foods are hard to come by. So you will mostly be eating veggies, a little bit of meat, fruit, etc...I hope this helps.
  22. NC Mama

    Overseas Travel

    Yes, I flew last week and had no problems. I definitely would not have it unfilled just for the flight. I was specifically thinking of the food. To echo elcee it all depends on where you are going.
  23. NC Mama

    Overseas Travel

    What are you going for? My husband is president of an organization that helped to build a school and feeding center in Kenya and I go with him every couple of years on his summer visit over there. I know that when I go I will have the fluid taken out because much of the food over there is not really band friendly. Of course it depends on where you are going an d for what reason. We are in a lot of situations where people offer us food and it would be a huge insult not to eat the food they prepared, so that is factoring in my reasoning. If you were going to be at a resort like for safari or something and had more control over your food choices that may be different. I know when we have been on safari that the resorts have a large variety of food choices. I hope that helps and have a great time on your trip!

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