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Everything posted by Musharooni

  1. Musharooni

    New Here With 200+ To Lose

    Welcome, I Am Done. I'll keep you in my prayers--hope all goes well for you.
  2. I am one month and 4 days out and immediately Post Op, I did not experience true hunger, but I did experience head hunger. Now I can tell when its time to eat, there is a "empty feeling", usually 2-3 hours after my last meal and at least 1 hour after my last beverage. On average, a few spoonfuls but no more than 1/4 cup and I'm full.
  3. Musharooni

    I Am So Hungry

    I know exactly how you are feeling, Minichick. I was there just a few weeks ago. This is going to get easier, I promise. You've gotten so great advice from lots of people already--search for some options, if you are not already taking an acid reducer you might want to contact your doctor about getting one. You can get through this--you are still healing and your sleeve needs you to take baby steps. This is a journey, take it slow
  4. Musharooni

    Sleeve Doesn't Stretch?

    According to what my NUT told me, stretching the stomach isn't as big an issue as liquid calories. She cited one patient who had not only stopped losing weight but began putting on a tremendous amount of weight. The culprit? Over 6000 calories a day in smoothies. Needless to say, I am very conscientous of my liquids.
  5. Musharooni

    Surgery Failed Today!

    Be grateful that your Dr. didn't want to run any risk of nicking or damaging your liver. Hopefully all will be good with the biopsy and you will just need a strict no carb diet and you'll be sleeved before you know it.
  6. Hilarious! Immediately post-op I dreamed about eating large quantities of food a couple of times and woke up panicked--the dreams were so real!
  7. Musharooni

    Question About Co-Workers

    I told just about everyone and have not heard one, single, negative comment. In fact, my coworkers, family, and friends have been incredibly supportive and encouraging. I'm sure someone has said something ugly, but no one to my face. The only questions I've had about my decision to have WLS were inquiring if I really felt it was worth the risk and about loose skin from losing weight. I feel the people with the WLS horror stories were expressing their concern in the only way they knew how and to those who inquired about loose skin, I simply replied "I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it".
  8. Musharooni

    Protein Shakes, Yuck!

    Have you tried using Orange Crystal Light with a vanilla protein powder--I personally use Unjury mixed with Light Vanilla Soy Milk. I also use Walden's Sugar Free/Calorie free chocolate syrup with Light Chocolate Soy Milk and Unjury Chocolate Splendor. If I have the calories to spare, I'll throw in a sugar free chocolate pudding for a really rich yummy treat. If you aren't having issues with dairy, adding 1/3 cup powdered milk helps and makes for even more protein.
  9. Just stay focused on the greatness waiting for you at the end of your journey, and you'll do fine. It is so worth it, I promise.
  10. Musharooni


    Just to name a few... To go to open house at my childrens' school and not have to stand in the back of the room alone because I can't fit in the desk. To buy clothes that don't make me feel "matronly" For my hairdresser to be able to spin the chair without me having to use my feet to turn it To walk--anywhere for any length of time
  11. Musharooni

    Things I can't wait to do!

    I have many of the same wishes. To ride amusement park rides with my kids To do a walking tour somewhere that lasts all day and be able to do it To take a plane ride without having to be a second seat for the rest of my a** To go to the movie theater, a playhouse, or auditorium without worrying if I will fit in the seat To attend Open House at my kids school without having to stand in the back because I can't fit in the desk. To shop anywhere I want--not just "Specialty Size" Stores
  12. Musharooni

    Kinda Naughty Nsv Dont Fuss At Me

    Went to lunch with some folks the other day and while they all indulged in the 100% southern blue plate special of chicken fried steak & mashed potatoes with gravy at the diner, I ordered "scrambled" egg substitute and corned beef hash. Needless to say, that $5.25 was good for 3 meals and a snack. Just added some picante sauce one time, shredded cheddar another, and then picante & shredded cheese to mix it up a little.
  13. Musharooni

    Thanksgiving In May! Yeah!

    Well said, favoredone. I am just a little over a month out from my surgery, and the difference is unbelievable. Here's to many more accomplishments in the future!
  14. Musharooni

    Lunch Meat On Soft Diet?

    Here is one link to Eggface's Bento info...http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/.../bento-bonanza.html
  15. Musharooni

    Any Smokers?

    The anesthesiologist required last cig 12 hours before surgery. I had decided during my 2 week liquid diet that I was going to quit smoking after surgery. Figured if I could do that liquid diet, I could do anything!! . Knew I would be looped up on meds post-op, so that would help get through the physical withdrawals. Slept most of day 2 & haven't had one since 5:34 pm the day before my sleeve. Can honestly say I have only had one "I NEED a cigarette moment" and went for a walk instead of smoking.
  16. Musharooni

    Louisiana Sleevers??!

    I live in Morgan City & had my sleeve on April 18 with Dr Bisland in Thinodaux.
  17. Musharooni

    My One Week Post-Op -- Down 6.4 Lbs!

  18. Musharooni

    When Did You Return To Work?

    I went back to the office 9 days later. I have a desk job, but it is high demand/high stress. The first day wiped me out, so I skipped a day, then returned for 1, then skipped again. I think my issues were related more to the fact I was on a liquid protein diet which I was burnt out on & wasn't getting calorie intake. Once I moved to puréed, my energy level soared.
  19. Musharooni

    April Sleevers

    First surgeon visit March 11--377 Day of surgery April 18--350 1 month 1 day out, May 19--334.2
  20. Musharooni

    Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?

    Yesterday marked one month since surgery and today total weight loss (including pre-op) is 44.8. My 50# reward is getting closer! Yesterday, I walked a 1/2 a mile at work as part of a wellness event--something I wouldn't have even considered participating in a month ago.
  21. Musharooni

    Wow! 100Lbs Down

    Wow! You look absolutely amazing!! Most of all you look so happy!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!
  22. Today is my offical One Month Sleevaversary and I have so much to celebrate. 1st and foremost I feel so good--physically & mentally. Sure I'm still adjusting to this new life of mine, but dang it I am happy. I don't hurt everywhere all the time, I can climb the stairs to my office without sounding like I'm dying when I reach the top landing, I don't feel ashamed or guilty about my eating. I am actually starting to like me a lot more than I have in a very long time. My company began a focus on wellness about a year and 1/2 ago and every time they had a wellness function, somehow I was always "too busy" to participate. Well, today I not only attended, but participated in the "Walk In the 80's". Granted I still am not at the point where I could complete the full mile, I did complete a 1/2 mile and increased my daily exercise duration by a full 5 minutes. In addition, I was completely overwhelmed by the positive feedback and encouragement I received from all of my coworkers. Next event, I plan on leading the pack! lol Earlier this week, I had an extremely stressful moment and, since I quit smoking the day before my sleeve, I didn't have cigarettes or food to deal with the issue, momentarily I was at a complete loss as to what to do to deal with the stress and anxiety. I made the decision to get dressed (I was in my PJ's), put on my sneakers, and pound the stress into the pavement. And don't you know it, after lapping my block a few times, not only was the stress and anxiety gone, but I felt stronger and more empowered than I have in years. I saved the best for last. Last night as my family and I made our evening walk (yes, I'm dragging the whole lot of them into this healthy lifestyle!), my 12 year old daughter looked at me and said, "Mom, I am so proud of you for everything you have ever done. Especially how good you are doing with eating and exercising. You don't know how happy I am for you." And yes, the tears flowed again even as I typed this. Can't wait to see what other gems await me as I continue on this journey. I feel truly blessed today.
  23. Musharooni

    Im Having A Hard Time Adjusting.

    The thing that has freaked me out the most, at least to date, is when I was in a stressful/high anxiety situation and the realization that I was not going to be able to shove down what I was feeling with food and I couldn't run to the kitchen I honestly and truly felt like a cornered animal. I was scared, didn't know what to do, and was kind of flipping out for a few moments. Then I did the only thing I could think of, I went for a walk. Not only did it help relieve the anxiety and help calm me down, it allowed me to clear my head, mull the situation over in my mind, and resolve it. I ended up feeling calmer, but most of all, I felt extremely empowered by taking control of the situation rather than medicating myself with food. I know my journey is just beginning and I have many more moments ahead of me, but I feel better knowing that I handled the first one without "falling off the wagon" and feel I can probably do it again.
  24. Musharooni

    I Am So Discouraged

    Try focusing on what other good things are going on in your world because of your decision. I am weeks away from walking a mile, but I know physically I am so much better off than I was pre op. I can climb the stairs at work without wheezing like a dying 98 year old man, I am moving faster and my general health is better all around. So I know you have to be feeling better if you are putting in a mile a day. I have found that we need to find something else to focus on besides food. When those bad choices are there, don't allow your brain to take you to the good guy/bad guy place--you know where you have the good guy fighting the bad guy in your head over eating the things we shouldn't. Focus instead on the positive things that will happen if you don't indulge. Surprisingly, the amount of time you spend obsessing over the bad will gradually lessen if you work with your tool. If you do take a wrong step, don't let it dominate you and especially don't let it give you reason to throw in the towel. Get up, dust yourself off, and start over. Remember--YOU ARE THE CAPTAIN OF YOUR SHIP & THE MASTER OF YOUR DESTINY. You can do this!!!
  25. Musharooni

    First Post-Op Mistake

    Thanks, CaliKat. I'll order some today. The low cal chicken skewers with peanut sauce sound great--I was only thinking of it for shakes, that adds a whole new dimension. I see some Thai recipes in my future! lol

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