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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by ChaChaBurch

  1. After I decided to go forward with surgery, time seemed to sloooooow down to almost nothing. The closer to the surgery date, the slower it went! I tried just about everything to keep me occupied so I wouldn't constantly obsess about it. But the date finally arrived, and now I'm 3 weeks post-op. Looking back it seems like time really flew (of course). I spent a HUGE amount of time going through this website trying to absorb just about as much information as I could so that I would be mentally prepared. I know it seems the same for you right now, but it will go by a lot faster than you can believe - just stay busy doing any and everything that you can. Good Luck - and let us know how you're doing!

  2. I'm really glad I found this thread. I'm 3 weeks post-op and about 3-4 days ago I noticed that I was having some pain on my left side (especially when I was laying on my left side at night). I was really afraid that my "tummy" was coming loose or something - hahahahaha. That does coincide with where the largest incision is for me, and also where my port was for my lapband that the Doc removed. I don't see my Doc again until May 9th and was considering calling him.

  3. So Marchers - any special plans for the weekend? I've got some work to do in our barn. We have baby chicks and ducks hatching all over the place! And our goats are not happy, so we're going to do some rearranging. I'm also going to attempt to get on my zero-turn mower and get some mowing done. Doctor say's it should be okay as long as I take it easy.

  4. Thank you ChaCha! I'm hoping I can get it out really soon! I was so mad at my surgeon for not taking it out during my sleeve but o well, what can ya do?

    I personally think the gallbladder surgery (lapriscopically) is sooooo much easier to recuperate from than the sleeve!!

  5. It took me 16 hours to get down 1 Protein Shake the first time (3 days after surgery). Mine were pre-made, and extra thick. Now I "water" mine down. As the swelling in your stomach goes down, you will be able to get fluids in, but I would suggest that right now, you just want to focus on Water - dehydration is horrible! Try ice chips, SF Popsicle's, etc.I would suggest to try and stay away from anything that's high in sodium, as it just defeats the purpose.

  6. You were right I been in hospital for hydration I was told to eat food with hi Water level like water and kiwis

    Are you feeling better after the hospital visit? Did they give you IV fluids? I hope you can begin taking in more water. Just try itty bitty baby sips, every few minutes. I'll keep you in my prayers!

  7. Hey Fellow Sleevers!!

    I wanted to update everyone on my condition. Unfortunately I have to be the Downer of the day. I've been to the ER twice for a gallbladder attack and dehydration. I seriously did not eat for 4 days because the nausea was 24/7. I couldn't even hug my husband because of his cologne. I just thought it was my cycle and decided to push through. But I had the gallbladder attack Friday and I seriously thought I was dying!

    My heart rate shot up to 113, my BP dropped, and I could feel myself blacking out. Now, the scary part about all of this is since I have medical training, I knew EXACTLY what was happening, which freaked me out more LOL

    I can laugh about it now, but then, I really thought I was a goner. I have an appointment to talk to my surgeon about yet another surgery to have this thing removed.

    Take away points:

    If you have gallbladder stones, symptoms whatever before your surgery, its best just to get that thing out of there before you have an attack. The gallbladder is not a happy camper once you start losing weight and it will not get better. It's too close to the pancreas and liver to have tantrums.

    Do NOT take your symptoms for granted. Your body is not the same as it was before this surgery so normal symptoms may be a sign of something else. You may feel like a hyperchondriac, but better safe than sorry.

    I'm soooo sorry that you've been experiencing this. I had an attack back in 2008 (swore I was having a heart attack), and had mine removed. I'm really glad I did.

  8. I'm at the end 3rd week everything taste horrible except Jello I hate everything and I'm so weak I need help any suggestion

    I understand where you're coming from. My taste buds have completely changed. I asked my NUT about it and she said that it was pretty common and it usually is a phase that passes. Do you have a NUT that you can work with, or contact your Doctor for suggestions - especially with you feeling weak? You are probably dehydrated. You might go to the "recipe" forum here and see if you can find more suggestions.

    For me personally, even though most things taste different, and I have no interest in eating, I still MAKE myself eat, focusing on Protein first. I've worked too hard to get this surgery, and I am committed to losing the weight, so I just keep on pushing through each and every day. I know it's hard for you, especially with feeling weak, but it will get better.

  9. So I was out of plain Greek yogurt :( so used nf mayo and reduced fat cream cheese instead and I gotta say it was pretty good...to bad I can't drink a diet root beer with it lol! I was able to eat about 2tbls. How much is everyone else able to take in? Does anyone know when you can eat toast...because I'm craving an egg over medium with a bit of toast to dunk in the yolk.

    When I eat, it's usually about 1/2 cup at a time, but I sit and eat baby bites slowly over time.

  10. I lost 20 lbs really fast, and since then have slowed dramatically. I have a hard time getting in the calories (no appetite), and I know that my body has gone into "starvation mode", and is hanging on to the fat right now. I'm also 3 weeks post-op and have hit my first stall. However, I really like the idea of losing slowly because I shouldn't have as much saggy skin, and I am a little bit worried about possible Hair loss. My NUT said that in order to lose weight, I have to eat more (which sounds weird, but I know it's true). So I am basically forcing myself to eat more often to try and increase my calories. Just like the story of the tortoise and the hare . . . slow and sure wins every time!

  11. I'm 3 weeks post-op (tomorrow), and I'm wondering if anyone else seems to be having the same issue. My taste buds seem to have changed dramatically.Everything I eat tastes different than it did before the surgery. puddings, yogurts, tuna salads, etc., all seem to not taste as good as they used to. Will food ever taste really good again? Everything seems to taste "weird". That's about the best I can do to describe it. Maybe it's just that I really have no interest in eating. I have no appetite, and when I do eat, it's never really satisfying. Anyone seem to have any thoughts or suggestions? I'm still on the soft/mushy phase, and will continue to be so for about another 3 weeks.

  12. My NUT said I could go on "pureed/super mushy" foods. I've had instant mashed potatoes with gravy (the kind in a packet that you add Water to), refried Beans, applesauce, oatmeal, grits, cream of wheat, tuna salad (tuna with LF Mayo), scrambled eggs, chicken salad (canned chicken with LF Mayo), poached eggs, any kind of Soup (as long as I puree it), any vegetable (except corn) cooked soft and blended.

    I've done well with this, but just take it slow and take baby bits and wait a few minutes between bites.

  13. Hey March Sleevers - Are you doing anything special for Easter? I mean, it's not like I can eat the "usual" Easter meal - at our house that would consist of ham, deviled eggs, potato salad, leafy salad, etc. My mom is cooking a large lunch meal, so I'm sending my DH to eat at her house (which is next door). I'm not sure I can handle walking into Mom's house and have the smell of Easter lunch hit me. About the only thing I COULD eat at this point would be the deviled eggs. How are you guys going to handle it?

  14. I am 2 weeks post-op today (yayyy), and I tried some Greek yogurt for the first time today - OIKOS Organic Greek yogurt (vanilla). I have to say that it's about the worst tasting yogurt I've ever had! I know that it's a healthier option for me (15g of Protein in one serving), so I'm wondering which one is your favorite? Or if you have any suggestions on how I can improve the flavor.

  15. Glad there is a group for the 50's B)

    My surgery is 5/21 and on that date I will be less than a month away from being 57. I've battled my weight since I was mid to late 30's. I've been over 200 several times and I would struggle it down but never less than 180 and it quickly would return to my prior high weight and then make a new high. The last time I was 220 I started on an Atkins diet I promised myself to look into bariatric surgery if I EVER got up to 220 again. At only 5'2" that is over 40 bmi. I did lose 32 pounds doing low carb but as all the times before (with WW, Nutrisystem, etc) this last winter I was at an all time high and had to keep my promise to myself. I first start looking into surgery with lapband but I later changed to gastric sleeve.

    I am just anxious to get started. I feel pretty realistic; I'm not even trying to hit my HS weight, but to get to a weight where I have more energy, feel like being active and can avoid some of the health issues that my mother, who had similar weigh battles, now has to deal with. Is it May yet?

    So glad you found us! It's great having some "sexy silver sleevers" to talk to. At least I know I'm not the only "more mature" lady trying to do this! The support is great!! :D

  16. Hi I am posting this from the hospital as I complete all the tests. Surgery tomorrow. I an not here (Czech Republic) with any family but with two fellow sleeves. We travelled from the uk yesterday and will return on Friday. I just want to get everything over with now, the waiting is worse than making the decision abut surgery

    PS 53 birthday last Monday (26/3)

    Best of luck to you today! You are in my prayers! Let us know how you are doing!

  17. I know that at my age, sagging skin comes with the weight loss. About the best way to reduce it (naturally), is to work out with weights. Build muscle (which will replace the fat), and you will have less sagging skin. I remember when I did Weight Watchers, our "Leader" had lost over 200lbs, and she used her clothing to help "camouflage" her sagging skin (longer sleeves, etc). I think the best way is with plastic surgery - and at this point I am not even going to consider another surgery. Might change my mind in a year or two, but who knows. I knew going into this that sagging skin comes with the weight loss, so the sagging skin is one of those things that I just expect.

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