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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by ChaChaBurch

  1. I have to confess that I don't remember anything about my Doctor or NUT mentioning coffee. I was a 3-4 cup a day drinker. When I started my pre-op diet, I got down to just 1 cup a day. I went without coffee from the day of surgery until Day 4. I went right back to 1 cup a day (although it was a really tiny cup at the time - I have a Keurig that let's me select the size of cup I want), and can now drink a large cup daily. Once in a blue moon I might have 2 cups. However, I have days where the acid in the coffee wreaks havoc with me and sends me running for the bathroom, but it's not a daily occurrence.

  2. I'm 1 month post-op, and as I travel the road towards "regular food", I'm thinking more and more about salads. My NUT told me this would be one of the very last foods added back to my food inventory.

    When could you eat salads, at what point in your progress could you handle them, what kinds of issues did you have, if any? Any feedback is appreciated.

  3. My surgery was 3/22 also. I have a Dannon greek yogurt in the mornings (12g of Protein in a single serving), and for lunch I have a tuna salad with a boiled egg (25g of protein), and then sipping throughout the day, a Muscltech Smart Protein Advanced Liquid Protein Shot mixed with really cold Water (42g). Also, refried Beans are a great way to get in some protein or even chicken fajita's (just the meat and veggies - no wrap). I can eat about 1/2 cup of the fajita meat, and then take the rest home -- but a whole cup is 23g of protein also.

  4. Right now, the only work out I'm doing is walking. I live less than a mile from the lake, so I walk down and back. I have a beginners Yoga DVD that I'm going to start this week, and I also have the Zumba DVD. I don't know if I have what it takes to Zumba yet, but I will start with Yoga - I know . . . BIG difference :D

  5. I was sleeved on March 27th and to date I'm not convinced that this surgery was worth the money or trouble.. I can't eat anything and what I do eat I don't enjoy. Worst of all I haven't lost any significant amount of weight.. I know I had a low BMi to start with but hell I could have lost the few pounds I've lost without all the trouble ..

    Starting weight 217

    Pre-op 204

    To date 199

    As you can see the pounds lost were do from the pre- op diet.

    I'm not expecting to wake up in the morning and be skinny but I was expecting something different .. Ugh

    I had my sleeve done on 3/22 . . . I didn't have any appetite, nothing tasted the way I thought it was supposed to, AND I had no interest in eating. Those things resolved themselves just this week. Hang in there, it will get much better.

  6. Joiebean - I went through something similar with my 1st husband. The lost interest in each other, the feeling of being unfulfilled, etc. We had 2 young daughters, and I did everything for them and my husband, and my family, and my co-workers, and, and, and. Never anything for myself. What I would suggest is that first and foremost you keep those appointments with the Dr. and the therapist. See what they have to say. If there's no physical reason for what's going on, seek therapy/counselling. Do this first and foremost for yourself. At some point, your therapist may want you and your hubby to seek marital counselling. My 1st hubby refused. He said there was nothing wrong with him. Needless to say, in the end, our marriage failed -- not that yours is -- just what happened to us. Both of us eneded up not trying anymore. Having a child will either help improve your relationship with your hubby IF you already have a good relationship OR put additional negative stress on your relationship with your hubby IF you have an already stressful relationship. I truly hope that this is something that will pass and that you can find the source and take the reins of your own happiness. Hugs.

  7. I turned 52 today. I was sleeved on 3/14/12 and have not regretted it for a minute. I have lost 26 lbs and of course would like it to go faster. But, I know if I stay the course it will come off. I have very few people I told I was doing this, so it really was satisfying when a lady I hardly know at work commented on my weight loss! Makes it all worth it.

    Happy Birthday desert19! I turned 50 just 18 days prior to my surgery. Having someone notice the weight loss is really exciting!! Congratulations.

  8. I had the band in 2007, and my revision was done 3/22 -- all in one surgery. I understand where you're coming from! I experienced getting stuck on an almost daily basis, and could never find the "sweet spot" on the band. My surgeon said that there was a "massive" amount of scar tissue, but he (along with another surgeon) were able to get it all. I am feeling great and haven't had a problem with getting stuck since! Best thing I've ever done!!

  9. Just an update: I had my revision on 3/22 and I have to say it was the best thing I've done in a long, long time! It was done in one surgery and lasted only 2.5 hours -- and he was able to do it lapriscopically! I am so happy with my sleeve! No more getting stuck, no more sliming! I am on the "soft/mushy" phase, but so far it's been well worth it!

  10. The pain in your back is probably gas. It sometimes takes several weeks to go away. The pain in your diaphragm is probably because your eating/drinking too fast. Also, I felt great for the first 2 weeks, and then suddenly started having sharp pains on the left side of my belly. Found out is was the nerve endings starting to "wake" back up. It went away after about 3 days.

  11. So you ate mashed potatoes, and thankfully, nothing has happened. That's really good, but from here on out, stick with your post op. It would be a real shame to have complications after having worked so hard, and been through so much to get to this point. Talk with your doctor to get more suggestions on what you can have, and make sure you finish healing. I've seen others on the board talk about major complications when they skipped ahead on their eating plans, and I would hate to see you going through the same pain and suffering that they have. Good luck!

  12. I had my band done 01/07, and lost around 50+ lbs, but by September 2007 I began to have issues. I struggled with each and every meal, not a day went by that I didn't get "stuck" and had to run to the restroom to throw it all back up. Junk food became my only way to eat. For almost 4 years I saw numerous band doctors trying to get help. No one could help me get adjusted properly, and finally just about everyone around me (family included) began to tell me it was all in my head. I constantly heard, "If you could just . . . . ", and "Why don't you ....." All this from folks who had no clue what I dealt with on a daily basis.

    I had my revision on 3/22/12, by Dr. Kaler, here in Hot Springs, AR. He told me that he felt that he could do the revision in 1 surgery, but that he couldn't guarantee it. He stated that once he got in, if he felt it wasn't possible, then he would have to "open me up". I told him that was fine, I just wanted the band out. Thankfully, he WAS able to do it in one surgery, laproscopically, and I have been thankful every day! Although the doctor told me that I had an enormous amount of scar tissue around the band, he was still able to remove 85% of my stomach, with no issues.

    I am still on my "soft mushy" phase for another 2 weeks, but I am eating healthier than I have for the last 5 years, and not had a single issues of getting stuck, having the slimes, or throwing up!

    When I got my band, I will admit that I had a few concerns, and wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do at the time, but I got caught up in all the hype - I lived in Dallas at the time and 12 of my co-workers had the same surgery done. Today, out of the 12, only 1 has lost all their weight and kept it off. At least 3 of them have had the revision, and the other 8 are still suffering. My decision for the revision was my own, with no input from anyone other than my DH, who was supportive and just wanted me to be happy.

    Best of luck in your search, and I hope that you find all the information you need to make the best decision for you.

    The other thing that I am thankful for, is that I no longer have a foreign object inside of me.

  13. Getting ready for church this morning, and one of the pantsuits I normally wear (size 24), was WAY too big. I couldn't believe it! I found an outfit that was 2 sizes smaller (size 20) . . . . and it fight perfectly! I just about fainted!!! Only 3 weeks post-op!

  14. I just dont know how you guys did this waiting thing. I have a month and 1 week to go...to be exact I have 36 days, 19 hours, 48 minutes, and 36....35.....34 seconds before I have my surgery.... yes I have a ticker on my phone... that may be part of my problem right there.....having the dang ticker... but I promise I only check it every other day :DDD

    I wish that I could just go tomorrow... but this wait is killing me...so can someone tell me how you coped or how are you coping with the wait??? I am so ready for this life changing event to get started that I think of it constantly...

    help me

    Another thing, have you found the "May 2012 Sleevers" forum group yet? You can get a LOT of support from there and follow along with other "Sleevers" that have surgery the same time you do. Just go to Monthly Gastric Sleeve Support, look for "2012" and then scroll down to find your month. That's where I've found the greatest cheerleaders and support for me.

  15. Its soccer, soccer and more soccer in my house this weekend. The joy of having boys :)

    I remember the days when my girls were young and each weekend was filled with Softball and band practice. Sometimes I miss those days, and sometimes I'm just thankful I survived them :D

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