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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Willow216

  1. I had that problem and I was freaking out, every once in a while it still happens so I eat a little something every 3 hrs when this happens and drink Water. I also went thru frenzy cravings in the first 6 wks (chocolate and starches like bread, rice etc) I think it was withdrawel because I ate of lot of that prior to the surgery. It does goes away once your used to your new tummy.

  2. Why did you convert from band to sleeve ...in the deciding phase just curious

    I was going to be "banded" but the nurse for my gastric doctor stated that most "bands" can slip and cause infections from lacerations from slippage which happens often and 90% of the patient who get the band wind up coming back for the sleeve, she herself had the sleeve and she showed me a couple of before and after pics and highly recommended it, I took a chance and took her advise and I am very grateful I did.

  3. It took me about 6 months but I usually do a whole wheat wrap, but I usually can't have more than a couple of bites. I was a bread, Muffin, etc maniac, I loved them, but after the surgery it changed for me. Now at about 10 months out every once in a while I may have a slice of wheat toast or I make a half sandwich with I slice of wheat bread.

  4. You Can make your small food fun and look good ...ground chicken cooked cheese a pickle slice put it in a won ton wrapper seal it shut with Water and bake taste just like a cheeseburger..put won ton wrapper in a cupcake tin then put in taco filling of your choice meat cooked seal won ton wrapper and bake great tacos you can make extras and freeze them if you can keep everyone else from eat them all makes just the right size for our new tummy..you can also put scrambled egg in cupcake tin with what ever you want and bake and freeze small little breakfasts... Lot to do with these things have fun

    This sounds Great! Thank you I'm trying it.

    I usually do a Breakfast "cupcake" with a couple of sheets of Phyllo dough with egg beaters and a lil cheese a bit of salt and pepper and its perfect for my sleeve and usually I don't eat the whole thing. I also do a Low Fat Ricotta cheese "cupcake" with some low fat Mozzerella and Grated Cheese and oregano with a couple of sheets of Phyllo dough. I use a little spray olive oil so it don't stick. They are real good and lots of Protein even in the grated cheese. :rolleyes:

  5. I was wondering the same thing, I am now getting into a sze 8 at my current weight which I can't understand the last time I was a sze 8 I was 130lbs alot of people say the sizes have changes since 15 yrs ago which I can't agree cause the sze 8 are jeans I have had since and worn when I was in my mid 20's. I am not complaining one bit and my friends don't believe I weigh 170 cause they say I look smaller than that. Size 8 was my goal but now I am thinking I just might make sz 4 when I am done. I would never think to be that sze since I can't remember ever being a size 4. LOL I'm happy anyway!

  6. I am almost a year out from surgery and I can eat basicly anything (which is why I had this surgery), I just have about 3 bites (spoonful) and I am full but I eat about 5 times a day so my metabolism keeps up and I make sure I drink my Protein shakes daily which personally I happen to like them and its simple, alot of people don't like them too much. There are some foods though I can't eat anymore like rice, potatoes etc, it feels too heavy on my sleeve but I exchanged that for turnips, squash and spinach which makes up for that. I am over 80lbs down and still going, slowly but I'm getting there.

    Much Luck To You!

  7. Wonderful post! Thank you for this. I am having surgery 2/28 and am a little nervous. However, the fat has ruled me for too long.

    I was hugely nervous too, I have always been afraid to have surgery, but it was only the first couple of days that I felt "icky" but after 6 days I went back to work and I have no problems, the only regret is that I didn't do this years ago!

    Wishing you a successful and safe surgery. I bet you will get through it just fine. :D

  8. I had the H.Pylori also, I was so bummed 'cause it delayed my surgery for a month, but after all the medications (and it was alot) it was gone. I never even heard of H.Pyolori until I was tested I never had any symptoms but my doctor said most people don't until there is a problem but I'm glad this problem is over since I heard it can lead to stomach cancer..

    Good Luck!

  9. I love your story! "Jelly" is an adorable name you gave your sleave, I love it! Way to go on your weight loss and I wish you continued success on your journey. BTW this is not another boring success story, you are aiding others who are going to have "or" thinking to have this surgery that is how I made my decision "and have continued success" by reading these "amazing" stories, it gives hope!

    Many Blessings to you!

  10. Great topic :)

    I'm in charge of cooking so I got to plan everything out and make it VSG friendly :)

    Christmas Eve I made a noodlesless lasagna. Used eggplant for the layers and layered with sauce, ricotta, cheese and ground turkey. It was great and was a cross between eggplant parm and lasagna. I made shrimp scampi with it (didn't use real butter- margarine instead, lemon, a splash of wine. I only had a tiny bit of both. For dessert I made pumpkin yogurt panna cotta. Awesome, healthy and good amounts of Protein. And no sugar in it (made with stevia)

    Christmas Day we had Turkey, I made a small think of stuffing (I didn't really want it but my mother did) so I made it from scratch, used whole wheat bread and added ground turkey. I made a Rachael Ray version of 'stuffin muffins'. She basically put the stuffing in a cupcake pan. Perfect serving size! (I only had a tiny tiny taste of it, but still perfect servings for my guests- maybe they won't overeat if I portion it out for them too lol) also made roasted sweet potatoes and brussle sprouts with balsamic vinegar. I only ate a few sprout halves. And For dessert- skinny cheesecake with strawberries. Low carb, no crust and made in a cupcake pan so perfect portions.

    The food was well received also, healthy and great. Ill attach a few pics of my Christmas Eve dinner. I forgot to take pics of the Christmas Day stuff lol.

    Your menu looks Great! I think I will steal that Eggplant/Lasagna creation for my New Years' gathering. Hope you don't mind, Thank you! :D

  11. One thing is puzzling me: this saying of a two or three "bites" of this or that. What constitutes a BITE. Are you no longer weighing/measuring food just eyeballing? A bite can be very small or VERY large. Just want to understand everyone's "quantity' when they are saying, "bite".

    Only a few posts acutally talk about the portion of food they ate, which makes sense to me not a "bite of this or that".

    I never measured my food, I'm not that dilligent, I have never been that strict with myself because then it would be work not a lifestyle change, also I didn't want to make this journey nit picking every thing I ate. My bites are measured about a teaspoonful or a little less or a little more depending on what I am eating. Usually by the 3rd bite I get that tight feeling and I stop that is my warning signal. The only rule I have about eating is Protein first, through shakes or meat/eggs, then some veggies, and once in a while a treat here and there, and to be honest since the surgery I don't even crave too much sweets anymore so I don't feel like I am denying myself. I got this surgery so I can eat what I want just not alot of it and it has been working fantasticly!

  12. That's a good point. I have never measured my food, but rather let my stomach tell me my limits. If my bites are too large, I can feel it in my stomach and it is not good. So, my bites now are definitely smaller than they were 2 years ago when a bite was as big as whatever utensil I was using could hold. A fork, spoon ... whatever, would be mounded.

    Now, my bite would be about half to three quarters of that. Sometimes, though, depending on the food, even that will be too much. I hope this isn't TMI, but in those cases, I chew very well and will not swallow everything in my mouth. I would rather take two individual swallows and know it will all go down and sit in my stomach comfortably. Yes, the second swallow is a bit gross, but then my next bite is smaller and I learn.

    I think the bottom line is to start by taking bites smaller than we used to, chew it well and don't rush to take the next bite. Evaluate how you are feeling after each bite and join in the conversation at the table. There was 20 people at my table yesterday and only a couple knew I had surgery. Everyone else didn't even notice my eating and I didn't give it a second thought.

    Another reason for my post was to give hope that this is not a permanent thing, this pureed food and restrictions. Everyone will be able to enjoy their holidays and be able to eat food again. Myself ... I felt like I was never going to eat anywhere near "normal" again, but that was just my self-sabotaging mind attempting to hijack my happiness.

    Crazy people are like that ... :D

    Well Said!

  13. I will be 4 weeks out tomorrow. My boyfriend's family does their Christmas on Christmas eve so I had 2 days of holiday meals. Christmas Eve I had 3 one inch cubes of cheese, 2 slices of pepperoni & 2 crackers. Two hours later at dinner I had 2 tbsp. of squash, 2 tbsp. of green Beans & 2 bites of filet mignon. On Christmas Day for Breakfast I had 2 pieces of bacon and about 1/4 of a cup of an egg & cheese casserole. I didn't have anything until dinner time. Then at dinner I had 2 bites each of stuffing, mashed potato and green bean casserole along with about 1/2 a small slice of turkey with gravy. Three hours later I had a sliver of chocolate cream pie. It is really amazing. What is a usually a 2 day food extravaganza for me was reduced to a about 2 small salad plates of food. Part of me was sad at first. Especially when it came to the filet mignon. I can usually eat two huge pieces of it, but this year after 2 bites my stomach started to hurt. It was my first time eating beef since surgery. Looking back today, though, it was such a better holiday. I had so much more interaction with family and friends. I wasn't obsessing about food the whole time. I wasn't in a lethargic food coma & this is the first holiday where I haven't gained weight. :)

    I felt the same way you did this Christmas, usually on the holidays I'd be taking an inventory of what foods I have first to what deserts I was having last, this year I wasn't even thinking about it though I had a little chocolate mousse and a bit of pumpking pie each bite was less than a tablespoons each I was able to enjoy it but not fee guilty for eating loads of it.. Life is definately good post sleeved!!

    Happy Holidays to you and your family!! :D

  14. chocolate gives me a terrible pain in my stomach I learned it the hard way. I start to sweat and get a terrible pain in my stomach causing me to want to curl up. It happened twice and I drank some liquid Tylenol which gets rid of the pain almost immediately. Man oh man no more chocolate for me. Congrats from 18-10. I went from 26-14 feeling sexy :)


    Was the pain in your stomach or your chest area? I had the same pain where is made me double over when I ate certain things (anything like processed meats, some chocolate, butter and mayonaise) I thought it was my stomach also, comes to find out that is wasn't it was my gall bladder and I had a stone. The pain or spasms would last most times over an hour till I was told that when you feel it coming on to drink Water and it was ease the pain pretty quick.

    Congrats on your 14's and wishing you continued success to your goal!!!

    Happy Holidays!!

  15. My first appt I was going for the Lap Band and the nurse there warned me not to, she said there are alot issues with the band, slippage, infections etc. and 9 out of 10 patients come back wanting the sleeve. So I changed my mind and I am glad I did. I have had absolutely no issues with the sleeve.

    Good Luck with your revision QDH!

  16. Hi CMD,

    You look Freekin Awesome, and so Beautiful, Way to go! I'm 9 month out and only lost 78lbs but hey, I went from a sze 18 to a sze 10 so who am I to complain! The holidays are here and I am being a little naughty with the chocolate, I haven't gained anything but the losing is soo slow. (Bad Me) LOL :rolleyes:

  17. I am 6 months out and after 3 to 4 bits of anything I have to stop just when I am just starting to enjoy the food, its over, can't touch it no more. Well I guess this is why I got the surgery to stop me before I go to far. LOL. There a certain foods that are easier for me like eggs and soft fish (scallops flounder etc) and then there are foods that after a couple of bites (red meat some chicken depending how its cooked, pork) I can't touch Pasta, rice, potatoes etc cause it is very uncomfortable on my sleeve (except for a lil angel hair pasta, that okay) and its not really a pain I get, its more like one bite too much and it is coming back up. I try and drink a Protein Shake everyday since it is easy to go down and I make sure I get my Vitamins and Protein. Eating is not too much fun anymore, but I wouldn't change a thing, I haven't been this size in over 10 yrs. :D

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