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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by GivingItMyAll

  1. GivingItMyAll

    Anyone On My Fitnesspal

  2. GivingItMyAll


    Yay! {{{doing the happy dance}}} I called today to find out that I have been approved and set my surgery date for June 27th. I was offered earlier in June, but my kindy students and my pre-school daughter have end of year activities and graduations that I just don't want to miss. So I took the June 27th date. Then I came home from work to find the letter of approval from the insurance company. GO ME!!!!!!!!!
  3. GivingItMyAll

    Surgery Today...please Pray For Me!

    How scary. Glad to hear that you turned the corner. Prayers for a speedy, pain free recovery.
  4. GivingItMyAll

    2 Success Posts In 1 Day? Whattt?!?!

    Awesome! Congrats!!
  5. GivingItMyAll


    Congrats! I got my approval today also. I wish some of my family members would join me. Who knows, maybe I'll be an inspiration to them. How cool for your family to go through this together.
  6. GivingItMyAll

    June Sleevers!

    Just got my approval. YAY!!!!!!! My date is June 27th.
  7. GivingItMyAll


    Thank you.
  8. GivingItMyAll


    Thank you. Hope you get your approval and date soon. Waiting is the worse. Ugh!
  9. GivingItMyAll


    Thank you. Wishing you a speedy, pain free recovery.
  10. GivingItMyAll

    How Long Did It Take For Approval?

    Bout a week and a half. Just got my approval today.
  11. I attended my first seminar in the beginning of March and will be sleeved the end of June.
  12. GivingItMyAll

    Abington Bariatric

    June 19th @ 7 pm. They're every third Tuesday.
  13. GivingItMyAll

    Abington Bariatric

    My sitter bailed on me so I missed it too.
  14. GivingItMyAll


    Worried. Hoping all is well with you. Update us when you can.
  15. I cannot stomach those protein shot. BLEH!
  16. GivingItMyAll

    Sleeved This Morning.

    Congrats! Hope the gas pains ass soon.
  17. Looking good. Keep up the good work.
  18. CONGRATS!!!! Sounds like you are doing GREAT!
  19. GivingItMyAll

    I'm Half Way To Goal!

  20. Let me preface by saying that I dont even have a surgery date yet. I finally caught the workout bug and am actually looking forward to spending time OUTSIDE with my daughter rather than taking her out just because I know it's good for her. I don't look any different, but feel like a million bucks after a hearty workout this morning. And for the scale victory, I'm down 3 pounds this week. WOOT! I just started tracking my food last week and it really makes a difference.
  21. I'm pre-op, but based on my labs I take 50,000 mg of D 1x/week and daily I take a multivitamin, 500 mg of B12, and iron. The multivitamin is not chewable, but I did purchase One A Day gummies for after surgery.
  22. GivingItMyAll

    Yummy Protein Drink

    Sounds yummy! I haven't been sleeved yet and I just ordered my first sample of unjury. In the box were some recipes and one recommendation was to add a packet of Stevia.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
