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Posts posted by janerose

  1. you all have made me smile - thank you so much! I also went through all the stages of liquids and small bites - trust me there is life after the stage you are in now; you will look back and feel accomplished.

    CE - glad you understand my feelings today, I do go out with my friends and order something small or healthy and bring it home for a few more meals. I drink alcohol on the weekends - but it is not the same - but my wonderful friends get me and understand - they all have weight issues so they have compassion.

    Thank you all for the responses - it is what I need

  2. I must admit - I am in a funk; tired of some of the foods I eat - actually I feel exhausted by food alone.

    Tired of thinking about what I should eat, how it will affect my now fragile stomach. I am exhausted from concern of how much weight I have lost - or if I will gain in back -weary about what will and will not fit and should I sell it or give it away. I have shopped in every store in the area for new cuter clothes; I am bored with them all.

    This is the one place I feel safe in letting these feelings go and I know soon I will feel better and get back to the contentment of my new much healthier life - but today; I want to eat a big meal with my friends again, want to drink Coors Light on the beach till I fall asleep in the sun.

    I am sure all of the seasoned sleevers know what I am talking about - I know those of you who have not yet reached this point may think I am being ridiculous - but we all know this excursion would be one of mixed emotions; and it truly is.

    I am going to grab a yogurt now - take a walk in my size 14 yoga pants (the size 24's are a thing of the past) and just try to sort it all out-

    Thank you for listening.

  3. For the past six months since my surgery I have wrestled with this problem - I still emotional eat, it is a lot less and with food I know my stomach can take well. I eat a little yogurt and sometimes a frozen yogurt treat (100 calories). I drink unsweetened ice tea - a couple of blueberries or rasberries.

    You won't want to eat what you ate befor - and your sleeve won't let you eat too much.

    Trust me - it will show you the way

  4. It has now been six months - I have lost 70lbs and I feel great - minimal issues - eat pretty much whatever I want - just a whole lot less.

    I look different - I think different - I move a faster - I sleep better - I laugh harder - I am a far better friend (because I am not so self consumed with my appearance) I go out more - I spend more time being happy by myself - I buy prettier clothes - I get manicure and pedicures - I carry my granddaughter around on my hip again - I swim with my grandson - I cook more - I get up each morning with less pain - I go to bed at night with a less pain - I get my picture taken with my friends rather than hide when the cameras come out - I openly flirt again - my life is full and fun.

    Yes the sleeve was the right decision for me - no regrets.

    Thank you to all who have given me so much incouragement over the past year. I hope I can inspire the new sleevers both young and old as others have done for me!

  5. At times I can have three drinks without incident (vodka cran with a splash of club) other days it upsets my stomach and I get popped pretty fast.

    I have always been a drinker - I will continue to drink - but just not as much as before. What ever I am doing works for me I am six months out and down 70lbs - again it is what you discover works for you may not work for anyone else.

    Enjoy the ride

  6. I work at a job that throws me out in the public quite often - I am seen by many in my community expecially in the summer months. I was sleeved in January and have since lost 66lbs - down a few sizes and feeling great.

    This past weekend I renewed a few friendships with some great people - I was amazed that most of them did not notice my weight loss at all.....they were just glad to see me as a person.

    I always thought my weight was the first thing people saw in me..............

    Once again - the sleeve continues to teach me so much about myself!

  7. Just hit onederland myself - for two weeks the scale would go from 199.0 to 201.0 finally it went to 194 and hopefuly it will only go down.

    My sleeve was done on January 10, 2012 and my weight was 260. I feel great but can't get even close to a size 12 still in a 16 but happy with that!

  8. Eating out has alot of challenges - I don't mind leaving food on my plate - it makes me happy to know I am no longer overeating.

    When my friends and I go out we split the bill - no matter who had what. A few weeks ago we all went to a beautiful restaurant on the Water - we offered to pay for the friend who allowed us to stay at his house so I knew the cost would be high. We ordered drinks (yes, I still drink) I ordered the the shrimp cocktail appetizer ($8.50) for my meal - we enjoyed ourselves and the beautiful view of the ocean. When the bill came we split it evenly - $100.00 each.

    My sister asked me how I felt about paying so much for what I ate - my response was this - over the years I ate and drank my fair share and more so I am fine.

    Many adjustments in my life...............all good

  9. this forum is like anything else in life - take out of it what you want to - I have learned much by reading - but also learned that this is my body and it is older and different. We all went into this surgery for different reasons - but the bottom line is we will be healthier.

    Give yourself time to heal - talk to the people in your doctors office and understand you did not get heavy in days and you won't loose all the weight in a short period of time - but you will loose the weight.

    Know your own body and mind - it will get you where you need to be.

  10. The scale read 198.2 this morning ! I am beyond belief that this finally has come to frutition - haven't weighed below 200 for twenty years.

    Down 64lbs since January. Feeling fantastic

    If I learned anything from this day it is that it will happen if you stay true to the plan and most of all yourself.

    To top it all off - it is my daughter's 30th birthday today. Happy Birthday Emily - I have given you back your mother.

  11. Congrats! I think you have the 200's in your rear view mirror at this point. That is fabulous. I am still holding on the 201 - 202 range; the weekend was probably responsible for the lack of lost - I had a few cocktails above reason - but back on the horse and working at the ultimate goal.

    keep in touch - and cross your fingers I make it into onederland soon!

  12. Golden - ok today starts the memorial day weekend as you know my goal was to be under 200 got on the scale it was 200.0 one 10th of a pound away -

    Not going to let it stop me as I leave for the beaches of Cape Cod tomorrow morning at 5:00a - with my much smaller clothing and bathing suit - and lots more self esteem.

    I will walk more and most likely indulge in more drinking - but I will be happy and thankful I made this choice.

  13. Dr. Ben is worth the wait - I did not suffer at all (other than an allergic reaction to the adheshive tape used during surger) I was back at work in two weeks. It took me six months to get all the testing done, classes taken - I never felt any pressure from them they let me go at my own pace.

    Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.

  14. I am from Connecticut as well - four months post surgery - I went to MidState Medical in Meriden - Doctor Benbarhim and his group were great - I have had no complications and have lost 59lbs as of today - one pound more to reach onederland - I feel great - have had a few rough times - but not for long. Good luck to you just keep the goal in mind and reach out if you need to. This forum is a good place to talk about what you are going through - but it is about you and how you deal with your life after surgery.

  15. You will be fine - I turned 63 three days after surgery; and am now four months out and doing fine. The recovery time may be a little longer, I was exhausted for the first two months after, but that now has subsided. I followed my Doctor's advise but also followed my own body. I did have some issues with my blood pressure dropping low - but that was quickly remedied. I was back to work in two weeks.

    Alot of what we go through is in our minds; and a 63 year old mind is definetly different than a 30 year old mind - so be prepared to find out things about yourself you did not know before (or covered up) Head hunger is just that - it did not happen often for me - my body dicated what I should do.

    I followed the pre op diet (mine was five days) the doctor told me it made the surgery much simplier for him and the healing alot quicker - you can do this, take it one step at a time So far no hair loss for me! so don't worry about something that may not even happen !

    I have lost 56lb to date - down from a size 24 to a 16 - the results are worth any struggle you may have at the beginning. I feel better than I have in years.

    Breathe in Breathe out - move on!

  16. Just spent the weekend changing over the winter clothes to the summer clothes (a new england tradition) I knew there would be some clothes that would not longer fit; but did not realize that 95% of them no longer remotely fit my new sleeved body. Rather than keep the old clothes, just in case, I have chosen to remove it all so I can't go back. I have always been considered a nice dresser and people I work with have actually asked me for my "too big" clothes - so, I have divided them amongst the people who have supported me over the past few months, put some in consignment and gave some to the homeless shelter. The experience was cleansing and rewarding. My closest is clean for the first time in years.

    When I finally got my sandals ready for the summer - I realized they were all too big as well - I have never dropped a shoe size before. So off to the shoe store I go - this sleeve is costing me some money !

    So many changes in four months - emotional roller coaster for sure.

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