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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by stacey131

  1. I am so sorry that this is happening. There could be so many causes. Excess skin does harbor fungal infections. I had trouble with my belly button of all things ... It absolutely stunk no matter what I did. Until i treated it as a fungal infection ! Ask your doc for diflucan to see if that helps. Otherwise ... Try an OTC anti fungal on any skin folds. Any spray or lotion for athletes foot or a yeast infection will do. This next one will sound strange but try eating parsley. I used to make veggie smoothies with a load of parsley. It really helps with the breath and maybe body odor. I know it is frustrating !!

  2. I had my first ever atrial fibrillation event about 8 month prior to my sleeve surgery. My cardiologist requires that I take an adult aspirin (325mg) every day for my clot/stroke risk. I chose to take 4 baby aspirin each day (4x81mg), two with Breakfast and two with dinner. My sleeve surgeon and my cardiologist duked it out about whether I would continue the aspirin after my sleeve. My cardiologist won! I still take daily aspirin without any noticeable ill effects.

    Shouldn't you be taking warfarin vs aspiring??

  3. Thank you everyone for your replies. I am not sure that I fully understand my emotions either. It could just be that I am a normal 40 year old, single woman who is frustrated with being single. To add more context...I have done a lot of what people suggested. Joined activities, began to feel more comfortable with me. I have great friends and a super close family...so my loneliness comes from a lack of intimacy. Not in the sense of physical, but real emotional intimacy. I've had it and I just miss it. I kind of want to push away family and friends because the conversation and context is not fulfilling. When I was heavier, these relationships fulfilled me completely...for a good 20 years! But now, I just want more. I want to gel with someone and it has been really hard. So many points above were dead on- Now that I look better, I want more. I always felt I had to settle because I was fat...so I just avoided relationships because I didnt want to settle. Men definitely find me desirable now...but it is a slippery slope. Lots of men out there with malevolent intentions...or at least see me as not "the one" but as someone they would like to sleep with. I avoid that at all costs and can tell the difference between someone real and not. But I can see how someone who spent a lot of time being ignored sexually wouold just explode when they enter the world of being "wanted." Anyway, there are so many schools of thought. Some people say stop looking, some people say if you're not out there no one will find you. It's a lot to endure and navigate. But I will say that physical attraction is critical to any relationship...I wish it were true that I could meet my soul mate heavier--- but I just don't think it is true. If I connected with someone first and then gained weight- yes. But most men (even good ones) won't start a relationship with a morbidly obese woman. And the same for women in many cases.

  4. 20 months post op. I was a diet coke junkie pre op...2-3 per day. Now maybe 1 can every 6 weeks. I get an urge and it goes down OK. I burp a ton and my tummy burns a little. Not the best feeling, but I sadly enjoy it as a treat. Have replaced soda with lots of coffee, iced tea and Water. It gets easier when you step away from it. Plus you realize how bad it is for you.

  5. So here I am 20 months out down from 226 to 130 lbs. Size 26 to a size 6 and I am so incredibly miserable. Mostly because I am alone. I thought after losing the weight that relationships would be easier. With the physical "barrier" out of the way, I can't blame that any longer. I have been dating actively for a solid 10 months and nothing sticks. Have met great people and some not so great. But my insecurities and flaws just seem to be amplified now.

    Having such a tough time...and not getting any younger!


  6. Thank you everyone!

    I did the best that I could. Didn't stick to Protein and veggies. Ate the occassional carb...and I still lost...just slowly! I did not exercise the first 6 months, but then I REALLY got into it! You see in the pic, I hiked to the top of a mountain!

    So, really want to encourage anyone struggling that you can still get there :) Just accept that it will take longer.

    BUT I will say, I have been trying to lose 15lbs for 6 months. I may never get to goal without vigilence.

  7. Just showing off and hopefully providing some inspiration!

    SW: 226

    Day of VSG: 202

    CW: 136

    It has been a LONG 18 months filled with self discovery, pain and triumph! I did not follow program 100% and lost at my own pace. It took me over 12 months to get close to goal (still 15lbs away!). Really wanted to provide some encouragement to anyone struggling at first or questioning this choice. Still THE BEST thing I've ever done!

  8. I confess that I use a straw frequently

    I walk to work and home every day, but don't really get the right exercise

    I eat chocolate, cookes and cake in small, small quantities a few times per week

    I drink caffeinated coffee when I need it

    I make my Water and Protein reps about 90 percent of the timed

    I made myself sick eating macaroni and cheese and Mexican food

    I am challenged everyday to make smart choices

    Crap doses go in way easier than I though ..just not as much

    This was the best thing I ever did. Down 55 lbs and loving it

  9. 6 months out you should be able to take descent sips. I am 3 months Ana can finish a snapped in 5. My trick is to plan my begs by size. Whether you work or not, decide you will do 5 12 ounce beverages. You'll finish 1 by x time, the second by y time etc... It's an old WW trick. If you fail to plan, plan to fail. Drinking was hard for mes, but the schedule helped. If I was going to the mall, I knew that I had to drink 2 12 oz drinks and I threw them in my bag...

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