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Posts posted by AlbanyDan

  1. Honestly, I think people notice long before they say anything. I think they wait until it's pretty obvious before they say anything. I think they consider it safer that way.

    I think that it varies for everybody. I was 460 before the VSG surgery December 2011. A week after surgery (and a week of only yogurt and Protein shakes) I could see the change. Over 6 months 80 came off but went down from wearing 6x to 2x. So I recommend that people check body fat content as well as the scale. Reshaping the body sounds like a cop out when the scale as stops moving but it is part of the process.

  2. Me too. I've been at 202 for WEEKS! I am still doing Water aerobics 3-4 nights a week and walking 2 miles 2-3 times a week. It is very frustrating. Thinking about going to a personal trainer...but have to figure out how to come up with the money. I still have 52 lbs to goal' date=' but mostly, I SO want to get to Onederland! Maybe by Monday... :unsure:[/quote']

    Rather than a personal trainer you could try changing your workout. I was stuck and. doing mile on treadmill. I changed to 30-40 minutes (6 miles) on bike and the scale started to move again. Sometimes muscles get used to same exercise and they aren't being stressed any more. That's all a personal trainer would do.. vary your workout

  3. I was trying to do " From the couch to 5k in 90 days"... The second week into it I planted to run and had this searing pain in my knee. I made an appt. with my doctor and she sent me straight to the Othopedic Dr. I thought for sure I had torn my minuscus in my knee. They did an MRI and it came back that I have OsteoArthritis throughout my body. The Dr. Looked at me and said that " if I didn't lose weight' date=' my knee would have to be replaced within a year, then a year after that the other would have to be replaced, from babying the replaced one. He said for every lb. I lost it would take 5 lbs. of pressure off of my knees." I came home and cried, but I realized that " I had to do something drastic!" So I started searching, and found out about wls in Mexico. I set my appt. and the rest is history! I do not regret it one minute...I only wish I would've done it sooner.[/quote']

    I had torn ACL, MCL and meniscus November 1972. Back then they didn't know that MCl might heal but not ACL. So surgery was June 1973. The way they did surgery back arthritis was guaranteed. Had left knee replacement November 2002. Weight loss has helped but know right knee cartilage is thin. Where do you go for followup when the surgery is done in Mexico?

  4. I too have noticed I can hold more' date=' and I cant seem to keep my calories at 800 like they want me to. I'm eating around 1000-1100 mostly now. My weight loss has really slowed, too. Not exactly stalled, but more like a pound a week. It's going to take another year to get to goal at this rate. However, I've resigned myself to that, and this is a way of eating and a life style I can maintain forever. I'm very happy with it.[/quote']

    I was in the same boat. The majority of the weight loss comes from being on the post surgery liquid diet. When my appetite returned and solid food was no longer painful that's when the real work began. I never wanted to see yogurt or a Protein shake again. :) I soon added yogurt and shake for at least one meal a day. You need to get your 80gs of Protein a day that will also curb the appetite for more calories. If possible join a club. I can no longer do the treadmill because of knee injury but 30-45 minutes on bike 3-4 times a week helps you maintain and gets u away from the Fridge and temptation.

  5. It's so wonderful to see all of the accomplishments everyone has experienced! I love that everyone is continuing to post. Especially since we'll all be coming up on our one year surgiversary soon. I propose that we all post before & after pics all through December on our one year date. Is anyone interested?

    I never took a before picture before I started the program November 2009. The group meetings used to encourage members to talk about at least one 'none scale' related ite to Celebrate from the previous week. The idea is not replace a food obsession with a scale watching one. If I had to do it again I would have done a body fat measurement. I went from 60 waist to 56 when the scale moves just about 100 lbs.

  6. Yup' date=' I cut my hair too. I always had hair fall due to hypothyroidism but at month 4 it was pretty significant so I took the plunge. I really didn't want big gobs of hair everywhere.


    Hair is Protein. Try the protein hair treatments that would be used after chemical processing. Like 3 whipped eggs with teaspoon Lemon juice or the over the counter stuff. Add more Liquid Protein to the diet. Use a Protein Shake for some of the between meal liquids.< /p>

  7. My hair fell out for a while stopped then started falling out again. I don't like short hair so im not gonna cut it . Hope it stops. I have noticed when I consistently eat 60 or more grams of Protein a day it slows down allot. When I don't it starts to fall out like crazy! I would give up 108 pounds any day for the Hair loss :)

    I was already bald-ing before the surgery. Check with the nutritionist of your program. I was told to consume 80 grams protein per day. If you don't your body may break down muscle instead of fat for energy. There are whey powders that have 20grams per scoop. So 2 two scoop shakes per day will get you 80 grams. I also add a scoop to Greek yogurt (which has about 16 g of protein). Watch out for the pre mixed stuff that can have added carbs.

  8. Take new pictures of your self' date=' and stand infront of a mirror daily and look at your new body! I had the same issue but these two things have helped me allot to see the new me. Also when your out grab a pair of pants or shirt your old size of the rack and look at them then at your self in the mirror its amazing[/quote']

    It may be a Guy thing but I put on pants that I couldn't close before December 2011 surgery. Now I wear them with belt that I had to put two new holes in and can slip off the pants without opening them. Give yourself a break. You've come a long way. The weight didn't go up over a few weeks but we get anxious when it stops going down daily or weekly. I add different exercise to get scale moving again. I reduced treadmill from mile to. 5 and started on recumbent bike for 30 minutes. It's also easier on the knees.

  9. I flew yesterday for the first time since surgery. So nice to not worry about sharing a seat with a stranger and having my thighs infringe on their space.

    Next time I need to remember to bring Snacks. I meant to bring some cheese sticks but forgot. There is not much healthy available in an airport.

    This week will be a challenge visiting people that aren't used to my eating habits. My mom made a casserole for dinner. She said "well you said you eat chicken". She forgot that I also said I DON'T eat Pasta. Oh well. I can always pick out the chicken to eat and offered to cook the next meal.

    My diet allows 1/4 cup pasta but of all the 'real' foods I am allowed, pasta is the hardest to digest so I avoid it. I miss chicken noodle Soup.< /p>

  10. I'm 3 months post and my CPAP also starting blowing my mouth open and making my mouth very dry. I talked to my MD and he said that was very common sign of too high pressure. He reduced my pressure from 14 to 10 and it is much better. I hope that I will eventually get off the CPAP' date=' but will have to wait to see.[/quote']

    I am also at 14. My last download they thought that there was leakage. Turns out I pulling the mask off a few minutes a night. I was getting these 5-10 minute sneezing spells. Started taking antihistamine along with flonase. Can't take decongestant because of high BP. Right now scared to stop CPAP because BP spikes without it. Maybe next annual followup with Sleepcenter January 2014.

  11. I agree. I remember too well the days of fighting sleep all day and waking up through the night. I used to think it was stress related. Even tried the Ginkgo Biloba everybody was taking for alertness.. then you even think that maybe its some kind of dementia. All that just to find out that it was just the affect of long term sleep deprevation.
    Are you able to get off the CPAP yet?

  12. Youll get going again. Ill be watching for feedback on resetting too. Theres something out there called five day pouch test which may work.

    Don't get discouraged. I 460 when I started November 2009. Surgery was December 2011. I was down to 365 January 2013. The scale stopped moving for a few months but waist down to 54 from 60 and down to wearing 3x from 6x. I know that you don't want to hear that you are 'reshaping your body' but there is some validity to it. If possible try to get a body fat measurement and stop measuring success only with the scale. That said. I go to gym 3-4 times a week and go back to post surgery diet of only Protein Shake and yogurt one day a week. It prevents u stretching your stomach

  13. So I'm almost done with my 6month weight watch requirement. I only have two more visits left and then I will be able to be scheduled for surgery. I was just wondering if anyone who had to do the 6months had a problem with having gained weight and being approved? I've gained 7 pounds in 4 months and I'm afraid my insurance is going to deny me if I don't lose the gained weight or gain even more. My BMI is 41 and I was told by my nutritionist that I should watch losing too much weight so my BMI doesn't dip too low. But what if I do t stop gaining? I'm eating right. It's just Portion Control that I'm having trouble with. But the surgery is going to basically control that. So yeah lol

    I was 459 November 2011. That meant my: pre-surgery goal of 10% was 46 pounds. The 10% weight loss is not an insurance mandate. The requirement is usually coming from those running the weight loss program as a way of you demonstrating that you understand that the surgery is just part of the process and behavior modification is also required. I was about 5 lbs short of my 10% goal before my December 2011 surgery. I couldn't do more than walking with herniated discs and 2002 knee replacement. I think if they see the effort put in you will be okay.

  14. I went on the machine in 2009. I was in bad shape. I had not really slept for months. I slept sitting up in the bath tub. And of course' date=' I also fell asleep during the day anywhere I sat still for a few minutes. I had headaches every day. I snored loud enough to wake the dead. My poor husband did not sleep either. I went for a sleep study and the doctor told me that I stopped breathing every 15 seconds. My machine saved my sanity, if not my life. 8 days after surgery, my machine started waking me up. It was blowing air with so much force, my throat was dry. I was not breathing through my mouth. I reset the machine several nights in a row with the same result. I finally had my husband watch me sleep without it. I did not jerk myself awake and did not wake up to headaches. No problems with fatigue or any other symptoms. So I am off the machine for about 5 weeks now.[/quote']

    Congratulations but I would still have your doctor involved rather than just quiting the CPAP cold Turkey on your on. I understand that obstructive sleep Apnea is different than what I have, but be safe. In my case it was the leg kicking, and sitting up that kept my disturbing my wife's sleep. I would find myself sitting on the edge of the bed feet on the floor every 45 minutes. When I did the sleep study they said I stopped breathing every 20 minutes. I was 412 when I got the Cpap in 2002 just before knee replacement surgery. I was 460 by 2009. Done to 360 so only 50 down since the 2002 sleep study. I hope I am to get off the machine but an added benefit has been lowering blood pressure without

    medication. I was on Norvasc and was able to stop and still see BP reduction since I started the CPAP.

  15. Dan' date=' I just had surgery 12 days ago, and am also hoping to get off the CPAP machine. I'll be watching this thread to see if anyone responds. I definitely would not just go stop using it without having another sleep study to make sure it would be safe. Talk to your doctor.[/quote']I agree. I remember too well the days of fighting sleep all day and waking up through the night. I used to think it was stress related. Even tried the Ginkgo Biloba everybody was taking for alertness.. then you even think that maybe its some kind of dementia. All that just to find out that it was just the affect of long term sleep deprevation.

  16. I have given mine up for about a year. I don't have the insurance or bucks to get a sleep study but I believe I am through with it. I am doing well with my exercise program and I am stronger than I have been for a long time. I do take an afternoon nap but I am 64' date=' we do that. :mellow:[/quote']

    I think you want to have your oxygen level monitored. Low oxygen may cause the daytime drowsiness. In my case it's not obstructed apnea it's what I feel is bad wiring. I stop breathing. In response your body spikes your blood pressure like trying to jump start you and say 'wake up and breath dummy'. You don't get ill from the apnea but the low oxygen level and the nightly spiking of your blood pressure puts a strain on your heart. That's why untreated apnea can result in heart attacks.

  17. Next fall I'm due for a new CPap. I'm looking into getting an automatic pressure adjusting CPap....

    Does that mean changes the setting while in use. BTW my setting is 14 not 7. Now my readings indicate a 'leakage' . They don't know if it's because the weight means the pressure needs to be lowered or I have started breathing through my mouth during the night. I hope it doesn't mean another overnight sleep study

  18. I am impressed that it took about six months for you to get your appetite back. i've had mine since about 1 month post-op. It doesn't mean that I could eat just anything' date=' but it means that I would have cravings. That definitely complicates things. Since you are a year plus post op, how close are you to your goal now? Have you made it to a happy place weight-wise? I do realize that for some of us (probably me included), it will take more than a year to get off the weight I want.[/quote'] My weight at the start of the program was 460. My last weigh in January was 361. My goal is 250 which would be 20 lbs above HS in 1973. The scale moves slow but down from 60W to 54w and 6x to 3x. I got my appetite before 6 months but my program encourages you to stay on the liquid diet longer than most others.

  19. Dan' date=' I just had surgery 12 days ago, and am also hoping to get off the CPAP machine. I'll be watching this thread to see if anyone responds. I definitely would not just go stop using it without having another sleep study to make sure it would be safe. Talk to your doctor.[/quote']

    I don't snore without my CPAP. I am one of those that stops breathing without. So I would wake up choking and with headaches and drowsiness from the low oxygen level. Blood pressure was once /100. My setting is 7. Doctor says as long as I sleep through the night will ni change anything. After awhile longer I may do a home test PRE-CPAP I was stopping breathing about every 20 minutes. I would wake up choking or sitting on edge of bed feet on floor not knowing how I got there.

  20. I don't think that we (sleevers) have the issue of Water or other beverages causing food to "slide through". We still have our pyloric valve that holds items in our smaller stomach - compared to someone who has had gastric bypass and they have a man-made hole at the end of their stomach leading to their re-routed intestines. (Scary thought' date=' isn't that?!!) Although I do have to agree that drinking will fill me up if I do this while eating. I do still take little sips if I absolutely need to. Now that I'm a little over 5 months into this, it's mostly a habit to not order a beverage at a restaurant. (Mostly, sometimes I really AM thirsty so I get a large glass FULL of ice with a little Water added.) ;)[/quote']

    Agreed though I did find out the hard way that only sips are allowed. The hardest part is watching the clock to remember no fluids half hour before or after a meal.

  21. When I lived in HI' date=' I had a neighbor who weighed approximately 280 pounds, judging by her appearance. I had not seen her in maybe 4/5 months, but when I did....boy did she look good! She had shredded her fat cocoon and was now rocking a much smaller body..probably size 12/14. Now me, being the lifetime dieter that I am, just had to know what diet she was on that caused her to lose so much weight so fast. Now I was pretty ignorant when it came to the wls, so this was not the first thing that had come to mind. So after complimenting her weight loss and engaging in some petty conversation, I asked her what did she do to get her weight off. Her response....wait for it....wait for it...wait for it...her response was Water AEROBICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blink: What the heck? Was all I was thinking after she responded with that. Did she really believe that I would believe what she had just told me?

    Why lie about having weight loss surgery, especially to someone that is going through the same struggle that you once went through? We should not be ashamed to announce to those who want to attain a better health the tools that we have used to achieve that.

    Have any of you lied to someone about having surgery, if so, why? I understand that it is your personal decision to share whatever information with whomever you wish.[/quote']

    I never lied to anyone who asked a direct question, but what bothered me are those speculate among themselves and then designate someone to ask. I was 460 November 2009. I worked to lose 30 pounds pre-surgery though the goal was 46. After surgery I joined gym. With diet and exercize am down to 360. What bothers me is most who insist on knowing whether you had the surgery often want to be able to dismiss the work that you put in and talk like the surgery was magic and u just got cut and lost the weight. For that reason I don't tell everyone. But.

  22. I'm 4 days into my pre op diet (600-800 calories per day) and I've had a headache for 3 days and have been feeling lightheaded for 2 days. Is this normal? I'm making sure to drink plenty of Water so I don't get dehydrated but I feel like I'm about to pass out sometimes. Maybe I'm just hungry and want a nice juicy burger! Just kidding...or am I?!! ;) Thank you for your help!!

    My surgery was December 7, 2012. I am still going through my post open appointments and haven't seen the surgeon post surgery yet. I didn't do the shakes pre surgery. I would say have another Protein shake before solid food. Your trying to get to the point where the body starts burning the fat for energy. Try a short walk after a meal. The light headedness may be from giving up coffee, sugared soda if it continues you need to tell your doctor.

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