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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SaggiJ

  1. What a valuable thread. So many questions, so many good advise from older bandster too. I just wish there is a doctor looking in on this site and give us all some good valuable advise. I am one of those 'naughty ones' who is testing my band to the limit. Im banded at nearly max of my 7cc (or is it ml) band. I pb nearly every week, at least 3x a week. This is bcos it happens when I gets too hungry and ended up eating too fast, or when Im eating and working and not concentrating, thus not chewing my food properly, or even when I get greedy and try to eat one or two more spoon even after I have all the signal saying 'NO MORE!!!'. So the food ended up stuck like golf ball in the chest, and I ended up pb-ing and many times, I hv to put my finger in my throat to force the food out. Some days I think, god, Im acting like someone suffering from bulimia!! I know what i have to do, and I also know if i dont start slowing down and obeying my band signals, Im going to be in BIG trouble. Thanks for being the very wise one in this site MARY.
  2. SaggiJ

    Why Aren't You Losing Weight?

    Hi there, Reading what u wrote, sounds exactly as if it was me who wrote them.!! I am also 7mths banded and hv gone up and down the past 3 months. Luckily (or unluckily) I only hv 2stones to go down to my desire weight i.e size 14. I've lose near 2stones already and back to a size 16. Im eating too much sweet desert cos Im bored. Im going to go down to the health shop and buy some Chromium tablets 2moro. Which brand are u taking???
  3. SaggiJ


    OH YES, BANDSTER HELL. I remember that so well. Except that at that time no one explaint that to me. I didnt even know there is this support website until 3months donw the line. I was banded in Sept 06. Lose 1 stone within 1 1/2 week, and put back all of the 1 stone by end of the 1st month. I was pulling my hair by then. It took 5 fills before 1 lose the 1st stone and went down another stone.
  4. Thats right Daffodils. I too have no restriction until my final 5th fill. Now Im banded to the max, and cant eat as freely and I would like. You will know u r full cos yr band will educate u, and no matter how much you want to chew the last piece, no matter how tempting the food is, if u ignore the signal, you will soon be throwing it all up (sorry I know too much info, but sometimes thats the best way!)
  5. SaggiJ

    Information on Thyroid

    Hi there, Can I assume that u all are from US? Im from UK. I started with an overactive thryoid (Hyperthyroidism). After suffering for over 4yrs, and no of carbomizole can help, doc put me through radioactive threatment which after 1 month, I went straight and became underactive (Hypothyroidism) When I was overactive, I can eat anything I like and not put on any weight. Once I went underactive, within 3 years, I put on nearly 3stones. In that 3 years, I kept going back to my consultant and GP and beg them to do something cos of my weight gain but they would not increase my thyroid tablets and kept confirming all the tests are show that they hv given me the correct dose of thyroixine. In the end, after weight watchers, gym, all kinds of diet, I gave up and went for the lap band operation. I had my lapband op last Sept, and my weights has gone down to 12 1/2stones now, I have 1 1/2 - 2stones to go before it goes back to my previous weight when I was overactive. U can also find all the info on thyroid on this very good book by Mary Solomon (I think thats the author) She wrote a book on how to control your weight when u have a thyroid problem. Very good info book, even though it didnt help me to lose any weight. So, for all those with underactive thyroid, and have had the lapband operation done, did you all managed to lose a big percentage of weight???
  6. SaggiJ

    LONDON UK, Fill Doctors?

    Hi heresdeb, I had my op in Belgium and my fill radiologist is in London too, and it cost me £100 at each time. I know, plus the train travelling, and having to take time off work, its a real pain not having anyone nearer the south. I hv to travel on the train either fm Basingstoke or Hook, Hampshire. Thank God, I have had my last fill and wont be needing any for a long while now unless something goes wrong with my band.
  7. Well done Louise, U r getting the hang on it. U also know when the next bite is going to make u rush to the loo. As I mentioned earlier in another thread, Im one of those bad girls where my brain still finds it hard to accept that I cant eat as much as I would like. For eg, I ordered a venison meal yday evening at a restaurant. The mash went down beautifully, but after 1/5 pc of the venison meat, I knew its not going to go in, but I tried it on, and well........u can guess what happened it the end. Do u know what size band they fixed on u?? Mine's a 7ml band. My band is filled up to 6.8ml too, so I do find it hard to eat. My other bandster mate who had the op same time, and same doc and share same room with me had hers filled up to 5.5ml. Perhaps bcos she weights more than me, but at 5.5ml she have lost nearly 4stones, whereas I've only lost 2stones. She is having a better quality life than me, cos her band is not as tight as mine. She's asked me to go back to the doc and have 1/2ml taken out, but at the mo, cos my weight is plateuing, Im not going to do that. I think its a catch 22 situation cos I cant eat, I end up comfort eating by having sweet deserts. So perhaps I will try 1 more time and see if I can control my sweet tooth and compansate with something not so high in calories. So having the band fitted is only the 1st step, the rest is behavioural changes and Im struggling with this. How about the rest of you bandster? Anyone in the same boat as me??? Any advise???
  8. SaggiJ

    Adjustment providers in uk.

    I have mine done by a radiologist - Toni in London. She charges £100 each time - no xray. She's quite busy too so needs to book ahead of time. She only runs her clinic in London on Tuesday.
  9. SaggiJ

    How many from the UK

    Dear Louise, Hi Ive just read your mail. Congrats on being banded last Feb. U mentioned there's not much restristion after yr 1st fill. Dont worry thats how it always is. Hv u hv ur 2nd fill yet? How much hv u lose 2date?? How many fills will be included in yr pyt? I had mine done privately too cos my BMI was on the borderline, and NHS wud not even consider me. Neither was I willing to wait for my weight to climb any higher. I put on 3stones after I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid and none of the doc bother re my increase weight even though I keep going to see my doc and the consultant. After all my tried diets, I decided to do the drastic and have the lap band done. I had it done last Sept. Ive gone down between 1 1/2 stone - 2stone, (the 1/2 stone keeps going up and down, depending how good or bad I am) I have another stone to go, and if I want to pursue it, another 1 stone on top of the 3stones I put on would bring me down to 10stones. Its early days yet, and Im not as discipline as I should be. Somedays I get abit frustrated that I cant eat cos Im banded near maximum now, so most of the things I eat will come straight out if I dont chew very very very slowly. Thus I comfort myself by eating sweet desert. I know Im bad, but I guess I hv to learn not to fight my band, but work with it. Only time will tell. But its sure nice to be back in size 14-16 these days.
  10. SaggiJ

    uK support groups.

    Hi Mrs D, How are u doing since your band removal??? Have you successfully maintain your 14stone 8pounds weight since yr band removal?? Are u going to have yr band put back once your mrsa is clear?? Do you have to pay for it or is the NHS doing it free for you???
  11. Ok, this is my 2nd input. (and I agreed with pattyo, Anon, you are nearly a saint, you too Suzanne. Makes me feel bad re my own food intake) Anyway, here goes. BF: Muller Light Yogurt Snk 1: Banana Lunch: lunch meeting, so ordered 1 toasted panini bread with cheese and chicken and 1 bottle of J2O mango Snk 2: Weight Watcher Choc mouse Dinner: Few roast chicken pieces with 2 scoope of mash potato in gravy Snk 3: Asda Creme Bulea (I know Im addited to this and its such high calories) Taken 3 1/2 plastic cup of Water Exercise: Physical - zero. Mental - aplenty!!!!
  12. SaggiJ

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    Hei Sara. Congrats! U r one of us now. And now there's only way your weight will go is down......down.....and further down....... Now doesnt that sounds good! Give it a week and you should start feeling better. Remember, u just had a major surgery, all the equipments poking around inside you. sleep is one way our body cope with our any major changes in our body. So sleep and relax away.
  13. Hi Suzanne & Yvonne, I've been extremely extremely bad too. The doc put me on 100mcg, but since last month, I've up myself to 200mcg cos Im constantly tired and cold and no amount of pleading with my doc wud she increase my dose. So I up it myself. Not telling her though. I think when the sun starts coming out again, I will go back to 100mcg but I need my energy cos having an underactive thyroid can make me feel so tired. Im only early 40 but these days after coming home from work, I sat in front of tv and doze straight off like an old lady, and waking up 1 hr later, thus making it impossible for me to sleep at night. Anyway, I hear u re NO CHOCs but its difficult cos its EASTER!!!! But truly speaking, I dont usually go for choc comfort eat, but since i came home from my hols, Im getting fed up with my soup, lasagnea and cottage pie. So what did I do? I went and had thai curry rice for lunch and nandos chick for dinner today and both time end up puking it all out and suffering!!!! Did I learn from my mistake #? No. I get so angry and bought myself a scoope of ice cream, telling myself Im calming my burning throat!!!! No, definately not been a good day for me today. I want to blame it on my montly PMT!!! But I hv promise myself that I will be good tomorrow. Finger cross. Oh, my colleague got me a leaflet from our local sports center for engaging a PT. So I might go down the same route as you. Have to tone up those muscles. At least I found some now, which is something.
  14. SaggiJ

    UK Local Lap-Band Support

    Hi Sara, Good luck for the operationa and I think I said this before, I live 35mins away from Winchester and if you need someone to come and see you, let me know and I'll pop over. U r lucky to have it done in UK. I had mine in Belgium and I went there all on my own. Prior to my band op, I also had an operation on my foot a week before my operation so I in bandage and crutches and in alot of pain from my foot operation limping all the way on Eurostar to Belgium carring my 1small suitcase. I was in tears on the way back cos of pain from my foot rather than from my stomach incision. So u see that it is really not that bad. But I had a lovely bandster mate in the same room as me and we have supported each other from that day we both had the op right up till now, and we still meet up every few weeks. Support from bandster or any good friends who understand is very very important. The Band itself cant do the work. I should know. They are time like today when I still think of food 24-7 cos I've come on and I will try to put the food in to my mouth. All I end up doing is suffers in the end. It will be a slow process of 2years but we will all get there. Im lucky cos I didnt really have loads to lose. But because of my thyroid, I put on 3stone in 3 yrs and no exercise or diet could shift my excess weight. I hv lost nearly 2stones already in a short period of 7months, so have another 1 stone to combat when I will go down to 11stone. If I want to pursue it, I could go down to 10stone or less, but for me its not about being slim, rather its about being healthy and having a better quality life. U will get there. My friend who was operated the same as me was 2stone heavier than me, and she has lost nearly 3stone, The heavier you are, the faster your weight will go down. The 1st week, I can guarantee you from experience, you will lose 1stone straightaway. Yes, it can happen to you too. We are all alongside you. If you need any advise, we will all chip in with our own experience. So a very Good luck to your upcoming operation. (No easter egg for you though, sorry!!)
  15. What a good idea anon tracking what we eat. Well today Ive been very very very bad. This is not my usual trend but as I've come on, I usually feel I want to eat everything on sight. This happen each time of the month for me. But here goes 29/3/07. BF - 1/4 glass of Water with thyroid medicine. 20mins later, 1 pcs of crustless toast with light marjarin (bread got stuck so had a hard time but managed not to puke it out) Morning Snk - 1 sainsbury good to yourself yogurt & water lunch - Had a meeting in a thai restaurant today, so ordered orange juice and rice with thai curry chicken. After 1/4way through eating, excused myself to the ladies, and stick my fingers and threw up as food got stuck cos I was talking and eating at the same time rather than concentrating what I was eating (Been warned by my doc on this) Went back to table and continue eating again but this time, soak my rice full of the thai curry juice and eat extremely slowly and managed it all down. Afternoon Snk: Weightwatcher choc mouse and water dinner : After work, met up with friend to the cinema, with only 15mins to spare b4 movie start, pop in to Nandos for dinner. Order 1 qtr pc chicken and 1 bowl rice. Once again cos i tried to hurried my dinner, ended up excusing myself to the loo and do 'u know what'. Came out, had a sip of diet coke, make me feel worst, and rush back in the toilet again. Gave up eating. Evening Snk: At cinema, to console myself for not able to eat my dinner, bought myself a scoope of ice cream and some roasted cashew nuts. So you see its a bad bad day. And I dont drink enough water either.
  16. SaggiJ

    Plastic Surgery UK

    Hi sugarplum, Dont mean to be rude but I saw yr before and after photo (in which u look gorgeous by the way), did you have anything done to yr boobs too? Cos its much smaller now. Or would you be thinking of having anything done to it? Im asking cos unfortunately with weight lose, my boobs the 1st to shrink and point south, and Im thinking in a years time once my weight goes down to my 'desire' weight, I am thinking not only of TT but also a boobs lift whatever it is call.
  17. Hi LSuzanne, No, cant find anyone to bribe. The problem is some of my 'overweight' friends are too shy to go (just like me) and my skinny friend, cant find the time as they are having too good a time themselves I suppose. Also as I work full time, I hardly find the energy myself, so when my son didnt want to go anymore, it was a good excuse for me to drop out as well. I have not been good since coming back. Since coming back from my hols, Ive been dipping in the 'no zone' chocolate and desert area. Really naughty of me, so I have not lose any weight. As least I hv not put any on. Previously before the banding, every bar of chocs I eat means my weight shoot right up. U mentioned u went to see you doc again re yr thyroid. Did he up yr thyroidxine?? Yr personal trainer seems truly professsional. Perhaps thats what I need too. Dr M did say that the banding will not work on its own, and I will need to get some exercise. Looks like u r going the right way. Well done to you. Im going to a Thai Restaurant for a part time cash in hand job interview 2moro. If Im thinking of a TT and Boobs job in future due to the weight lost, I will hv to start saving up as my day job would hardly been enough. Alas, working in a restaurant also means facing food every evening. Mmmm I got to have lots of self-control I suppose.
  18. SaggiJ

    Plastic Surgery UK

    Oh sugarplum I hope u wont be infected with the terrible MRSA when u hv yr TT done. What is wrong with UK hospital. Recently a mate I knew had breast reconstruction and tummy tuck, and contracted mrsa too. When I had my lapband op done in Belgium, I hv never see a hospital so clean. I think Liberty Suzanne can vouched for me on that. The hospital in Chimay was so spotless I was totally amazed. Nothing like our UK hosp. But Im keeping my finger cross for you.
  19. SaggiJ

    I'm back and I'm banded!!!

    Wel done and welcome back. Now you just have to wait for the weights to start falling off you. Good luck. Keep us posted re your recovery.
  20. Hi Liberty Suzanne, Im back from Dom Rep. Had food poisonning out there and ended up in hosp for 3days 2nites. And put on 10pounds when they put 5big pack of saline drip in me. Glad to say I lose the 10pounds the 1st week I returned back to UK. Nevetheless, it was a good holiday, nice hot sunshine and beautiful beach. I see u r going with a personal trainer now. Well done. Im too lazy since I come back from Dom Rep and have not done any exerciser. So have not lose any weight either. How is yr last thyroid test? Did yr doc increase yr tablets?? I've given up salsa too cos my 17yr old son who was my partner decided he doesnt want to tag along anymore, and I did not have anyone to go with me. So dropping out was an easy option. Have you lose any more weight? Let me know. Regards SaggiJ
  21. SaggiJ

    Plastic Surgery UK

    Hi Sugarplum, Sorry for the late reply. Just came back from Dom Rep holiday and just saw your picture. OMG you look Fantastic !!! Well done infact. Good luck to your upcoming TT (or A) R u having it done here in UK or oversea? How much will it cost? With weight lost, my boobs gone south too. and I know in a year or 2 I too will need to think of having that done and my lower tummy, no amount of exercise will flatten it, so I might hv to consider having that done too in the near future. I put on 10lbs in Dom Rep, but have lose it all by today (Thank God) Its the alcohol and sweets desert. Very hard when going on All Inclusive. Hopefully my weight will start going down again now Im back. SaggiJ
  22. SaggiJ

    uk members

    And Im from the Hampshire. By the way, anyone know what hap to LibertySuzanne?? She seems to have dissapeared from this Talkforum. Hi Suzanne, if you are reading, just hoping that u r ok. And to all new bandster who just had their op - Well done and Good luck to the next few weeks. U will be fine, just be careful as you just had an op. For those who's still on their pre-op diet, you'll get there, dont wory. Im signing off as Im going on a holiday so will check this forum when I return in 2 wks time. Take care everyone
  23. SaggiJ

    Plastic Surgery UK

    Hi Sugarplum, U hv lose 7 stones, that is 98pounds. For each pound, you have to cut down or burnt around 3500calories. You really have done very well, and all in under 2 years. Well Done and Good luck on yr upcoming part TT. Do you have a before and after picture we can see.
  24. SaggiJ

    uk wls support.

    Hi as you can see the nearist one to you I think I no its quite a way but at the moment there dont seem to be a nearer one. Sorry my georaphy at the moment is a bit stale, due to mrsa, Is Oxford near you as they were talking about starting one there. Thanks for the interst re Mrsa. I got it 14mths ago when i first had my band put in. I was self funding. Had it put in at the local Nuffield hosp. Got mrsa within days in the port wound. Port came out compleatly hanging between me boobs!:embarassed: Anyway, they managed to clear up mrsa after port removed in second op. Then had new port put in (I had to pay for it) 24hrs after Mrsa again. Now about to loose band unless I can clear mrsa but nothing so far has worked. Mrs D Hi Mrs D, London and Oxford is stil quite a way from me. Reading and Winchester would be nearer if there is any around. Doesnt matter, Im doing ok with this lapband forum. Im truly sorry to hear re what have to and are still going through. I think the right thing to do now is to get your MRSA clear, as it can be life threatenning. As u hv done so well losing nearly 9st, hopefully yr eating behaviour would have changed the last 18months, and you wont put on too much after they take the port out to clear yr MRSA. Once its done, if you consider going for another lap band, do try Elysea in Belgium. Its around £4k and the hospital is really really clean. Good luck to you.
  25. SaggiJ

    band removal

    Hi Mrs D, I dont know much re MRSA and am glad Bubble is giving quite a good feeback to you re medication. But at the end of the day, I agreed with Bubble that MRSA is dangerous and yr health comes first. U hv lose alot of weight, and u wud hv learn to eat healthily for all the time yr band is in. So even if they remove the band for a a duration of 6mths to 1yr, Im sure u can sustain yr current weight. Good luck to you. (P/S: DId u had yr band fitted previously in UK or oversea??? Its much cheaper in Belgium)

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