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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by raven8888

  1. Thank you for this. I do have a question that I am sure a lot of people ask. How do you get the ticker on your profile and posts? I'm not all that saavy at the computer stuff.
  2. raven8888

    Sleeved On 4/24

    So happy for you!! Good work! I will be on the bench soon, 15 more days! Keep it up and keep us all posted.
  3. raven8888

    This Will Happen To You!

    Thanks so much for sharing! I can't wait!
  4. What brands of SF syrups are the best and where can I get them?
  5. raven8888

    The Anxiety Is Killing Me! Anybody Else?

    May 14th here!! I am feeling the same way! I have 4 children. I also have worked since 16 years old and I am a most of the time stay at home mom for my last little girl right now. Just work part time. I can't wait to have more energy to keep up with her and less pain! woohooo!!! yay for us!!!!!!!! Only 18/19 more days for us!!!
  6. I get moments too that I just start to get scared about the what ifs. But like everyone is saying here, if I stay on the course I'm on now, it garanteed I will have poor health and poor quality of life. I know deep down I'm taking control of my health and ultimately I will live longer because of it. You know what is right for you, if you are ready keep moving forward. If you need more time to decide or not 100% sure, then take a little more time to figure out what is right for you. Just being here, asking for support is a step in the right direction regardless of your choice. I wish you all the best.
  7. raven8888

    Vsg Fall Back

    I think it is also important to stay connected with a support group like you are doing now. Have you ever considered going to OA groups. Every community holds meetings weekly. I know a lot of people deal with the addictions to food and it's a very hard thing to break. It sounds like you would benefit from a program like this.
  8. I agree, sound just like it. Suggest this to your doctor, it's caused by a virus.
  9. raven8888


    Inflammation can also be the cause of a low grade fever. Obviously after a surgical procedure there will be the body's natural response to tissue damage. This also promotes the healing process and the rebuilding of new tissue. Without going into all the complex boring details, it causes some systemic manifestations as well as localized (at incision sites and internally) via blood stream. Hence, your body temp will raise in response to the increase in white blood cells to the area. If an infection follows than the white blood counts will continue to rise and so does the temp, which is why you don't want it to get too high because it is no longer a healthy healing process. Fluid in lungs can be a campground for bacteria, so same idea, your body's autoimmune response will be the same. The better and stronger your immune system is going into surgery and adequate consumption of protien you will be less likely to have an infection and heal quickly with no complications.
  10. raven8888

    Lifting Question.

    My doctor told me no restrictions. I have a 20 pound 16 month old and I work in a zoo, lifting, shoveling, sweeping, etc . He just said I will probably want to take a couple weeks off just because I will lack energy and stamina and be quite sore. But he said if I do lift I won't harm anything. It may just depend on each person or each doctor. If you are not having laproscopid I know there is restrictions with open incision surgery. I would just follow dice orders regardless. He is the one making the professional assessment on your health and recovery, he would know what is best for each individual.
  11. raven8888


    "We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain and renunciation. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think that yours is the only path. " -Paulo Coelho Enough said!
  12. raven8888


    Having a slight fever after surgery is actually common. They will probably just continue to monitor your vital signs and make sure the fever is not going too high or any other signs of infection. I hope things improve and keep us posted. Sending good vibes your way.
  13. I wonder if you should repost in post-op section as well to see what advice the pros can give you. My doctor said I really didn't have any restrictions as far as lifting, mobility, work, etc however he said I may be lacking energy and stamina at first and may want to take time off for that reason. He's going to leave it up to me. Good luck.
  14. raven8888


    So sorry you are running into so many hurdles. You are so close, just hang in there. I will be wishing you the best of luck and sending prayers your way for smooth sailing from here on out.
  15. Wow, wasn't that a crappy thing to relate to our topic. I think the two are unrelated and anyone who reads my blog would know I'm far from negative nelly. But when it comes to my "privacy" I take that very seriously. My children, husband, mother, best friends, and sister are all that deserve to know. And I also feel that if someone wants to keep this journey private or "secret" that there are many different circumstances and dynamics people are faced with and unless you understand the entire picture and not assume one size fits all. I feel it is inappropriate to use such a scare tactic to have others be and see as you do and what you feel we all should be. I know for a fact I'm not going to be struck down by lightening or rather an icu because I didn't want to include my selfish, mean spirited, negative cousins or my a hole brother in my journey to save my life. Including more toxic people into my freedom is insane. Isn't the deep seeded point in this thread about nosey people, how others perceive or react to our decisions. Just because im private doesn't mean I'm not proud. One should feel safe to express thief real life concerns including not so ideal situations and not so ideal coworkers or not so ideal family members without feeling judged in the only place we should be understood.
  16. I forgot to mention my wonderful husband my biggest supporter and friend. He loves me no matter what I choose.
  17. This has been hard for me too. I am not telling all of my family. My mother and my sister know. My entire family is obese. I see all of them on this lifelong yoyo diet. Losing . Gaining, losing, gaining more. My brother land himself in er with throughthe roof high blood pressure and heart problems, my dad diabetic with lung disease and on o2. He doesn't have a lot of time left. However, I know my family very well and they all like to talk behind each others back. I already know they will dissaprove and criticize me for taking the "easy" way out. Well, I have doing it the hard way for 20 years and I can barely walk every morning, my blood pressure averages 180/120 when miss a pill, I can tell I'm only a few years from being diabetic, I have ovarian cysts, and problems with my periods. I have 4 children ranging in ages 16 months to 20 years old. I don't want to die in my 60's like my dad is doing. I only told my mother because I knew she wouldn't say anything and as my mom she needs to know, but just today she said... You will probably feel so much better after you lose the weight, but I think you can do it on your own without this surgery, but you are already going through with it anyway. So it was a half supportive half unsupportive comment. Made me wonder if I should have just kept it to myself. It's har because this is the reaction from my obese family members, it would be 10 times worse if they all knew. My sister and I discussed it and we both feel they would resent me on many levels. So, I live out of state and all I have told them is I am having stomach troubles and seeing doctors for severe reflux and health conditions, my knees, etc and that I am going to a nut and a medical weight loss program. So that when they all see me in 6 months it won't be a huge shock. It's not that I'm hiding it, it's just I know why I am doing this. This is for me, and my children. I know I am making the best choice for myself. I am a nurse, and I did work in a nursing home, they are right not many 80 year old obese people there, sadly the ones I took care of morbidly obese were only in there 50 s and 60's and not doing well and needed help just to do activities of daily living and self care. That is not going to be me. So that is my reason for only including the people in my life I know support me. I don't feel the need to justify my choice to anyone else.
  18. raven8888

    Leak 4Ever?!

    Still no regrets, helps me feel a little more at ease. I think I am just starting to get very nervous. my mind wonders and I start thinking of the worst. My date is quickly approaching and I'm nervous and excited all at once.
  19. Glycerin suppositories. Can get at any wallgreens
  20. raven8888

    Leak 4Ever?!

    I have to admit, still being in the pre- op process this is kind of freaking me out. Can any of you fill me in on where you had your procedure? I really want to do this for a better quality of life, but I'm feeling scared after reading the two bad outcomes. Is it just me? Or isit normal to freak out after reading this thread?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
