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Everything posted by raven8888

  1. I made it! I laying in bed and going to bed! Day two, check! Thanks for your support! Day three...starving....bring it on!
  2. raven8888

    Migraines And Pre Op Diet

    I have no idea what is going on with my font, it keeps changing sizes.
  3. raven8888

    Migraines And Pre Op Diet

    I am dealing with headaches right now too. I get really bad headaches and usually need Advil, but can't have it. When I would get really bad migraines in the past I would take two Advil and half a Benadryl(dyphenhydramine). Now I am doing the same combo with Tylenol. It doesn't take it away completely, but takes the edge off anyway. Not sure if that will work or not for you. Sometimes you have to catch it just when it starts, hard to play catch up on a migraine. I hope you feel better soon.
  4. raven8888

    Im A May Sleever!

    Pre-op diet headache, ugh! Mostly caffeine withdrawal. Carbs and caffeine.....ooh how I miss thee, let me count the ways...lol! No, it's not too bad, it will be worth it in the end. I think I'll live, haha! Just had to whine for a second.
  5. I started my pre-op diet but wanted to share my facilities private bariatric food line they have an eStore and a lot of good High protien, low cal, low carb stuff! http://www.grandhealthpartners.com/default/patient-resources/store
  6. raven8888

    Im A May Sleever!

    Good luck to all the May sleevers this week! I'll be right behind you next Monday! woohoooo!
  7. raven8888

    Sleeved Yesterday

    I am not sleeved yet, but my doctor told me that when I am recovering in hospital to try and stand as tall as I can and drink to help get it down so that I can moving along and discharged sooner. Not sure if it helps because I can't relate yet.
  8. raven8888

    Today's The Day!

    Thanks for the advice!! I am getting so ready now. Today more than ever. I feel a peace and acceptance coming over me all of a sudden today.
  9. raven8888

    I Finally Have A Date!

    May 14th too! Wooohoo! Congrat!
  10. raven8888

    Today's The Day!

    So glad your recovery is going well. It's nice to hear what you are experiencing in detail. I think a lot of us appreciate that you are putting in the time to share your experience with us. My surgery is coming up in less than two weeks. This helps to calm my nerves, and helps to know what expect. It is posts like these that really help me prepare mentally for what im about to face. You have great determination and a positive outlook. Congratulations on your new tummy! I'll be joining you soon!
  11. raven8888

    Protein Shakes

    Sorry iPod spell corrector Medicare= medifast
  12. raven8888

    Protein Shakes

    I also have so many shake mixes from Medicare left over. Has anyone used those for post-op? I have always liked them too. Good question.
  13. raven8888

    Nsv With A Friend

    Congrats! How wonderful. Can't wait! Thanks for sharing! And I have to say your baby from your profile pic is such a cutie patutie!
  14. raven8888


    Is there any baby food that was harder to tolerate over others? I want to buy a few jars to have on hand before surgery.
  15. raven8888

    3 Hour Class?

    I have to go next Monday from 11:00 to 4:00 with NUT both group and individual. I was told we will be going over pre-op diet, post op diet, some basic nutritional training, individual diet planning and goals, and help choosing the foods at the facility store to get me through next few weeks.
  16. My surgery is scheduled May 14th and I start the pre- op liquid diet on the 7th. In an attempt to prepare so my system doesn't go into complete shock, I have started on my own Medifast diet plan ( I have about a year supply left over still) it's a lot of shakes and small, low calorie meals. It averages about 800 - 1000 calories a day. I'm really struggling. I did ok for the first half of day, but dragging so much this afternoon. I'm cranky, just snapped at my son. Cried when my husband got home because I'm so hungry and scared if i really have the strength to do this. I know deep down I do, but I'm having a hard time in those moments remembering it. I know I have another week before I HAVE to start, but I don't want to fail. I feel like trying to have my own self dicipline this week will allow me to sail through next week. Am I crazy? Well I am a little crazy in a good way I think. Lol! Anyway, just wanted to vent a little and whine about it. Thanks.
  17. raven8888

    Pre- Pre Op Diet

    Thanks. I appreciate the encouragement. I always have trouble with the first few days. The idea that it is only two weeks away is helping me stay motivated. I am so excited! Little scared! It's all happening so fast, still kind of unreal.
  18. raven8888


    I'm still pre-op so I can't comment on the decaf post op, but I started doing half decaf and half regular and I can tell the difference.
  19. That's awesome! I can't wait!
  20. raven8888

    Michigan Sleevers?

    I'm in Grand Rapids area! May 14th!
  21. raven8888

    I Have A Date

    Wooohoooo! Congrats!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
