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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Doddie63

  1. I first visited Dr Amson in Victoria in June 2011 decided to go go ahead and was banded on Sept 1st. Google Victoria Surgery or Dr Brad Amson. Very nice doctor he does his own fills in his office (cost covered by surgery costs $15000.00 is that expensive?). Lots of support and information. Beautiful ferry ride - only $13 for foot passenger.

    Yes a lot has happened since I posted my displeasure in 2007. The False Creek Clinic, Dr. Woodhead in Delta is with Slimband, etc. Fills are still tough to find if you are not with a major clinic but there are some GPs that do them, just have to find them. Seems more and more doctors are becoming more knowledgeable on the issues of weight control (not just exercise and starve). However in BC, age discrimination is alive and well. I am advised that anyone over 65 can't get a band in BC yet in Toronto any age is acceptable. Progress is slow.

  2. Hi: People in our support group have gone to Mexico and have had great experiences. Just check out your clinic thorougly and most importantly the aftercare. Can you fly back for fills or defills. Is there someone in your area who will do fills or defills and how much do they charge. One of the most frustrating and frightening thing is to be too tight and you are unable to find anyone who will do the defill. Also, ask how long will the aftercare last. My clinic is for life some only 3 or 4 years. Then what? The band is great, but research carefully. A local clinic may cost more but in the long run may be the better choice. It is entirely up to you.

    Hello ,

    I am thinking of having the surgery in Mexico, can you inform me about your experience?

  3. My best wishes for your success. Bear in mind, you will have ups and downs, encouraging and no so encouraging, but if you use the band as designed, you have a lot more chance of success. I have been working on my weight since 07 and have times when I have gained and my losses have been small, but when look at my overall totals, I am amazed.

    Hi , and thank you ,I completely agree with your post.I do not think Quebecers are lazy either( and I am one of them)!! I am not banded yet but am on a waiting list. The reason I chose the lap band is because it is reversible.I personally know of one person who has had the lapband and she is working hard on her weight loss journey!

    Take care,


  4. If you do it correctly you should have none of that. But if you do, so do all the other tools. As I said in a previous post, why I like my band is because it is reversible not like the others.

    Productive burping and difficulty eating things like raw veggies are another couple of problems I've heard about. I've read that some bandsters have difficulty eating healthy stuff and they end up eating bad stuff as a result.

  5. Intereting stats. Would be interested to know how they were formulated. Gastric by pass has been around the longest, with the band approx. 20 years. the DS is fairy new so over time, I would be interested in seeing which was the better. Seriously, it doesn't matter as long as it works for you. All surgery has negatives. The bottom line is what the patient does with the tools. Some just can not adjust to the regime that goes along with WLS and blame the tool. I like the band because if I find I can not mentally cope then I can have the band removed. The other surgeries, you are stuck with a small stomach and all the problems that go with it.

    Some experience problems like erosion, slippage and bad reflux. You're better off posting a question like this on verticalsleevetalk.com as there are a lot of ex-bandsters on there who revised to Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) and they'll be better placed to answer your questions.

    BTW if you're friend's considering getting her intestines re-routed then the duodenal switch (DS) is a better option than a bypass, as you only malabsorb calories for 2 years with a bypass (plus with bypass you also get dumping and can't take Non Steroidal Anti Inflamatory Drugs like ibuprofen ever).

    BTW the stats for Excessive Weight Loss are as follows:

    Band: 55%

    VSG: 70%

    DS: 80%

  6. Hello. NO Quebecers are not lazy. What you have to realize, that the band is an excellent tool for helping in the weight loss goals. You still have to change your lifestyle including exercise, small quantities but first and foremost making the proper choices in food eaten. Following the guidelines of your clinic and you will have success. Not following the rules will end in disaster and failure. The good thing about the band, is that it is reversible. Gastric by-pass is not. The medical profession look upon the gastric by pass as the golden standard, but frankly, there are many patients that have to have the band AFTER the bypass. You can fill the band as tight as you can stand or you can loosen it to allow for more food to pass you can't do that with gastric by pass.

    Also, be aware, people posting negative things about the band may have an ax to grind. real or imagined and post to lash out at the band. I lay odds if you analyze these unhappy people, they will have not adjusted their lifestyle. Yes some people do have band erosion and slippage not their fault, but that is rare. Most just don't follow the program. There is of course, many surgeons that do not have proper aftercare and that can cause a patient to be very scared and upset lashing out on line. So if contemplating the band, look very carefully at the aftercare. If they say 3 to 4 years -- ask "Then what". You need aftercare for life, not necessarily the fills, but moral support is very important.

    HELLO everyone,

    I find myself confused..i read up on lapband on this site and everyone is so positive about it..makes me feel great!! then when i try looking onto quebec sites(coz i am from montreal) which only seem to be in french..all these people on the lapband french canadian sites..say the opposite of what is said on this site..it leaves me confused..is it that french people r lazy and they dont excercise and were told that the lapband does it all on its own..or is it that the doctors rnt good here..someone also said that a doctor told her not to do the lapband but to get the bypass done..coz the lapband doesnt work and he was going to take it off his site coz he doesnt feel its right to be praticing something that doesnt work...idd like to know ur fed back..

  7. I prefer to think that I can and did find the money for my band. I leave the gov't funded programme to those that can least afford it and need the surgery. Gov't money is limited so I would never want to take away the chance for a better life for someone just because they don't have the funds. I just hope the government would allow people who got the band privately to use their support services. It seems the private clinics only give 4 years aftercare, then what?????

  8. I think the reason people tell the ones closest to them very simple are looking for approval that they are making the right decisions. Unfortunately, negative responses upset the person asking. Even telling most family doctors, the reaction is negative although that scene is changing slowly. If I had to do over again my decision, I would tell absolutely no one. The decision would be mine and mine alone. Negative responses almost turned me from having the band, thank God these negative people did not succeed. I find the band a wonderful tool. I loose weight when I follow the program, maintain or regain slowly if I don't. But the bottom line is I am loosing weight. People I told about the band make snarky remarks or hint at my "failure" or try to push food at me to make me fail. I feel I am not failing, I am just having a weak moment but the band will get me back on track where in the old days, three weeks and I was in free fall with weight gain and nothing to stop me. Again,my advice, don't tell anyone but your fellow bandsters.

  9. Hi: I don't for one minute think the gastric band causes acid reflux. My husband has reflux and no band, my father had acid reflux and no band. I do believe, that a tight gastric band can make the symptons worse. When the acid from the stomach is regurgitated into the pouch and eosophogus the acid is slower draining back into the stomach. Thus having more time to burn the lining of the pouch and throat. I believe some of the acid can get into the ear canals and lungs making acid reflux very dangerous. My father died from cancer of the eosophogus and stomach.

    None of my theories are scientific just my belief. Too many people suffer acid reflux that do not have the band for me to believe the band causes acid reflux.

    I have had one defill and going for another. My symptons are 80 percent cleared up. so with meds and a looser band, I believe my acid reflux will be under control. With the tighter band, I chose liquid type foods and was always grazing. With less fill, I am choosing hard Protein which is what I sould be doing and remaining full longer.

  10. Losing weight, no matter how, always make me pleased. Don't worry about when the band is fixed. First get your health in order then take a kick start program. I am also having defills due to acid reflux and my Dr. told me I am better off keeping a loose fill. Eating solid Proteins are easier when loose. With tighter fills one is tempted to choose unwisely in more liquid type meals. Weight will come off in a more healthy way. Please let us know how you are coping.

  11. Look into the False Creek Clinic. The manitoba clinic is affiliated with them. Their members come out to the Lions Gate. Also, there is Dr. Amson (sp) in Victoria does lapband as well.

    There is a Dr. Leung, he is a good surgeon, but posts have indicated he lacks beside manners. Last but not least, there is a Dr. Woodhead in Ladner/Delta . All are good surgeons.

    However, I cannot over emphasize aftercare more. Not all of them provide aftercare except for a website. When you start to have your fills and defills, having your aftercare in place is crtical. If you like to come out to the Lions Gate Hospital you can ask all the questions you like of our members. We welcome all pre banded, banded, or just researching the band.

  12. I too live in North Van. We look forward to seeing you, if not this meeting then anyone of the upcoming. Wecome to bandland.

    Hi everyone! Just wanted to pop my head in and say hi. I was banded in Winnipeg on Tuesday the 26th, and so far, so good. I live in North Van, so there's absolutely no reason for me not to attend the monthly meetings, except that I travel a lot for work. So I've got my fingers crossed that I can be there for the May meeting.

  13. Yes, it is very scarey at how little support there is from the College of P & S in my province. They accept and support heart by-pass, organ transplants, hip and joint replacements, where death and serious complications are fairly comon.

    However with the band, they sternly say people should not get the gastric band because band erosion happens occasionally or the band may slip. Death and serious conditions may affect the band, but no where nearly as much as organ transplant. There is risk in all surgeries.

    People are having trouble getting support mainly because the College does not want to train the medical personnel for whatever their hidden reasons are. As a rresult if you go to the hospital ER, you are rejected by some medical staff who sneer "you made the decision live with it".

    Granted, some are sympathetic but they still don't know what to do. Living far from a clinic can be more than scarey, I know, I live thousands of miles away.

  14. If your band has slipped, I understand for the most part it is not a difficult surgery. Some just need a complete defill and wait until the inflammation has gone down. Sometimes the band is removed and another put back in. Is there a chance you might get in earlier if you asked to be put on the list to be called if there is a cancellation? Not a great way to speand Easter. Let us know how you are doing.

  15. Hi: If you research acid reflux, you will see that some people experience only a lump in their throat,coughing and burning sensation in the esopheogus. The actual regurgitation of the stomach contents does not always happen. . You have consulted with your clinic and that is a great way to go about your issue.

    Secondly, I looked into slipped band and apparently the pain is terrible, along with vomiting and unable to hold anything down. I certainly hope you get your solution soon

  16. Babe you said it all. Attitude is 99% the battle once the band is in and adjusted. There are many ways to sabatogue a band but if used correctly it is a godsend. For me anyways. I had a horrible winter mostly because of stress, now I am back on track without too much damage being done.

    Well done Babe for not giving up.

  17. Yes, it was great having so much fun. I wish even more would come out. We may not have a formal meeting, but the face to face chat is so uplifting. I got some great advice about my coughing, etc. Have received word from my clinic to take a defill after the Easter break if I have not improved. The group helped me a lot.

    I could not remember the name of my Protein Drink last night - LOL dementia at my age but I am using the same Protein drink. I use Vanilla as I am able to add whatever flavor I like. Buying a flavored protein mix limits me.

    Hope to see Canadagirl at the next meeting.

    Congratulations Babe on your uplifting story. Your journey is special and I know that you are now on the right track. Keep on truckin'

  18. I am very sorry that you have not had success with your clinic. However your comment that you have not seen success appears to me to be unfair. I can not quote all the stats, but there have been over 600,000 + lap band surgeries. In our news paper the stats indicated that there was a 60% success rate whereby people met there goals and the rest lost on average 20% to 40%. Well I have lost 40% of my goal weight and have been taken off all meds for diabeties, low blood pressure, I have thrown away my cane because I no longer have joint issues. As for complicatons and side effects, the risk outweighs the danger. For instance, people have heart by-pass even though there are terrible complications and side affects. Transplants such as lung, heart, kidney etc also have dire consequences. I fail to see how the band can be any different. You have had a bad experience and I am sorry, but please it is unfair to dissuade others from one bad experience. Anyone contemplating the band should research to the best of their ability and in particular check out the clinic. There are many bandsters that would love to tell you about their clinic. Take care.

    Hi Alla - all four of the doctors who identified the problem I had were bariatric surgeons unfortunately the owner of the clinic was not. All the information indicated that the band was properly installed and looked correct when removed. It would appear that the band was the problem. J&J provided a replacement but the clinic still wanted several thousand dollars to remove and replace it. My position was that the clinic had the responsibility to me and if they needed further money from J&J because of the faulty equipment that was between them. I don't have issues with any of the doctors I've seen. My dissatisfaction is totally with the management of the Bluewater Clinic.

    Also I have to say that I haven't seen a significant amount of success for people that I have met. I find this discouraging.

  19. Thanks Doddie! Perhaps you can share more information about the support group at LGH what is the time and room number?

    Lions Gate Hospital,

    Main Entrance on 15th Ave.,

    North Vancouver

    Every third Wednesday of the month

    Conference Room A. Time 6:30 onward usually breaks up at 8:00. Our meetings are not formal just chit chat.

    Entre thru doors you will see the gift shop, turn right and see two double doors, go thru double doors down corridor , turn right and go to end of corridor to Room A. If there is no one there, check the other rooms rarely, but we do change rooms.

    Contact canadagirl33@hotmail.com and ask her to put you on the reminder list. She started the group.

    Hope to see you there

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