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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Doddie63

  1. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    I think many of us have moved over to Facebook or Twitter. Frankly I don't use either as I don't like them. Particuarly Facebook, they are too intrusive in my personal information plus it is very difficult to delete from their site. I have deleted myself twice and each time I get an e mail telling me that someone was using my site and all I have to do is log on and see who it is. Yeah right!
  2. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    My sincerest congratulations on your weight loss of 1.5 lbs for the month. With all the stress you are under you should realize that your efforts over time have paid off. You have NOT GAINED WHILE UNDER STRESS. What an accomplishment that I dream of some day reaching! I am a turtle and am still struggling to conquer my need to eat when alone. Your success certainly encourages me. Good work
  3. Doddie63

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    We have members of our group that have gone to Dr. Ortiz (sp?) in Mexico and are highly complimentary. Factor into your research your aftercare. Most surgeons/clinics will only give aftercare to their own patients so you have to decide if you can fly back to Mexico for fills, etc or find a doctor here in BC who will do the fills. Be sure you have all the t's crossed and i's dotted for aftercare before making your decision. Now for Doctors, there is a Dr. Leung, a Dr. Robin Woodhead and the False Creek Medical Clinic in Vancouver. Dr. Leung and Dr. Woodhead are good doctors. The clinic has just opened its doors so you may want to call them and see what they have to offer. Good luck.
  4. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    Welcome and feel free to ask your questions no matter how trivial you may think they are. Wishing you a great successful journey. As for the fill, I had 5. ccs and then went to 5.5 ccs 5.75 ccs. Found I was too tight at 5.75 went down to 5.5 and have been that way for a few years. You will find your sweet spot also but take your time finding it.
  5. Doddie63

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Scroll back and look for Canadagirl33's posting of the monthly meeting. She posts every month. We meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Lion's Gate Hospital, Conference Room A. She is there at 6:30 as she comes down from Pemberton so anytime after 6:30 pm. The meeting breaks up around 8:00 pm. Did you get your answer on what to eat?
  6. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    Congratulations. How exciting. As for me, I am saddled with huge bat wings and I mean huge. Doctors won't do PS until I reach goal so all my tops are sloppy fitting because I can't fit the arms. Grrrrrrrr!!!
  7. Doddie63

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    I think you had better revisit your doctors office and get this cleared up once and for all. Dr. Leung has given you his direction to follow an all clear diet but your dietician has given you some other type of diet to follow. If it was me, I would follow Dr. Leung's instructions because from what I have heard, he brooks no nonense with people who don't follow his instructions. He knows what is best for you so go and see him. Good luck.
  8. Doddie63

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Contact your clinic ASAP and ask them. Pain is nothing to be ignored. The pain could be associated with any number of things, cramps, appendix, gas. If your clinic is not available go to emergency. Left side could mean appendix.
  9. Doddie63

    Slimband formerly TLBC Clinic Toronto On

    Thanks Donna D. Very nice of you to remember. Hope the weather holds for you in November and we can have a short get together. Have to admit, the fill nurse is a bit slow on her paperwork which can cause problems. Doctors already have too much paper work and if the cliniic is slow, good probability they will discontinue their association with the clinic. Hope not as fill doctors are hard to find. Maybe someone should take over the paper trail as I have never had a problem with the other professionals. Just a suggestion.
  10. Doddie63

    Dr. in Calgary

    I had TLBC (now slimband) and know Dr. Yau is excellent. He is well respected. There is another clinic opened in Vancouver, the False Creek Clinic that is affiliated with the Winnipeg Clinic. Their nurse attends our support group at the Lions Gate Hospital every 3rd Wednesday. Everyone welcome (had to get that in).Its free. There is a Dr. Leung and a Dr. R. Woodhead who have are well received by their patients. I also had the need for a fluro and went down to Maryville just outside Seattle to the Northwest Fills and found the two nurses excellent. They now travel to Bellingham to do fills and/or fluros. Hope these suggestions will help.
  11. Doddie63

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Patricia I realized that as my last paragraph indicates. However, if this individual is having a difficult time with staying on clear broth, it is better to consult with her surgeon rather than give in and break the rules. I am aware of some of Dr. Leung's patients being allowed pureed foods when it became too difficult for them. Hopefully by posting and coming to our meetings things will become a bit easier.
  12. Doddie63

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    1. Yes take a shower. Put on new bandages and you will feel so much better. 2. Do you have a blender or a magic bullet. You can make tons of receipts. Liquid is Liquid. For instance squash soup and throw in a few beans. Puree and you have a lovely soup high in protein. Make smoothies - fruit with skim milk and ice. You can have a feast of liquids. I went 30 days on liquids and loved all sorts of warm soups. If you check the internet, you will find websites giving many liquid meals. Glad you are feeling a bit better. Make your self get up and move and don't be afraid of the band. It takes a bit getting used but in the end, you will come to enjoy your journey. As for exercise take you don't have to lift weights or run around the gym, but you should go for long walks, increasing your speed as you feel more fit. The more you exercise the better you will feel. Your band is secure but you must not eat solid food until the swelling of the stomach goes down and the scar tissue surrounds the band. Follow your surgeons orders but don't be afraid, you will heal. Frankly just be your normal self, don't baby yourself but also don't overdo it. Keep posting for support. If you surgeon said "clear fluids" then boil a chicken and make chicken broth. You can have beef broth. Check with a nutrionist for liquid vitamins and other types of broth. Strange he said clear liquids for a month and not liquids. Any reason why do you know.
  13. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    My laugh of the day. Thanks for the suggestion. :frown:
  14. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    Thanks very much for the links. I have gone to them and like what I see. I am sure I will buy one. Again cheers
  15. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    WOW! Thanks. I have never heard of them but will look immediately. I have arthritis in the knees and hip finding the treadmill a bit difficult and I dislike the bike because of the discomfort of the seats. I certainly am enthusiastic to find these pedals. :smile:
  16. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi everyone. Haven't posted for awhile, but roxie's request for the best bike intrigued me. I find most biycle seats very hard on the backside and changed to a treadmill. If anyone has an idea about the saddle of the bikes being improved, I certainly would like to know the make.
  17. Doddie63

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    I am so sorry you are having so much pain. You said your liver was twice the normal size. If this pain persists after the home remedies have been tried, please contact your surgeon ASAP. I don't wish to unduely alarm you, but there are issues such as the liver being accidently damaged. One of our bandster experienced the liver being damaged. Very unusual, but worth checking out.
  18. Doddie63

    Slimband formerly TLBC Clinic Toronto On

    The fills/defills are the most important. There is a CD Slimband gives to family doctors. Some like it others don't. I do know there is a NWT bandster and if you post you will probably find him. He would be great for support. Also, Slimband has their own website where you can get long distance advice on nutrition, fills, exercise, etc. I am long distance and find this new site not too bad. As for complications, any surgery can have that. Postings are usually telling the worst case or the best. Most people are in between. I had a twisted port and it was corrected by Dr. Yau with no problem. Just the cost of going back to Toronto. The port for me has been no problem. I can feel it and sometimes when I sit slouched over, it pinches but for the most part I never know it is there. I wish you well in your journey and if you follow the rules as set down by Dr. Yau, more than likely you will have no problem. BUT, YOU STILL HAVE TO WORK AT HOW YOU LOOSE WEIGHT. It is tough work but the band keeps you steady when you break down and give in to temptations. I did not get a contract and I trust Dr. Yau's reputation will ensure I am covered but I have to admit a contract is a great way of knowing precisely what you are covered for. Shouldn't be any problem asking for some sort of information in writing as to coverage.
  19. :embaressed_smile:I have had the band for over 1 year now. I am a food gulper and have been struggling to "chew" my food. When I first got the band, I PB'd every day, now I am down to two or three times every few months. Does anyone else still PB after one year? What damage if any is being done to my band? If you have stopped, what did you do? I find that I usually PB when I eat without thinking, for instance I am in a rush to go out. Doddie
  20. Doddie63

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Welcome to bandland. Your journey has just begun to a much healthier, happier life. Glad your surgery went well, now don't rush. Let yourself heal well. You may even gain weight over the next month but don't worry once you start your fills, you will understand about restriction. Keep in touch and don't be afraid to ask any questions. someone will have an answer.
  21. Doddie63

    Slimband formerly TLBC Clinic Toronto On

    I understand their motives but I can't agree with them. It is important to know how many ccs are in the band in the event one is travelling or an emergency occurs, the attending doctors need to know this information. I would think it would be better to tell a patient they must show cause for requiring more fill after the 3rd one. They could state their recommendations but as we are paying for the fills we should be the final decision maker.
  22. Doddie63

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Drinking out of a straw for the rest of your life! Absolutely not. The band only restricts and the tightness is governed by your needs, no one elses. I keep a 5.5 fill in a 10 cc band because I have a bad habit of not chewing my food thoroughly enough. I eat anything I want. Most people stay away from any foods that are white, such as potatoes, rice, white bread. This was my day. BKfts Yogurt and boiled egg, Lunch Salmon sandwich (16 grain bread) with a soup and for dinner, swiss steak with veggies. At first the quantity seems small 1/2 cup or less at meals seems small, but it is all you body requires if you take a vitamin tablet daily. Surgery for me was a snap. I flew to Toronto had the surgery and returned to Vancouver two days later. No problems. The first 6 weeks are used for healing so you may actually gain weight. Then you get your first fill and you probably won't feel too much restriction. It is the 2nd or 3rd that you will feel restriction Come to our support meetings. They are free and are held at the Lions Gate Hospital every 3rd Wednesday of the month. I wish you well in your surgery and your journey to come.
  23. Doddie63

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi: Lions Gate Hospital on 15th Ave., North Vancouver every 3rd Wednesday of the month in Conference Room A. Someone is always there at 6:30 pm and the meeting lasts for an hour or two. Sometimes longer if we are into good topics. Contact Canadagirl33@hotmail.com and she will put you on her monthly reminder list. Hope to see you there
  24. Doddie63

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi: Canadagirl may have a list and until she responds, I thought I would chip in. I am not aware of any other support meetings as most surgeons/clinics have their own means of aftercare restricted to only their patients. Our group is unique because we want everyone who wants to have or have had WLS to come out. I had my band put on in Toronto and have found the support on the internet fairly good. If you can't find a support meeting or your clinic doesn't have aftercare, just post your concerns and someone will get back to you. Good luck with your surgery.
  25. Doddie63

    Lap Band Surgery in Vancouver Area?

    It would be great Rhonda if at our next meeting we could be told the restrictions if any on the fills and fluro. Could you e mail me privately on these enquiries. Thanks Doreen

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