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Everything posted by Doddie63

  1. Doddie63

    Fitness Challenge

    what's up with the exercise. Nobody exercising?
  2. Doddie63

    Slow Users-Banded a year or more

    Hi: I consider myself a slow loser. 80 lbs in over two years. The only thing that keeps my sanity is to track on Fitday all food and to chart my weight. I think I have had a great week if I post a .2 loss. This link really encourages me from saying "to heck with it". To be positive, I have been taken off all diabetic pills and had the blood pressure pills reduced by 75% so in that area, I guess I should be happy. Anyway, it is nice to be on a site that has similar problams. Whoever started it, my thanks.
  3. Doddie63

    Slow Losers Unite!

    Hi: I was just reviewing my old post when I posted I was 250. Well I am now 223 slow but steady. Is this thread the replacement for the old? or is there another one I should be looking at. I like posting with people that have similar issues of slow weight loss rather than the speedies.
  4. Hi: JUst came across this poll and thought I would post. I consider myself a "turtle" as the maximum I lose is 1 to 2 lbs per month but the miracle is it all adds up to 80 lbs. My journey is going slowly but well. I eat because I have to not because my head hunger tells me I must. All in all, I would have the band surgery again without hesitation. It has been a life saver to me.
  5. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi Mamajude: Give yourself a pat on the back and look at your weight loss as the "glass being half full" and not half empty. I am a turtle and have lost 40 lbs in 2007, and 40 lbs to the present time. I am extremely happy if I make my calorie count of 1,500 a day. This gives me a healthy diet but I still lose 1 to 2 lbs a month. Sometimes you get discouraged when you read of the quick success of others, but frankly it doesn't matter what the others are doing, just what you are doing. If you are losing weight no matter how small an amount, that is great, if you are gaining, then go back to square one and see why you are gaining. Usually the quantity is the same but the choices are higher fat contents and less protein. Contact your clinic and request the nutrionist to review your food intake. You probably just have to go back to high protein and get moving a bit more. Hope this helps.
  6. Doddie63

    LapBandTalk.com is Moving!

    When you migrate, will we have to resign, new passport, etc.?
  7. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    Hang in there Don. You should start adjusting to the band after a few days. Strangely, when I had an extra 1/2 cc fill put in, I did not start having problems until a week later. Guess we all react differently. If you do not adjust, be sure and contact your nurse. A slight defill of .05 cc sometimes helps.
  8. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi: You are absolutely spot on. I don't give a darn about statistics. It is all about me (selfish aren't I), but I am tired of being the jolly fat girl that agrees with all professionals. I agree, weight will reach a set point at what we are consuming every day as a natural habit. If more loss is wanted then one has to work and diet hard. But what do we accomplish but to put it all back on again to the point our body wants to be.
  9. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi: mamajude, don't rush things. The weight will come off and you should be aiming for less than 2 lbs a week for a healthy loss. Also, don't cut your calories too low as the body will resist this and the weight will not come off. If you keep around 1200 to 1500 calories a day and exercise in some form, you will lose weight. Yes the older you get the slower weight comes off. I have been keeping track of my food consumption and average 1500 calories a day and my weight loss has been arounf 2 lbs per month with one plateau. Having said all that, relax and take it easy. You have to allow the band to heal and scar tissue to form to hold it in place. Follow your surgeons advice to the letter as the next 6 weeks are crucial in healing first. You have the rest of your life to lose. Hope my answer help.
  10. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi: I haven't posted for awhile, but thought I would today as I have just been to see my fill surgeon(not the band surgeon). I celebrated my 2 year anniversary without problems (except for times of barfin). He told me that most weight is lost in the first two years and after that, the pouch has become stretched and holds too much food. So I would have to get to goal by exercise and diet. I can't say I agree with that, because I still can't eat more than a cup of food at a meal time. I have kept a loose fill to prevent the food from packing and stretching the pouch. My weight loss has been slow but still consistant. Has anyone else been told by their surgeon the pouch is no longer effective after two years? :thumbup:
  11. Doddie63

    Slimband formerly TLBC Clinic Toronto On

    Hi: I have 'subscribed' to threads and I am notified when someone posts. My main reason for posting today though is about the complaints. I approach the complaints with a sort of polyanna thought. Most posters are desparate for support as there really isn't many face to face support groups. We are in all sorts of moods such as fear, frustration, anger, whatever and it shows in our postings. I have stung in my postings and I have received stings, so I am not putting myself forwards as a little angle. What I do know, is that I try to look past the 'bitchin' and read the message the poster is trying to say. I hope people keep posting on this thread so that other bandsters can help. Amen
  12. Doddie63

    Flying and the band

    None whatsoever. Had the surgery Feb 01, hotel Feb. 01 and flew back to BC from Toronto on the 3rd. I had with me gas X and graval but needed neither. Frankly I had no problems whatsoever.
  13. Doddie63

    Slimband formerly TLBC Clinic Toronto On

    Heather thanks, I went there and posted on 3 different groups and I got a reply telling me the program was in the planning stages. I am satisfied. I have been on the twitter.com and I can't figure that one out either so I guess it is me that finds Slimband difficult. However, the more I use it the more I am getting to know how to find My Home Page. As Slimband is my clinic, I am hoping I will get more adept at using it. Thanks again.
  14. Thanks Donna. I needed that uplifting thought especially as I try to get moving in the morning. and thanks for the spelling help.
  15. Doddie63

    Slimband formerly TLBC Clinic Toronto On

    Thanks, I will check it out
  16. Doddie63

    reply to JoJo re gaining weight

    I just returned from Dr. Woodhead (band surgeon) this morning and I asked him specifically about the pouch and fill. He told me that a fill is a personal choice with the patient, but the majority of weight will be lost in the first and second year. After that, the pouch if packed will continue to stretch allowing more and more food to be consumed. He said that diet and exercise after the 2nd year is probably the only way more weight will be lost, albeit the band will help the appetite. By measuring the food and weighing it probably will help ensure the pouch is not overpacked and stretched. I also, have been keeping a loose fill in the hope the food will pass through a bit easier thus not stretching my pouch. I am very slow in my weight loss, but I consistantly loose at least 2 lbs per month. I would be interested in what other surgeons have to say.
  17. Doddie63

    Slimband formerly TLBC Clinic Toronto On

    Heather after reading your post, I immediately went to the Slimband website and I looked and can't find any announcement. Nor did I receive an email announcing this long distance program. I responded to a couple of groups that I guessed might be the correct one and hopefully someone will email me. In the meantime, can you tell me where to find this announcement?
  18. Two questions from this old gal? 1. What is trolling? 2. How do you spell when you are "loosing or it is losing" weight. :w00t::thumbup:
  19. Hi: I just returned from my visit with Dr. Woodhead (band specialist) and he told me that weight loss in the first few years can be attributable to the band and after that it is exercise and calorie restriction. He said it is everyones choice as to how tight the restriction is, but if you pack the pouch it will stretch and unlikely to return to the original small size it was in the first year. My thoughts were if you are too tight, and you don't weigh, you are more likely to stretch the pouch. I keep a loose fill and although I am loosing slowly, I feel I am not stretching the pouch.
  20. As I was over 300 lbs when I started, I have excessive skin around the arms and abdomen. When I reach goal, I intend to have the excessive skin removed which I am sure leaves scars. I don't think I will ever be out of a full bathing suit but what the 'hay' I will be thin. Perhaps you should think of plastic surgery if you won't be needing a "torso transplant like Donna". :biggrin:
  21. Doddie63

    Slimband formerly TLBC Clinic Toronto On

    Thanks cottonwade, no hard feelings. Elizabethsew, I have been looking for the deleted comments but I don't see them. guess you know the sites better than me as I am not expert with the computer. My lack of expertise may help you understand.
  22. Donna you are so funny, but a great idea. As for me, I don't find the scars ugly. You get the same scars with gallbladder, etc. Because of loose skin from the weight loss (and a lot more to go) I find a full bathing suit adequate.
  23. Doddie63

    Slimband formerly TLBC Clinic Toronto On

    Mindy I know you did not intend to sound the way your post does, but I resent the tone of your post. I did nothing wrong other than suggest to the owner that posters be notified. Someone deleted my post and I had no idea what I had done wrong.
  24. Doddie63

    Slimband formerly TLBC Clinic Toronto On

    Thank you Susan. You post was very thoughtful and well put. Tehre are times that a person can get caught up in an issue and post in such a manner it breaks the rules. As some posters said, they didn't know why they had been deleted and what they had done. I am glad you explained. My post was deleted and I didnot recieve a message as to why. Now I know that it is the orginal poster you contacted, I can assume I did not break the rules.
  25. Would it be possible for your monitors to notify an individual by private message the reason the post is being deleted. That should help the individual to be mindful of the subject of their posts. So many sites have different rules and/or enforced differently that it would be helpful to know reasons why a post was removed from site.

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