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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Doddie63

  1. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    Kentucky wildcat. seems to me you are having the normal feelings. It is the fills that you get that makes it more difficult to consume less food. Go slowly in your fills give a few weeks for the fill to work (understand that in some it can take up to 4 weeks). Eventually you will feel comfortable with your leve. You are barely starting off, so give yourself time to heal. Welcome to bandland.
  2. Doddie63

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Is that January of next year? What a long time to wait when you are so in difficulty.
  3. Doddie63

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Well, why don't you come to the support group started by Patricia. We meet every third Wednesday at the Lions Gate Hospital. Patricial posts as well as sends out reminders. Contact her and ask to be put on her e mailing list. We have had as many as 25 + bandsters attend as well as people like yourself researching the band. We are patients from Vancouver, Mexico, Wahington State, Toronto and all will have something to say about how the band is affecting our lives and maybe, we can answer some of your questions. The band is a major lifestyle change and as Patricia stated, research and then do some more research. You will be welcome I assure you. Doreen
  4. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    Toyster. What great news that you found your sweet spot without a fill. I suggest the band is helping you because the surgeon probably made your band tight enough when he installed it, you don't need a fill. Whatever, congratulations on your success.
  5. Doddie63

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    I hear Dr. Ortiz is great and the costs are less than in Canada. However you have to deciede if after care is good enough for you. The False Creek Medical Clinic in Vancouver (not sure of legal name) is starting to do Lapbands in the summer and they will be offering after support such as dieticians, psychologists, and good follow up.They are affiliated with the Winnipeg clinic. Give them a call and check them out and let us know what you think.
  6. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi: Lazy dazy days of summer are here and I am falling into the trap. Weight has been steady for a few months but my DH was told by doc to toose 20 lbs so he has no treats in the house. Makes it easier for me. However on average still loosing 1/4 lb a week. Hope everyone enjoys the summer to come
  7. Doddie63

    Looking for others experiences

    Hi: Try aqua fit. When I had my surgery,I attended aqua fit and the joints did not become injured. I have had my band over 2 years and there are only two things I recommend. Take it easy on the fills and expect to work at loosing weight. The band is just a tool to be used in the overall scheme of things. The aftercare and support are very important. When I first had my band, every tweek, ache, etc had me worrying if the worst was happening. Only through the support of others did I realize I was OK and everything was normal. Prior to surgery, I had some weird thoughts such as having the fear of never eating my favorite foods again. Totally unrational thinking. I can eat everything although I stay away from foods "that are white". I am sure you will be hearing from others. Good luck in your journey
  8. Doddie63

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    You are experiencing the worst nightmare a bandster could have. We all know of the complications but hope it won't happen to us. Is there anything we can do to support you? Other to say hang in there and hopefully it will all work out for you. Will you be getting another band? or is it too early for that decision. There is a lady from my clinic that has had her band(s) for 7 years and experienced the replacement. Now she is doing OK. My thoughts are with you.
  9. Doddie63

    Looking for support in bc

    Where in BC do you live? Did the Mexico clinic not give you a contact? There is a Dr. Arsneau at St Pauls that will do fills for a fee. Or will your family doctor do the fill?
  10. Doddie63

    Dr. Amson in Victoria

    Why don't you come to our Lions Gate Support group. We meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month. There you can ask any question and receive very truthful answers. With any surgical procedure, there are risks but they are not the norm. Band slippage does occur, but can be fixed. The most serious is band errosion and is rare. The support group is informal and no fees are charged.
  11. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    If "something doesn't sit right", respect your insight and look elsewhere. Being in Texas, have you considered Dr. Ortiz in Mexico. We have band members that are very high on him and his clinic and his rates are very reasonable. They fly from Canada to Mexico and praise him highly for support. Go to his website and check them out. My other suggestion to you is to check very carefully the aftercare provided by your doctor/clinic. As you journey progress, post your questions and I am sure someone will answer .
  12. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    roxie: I got your e mail, and responded but your e mail rejected me. I have posted to the administrator.
  13. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    Roxie, my clinic has told me to eat every three hours some form of protein. Protein is what keeps you stoked for long periods of time. Sugars give you instant gratification and energy but they don't last. Hard protein is what I was told and I try to "obey". LOL Try planning your breakfast (some people can't eat at breakfast so have some form of protein shake. Then a small snack at 10:30 - 11:00 am then your 1/2 cup at lunch to include 3 oz of protein, then 3:00 have some protein and warm drink, then dinner time making sure your 1/2 cup to 1 cup has at least 3 oz of protein. After dinner, try to keep you pouch empty so you to have acid reflux. Try a warm drink such as warm skim milk. Studies have show that people who track what they eat loose more weight than those that don't and they keep it off longer. If you haven't tracked start now. There are many good weight trackers on the net. I use Fitday. I like it so much, I purchased their CD. The practice of recording now is part of my routine and it is fun to watch the graph go down (and up). My weight increases as the month goes on then shoes a decrease at the start, then it goes up again but the bottom line is, I am always loosing even if it is only 4 oz for the month. Good luck and keep posting. If you want to be accountable, feel free to e mail me and maybe we can support each other. Good journe.
  14. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    roxie: confesson is good for the soul. But congratulations for being 26lbs down and not up. Your journey is straight ahead. Don't look behind, this is not a race, but your personal journey. Loosing weight take work as we all know, but what good does it do to dwell on the past. Welcome back and post to let us know of your weightloss next week.
  15. Doddie63

    I can eat the same - have I failed?

    No, no no you have not failed. You need support. I can't speak for everyone, but my clinic was very positive that the bulk of my 1/2 to 1 cup of food per meal contain hard protein. That stokes the fire and keeps you feeling satisfied longer. Also, that I eat every three hours some form of protein such as some nuts, stone wheat things with peanut butter, etc. If you chew your food very thoroughly at least 22 times per bite,as your pouch fills up you get the feeling of satisfaction. As I understand it, 20 minutes of eating (chewing) is the time required to allow the brain to register the body has enough. There is of course, the fact you have not had the number of fills you require to give you adequate restriction. Be patient and realize that it takes up to 4 weeks for a new fill to become effective. If you are still loose then go for another fill. I was not tight until 2 weeks after a fill then I started to vomit and had to have some removed. So please come and see us at the Lions Gate Hospital once every three weeks to meet us at our support group. Also, please keep posting as you will read a lot of useful advice bearing in mind we are all different and have received different instructions from our doctors based on our needs. Your journey is just beginning. Be patient. Doreen
  16. Doddie63

    Looking for support in bc

    Hi Debbie. Yes I go to Dr. Woodhead (referred to by my clinic) and hopefully a few of his patients will respond to your post. I like him very much. Dr. W. does not have a clinic but he does his surgery at the Delta hospital. I find him very supportive. Here is a list of questions prepared by a successful bandster. I had my band in Toronto, but the distance is so far away that I cannot take advantage of the support so I pay for my fills. I get my support from Dr. W. and the Support group that meets at the Lions Gate Hospital and from the Slimband website. These are just a few of the questions that come to mind that are important in helping to make a decision in deciding which band surgeon and/or clinic to go with: · Is there a fee for consultation? · Are any of your staff at the clinic banded? · What other staff are available to patients such as dieticians, nutritionists, psychologists? o Is there a cost for their services? · Does the clinic have a website and a messageboard and or chatroom available for Lap Band potential patients to access? · What percentage of your bariatric clinic is devoted to lap band patients? · What is your medical education? · What experience in term of years and number of procedures do you have in lap band surgeries? · What experience do you have in performing revisions? · If you are a revision, what tests will you need to have done ahead of time to be sure you can have a lap band? · Do you have any statistics regarding your lap band practice and number of patients who have had slippages, band erosions or other complications? · What type of warranty comes with your lap band surgery? · What type of bands do they use and how do they determine the type and size? · Is there a pre-op diet you need to follow? o If so is there a cost involved? How much? · If I don't follow the pre op diet perfectly am I still allowed to get the surgery? · What tests and paperwork do I need to have done prior to being accepted for banding? o Is there any charge? How much? o What is the time span? · Is the surgery performed in the clinic or at the hospital? · In case of an emergency what is the procedure that is followed? · How soon after surgery can I go home? · What type of accreditation does your clinic have? · How do your operating rooms compare to those in a hospital if surgery is performed at the clinic? · Can you give me references from other patients I may talk to, especially those who are a revision from past weight loss surgery? · How long am I required to be in town before my surgery? · Is there a hotel that is recommended? o If so, is there a preferred rate at this hotel? o Is there a shuttle available from this hotel to clinic and back and how much does this cost? · Are my family members allowed to remain in the waiting room while I am in surgery or are they asked to leave until I am in the recovery room? · How long after I wake up can I go home? · What special medications will I need to purchase before hand? o Gas-x? liquid Calcium? chewable multi Vitamins? .... · How long would you recommend I take off work after surgery? · If I have a hernia do you fix this? o Is there an extra cost associated? · How long do I have to have a caregiver with me after surgery? · Is there someone I can hire to be my caregiver if I come alone? · Do you use latex? · Is there a deposit I have to pay to hold my surgery? o How much? o Is it refundable if I change my mind? · How must my final payment be made -- money order/visa/cheque? o Does it have to be in before my surgery or do I bring it with me on my surgery day? · If I have further questions may I contact you or your clinic with them? Even more important is follow up care: · What type of aftercare program does their clinic have? · What is covered in the cost of your surgery in regards to aftercare? · Is there an after hour phone number in case of an emergency or concern you encounter outside of normal business hours? o Is he/she available on call to answer or return your call? o Who responds to calls? · Do you have support groups available locally and in my area? · Is there a fee for any aftercare services? · How soon after surgery is your first fill usually? · What hours am I able to come in for fills and days? · How often between fills are you eligible for your next one? · How are the fills performed and are they with or without fluoroscopy? · Do you have to pay for your fills or are they covered in your surgery fee? o If they are not covered what is the fee? · If you live far away from the band clinic, do they have anyone local or closer to your home who is trained by the clinic to do your fills? o If so do you pay a fee to them and if so how much? · In case of complications post op, if you had a slippage or worse case scenario band erosion is any further surgery to remove the band covered or would you have to pay? · In case of a defective port or leak is the surgery to replace it covered in the lap band surgery cost? · In case of a defective lap band is it replaced at no cost to you the patient? · If you needed a new band for any reason such as the above or band leak, etc., is it replaced free of charge to you? o If not what type of cost would you be responsible for? · At the clinic does the surgeon do your follow up fills or fill nurses? o If nurses, what training do they have and can you meet them before committing to this surgery? · What criteria do they base your needing a fill or defill? · How long does it take when calling to book a fill does it take to get an appointment? · How much time is the fill nurse allotted to spend with you answering any questions or concerns also? · Are any of your staff at the clinic banded? · What other staff are available to help patients, i.e., dieticians, nutritionists, psychologists? o Is there a cost for their services? · Does the clinic have a website and a messageboard and or chatroom available for Lap Band patients to access? Pick out the ones may help you to make a decision.
  17. Doddie63

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    You should allow at least 4 weeks between fills. It is natural that you will not have much restriction on the first fill. Relax and take your time. I am going to quote a 7 year + bandster about fills: "The usual swelling that is common after a fill occurs in the next few - 24 hours. It takes some fills 1-2 weeks to settle in and we cannot tell how a fill really is until then. This is why at least 4 weeks between fills is very important, and this is addressed by the band manufacturer in the professional literature they provide surgeons". end of quote. I had 1/2 fill and didn't have any problems until well after the 2nd week. Then I started to vomit as nothing would go down. The doctor took out 1/4 cc and I have been fine since. So relax enjoy your journey and concentrate on changing your eating patterns and lifestyle. The weight will come off if you work at it. It might help if you research the recommendations of your band manufacuturer to help you make wise decisions on fills.
  18. Doddie63

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Are you kidding!!!! I opened a twitter account and posted, but I have no idea if anyone can or will read it. I have no idea how it works. Maybe someone in our group can enlighten us. LOL
  19. Doddie63

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi: Maybe it is time to start a "twitter" to let new banders know we have a support group in Vancouver? May bring in more people looking for support.
  20. Doddie63

    So Pissed!!!!!

    Would it help to think that you are light years ahead of others and you have the immediate help of professionals that are in the business to assist their clients to their goals. Don't think for one minute you will walk into your doctors office and get a band within a month. Thousands will be lined up and the program will have strings attached to it that may eliminate you anyway. You made the right decision at the time don't think about what coulda, woulda, mighta been. Think of your future, you thought enough of yourself to put a lot of money down on it. If the band is free, I wonder if you would be driven to succeed as much as you were when you paid for the band? Give yourself a pat on the back.
  21. Doddie63

    Vancouver Area Bandsters

    Hi Ports being on the side is not unusual and most times a skilled fill nurse/surgeon can inject any fill. I believe we all can feel our port. However, if your fills are painful and it take many attempts then it is only a minor surgery to have the port corrected. It happened to me. To get a fill it, took at least 3 needles and numerous attempts before success. My surgeon then did the surgery to correct it. Hope this note puts you at ease
  22. Doddie63

    From consultation to surgery, time line?

    depends on clinic/surgeon with no clinic. My time was 6 weeks as I had to go on a pre op diet to shrink my liver before surgery. Your weight I think determines how long the pre op (if any) diet is.
  23. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    Noel. I loose consistantly 1 to 2 lbs per month on average. I have never lost big time as I can't exercise all that much. I am not able to judge quantities so I have to measusre everything. I eat one egg, 1 peice of WW bread for breakfast, low fat yogurt, tuna or other fish for lunch, tea and stonewheat thins with peanut butter at tea time and anything a dinnertime. Although contrary to most everyone else, I can't eat more than 4 to 6 oz at night. I don't know why I am so restricted. I have 5.5 ccs in a 10 cc band and keep a loose fill because of my failure to chew properly. The band has helped me know the feeling of full which I had never known before. I do keep track of everything on Fitday as well. Sigh, even with the band one has to work at getting the weight off. How about you what do you eat? and How has your weight loss happened.
  24. Doddie63

    New 60+ Thread

    Hi NOel. Welcome to 60+. I am 66 and know what you mean when mixed groups are mostly young. Nothing wrong with their interests, just not mine as I am past worrying about my boobs, etc. Now I just want to look good, be healthy and join the living by being able to get on an airplane. You certainly have done well since the band was put on. Congratulations.

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