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Everything posted by joycelyn

  1. joycelyn


    I will be looking forward to hear how you are doing, I'm scheduled on the following Monday and let me tell you scared does'nt cover it. I have only had one surgery in my life so this is all new to me. I know I will fine and you will too. I just keep telling myself that this time next month the hard stuff will be behind me. And I will be on my way to the skinnier side
  2. joycelyn

    How Longs Is Your Pre-Op Diet?

    Ok this is only three days into my 10 day of liquid diet. I was doing ok. Then we took my father law out for his birthday, wow I barely made it. I ordered soup but it was all veg, very little broth. I kept thinking " why am I doing this to myself this is torture " but I made it. It was all I had not to break down in tears. But when I got home and I felt a little better. I just hope I can see this to the end, without falling apart. I'm so scared I will breakdown and my husband will see me as a failure. I have to do this. I want to see the other side of my life. The side that is thinner and healthier.
  3. I can't wait till I can squat down and not hurt myself trying to get back up. I can't wait till I can not feel self concisous about my size of clothing. I can't wait till I no longer worry about what I weigh I can't wait to have my husband look at me and see a thinner and healthier person. I know he loves me now but I want him to love that there is less of me.
  4. joycelyn

    How Longs Is Your Pre-Op Diet?

    Ok day two of liquids, not to bad except co workers have to sit beside me with their fries and burgers. How rude and yes they know what I'm doing. They will fill differently when I'm healthier than them so ha ha. I found that I miss chewing. So I chew on a Popsicle to help with that. My stomach is growling really loud now. I'm going to make me something to drink now.
  5. joycelyn

    My Texas Sleevers

    Tyler Texas here, using Dr Beall. He office staff is awesome.
  6. joycelyn

    5 Days Post Op

    My doctor is requiring me to use the seasickness patch before surgery to stave of nausea. That put my mind to rest on that fact. I still find myself asking why am I doing this. Then I go check my blood sugar and there is the reason. I am still scared like crazy but I want to see the other side of my life.
  7. joycelyn

    Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?

    I started the liquid diet this morning, so far so good. But I am hungry now I guess I will go make me a protien shack yummy huh
  8. joycelyn

    How Longs Is Your Pre-Op Diet?

    I don't have to start the liquid diet till Fri woohoo. So tonight I ate a big meal with dessert. Now I feel uncomfortable. That won't happen again ever. This forum has been a big help to me. Thank you everyone who has giving me their thoughts and prayers and support. You all are making me feel better about this new way of life.
  9. joycelyn

    Pre Op Tomorrow

    Ok today is my pre op and I'm scared. My husband is going with me. I can't believe it already here. Well almost. I am praying this is not a bad mistake that I will regret. I know this is just nerves but I want to run away. But I have come this far I must continue. I just wish my daddy was here to talk to. I will suck it up and go through this for him and myself. Wish me luck and strength cuz I need it.
  10. joycelyn

    Where Are My April 2012 Sleevers?

    I'm April 2 can't wait, but I'm scared completely, Im more scared about the actual surgery not the pain afterwards, I know that I can handle the pain, that's what drugs are for lol.
  11. joycelyn

    Loose Skin Question

    That has been one of my questions. I have been overweight for 27 yrs so I am worried that the extra skin in my mid section will hang over to my toes ha ha not that bad but I have a pouch. Also my "bat wings" I have been working out three to four times a week and I hope that some of the skin can be filled up with muscles if not I will be saving up for a plastic surgeon.
  12. To stop taking my diabetes meds and not fitting into the really cute clothes. I hate wearing plain T-shirts from the men's department.
  13. The main reason I ever considered the surgery was my Father. He had a heart attack in March of last year, he was not overweight he just wore out his heart. While he was in the hospital I told him about maybe checking into WLS. Every day he would ask me if I spoke to the doctor yet. When I did talk to my pcp she was all excited and suggested the sleeve. When I told my father about this surgery he so positive. Told me to get it. I lost my dad in July and I made a promise to him and myself to do this. So I can't back out now. I know he would have loved to be around to see this happen. I have my angel to see me through this.
  14. joycelyn

    How Longs Is Your Pre-Op Diet?

    Does that mean the lower your bmi the less time on liquid diets?
  15. joycelyn

    Pre Op Tomorrow

    My surgery is April 2 also. I am very nervous, and excited. I have only had one surgery before so not sure what to expect. My husband is very supported. I am a diabetic so that is my top reason but I have been heavy since I gave birth 27 years ago. I am about 80 lbs overweight and get told all the time that all I need to do is eat right and exercise more, well guess what? I have been working out for 6 mths and watching what I eat and I have only lost 18 lbs. But my biggest fear is that since I have been heavy so long my skin will be saggy and I will have slot of excess skin that has been stretched out. That may sound vain, but that's just me. I think the prep diet has me a little scared. I have heard that some doctors only require 2 to 3 days of liquids only. But others say 2 weeks. I am tring to prepare myself for the 2 weeks but am praying for 2 -3 days only. I wish you good luck on your journey. Hope for a speedy recovery.
  16. joycelyn

    Moved My Date!

    As of right now I'm scheduled for April 2. I can't wait to be thinner
  17. joycelyn

    Missy V's Sleeve Journey....

    I am from Texas also. Same thing 1 psych 1 dietician and will pay 900 total. But I have been on this since Aug 11, my pcp had to monitor me for 6 mths. My insurance does not allow you to gain weight are you will be denied. My surgery is scheduled for April 2. This is starting to feel real now
  18. joycelyn

    Hello Everyone New To The Site....

    Hello I am scheduled for my sleeve onApril 2, yes I'm a little scared. but I am also excited about it. I have a trip planned to Mexico in June and want to be smaller by then. I know this won't be easy but I have been overweight for 25 plus years and now is the time. Does any one have advice on preparing for the two weeks before surgery?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
