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Liberated Sleeve

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Liberated Sleeve

  1. Liberated Sleeve

    Has Anyone Else Never Thrown Up?

    None yet thank God!
  2. Liberated Sleeve

    I Hear Tell There's Gonna Be A New Sheriff In Town!

    LOL - congrats!!
  3. Liberated Sleeve

    Calender Of Encouragement

    Love it!
  4. Liberated Sleeve

    Day 2 Pre-Op Diet

    Hot bullion or decaf tea helps too with the hunger!
  5. Liberated Sleeve

    Bad Choice Of Food Today

    Thanks for posting! I have been craving a salad so bad but know I can't have one until the diet plan tells me it is okay. After reading yours I will definitely not make the mistake of trying to do it early!! I hope you felt much better after it was all over! Ick!
  6. Liberated Sleeve

    Help After Surgery?

    I did have someone at home that could take care of me if I needed it, but I did it all myself. Depends on how well you know yourself and how well you do during the surgery at the hospital. Go to the grocery store before hand and make sure you have everything you need on hand. Fill your prescriptions before hand and have them ready and easy to get to. I had a pen, paper, glucose meter, thermometer and blood pressure machine handy so I could take my vitals and record them for the doctor. Set your bedroom up so it is ready for you when you get home (i.e...have a way to prop yourself up in bed if you need to) or if you intend to sleep in a recliner in the living room for a few days, have it setup and ready. Make sure you have a clear path to the restroom (no cords, rugs, etc that could trip you) Have a path you can do your walking in the house. I had a 10oz bottle that I poured all my liquids into (except my protein shakes) and I used that to measure my fluid intake by making a tick mark every time I finished one (in the beginning my brain was still foggy from the anesthesia). Hope this helps just a little bit!
  7. Congrats on your weight loss! I am at 19lbs so far since surgery. My ticker is overall since my WLS journey began. I too was on 21 days of liquids and followed it and was very happy. I did kinda miss chewing some food but knew it wasn't forever. If you followed your liquids and didn't have any troubles getting them in you will probably do okay on the foods. Yes you will have some leftovers!! I have done well and haven't really rejected anything I have tried yet. I made some spaghetti and meatballs today and was able to eat 1 meatball (1oz - 93% lean) and 1/4 cup of the sauce (didn't eat any of the whole wheat noodles) along with 1 oz of cheese. I am definitely going to try your pork recipe, sounds good and I hear that pork seems to be easier to get down then chicken in the early days! I think your plan is a little ambitious tomorrow and doubt you will be able to intake all of that at this point, but you never know. Each of us is so different! Good luck and keep us posted!
  8. Liberated Sleeve

    Halfway To Goal, 110 Lbs Gone!

    OMG! That is absolutely fantastic!! Keep moving!
  9. Liberated Sleeve

    Big Thanks!

  10. Liberated Sleeve

    Can You Drink Milk Post-Op?

    I use Soy milk or Almond Milk (unsweetened) in my protein shakes.
  11. Liberated Sleeve

    30 Min Water Rule

    I started this habit before surgery and it was hard for the first couple of days, but then it just became habit. I usually do the dishes and some chores or something else right after eating and before I know it the time has already passed (usually more then required) and I realize I am thirsty.
  12. Liberated Sleeve

    March 2012 Vsg

    Sending prayers to the almighty one that he will guide your surgeon's hands and instruments and you will feel minimal to no pain during your recovery!! Congrats and keep us posted as soon as you feel well enough to post!! Don't forget to walk, walk and walk!! God bless beautiful!!
  13. Liberated Sleeve

    Sitting In My Hospital Room.

    Congrats to the both of you!!
  14. Liberated Sleeve

    Quite A Realization

    Awesome! And maybe, just maybe 165 is the perfect weight for you! God bless and congrats on stopping the "beat myself up" mantra!!
  15. Liberated Sleeve

    Just Got My Date

  16. Liberated Sleeve

    Surgery Tomorrow Morning 28Th

    Congrats on your surgery tomorrow! Prayers are going up that God will guide your surgeons hands and instruments and you will be recovering so well that you will ask the same question I do...."Am I a placebo patient? Did you really do the sleeve on me?" The only reason I know for sure they did sleeve me is because I am not hungry at all and I can only eat small amounts when I do eat!
  17. Liberated Sleeve

    Surgery In 1Hr

    Congrats!! Always room for one more!!
  18. God bless you Wanna! Praying for your speedy recovery and that you will start to feel normal again soon! The shot glass idea sounds great and every time you finish one you see you have accomplished intaking fluids!! As IowaAndy said though, if you aren't getting enough be sure to ask to be put back on an IV. Dehydration sucks!
  19. Liberated Sleeve

    How Are You One Week Post-Opers

    Your experience sounds almost identical to mine!! I asked my doctor's PA if I was a placebo surgery! LOL
  20. Liberated Sleeve

    Down 19Pds

    Congrats!! Me too! 19lbs since surgery date.
  21. Liberated Sleeve

    Impatiently Waiting For Surgery

    No telling what is going on, maybe an emergency. Sit back and relax! Don't get your body all stressed out before your new sleevie arrives!! Congrats!!
  22. This new profile pic is how I feel with my new sleeve!! Set free!!

  23. Liberated Sleeve

    197! 197! I'm Under 200!

  24. Liberated Sleeve

    Not-Sweet Drink Suggestions

    Decaffeinated Ice Tea!
  25. Wow, 80 pounds since January 12 is amazing!! Keep it up Mr. Worm!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
