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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by kittenkate

  1. I think, worse, my bad habits are returning moreso than my hunger. I find myself wanting fast food or soda, or heading to the kitchen because I'm bored. I'm trying to fight it but I've even gained back about 10 pounds. In the grand scheme of things thats not much, but I refuse to get even close back to the way I was before. It makes me nervous sometimes, but I just have to keep fighting it.

  2. 3 months out I actually spent a week in England. I will not sit here and tell you that I was super peppy cheerleader marathon runner. I took it easy. BUT, I never felt winded, I never ran out of energy, and I was able to spend entire days sightseeing. I think it all varies as long as you pay attention to your body.

  3. I was told not to use a straw until 6 months out, same with any kind of carbonation. I tried using a straw after about 4 months and it really really hurt, so I nixed that idea. At 6 months out on the day I had beer at a baseball game, and it was SO painful. It was probably 8 months before I could use either without it hurting. I think its one of those things that you just kinda of slowly try to see how it affects you. Ive never had issues with either thing since......

  4. I started off weight myself every day but it was depressing that I wasn't seeing the results I was expecting, so I started (and continue to do so) weighing myself only on Wednesday mornings. If I forget one Wednesday, I wait until the next Wednesday. Your weight fluctuates so much throughout the day (and even week) that weighing every day really isn't a very accurate way to measure your losses.

  5. So I will be 16 months post-op this month and I have had ENORMOUS success with this surgery. I'm struggling getting the last 15 pounds off but a lot of the blame falls on me because my eating habits havent been as great as they were. I'm working on that though!

    My question though is this: I have noticed lately that I seem to be able to eat a LOT more than usual. I can't finish a whole plate, but I noticed last night that I had eaten a little over half before I started to feel full. Is this normal? Is this a point I should reach? I'm not too worried about stretching or anything, I had my noe year follow up where the checked my stomach with a camera and everything looked fine and healed great. I'm just more concerned that I'm eating slider foods maybe or just not being aware. I'm not sure. How much should we be able to eat once we've finished healing and are in the lifetime maintenance phase?


  6. Yea, I think this is one of those things where everyone gets a different answer depending on the personal preference of their surgeon.

    My surgeon advised me not to use one for the first 6 months and then to try it afterwards and see if it hurt. I tried at about 4 months and TRUST ME you will know if you're not ready for it. It does not feel nice! Ive been using straws since about month 8 but only if its necessary. I try to avoid them in general.

  7. So after hovering between 201 and 204 for about 5 weeks I have FINALLY reached the day where my scale reads 199. I can not express the amount of joy iny my heart right now. I really think it was 6th grade or so, the last time the first digit of my weight was a 1.

    It's just surreal! I'm so excited and motivated to keep going. I'm SO CLOSE to my goal weight I can taste it!


  8. I just got a tattoo myself, one that I have wanted since I was about 15 years old. My parents never liked the idea but managed to keep me from getting it until now (13 years is a pretty good run....) I'm glad I waited because I see it now as a mark of my success with weight loss.

    I'm so sorry that your mom isn't being as supportive as she should be, that is a really tough situation. You seem to have a very strong head on your shoulders though, you should be so proud of yourself! Like NewKristen said, dont let anyone make you feel anything less than beautiful!

  9. I'm back at the hospital for my 1 year EGD. It's amazing to think where I was this time last year. 387 pounds. Scared. Uncertain.

    Now I'm here at the same hospital, 185 pounds lighter. It's a really happy and exciting feeling. Now to just make sure everything is peachy with my stomach.

    Anyone questioning whether this is right for you, take my word for it. Best. Decision. Ever.

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