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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by dishdiva

  1. I'm delighted you are having success. Having gained back 13 pounds since band removal, I often wonder if I should have considered converting. But, I was just too damn scared after two slips. The "reversible" factor was very important to me. Plus, I had such terrible reflux as a result of my slippage, I would be too nervous (and my surgeon probably would be too) of future problems. Just to end on a positive note, I am exercising more and starting to eat better, so I've stopped the weight gain in its tracks and actually taken off a few pounds. I hope your journey continues to be successful, Anthony. God bless.


  2. Thanks, everyone.

    I think a metabolic panel would be a great start. I'm convinced that the year or so I spent on very low calorie band eating (and ocassionally barfing up what I did get down) has freaked out my metabolism. We all know how fat cells go into starvation mode and hold on to every consumed calorie after being denied. Where do you start with the metabolic panel? Just a regular internist?

    Geezer, the removal of my band was covered by insurance -- I had it out in March but did not revise at that time. I was too scared because of the complications I'd had with the band...and too confident I could maintain the weight loss. It's a DS or RNY or VGB that would not be covered because my policy now excludes all bariatric surgeries.

    I'm not at goal weight -- still a good 60-70 pounds away. But, again, with a BMI that's 35, my surgeon did mention DS and RNY as possibilities when we talked about band removal. It would probably be a good idea to schedule a consult with him as well, but not quite ready to do that.

    Thanks again, ya'll. This sucks, makes me sad and depressed. This morning, I was going to work out -- would have been my fifth workout of the week -- and the "why bother" attitude kicked in. That's just today. I know tomorrow I'll get back on the horse.


  3. Hey everyone --

    At the risk of boring those of you who know my story: I was banded in 2003. Slipped in 2004. Had it repaired in 2005. Slipped again in 2006 and had it removed in March! With the exception of some weight gain(s) when I had no fill, I was down about 70 pounds from my high on my 3/13/06 removal date. Since then, I've increased my exercise...more frequently, longer periods of time and greater intensity. I try eating better -- less junk, more fruit, etc. But like most of us, I am far from perfect. My calorie intake would suggest small, slow loss or at the very least, maintaining my current weight -- not weight gain. And Yes, my head drives most of my eating.

    Despite my efforts, I keep slowly gaining. First three pounds...then another three...then another three... and I just feel so out of control that it will be only a matter of time that I'm back to my all time high (257). As of today, I've regained 15 pounds in almost three months.

    My BMI now is 35. My insurance now excludes bariatric surgery, but I feel so panicked and desperate that I would find a way to cash-pay.

    I don't want to do the band again. But I feel like since I failed, I might not be successful with something that would be irreversible! I don't know if slips were my fault or fills that were too tight -- my money is on me -- overeating and then vomiting.

    So I'm actually looking into other options...Optifast (great if I want a guarantee to gain any weight lost back), RNY or DS. Would a Doctor even perform it if I'm only about 50-60 pounds overweight now, as opposed to the 100 when band was first placed? Geezer Sue, if you care to weigh in (pardon the pun), I'd love to hear your thoughts.

    And, I'm accepting any encouragement that's out there. It's sooooo frustrating when I feel I'm doing enough that the scale should show some maintenance in weight at least, not the constant $$%%^%^& gaining.

    Thanks, as always.

    Elizabeth:scalesno: :cry

  4. After my weight started creeping up after my band was removed, I joined Weight Watchers and gained five pounds in the first week. That was the end of that. My inner-self just has a huge resistance to anything that involves restriction/diets/programs, etc. I actually end up eating more than if I wasn't on a "diet." So many people are successful, I'm obviously not one of them. Good luck to the WW fans.

  5. don't know if anyone mentioned this or not already (i skimmed through the thread) but one thing I found Megan -- even when you're perceiving yourself to be totally "pigging out," you're not eating nearly as much as you did pre-band...

    i know from being without a fill for long periods of time and now being totally band-less -- there is a big difference!


  6. Hey everyone...I'm hanging tough. LaMad, you are an inspiration to all of the band-less! Way to Go! I've maintained for one month the 10 pound gain which ocurred in the first month after the band was removed. I was unable to eat very well -- or in a way that satisfied or didn't hurt -- for so long, I went a little crazy. I still eat too much sugar. Band did NOT fix that. Portion sizes are bigger, but smaller than they were pre-band. Most of my success maintaining is from exercise. If I dumped the sugar addiction, I'd probably start losing. But, I'm just not there yet!



    03-10-05 revision from slip

    03-13-06 removed due to slip #2

    -52 from 257 high

  7. Nothing to add, but a reminder that you're not alone. Up 8 pounds since band removed 3/13. At 3 pounds, swore it wouldn't be more. At 6 pounds over my weight from band removal day, swore that was my new high and I wouldn't go past THAT.

    I live off the six-meal mentality too -- think about what you can eat next the second you finish what's in your mouth. SUX. I have been cutting up fruit and eating it (along with everything else in the house.) I started Weight Watchers Monday and every single day I'm in the hole on those #$%%^^^ points. I think doing something where I'm constantly monitoring my food and putting it in a journal makes me more focused on food!!!!!! Anyway... if possible, I keep my drug of choice -- sugar products -- out of the house. That usually lasts about 24 hours. God love us!



    slip repaired 3-10-05

    band removed 3-13-06 (-60 lbs)

    now -52 :(

  8. My denial actually was from UHC.And they stated one reason, that being gastric band surgery in the past five years. (Their words.) I think it's just crazy I was denied since the band was removed!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tricia, have you been able to find coverage?

    I'm wondering if applying for a policy that's mainly for hospitalization/not medical would increase my odds?

  9. This is crazy! I recently left my job to start my own business and have been shopping for individual policies because Cobra is so expensive. United Healthcare denied me coverage because of "gastric banding surgery in past five years." Here's where it gets really funny: I had the band removed in March -- which was also disclosed on the application.

    If you've read any of the threads from the newly de-banded, you know that we go back to "normal" pretty quickly -- as if we never had the surgery!

    Oh well, just one more reason to hate insurance companies!

  10. First, as a newly un-banded, I'm thrilled to see this forum. YAY! It has been such a struggle for me since my band was removed. It's shocking how quickly the old eating head games come back. Thinking just a bite will be fine...a little taste.... in OA (I'm a drop-out), they say that compulsive overeating is a progressive disease, that everytime you "fall off the wagon," it's worse the next go round. I've been on vacation this past week and couldn't get enough to eat. I KNOW I'm eating because of boredom or because I'm lonely or WHATEVER... but still I'm compelled to do it. I haven't weighed in a week and am scared I'll be back on track for re-gaining all my weight. Right before vacation, I'd only gained three pounds in three weeks. I felt like that was a huge victory. I really think exercise saves me. I really think some structure helps...six small meals a day. (Have to keep the metabolism stoked.). I know that's obnoxious to hear, but I think there's some value to it. Giving up sugar helps a lot of people. Of course, for many of us, that's our addiction of choice.

    Anyway...just my thoughts. We didn't go through what we went through with the band just to re-gain it back!



    removed due to (second) slip 3-10-06

  11. I PB'd on purpose...to relieve the discomfort from overeating and other reasons...and it is NOT the same as bulimia. If I did not experience discomfort, it did not happen. I no longer have my band due to slippage and no longer "PB" on purpose. If I was bulimic, I would.

    That said, try and break the habit!

  12. Diana: We often say here that the percentage of people reporting problems is much higher on boards. Those who got the band and went on with a normal life post on boards with less frequency than those with problems.

    Percentage wise, I believe this board reflects the average rate, percentage wise, of what Inamed says. I don't know the number off the top of my head, sorry.

    Good luck to you. It's good to be getting information from all types of experiences. When I got mine, there were fewer bandsters...thus, fewer problems.

  13. Lena Kay -- I'm a single mom too, so I understand the logistical challenges of arranging child care, time off etc. But when I had to get my band removed (3/10/06), I just had to force myself to ask for help from friends. (I'm not good at asking for help.) It's amazing how people will rally around you. I'm with others here: sooner, not later. Logistically, an emergency removal would be even harder for a single mom to manage...so you want to avoid that. Good luck to you.

  14. Thanks, everyone. I'll call my surgeon's office tomorrow to see about tracking the band down. My guess is it's gone to the medical waste dumping grounds...

    Feeling good... it's strange to be able to eat without worry for the first time in nearly three years. Boy, will I have to be careful in order to not put the weight back on. I can see how easy it would be to quickly re-gain.

  15. Hey everyone -- My band removal surgery yesterday went fine. No problems. I was home that evening. Did Clear liquids yesterday and have had a little to eat today, no problems. Like kellymoos, I didn't get a lot in the way of post-op instructions.

    The good news is I knew the minute I woke up that I was free from the discomfort and reflux-issues. That part has been great.

    I kept asking if I could keep the band; the last thing I remember is my doctor telling me it "had to go the lab" whatever that means. So, I didn't get it back even though I bought it!

    So far, recovery from band removal has been easier than band placement or my revision surgery last year.

    Sticking around LBT,


  16. My insurance sent a denial letter for my lap band removal, calling it bariatric surgery. But, the letter also said pre-certification wasn't required for outpatient stays, which I was. So we're submitting and hoping fot the best. If they deny, I plan to fight until the bitter end because my health, and life, was being put at risk from my band-related complications.

  17. Kelly --

    We were banded the same week -- and will be unbanded the same week!! Mine slipped within a year and I had it re-positioned one year ago. It never functioned effectively for me again...after the first fill my reflux was so terrible... even with a total unfill, my misery the past nine months has been off-the chart. Slip #2 was diagnosed about 10 days ago, although it probably has been that way for awhile. No regrets that I had the surgery. Tomorrow it comes out. Tomorrow can't come soon enough. Three surgeries in 3.5 years. No more.

    I'm glad you're home and healing... How's the recovery?



    repositioned 03-10-05

    removal scheduled 03-10-06


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