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Everything posted by Tattoodmom

  1. Tattoodmom


    I know only occasionally but I wasn't sure if they were ok at all. Im excied to get to a few mushies later this week! Yogurt and maybe a taste of ricotta or a few sips of my fav yummy silk in a few more weeks! Yay
  2. Tattoodmom


    So my 4 yr old daughter is counting my incisions and tea,hing her imaginary class(mainly her 3 yr old brother)about as she says"optderations" and my lil one says "hey I play that game but why didn't mommy's nose light up" hehe it was silly but wanted to share! Anyone still get low abdominal pain right side one week out? Should I worry its only real bad in the mornings
  3. I am a week out now and I had literally water for stools from day 3 until this am. Water in water out. I feel awesome today physically slightly crazed emotionally but... It will get better. And it will stop. Keep workin it!
  4. So my surg was Mon 3/19 and and today I feel...well...a wreck. Kids are being goofy my middle one is sick, hubby works 7p-7a so I was alone all night and hes sleepin all day until about 3 to repeat the cycle tonite. My little one was up all night with night terrors. I feel good and am up and about. Gettin in my protein n fluids but I feel like im losin it. I so just wanna soak in a hot bath or at least be allowed a protein shake. But I dont see the surgeon until thursday and I guess that is when I can move to a shake. I wanna cry but I not really any good at emotions. I can show every emotion to my lil ones and love em and kiss em and squeeze em but when it come to my life...ehhh not so much so I guess i wanna know Is this normal or am I being a whiney brat?
  5. So my surg was mon 3/19 and since i've been home im fine gettin in fluids and protein but have had some serious bowel issues. I can not stop going and its super loose(trying to save u from graphics but ultra mud water)...im not dehydrated. All mucus membranes are moist and I urinate fine. Should I worry now or later?
  6. Tattoodmom

    Should I Worry

    Thanks Nancy! everyone I spoke to from my WLS support group made me feel like I was the only one
  7. Tattoodmom

    Should I Worry

    Thanks bedhead. I guess im worried about leaks. I am headed by to work Tuesday and can not run out of the room every 20mins. I am happy with how everything is going but not happy with this part.lol
  8. Tattoodmom

    Waiting For My Iv

    I am drinking isopure(gnc) not so good but 20 oz has 40gm of protein. I am walking with my kiddos and treating myself to a popsicle everynight after the walk and a 1/4 cup of ckn broth 2x a day n jello when I need it. Im down only 12lbs as of 10 mins ago and I guess im considered day f or 6 p/o?
  9. Tattoodmom

    Waiting For My Iv

    I am so happy to hear from you. Glad all is well. I am getting in my protein and walking but still not sleeping on my side. The weight is coming off I dont know what alot is or a little is considered. But ill take what im getting. I wish u the best of luck and recovery. Keep on posting
  10. Tattoodmom

    Waiting For My Iv

    Jayhawk how are you doing with recovery? I hope you are well
  11. So today the pain seems better but im SUPER sleepy. Os this normal? I even took a nap
  12. Tattoodmom

    Day 5 P/o

    Thanks everyone. Yes getting down my isopure is not easy. I am not on b12 yet so maybe that is it. Today my pain is alot better but my abdomen is so bruised it makes it uncomfortable to lay down except on my back(i like my side). I did get a full nights sleep last night as my little ones are finally setteled that I am home and not going anywhere again. Hubby goes back to work tonite (7p-7a) so this should be interesting
  13. Tattoodmom

    Can You Take Tylenal (Sp?) Before Surgery?

    I was told not to take tylenol preop. Sorry. Try calling ur surgeons on call service if they arent there they will know
  14. Tattoodmom

    5Days P/o

    My tummy is really sore today like I need a band to lift it. Is this normal. Some of yesterdays pain is gone but now its a new kind of pain. Is this normal. It all seems to be in my upper belly now but the bottom seems heavy. Thoughts?
  15. Im home and on the mend. having trouble getting in all the clear liqid protein. This isopure is def not a fav but cest la vie. Hows everyone else and how long will my abdomen be "tight" with everymove I make
  16. Tattoodmom

    Sleeved Monday

    I feel for anyone with reflux. I am calling my surgeon in the morning because its making it hard to get my liquids in. the protein drink isnt so hot to begin with but adding that burn is terrible!
  17. Tattoodmom

    Sleeved Monday

    Jenny do u still have reflux bad as well? We can b sleeve sisters. Lol. Im sore but my life goes on as my kiddos dictate it does. I feel like im whining but I have not had acid in my throat everytime I rest like this since my last baby! Is that normal? Can someone also fill me in onwhy one side of my tummy is soooo much more sore then the other? The not so sore side has the larger incisions?
  18. Well Monday is the big day. I'm very nervous. Very jittery and scared as well. Please tell me you all felt the same before thus surgery as well! I need love luck and prayers!
  19. Tattoodmom

    8 Am On Monday

    Thanks everyone and good luck to my sleeve buddies! We shall prevail more beautiful/handsome then ever!
  20. Tattoodmom

    March 19Th At 11:30Am

    Yay! Congrats my time is 8am monday! I am scared as well so lets hope together that it is normal!
  21. And I am totally starting to freak out. My appointment with the anesthesiologist went awful today. I called my surgeon and almost canceled and then he promised me a new anesthesiologist. So now im totally wigged out. Any helpful hints. All I can think about is my babies
  22. Tattoodmom

    Surg Is Monday

    I explained how fearful I am of anestheia and then asked some questions about what expectations are and my saftey and he responded with"do u hear about people dying from anesthia in the paper" I just stared for a second and he said"id be more worried about surgery" so never even attempted to calm me about this and my fear of anestheia. I am freaking out
  23. Yay jayhawk! U can still be my sleeve sister. I need people in this just like me! I'm excited for US
  24. Tattoodmom


    Hey everyone! Im new to this site and my surg is Mar 19. Im nervous about anestheia and leaving my kids. Any words of wisdom?

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