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Posts posted by JDHenin

  1. Whenever I try to comment, or post a new thread using my iphone app, I keep getting an error message. It reads:

    Parse error

    The remote server sent a unknown response. This could be a result of the forum software plugin being outdated. Tap the "report" button below to send this report to support for analysis.

    I tap report. But hasn't been fixed. It's been like this for weeks now. I can't use the app for anything other than viewing.

    Can you please tell me what to do?


  2. I don't want to get my rings sized until I'm at or really close to goal. I don't want to resize them more than once. My rings are platinum, and I can't afford to keep doing them.

    So, I went on Ebay and found a gorgeous set in CZ and white gold overlay. The set is so similar to my original in design. They're gorgeous. I paid less than $20 for the set! They look amazing.

  3. Ok....here we go. My NSV's since losing 120lbs~

    Can fit in a booth! No longer stuffed into my car, steering the wheel with my belly! Can shave my legs easily! Climb a flight of stairs without sweating! No longer have pillows on the tops of my hands and feet! Can see my veins! My collarbones protrude now! My face has a shape, and it's not round! All my old jewelry fits again! I have ankles and knees again! I take the time to look good in the morning now! I'm no longer the fattest person in the room! I can easily fit in a movie theater seat now! I can get up off the couch in one step now! I can polish my toenails without my stomach getting in the way! Nobody stares at me anymore! I get noticed by nice looking men now!! I get SO many compliments now! I enjoy walking around the stores now! I'm not exhausted all the time!


    I could go on and on and on and on........Can't wait to read everyone's!!

  4. So now that I've lost 120lbs, (and still have 80 more to go!), I've noticed a huge thing. Before, where ever I went, I used to always see people's eyes gravitating to my stomach. That's where I've always carried most of my weight. This made me so self conscious. It was so obvious the way people would look. I mean I was 400lbs. How could they NOT look?

    Now, I've noticed it's stopped? When I go to a store, nobody looks at me like OMG LOOK HOW FAT SHE IS! What an amazing feeling. I'm starting to blend in now. While I am still fat, I'm NOT the fattest person in the place now. I always was. :( There's plenty of people out there that are more my size now. I can't believe where I am at right now. We went out to dinner last night for my father in law's birthday, and I wanted to be in EVERY picture! Usually I'm the one taking the pictures because I was so ashamed and DIDN'T want to be in any!!! My mother in law was so happy for me, and was loving that I was so confident and it showed. I'm so thankful for my family, my husband's family, and my friends. I could not ask for a more supportive bunch of people! They are so motivational. I need that. The more compliments I get from everyone, the more it makes me not want that potato chip!!! I can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo

  5. Stop reading. When I decided to have surgery I was so psyched. Then I found this site. While I love it and it's been so helpful, it was also not good for me read sooooooo many different situations that people have. I stopped reading because I was making myself crazy worrying about the 'what if's.' once I had my surgery and of course all went well, I started reading again. It messes with your head when u read too much.

  6. Ooooh I have a frozen yogurt place by me. We went there today, it's called 'yo luv it' it's totally non fat and about 13 grams of sugar for small cup. I got a small cup, no toppings ( that's where u go from good to bad!) and I only ate half. So half for tomorrow. It's my go to treat every few weeks or so. Only eating half at a time at only 6-7 grams of sugar is good

  7. My BIGGEST fear when going out to eat was always making sure they have tables available. I'm never able to fit into a booth. UNTIL NOW!!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

    We went to our favorite diner and the waitress seated us, and took us to a booth. My hubby just looked at me, knowing that I always ask for a table. This time I just nodded and said 'this is fine' and I literally just slipped right in!!!! Such a stupid thing but I felt amazing. It was so cozy and my hubby and I giggled the entire dinner how exciting it was that we both fit in a booth! (he never fit either, he's sleeved too!) love my sleeve. Love my nsv's. Love everything now. <3

  8. I find it very awkward going out to eat now. I do t want kids menu food. I don't to have to change my food choices because of my small stomach. I want to eat normal. We went out yesterday and I ordered the appetizer fried calamari. I rarely eat anything fried so this was a treat. My hubby (also sleeved) ordered a chicken panini. The portions were huge. The price for each meal was only 9.95. ( diner ) so after we're done, the waitress comes and looks puzzled as to why we ate so little. I guess it's because we're still big people and well it just doesn't make sense to her. But I want to order what I want, and I'll just take it home. I actually love having restaurant leftovers. Lunches for a few days .....

  9. Let me tell you, putting a bathing suit on and being seen in public was my biggest insecurity. This year I put one on and I don't care! I'm enjoying myself and getting my exercise. And honestly, most of the women out there look very similar to me anyway! So I say out that suit on and don't let that insecurity get to you. Enjoy yourself and be cool!!!!

  10. Love it!! It's so amazing how these little things can go unnoticed until all of a sudden you're like holy crap? That's something I've never done?! I have to climb a long flight of stairs to get to my office at work and 8 months ago I would be sweating ad soooooo out of breath by the time I got up there. Now it's a breeze and I'm not out of breath. I'm loving all my little nsv's. :) I love hearing everyone's.

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