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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Paola

  1. My doctor told me I could have 3 to 4 oz of food 5 times a day while I am on my loosing phase. I asked how many calories a day I should shoot for, but I was told not to worry about it because of the small portions. I don't really like that vague answer, I like to have solid number, so I think I will shoot for less than 850-900. What do you all think? I would also like to know what other doctor tell you about your meal portions.
  2. My doctor told me I could have 3 to 4 oz of food 5 times a day while I am on my loosing phase. I asked how many calories a day I should shoot for, but I was told not to worry about it because of the small portions. I don't really like that vague answer, I like to have solid number, so I think I will shoot for less than 850-900. What do you all think? I would also like to know what other doctor tell you about your meal portions.
  3. I was 380 when I first started looking into the surgery, and thank God I did not have any health issues. However, considering the fact that my family tree is rampant with diabetes, high blood pressure, and other health issues due to obesity I decided not to wait any longer for a life change. Even though I did not have any health issues then, I was also very worried about my knees, my 5' 3'' frame was not meant to carry 380 lbs! In the past I have lost up to 100 lbs doing diets, when I am on a diet I am very good at them, the problem comes when I leave them. When I wasn't on a diet I was very bad with my eating habits, I would plan to start a diet on Monday and would binge on Sunday all day, and that magical Monday would not come. What I love about this sleeve is that this is a complete lifestyle change, forever! From now on its healthy eating and a healthy dose of exercise every day; That's the key for a healthy life, and my sleeve is a tool that will help me live that healthy life we all crave. Research well all your options before deciding on the sleeve, because as you pointed out, it is permanent.
  4. Paola

    Food Portions

    I did receive a diet plan, according to my doctor I can eat now almost anything, the only thing he mentioned I should avoid was beef for now. I have been in ketosis since July 2011, the only carbs I eat come from vegetables and Beans. I have been very good with my protein and Water intake. I just don't like not having a definite number of calories.
  5. Paola

    281 lbs

    Thank you! Hug right back at you! =)
  6. Paola

    My New Numbers

    Congrats on the weight loss! Here is what I do for the water: I have 20 oz Water bottles I set my mind to drinking 3 minimum. Whenever I am watching TV, or on the computer I will take out a water bottle and slowly drink it. I keep the bottle in my hand and don't put the cap back on, It usually takes me 15-20 minutes to drink one. If I set the bottle down I forget about it, thats why I keep it in my hand, and un capped. Just remember not to gulp, sometimes I will use a straw and the water disappears fast.
  7. Boom, boom, boom; Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon; It's always been inside of you, you, you; And now it's time to let it through~"Fireworks" Katy Perry

  8. Maybe you could try diluting your soups. The first week out I was told by my doctor to dilute my juice and broths half and half with water.
  9. Be strong in the Lord, and Never give up hope, you're going to do great things, I already know. God's got his hands on you, so don't live life in fear. "The words I would say" Sidewalk Prophets

  10. I didn't have a tube, mine was taken out while I was still under.
  11. I thought that if I was going to have any kind of bariatric surgery I was going to under the knife once. With the lap band you have to go back and readjust it, and if you want to have it removed you have to go back too. I have an aunt whos had hers for almost 10 years and she is a little smaller than when she started but just a little. She eats very little and she exercises. To take the band off of her its $10,000. I just didn't want that to happen to me. With the bypass I didn't like the idea of rearranging my plumbing. With the gastrict plication, It is too new for my liking, and I never want my stomach to be big again, so It being reversible didn't call to me, it was my big stomach in the first place that got me in trouble. Therefore, it was the sleeve for me. I have a small stomach that will help me lose weight alon with healthy eating and exercise.
  12. That your first time of the month kicks your behind! I was so tired and crampy for 4-5 days.
  13. Is beef jerky advisable once you are eating normal food for snacking? What are other high protein snacks that are also low in fat and carbs?
  14. I finally felt my restriction today! My grandmother made stew with chick peas and pork, and she blended mine (sounds weird but so much flavor, tasted kinda like pork flavored hummus) and after 3 oz I felt I had to stop! This is the first time I eat something with a puree like consistency and I didn't expect to feel full, since I hadn't felt full when I drank the blended Soups. Next time I will eat a little less, I don't actually like feeling this full; I don't feel it in my stomach, I feel it more in my chest. But anyways I am excited to be moving from liquids, I felt like I could drink and drink. I made a discovery this weekend, my tummy doesn't like yogen fruz, the first time I ate it I thought my tummy was upset because I ate it too fast, but this weekend I ate it slowly, and after 1oz my tummy started feeling weird so I stopped. Hopefully this doesn't happen with all dairy. I love dairy.
  15. My favorite song ever is 'Born Again' by the Newsboys. When I feel like quitting this journey, or I don't want to do anymore exercise I play it and it lifts me up. I have been known to play it repeatedly when I am exercising. What is your pick me up song?
  16. This is what it is, This is who I am, This is where I finally take my stand~~"Born Again" Newsboys

  17. Paola

    Drinking With A Straw

    I drink my protein through a straw, its the fastest way for me to drink it without gulping, (I hate the protein shakes). When I see I am nearing the bottom I take the last sip without the straw to avoid sucking air. I started with the straw 1 week after surgery.
  18. Paola

    After surgery

    From the album: Surgery and Hospital Stay- 1/10/2012

    With Dr. Abel Gonzalez
  19. Paola

    After surgery

    Thank you! And that's the drain.
  20. You are totally right, I haven't seen my family in Miami since October 1.
  21. I decided to exercise today, my doctor had said to wait a month but I figure I am close enough. I did around 20 mins and I was so wiped. I didn't even do the hard part of my routine because it involves leg kicks and knee lifts. When I stopped my whole head felt so heavy! For a few minutes I got scared, and then I remembered that my head always feels like that after my routine. Anyways after next Tuesday I am going to ask the doctor if I can go swimming, I have to build some, maybe alot of, resistance there, but I know swimming will help with loose skin. I finally bought a ticket to return home! I am so happy, February 21st cannot come fast enough. Its hard to contain my excitement, but I do, especially because no one here wants me to leave. I love them all too, but its time for me to go.
  22. My ticket is bought, so I am leaving. Besides my mom said if my dad wouldn't get it for me she would. God willing I will be home the 21st :biggrin2:
  23. Paola

    Where Are You 200+Er's?

    Reporting for active duty :tongue2: When I began I was 380, I lost the 80 pre-op and 20 post-op; I have 150 more to go. When I look in a mirror I don't see 100 lbs less, but I have gone from JMS 28-30 shorts to JMS 22-24. This week has been a little hard because I went from loosing 1.30-1.70lb a day to loosing 1.68 in three days. I knew it was gonna happen, especially since I am allowed real Protein rich foods like eggs and cheese, and I am eating them because I know Proteins are super important (I was on liquids before). I had not been doing exercise before because the doctor said to wait a month, but I started today since I am only a few days shy of a month; I only 20 mins and it was hard! Harder than before, and I didn't even do the hard part of my routine. I feel great and I love this sleeve! :biggrin2:
  24. The measuring tape finally goes around my hips!!! July/2011~ 75 inches, February/2012~ 60- inches!!!

  25. Thank you =) As time neared, I found that I would eat smaller portions without anyone telling me, because I wanted to get used to the idea that during the last week I wouldn't eat anything solid.

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