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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by jen043454

  1. Went to the PA and had a slight unfill today. They put 1 CC in on Friday, and took .6 CC out today.

    I am able to drink fluids with no problem, and the surgeon suggested I get some frozen yogurt (even though it's a slider!) to get some calories in ASAP.

    I was more than willing to eat some froyo, and thrilled that I am still restricted, but not closed off!

    Thanks for the support ladies!

  2. I was banded 05/11/2012. My insurance is being dropped 11/01/2012 due to being laid off (my warehouse merged with an affiliate). I am covered for band related maintenance until 11/11/2012, since CDPHP covers 6 months at no additional cost.

    For that, I am grateful.

    I had a fill appointment on Friday 10/12/12 at 4pm. Up to this point, I had three fills and had lost a total of 50+ pounds since my pre-surgery weight. I've been happy with 50 lbs in 5 months, but realized that lately I've been exceeding the 1 cup portion size, felt physically hungry more often (I'm almost always mentally hungry, but I've been working on determining the difference between the two).

    The surgeon came in to visit while the PA was getting ready for the fill. He suggested that since I'm only covered for less than 1 more month, that perhaps I should consider a "slightly more aggressive fill".

    To be honest, I don't know how much is in my band, and I don't care to. Each person reacts differently to how full their band is, and I feel like it's just a number which I don't need to focus on. I digress...

    I agreed to the "slightly more aggressive fill", as I was told it would be covered by my insurance, and I could always come back for an unfill if need be. If I needed to get an UF over the weekend, I could go to the hospital which did the surgery (which the surgeon and PA work in the hospitals off campus bariatric unit, where I had my fill).

    I had eaten a cup of food for lunch prior to my visit, as this is my personal way of combating mental hunger. (This way I don't feel like I'm "missing out" with the super restriction from a recent fill.) I was able to get the fill, drink an entire 8 oz of Water, and could touch my toes with no issues. I was not hungry at all Friday.

    Saturday, I was physically hungry, but couldn't get mushies down. Instead, I had a large orange juice with Calcium and Fiber. lunch time I was still hungry, and tried a bite of pureed chili. I wasn't stuck, but ended up getting slimy for about an hour, after ONE SPOONFUL.

    I called my PA, who told me this was "semi-normal" for an aggressive fill. She suggested I "just wait it out" and see how I feel by Monday. (2 1/2 days after the fill.) For the entire day of Saturday, I was able to eat one can of tomatoe Soup, with 5 crackers mushed into it.

    Today, Sunday - I am not mentally or physically hungry. I do realize the importance of calories and fluids, so tried a bit of milk. Not happening! It made me slime and feel pukey for an hour. Later, I tried iced coffee, crystal lite, and orange juice - all with the same result.

    I waited until 5.30, (after not eating any food since the day before, which was a can of tomatoe Soup, 6 crackers and a spoon of chili) and tried tomatoe soup, which has always been my "go to" food when I'm having issues. I got down two spoonfulls, and started to slime again.

    The office is closed today, and when I called the hospital and explained the situation, they again told me to "just wait it out".

    Can anyone tell me if this is normal, or if the surgeon, PA and hospital are all dismissing my concern?

    I suppose since this was an "aggressive fill" some issues would present themselves for a few days. Perhaps I'm just worried because my other fills were only super restrictive for 24 hours or so?

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

    I'm not gurgling, I'm able to drink Water, and

  3. Hi Sasha,

    I was banded 05/11/12, and just had another fill on Friday of this past week.

    Friday night I could drink Water, nibbled on a cracker (until it was absolute mush), and that was pretty much it.

    Yesterday, I had a can of low sodium progress tomatoe Soup, a glass of iced coffee, and sips of Water all day. I wasn't hungry at all, but had that "mental hunger". I was concerned that I wasn't getting enough calories or fluids, but the DR's office told me to "hang tight for a few days".

    Today, I've had a glass of orange juice, two nibbles of chocolate (bad, I know, but I'm also PMSing), and two spoonfulls of tomatoe soup. I'm thinking I'm too tight, and need an unfill, but I'm trying to do what my DR's office says, and just wait it out.

    THIS fill is totally unlike my previous fills. THIS fill feels like "OMG I can't eat/drink/get comfortable".

    My LAST fill was very similar to what you're experiencing now, just reversed.

    If it wasn't cold and/or soft - I couldn't eat it. Let me tell you, it took a long time to get used to room temperature soup! That sensation only lasted about a week, thank heavens!

    Keep us posted on how you're doing, and I'll hope for the best for us both!

  4. I was banded 05/11/2012, and have lost 50 lbs as of today... While I KNOW that's a huge accomplishment which I've worked very hard to achieve... I'm suddenly... depressed? I know that sounds crazy, when I should be throwing myself a party and being super stoked about it, but I guess when I looked at the ticker and saw I still have 80 more lbs to go before I'm at my goal.... it was frustrating to see I wasn't even 1/2 way there!

    I'm working so hard - making sure I eat correctly, take my time, add in more exercise, stop making excuses for myself and have realistic goals. If you had asked me a year ago if I'd be down 50 lbs by now, I probably would have laughed at you (then thrown something, cried, drank some wine, and hated you forever!).

    Now? It seems that rather than be proud of myself for how far I've come, I'm fixated on how far I have to go.


  5. I've had my second fill about two weeks - I'm at 3.8 CC in a 10 CC band.

    I'm not hungry very often (except around 10 am and again around 5, though I drink lots of Water, eat lots of Tomato Soup, and have my Protein for dinner).

    Am I possibly in the green zone, or am I just getting comfortable (lazy) and thinking "this is enough?"

    I haven't added exercise back in yet (I know, I know...) so I'm sure that's why my loss hasn't been as substantial as I had hoped. I'm aiming to add the gym back into my routine next week after midterms are over.

    How do I know when I'm in the "green zone"? Suggestions or comments, please?

  6. I didn't see my surgeon today - I saw a PA because my surgeon was running really behind schedule.... I think next time I'll just reschedule if that's the case. Not because of the issue I'm having, but also because the PA kept "jabbing" at my port and couldn't get the needle in. I actually bled through a bandaid. He kept insinuating it was my fault because of the type of pants I was wearing (they're actually the same pants I wore on my last weigh in / fill. I like to wear the same clothes so I know it's not my uniform weighing me down?).

    Oh well. I lived through it, and learned.

    Next fill I'll be sure to stick with liquids. Thanks Shauna <3

  7. I had my 2nd fill today. (Banded 05/11/12).

    I'm at 3.8 CC in a 10 CC band.

    My dr told me to try eating, slowly, as my last fill provided no restriction what so ever.

    I took one bite of a cooked jalepeno, swollowed it and immediately though it was a bad idea...

    I PBed up the one bite within second, and have been PBing up "foam" for the last 20 minutes.

    If I'm not burbing, I'm hiccuping or spitting up foam.

    It's not painful, but it's a psychological freaky thing.

    Ideas, suggestions, support?

  8. I'm about 3 weeks in bandland and can honestly say: The first week was simple because I was in too much pain to eat. The second week I was feeling better, but still in the mushies stage. This week, I can eat solids (some) and seem to have remembered my love affair with food. This week I've GAINED two pounds.

    It wasn't until I stepped on the scale tonight that I realized that I had gained, that I'm neglecting this tool which I'm fortunate enough to have.

    To me, I need to decide if it's more important to be satisfied by the carbs, or to be healthy. It was an easy choice for me, and I'll be going back to liquids and Soups in an attempt to "reset" myself.

    I wish you luck with whatever you decide to do!

  9. I've found that most women who have never tried, or tried and do not like anal sex have a few things in their head: it's where poop comes from, it will hurt, it's taboo.

    First off, it is primarily taboo. There's not much to it other than that. People think it's a "dirty little secret", and for some people it is. For me? I like anal. What's the big deal? It's as normal of a topic in our house as spreading jelly on your toast.

    With "it will hurt", it will hurt if you're not ready, you get the dreaded 'sneak attack', or you've chosen a poor brand of lube (or don't use any at all). We like coconut oil. Anal Ease tends to get sticky, astroglide feels like a hand (or butt) full of snot, and babyoil should not be used for lube at.all. (it corrodes latex, it's messy, and according to by OBGYN, can actually encourage the growth of bacteria).

    "it's where poop comes from". I hate to break it to you ladies, but if you have a poopchute that's full, then you didn't give yourself enough time on the toilet and you aren't prepared at all. You should prepare yourself, get a magazine or book and relax and give yourself lots of time. If you're still concerned that you're not ready, you could always use an anal ******, or anal irrigation kit. It's essentially the same thing as cleaning up in front. You insert the wand, squeeze some Water in, wait a few minutes and flush. You're good to go. If you *plan* on having anal, you could go on a liquid diet 24 hours ahead of time (pretend you're just post-op banded. It will be a flashback!), then read then irrigate if you're really concerned. Or - just get a guy who understands it's a risk to take if he's getting you in the heat of the moment ;)

    Interesting to see a thread last this long, by the way ;)

  10. Call your dr about it. I was told if I couldn't get 3 bottles of Water in and 600 calories they needed to see me.

    Calling my DR is where I started - I was on hold 19 minutes and disconnected, called back and put on hold for an additional 22 and left a message. That was around 9.30 this am, and I haven't gotten a call back.

    If I were to add it all up, I'd say that I've had.... 1 bottle of white grape juice and maybe... 2 bottles of Water. For food I've had 6 oz of yogurt (forced myself to eat the last 2 oz), a popsicle, 2 sips of broth, and...erm... a gas x chewable. Does that count? (I have a feeling I'm no where near 600 calories).

    I have to go back to work tomorrow, there isn't a choice. I am solely responsible for the payroll of all of the NYS stores that my company owns. If I don't get payroll in, people won't get paid, and that would be a very.bad.thing.

    I'm going to take 2 yogurts with me tomorrow, and hope that I can get them both down before I get home. I believe I have some Soups in the cabinet which would meet the requirements for this stage, so I'll try them when I get home.

    Thanks for all of the help, ladies. I'm so glad I'm not going through this alone!

  11. This is going to sound so silly, but maybe some people here won't think it's so strange.

    I'm sitting here crying over yogurt....

    I had a 6 oz cup, and ate about 3 oz of it earlier. I stopped eating when I had a pinching sensation between my port site and where I think my band is placed.

    I'm having a hard time getting fluids down, mostly because I still chug from the bottle like my pre-band self, get wicked hiccups and/or cramps, and then forget and do it over again.

    My hunger is a ZERO, which normally I'd be excited about, but my surgeon warned me that I NEED to eat, even if I don't want to. (Something simple like yogurt, he says..)

    I have been dunking the spoon in the yogurt and licking it off, then letting it dissolve some in my mouth before I swallow.

    I have may 2 oz left to go, and just feel like I can't do it.

    I'm tired, and I'm cranky, and I don't want to eat. No matter what it is, I don't want it.

    Charlie, HTB, made me broth. I took two sips and let it get cold. He brought me a popsicle and I let it melt in a cup. He told me that I need to eat the yogurt, as per the dr's instructions, so I can keep my calorie count up for energy and healing.

    I don't WANT to eat.

    I can't explain it. I'm just... not even the littlest bit interested in eating or drinking.

    Am I crazy? Is this dangerous? Should I force myself to eat and drink, even when I don't want to?

  12. Thanks for all of the replies.... I can tell that I'm actually "tummy hungry" rather than "head hungry" mostly by the terrible gurgling and growling and that light headed "if I don't eat soon I may pass out" feeling.

    Great timing for all of this - I have my finals today and tomorrow for college. YIKES!

    I'd like to try a Protein smoothie when HTB gets home, but I'm sort of scared after the feeling I had with the 3 oz of yogurt. Should I go back to Water and juice?

    I've called my PCP and my surgeon, and haven't gotten a call back from either...

  13. Thank you for the responce and suggestions.

    I slowly licked a few more spoonfulls, ending up with about 3 of the 6 oz eaten. I feel like it was an accomplishment. I'm not sure if the pinching feeling was just a passing feeling or what, but I seem to have a pretty happy tummy now that I have something besides Water in it :)

    I'm not going to over do it though. I'm happy with 3 oz of yogurt. I've been drinking as much Water as possible, but found that I'm actually getting dizzy. The surgeon said it was lack of calories (to keep my body running) and I really needed to try to get something with Protein in.

    I had no fill during my surgery, the surgeon says he's just "not comfortable filling during surgery", so I need to go back May 22nd to make sure everything is healed correctly, and get my first fill. I'm excited, but also nervous, can't imagine anything being tighter than it is now!

  14. I was banded 05/11, and am 4 days out.

    My surgeon had me on a strict diet of clear, liquids only fo the first 3 days.

    Starting day 4 (today) he wants me to introduce myself to things such as:

    -Protein shakes

    -Any low-fat, sugar-free liquids

    -Skim or 1% milk

    -pureed Soups

    -Yogurt (low-fat, sugar-free, no chunks or granola)

    -Soy/Whey drinks under 150 calories

    -coffee or Tea (with low-fat or fat-free Creamer and no sugar)

    I decided to try some yogurt, as my dear hubby to be bought a bunch of different flavors of fat/sugar free.

    Each cup is 6 oz. I know that my "meals" will be 4 oz.

    I stirred the cup with such joy and anticipation!

    I licked some yogurt off the spoon to see what would happen (would I turn into a pumpkin? Would my stomach explode?)

    I literally licked the spoon TWICE, and have a "pinching feeling" where my port is.

    Does that pinching feeling mean I'm full?

    Do I try to eat more yogurt because two licks isn't 4 oz, or do I leave it alone?

    The DR's office is closed until 9am, which leaves me a 1/2 hour.

    Maybe someone here can give me pointers?


  15. Im nearly 36 hours post op, and have a few questions...

    I'm geting this insane "slime" in my mouth. Not to much a phlem, but an over all nastyness that I have to spit up or clear out of my throat. Is this normal? Thought or suggestions?

    I can NOT stay awake. I'm assuming it's the pain meds they have me on (hydros), but am worried about laying in one position too long. Will sleeping so much mess anything up?

    Also - I'm having a VERY hard time drinking enough fluids. The pain and sleepyness just kills any desire to drink. The only thing I want to do is brush my teeth, shower and sleep!

    Yesterday, I had 64 oz of Fluid. Today, I'm probably hovering around 24...

    Thanks for any suggestions!

  16. Thanks for the well wishes and good vibes, ladies.

    The actual banding surgery took about an hour, there was 2 hours of recovery, and then I was sent home.

    I've spend the past 12 hours at home, in some pretty intense pain. The gas they used is in my shoulders, and I was told by the surgeon that "walking it out would help". A lot easier said than done when it hurts to just breathe!

    I do have pain meds, but couldn't take my last dose because I had an exam for school. (which I barely passed.) I'm settling down on the couch and getting ready to take my night dose and try and get some sleep. I do really wish I had a recliner though. Getting up and down off the couch makes my incisions really hurt :(

    On a pain scale, I'd say that I'm a pretty constant 6, down from an 8 earlier. I'm okay with that though and I'm sure when I take the pain pill in a few minutes I'll be feeling better soon.

    Still seems odd to think I'm done, I'm banded!

  17. I'm not sure how this snuck up on me, the way it did. I seemed to be totally fine and ready for this, and now today, I went "HOLY SMOKES! TOMORROW I GET SURGERY!"

    I have been less than honest at work (told them that I was going out for surgery, but didn't disclose what for. I've had lympnodes removed in the past, so people assume that's what I'm having done again.) but feel this is for ME and not them, so no need to tell them what's going on. I'm not embarassed, but more or less, I don't think it's any of their business. I learned a very hard lesson during my last career, which is to keep a great distance between work and private life.

    I digress - tomorrow is the big day. I'm right on schedule as far as weight loss, my insurance has given approval, I've stopped my Vitamins and suppliements, I did the liquid diet since Monday, and I'm scrubbed down with antibacterial soap.

    Tomorrow, I need to be in the admitting room by 6am, and surgery is scheduled for 7. Since I've had anestesia before (for lymphnode removals) they aren't overly concerned with that, and I have my healthcare proxy (fiance) signed and he's coming with me.

    I guess things are good to go, right?

    So why am I suddenly so nervous that I can't sleep? LOL

    I was told to wear comfy pajama bottoms, slip on shoes, and a shirt that I can zip or button up - (they don't want me having to lift my arms to put a shift over my head). No bra (yuck!) and clean undies (did they expect me to wear dirty ones???). I'm sure I'll be donning a wonderful hospital gown for the majority of my stay, and was told since I'm being discharged hours after surgery, to bring nothing with me.

    Any words of advice before I head out tomorrow? I'm excited and nervous all rolled into one. This is the last time I'll weigh 298 lbs!


  18. I'm having surgery 05/11 (Friday) and took that day off work. I'm off Saturday and Sunday weekly, and asked to have Monday and Tuesday off as well. I'll be home 5 days, returning to work on day 6.

    I have a "desk job" (for the most part) so I'm hoping I can just grin and bare it if it's too soon. I just started a new job and they're not too keen on the fact I'm taking time off already...

  19. I LOVE MY NINJAS! Yes, I said Ninjas, in plural!

    I have the 1100 at home, which is FANTASTIC to make shakes/smoothies. I do Isagenix shakes. I use two scoops of mix, 10 oz of Water, 4 icecubes, 4 frozen strawberries and one frozen banana. I blend on "2" for a good 30 seconds and it's smooth as silk.

    I also have the ninja pulse at work! I bring a bag of frozen berries/bananas and icecubes to work, and make a shake using bottled Water and shake mix (that I store in the canister under my desk). Yeah, at first it was a little strange to be using it at work with everyone looking at me, but now? I don't care! While they have 800 calories in their subs and chips and salad drenched in dressing - I have my shake, consume 260 calories, and feel like I'm having a "sweet treat".

    I LOVE my ninjas, and can't imagine that I would have stayed with the shakes this long if I were using the traditional, junky blender!

  20. Thanks to both of you for responding. I suppose the "good" thing is that I'm a full time student, and a full time HR director, so I don't have a lot of extra time to think about anything.

    Luckily, the date the surgeon had open (otherwise it was in late June!?!?!) is after the end of the semester, and after I get more sick time from work. Double YAY for me! I'll have time off school and be able to take time off work with out getting in trouble!

    It's funny how a date can mean so much to me. They didn't give me a time (I guess they call you the night before with a time?) but I'm okay with that. Just knowing that I'm headed in the right direction for a major life change has me excited!

  21. Well, it's official! I have a lapband surgery date of Friday, May 11th!

    I've exceeded the expectations of the staff at my bariatric center and lost 12 lbs in 2 weeks, so they scheduled my surgery (even though I technically needed to lose 15 lbs!).

    I'm excited, but also stating to get a little nervous.

    Anyone else have pre-surgery jitters?

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