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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by lifebegins2012

  1. Hiya. I had this the morning after surgery and did query it with the nurse. I looked flushed but there were sort of spots within the colouring( went up to my forehead). The nurse said it was probably down to being in the hospital environment with temperature etc. Even pointing out that I worked in a hospital didn't warrant any further checks. It did pass as the day wore on tho:) x

  2. Congrats Nick and welcome to the 'new banders'( or should I say 'fully fledged banders'?)!

    I'm 6 days post op and it really has flown by!! I've not needed pain meds for last 3 days and not actually had any pain or sickness just a little discomfort.

    One good thing I've found is that I am losing a lb a day since my op. I know this will change but it sure is helping give me a boost. Heat pads are great for shoulder and stomach but having a pillow in the bed one side of stomach gives you a feeling of security too.

    Also take something to prevent Constipation. I didn't have a problem as such and knew it would be day 5 or later before 1st post op BM but I can't say it was pleasant and am drinking prune juice now to make things a little easier next time I go! :)

  3. I'm also 5 days post op and had a craving for food today. I found myself microwaving a tiny potato. i mixed the middle with low fat soft cheese and lots of skimmed milk so it was like pureed food.The guilt after was awful as was the wait for pain but lucky that didnt happen and I soon got back on track.

    If I had come on here when I had the craving and read all the posts that remind you why you dont have more than liquids, I wouldn't have strayed. I shall make sure I switch my computer on first thing in the morning tomorrow and load the site ready.. just in case :)

  4. Hi. It's only natural to be nervous of the unknown. I busied myself clearing out cupboards etc when I wasn't at work. This helped occupy me but also helped with the pre op weight loss! I had my op 2 days ago, I haven't been sick at all and have slept well. Today my stomach is a little sorer but I think it is due to the bruising. I can't say I have had proper pain at all, some discomfort on Thurs /Fri in my right shoulder but I have mobilised a fair bit. Now I need to learn how to take things easy;)

  5. I was banded yesterday. I had to put those disposable knickers on and the anaesthetist loosend my gown while I was awake.. The knickers were on throughout surgery as there was iodine staining all round the waistband.

    My period was last week and I did swell a little.

    I got weighed when I had my gown on for surgery.They weren't bothered about how much I'd lost, just that I'd eaten less to reduce liver.

    Home this morning and have come to bed in last hour with 2 hot Water bottles. Not that I'm in any pain but they feel nice on shoulder and stomach:)

  6. Hi everyone. I've had a good think while I've been reading all your comments and here are some of mine wants. I hadn't realised just how many changes I want and how many things I automatically do or don't do because of my size/weight.

    I want to be the smallest sister:)

    I want an up to date family album

    When my sons announce they are getting married I want to be really happy for them without immediately thinking about my weight and the photos ( this has been at the back of mind for years and one son isn't even dating at the moment!)

    I'd love to run a half marathon. I've always had a big bust so am hoping to lose more from that area.

    Shoes- I love shoes but wear practical ones. I'd love to wear the stilettoes with a side buckle and be able to do the buckle up myself without having to become a contortionist!

    I'd like to walk up to the works carpark with a colleague and chat all the way instead of deliberately asking something that will take them a few minutes to tell me so I don't have to chat and become breathless( crafty I know) up the hill.

    I'd like not to feel guilty about whats in my shopping trolley when I get to the checkout- no more hiding the chocolate bars under a packet of Cereal while it's on the conveyour belt in case people are looking at what I'm buying.

    Yes I too would like my collarbone to be noticable.. oh and to feel my hipbones- I'm not after not skinny just without the padding I have:)

    I want to love myself again and then be brave enough to date again

    I want to be able to say 'no thanks, I'm full' (lol)

  7. Thanks girls.You've all made some good points. I still have some of my attendance/weight cards from slimming clubs as far back as 2004 so in a way I suppose it's a similar thing. I've looked at those in the past to help get motivation to try and continue with yet another diet,

    I think I maybe will take measurements. I may decide not to look at them again but they'll be there.

    Best wishes to you all xx

  8. Hi everyone. I'm 4 days away from my 'B'day' and am thinking about what I want to record. I'll take a pre-op pic as normally I avoid cameras like the plague so I don't have one where I'm not stood at the back of a crowd!

    I'm not sure what to do about measurements tho. All along I've thought I wouldn't measure myself as I know I'm big and I don't want to be reminded how embarrassingly big I got. I'd never tell other people my measurements as I find figures are a stark reality( and we all kid ourselves that we don't look as big as we actually are).

    Will I regret not measuring??

    At 5 days my surgery co-ordinator was happy with my weight -loss on a calorie counting preop diet so I'm sticking to that until the op. I'm doing 1,000 to 1,200 a day. She reassured me that some people find it really hard to stick to calorie counting which is why the milk diet if often suggested to take the focus off food. I've had 2 sticky days where I have gone over the calories but I think they have balanced out overall.

    I've decided that because I'm calorie counting, any pre-op loss won't be in my overall figures as it's just like any other diet. My starting weight will be whatever my kitchen scales show on the morning of surgery. In a way I think this is just a self preservation thing- not wanting to think I got as big as I did. I'll be more than content to know I'm down to wearing a UK size 12 clothes rather than having lost 5stone( 70lbs). If I mention 5 stone loss I'll get gasps but will just be reminding myself of the guilt for getting so heavy.

    What's everyone else going to do? Any thoughts?

  9. HI Sarah. There's lots of support and good suggestions here. I read your status but had a neighbour round for the evening so couldnt coment earlier.

    She had me in tears. I only told her last night, she's told her boyfriend who apparently said ' Why's she ****ing having a band' etc etc. In the end I told her to stop talking about it as I didn't need to justify myself to anybody(after I'd expalined over and over). She said if I was doing it for me then go ahead. LIKE I NEED HER APPROVAL. I got upset, she came over and hugged me( I wanted to punch her. SHE'D made me upset).

    As you know I've told people I'm having the surgery and it seems to be men who just don't 'get it'-my dad, both my brother in laws and now a neighbours boyfriend. My brother was fab tho( he's just married his love who has been at least 340lb since they met 10years ago)

    Nothing is going to change my mind.I can't wait until I have the power of confidence when I can hold my head high, be brave enough to walk into a pub alone and wear those 'oh so high stilettos'.

    Sarah it does sound like you need to talk to a few people. Start with the co-ordinator and ask for other people that may be more appropriate. The psych assessments are done if having surgery on the NHS and ours was just the tickboxes on the form. I agree they should have at least been more comprehensive and gone over at consultaton.

    I wish you well whatever you decide . You could probably do with writing things done-- pros/cons and a big long list of questions you need answering xxxxxx

  10. HI.All surgeons are different but as a guide..

    I had a choice of pre op diet but the total time is 2 weeks. The standard diet they( at the hospital i've used) ask you to follow is 'the milk and yoghurt' diet but I don't eat yoghurt or milkshakes so was given 2 other diet sheets. One is a basic 3 meal 1,000-1,200calorie a day sheet and the other is fluids, 3 fruits a day and 2 meals of steamed chicken/salmon with tonnes of veggies(no milk allowed).

    I'm 2 days in on the calorie counting one and have lost 3-4lb. As I haven't been told to lose a specific amount of weight, I had to push the co-ordinator to give me a figure to focus on. She said If I haven't lost 4-5lb after the first week, to really try the milk diet for the last week.

    Not everyone can manage the Fluid diet but if you step up with your exercise, you will more than compensate any 'blips' along the way.

    They won't know you have eaten one thing bad from your blood test( I'm a nurse I know) but can check your liver function test which should be lower than a recent test just by the fact you have been dieting and eating less carbs overall xx

  11. How exciting!! I have mine later this month, can't wait. Try and focus on all the positives as there are SOOO many. Are you going to take a pre op picture of yourself? It doesn't have to be something you'll share with others but as you go through your journey you can keep looking at it . Maybe start a 'secret diary' to jot down your measurements and thoughts, even your goals however big or small they are.

    Wishing you the very best of luck xx

  12. Hi. Surgery is a HUGE thing so needs a lot of consideration. My starting bmi was 38( it might seem low on here but we're classed as obese from a bmi of 30) but that still means I'm carrying 5 stone of excess weight! Try not to compare yourself to other people, everyone has their own starting weight/health issues and targets. The way I see it is that I can lose some weight on a diet but can't maintain the loss and haven't been anywhere near target for over 10years. I'm not on any medication and have no health concerns (except for pain in my left foot when I first get up) so I'm doing this to stop the onset of problems such as type 2 diabetes,etc.

    I should be about 195-198lb on the day of my surgery and will be glad to be under 200lb.


  13. HI. Congrats on your weightloss so far! I agree with Allison that last supper( or suppers for some of us) were up to the pre op diet. I bet you are buzzing right know and have managed a fab loss so maybe if you feel you HAVE to have a treat, have just one thing thats naughty -but- nice rather than a whole meal. That way you have rewarded yourself but won't be beating yourself up about it in the morning. Good luck with the surgery.. I'm having mine on 29th xx

  14. Hi Saz, I'm glad you've found it useful.Since I had my meet with the consultant I have had a little breather, some 'me' space.

    Travelling to the hospital and seeing the team and talking to them about the date (or should I say 'our day' lol) of surgery was somehow a massive step forward even though I had already paid the deposit, booked the op and talked about it none stop weeks.

    Yesterday I was a little quiet but I think it was because Friday was so important and I had a bit of a tension headache leading up to my appointment. I couldn't see a reason I might have been rejected for surgery but the worry was still there.I just need to get the next 11days over and start the pre op diet! 25days to go xx

  15. For those of us who are UK based and self funding our gastric bands, cost is a HUGE consideration. The adverts for travelling to Europe for cheaper surgery can sometimes almost seem an ideal option but what about 'unexpected costs'?

    With all surgery comes the concerns of potential problems and for me, that was the one of my major deciding factors. A recent reduction in UK banding surgery was enough to keep me here. A finance tip is given at the bottom of this write up:)

    The comparisons-


    If you want your initial consultation in the UK there is a charge of £100 or more-plus travel costs. Quite often the surgeon will say it is fine to have the consultation on the night before your surgery when you are in Europe (a long way to travel and possibly find out that for whatever reason, you are not suitable for surgery).

    You will need to factor the cost of travel for you and a friend to the country and the taxis to and from your accomodation. You will need 2 nights stay at a hotel- sometimes this is in with the cost of surgery but not always.

    The cost of surgery can be from £4,000

    Once back in the UK you have to pay for your consultation/band fills- each one is around £150. As a guide I have been told it is normal to have 6-8 adjustments over 2 years

    The doctors insist on a yearly xray or scan- cost unknown.

    Travel to the follow up appointments quite often mean a trip to London which can take a number of hours each way for some of us and therefore significant fuel cost.


    Initial consultation can be free (mine was) or up to £150

    Cost of surgery is from £5,000 (Feb/March 2012offer at The Hospital Group-£1,000 off normal starting price) which INCLUDES an overnight stay following surgery, blood tests/band fills/adjustments etc for 2YEARS.

    Hospitals throughout the UK so you can be seen local therefore shorter commute time and fuel costs.

    Knowing I will have no further outlay for the next 24months by having my surgery in the UK gives me peace of mind as I am the sort of person who thinks if something can go wrong, it's likely to happen to me.

    I hope this helps some people when considering where to have the surgery but continue to do your research until you are satisfied with your descision. You can always go for a consutation with a UK surgeon which is often FREE and you are under no obligation to proceed with them so could still go further afield for surgery.

    Finance Tip.

    With limited savings and being someone who hates to pay interest, I searched the internet for credit card offers.

    The best deal for me was to open a Nationwide current account which gave me a nice interest free overdraft for 3 months but also enabled me to have a Nationwide credit card with a significant amount of credit and, get this, it's 18 MONTHS INTEREST FREE.

    There was an offer where you just had the credit card without having to have a current account but the interest free period was only 6 months. I found a number of other good credit card deals including Sainsburys and Tesco but the Nationwide one was best for me. There are new deals all the time so get surfing the Net!

    If you've found this page useful, please drop me a line to say 'Hi'.

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