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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by judych

  1. I have always measured my meals with ziplock take along snack size. How do you measure your meals? Where do you find recipe ideas? How do you get the amount of Protein suggested? Share your tips!!! TIA

    hi... im banded now for over two years. ive just had my gall bladder removed and some more fill put into the band... im now on 3mm. Im just taking things as i eat. I cant eat much at all so im not having to measure. One thing though, im run down... had a lot of stress with death in the family etc, surgery... and now im quite run down and unwell. Im going to start taking in juices as a daily requirement, and i have plenty of Protein with lentils and Beans in Soups and stews. i hope this helps

  2. Ok so all the sudden I am salavating more then normal . Nothing is getting stuck ! No vomiting but the last few days I had heart burn and last night I felt like I was being choked. And my last fill was feb ! Any thoughts please help

    it sounds just like me but i know when this happens to me that ive eaten something that has upset the stomach and brought on inflammation. The best you can do is have more liquids Go back onto Soups, Protein shakes and see how you get on. You can also buy Buscopan which is over the counter and helps a lot. Ive had it, prescribed by my dr when i was really bad. If you try these things you should recover without having any Fluid removed from your band , good luck and keep us informed. Also if you can, sleep with some head and chest elevation.. say away from any painkillers... drink plenty of Water.

  3. thank you for your encouraging comments... today i lost my mum. She passed on about 2pm.... im emotionally exhausted tonight but thankful for her and for the support of my family. What a blessing they have all been...... its less than two weeks now until i have the surgery. Im having the same surgeon take the gall bladder out as i had for the lapband surgery, which is the only way i wanted it......Will let you know how it all goes..... thank you everyone for your input. judy

  4. See the journey through....you're not where you need to be, but thank goodness you're not where you used to be.....I mean 60 pounds is a nice chunk of weight. I would meet with the doctor again, maybe discuss getting a small fill, and GET BACK TO BASICS....,eat Protein, drink Water, exercise.... FINISH STRONG!!!! I did find your post encouraging to me in that you may not be losing, but you haven't gained.... Very encouraging to read this!

    well...i have a small hiccup on my journey. Ive discovered that i have gall stones. Two at least a centimetre across.. and lots of small ones. So, im having surgery on teh 26th to have the gall bladder removed.. has anyone here experienced some discomfort under either the right bottom rib or the left? ive had periods of discomfort off an on for a long time now.... on both sides. Apparently the right side was the gall bladder... im not so sure about the left side. not the port exactly but around that area.... anyone else had these problems. ? sometimes the level has been 5-6 out of ten.

  5. So I was banded in November of 2012 and I started off at 267lbs got down to 169lbs. Then about 6 mos ago I dont know what happened to where my sugar cravings havr gotten the best of me. I fimd myself wanting all the things I know I shouldn't eat. Also I'm afraid of having any complications with my band. My husband says he noticed that I eat faster now. Which is not good. I need to know that there is hope to get back on track. I jave gained 12lbs back and I can feel it. Please I need some advice or just some words of encouragement. I have know other person in my life who understands what I'm going through with the lapband.

    o.k... i could write just about the exact post you have written here. Youve been banded just after i was.... i was in march of that year . It seems that about two years pulls us up if we are going to have some issues. Im eating quicker as well.. ive had issues with tummy inflammation and have have a gall bladder out as well... but aside from that my experience has been like yours. Its time to stand and evaluate . Write down in two columns... plus and minus. the good things and the bad things.. getting them down onto paper often does help. It certainly sounds like you have a sugar addiction. Have you got any issues, emotional? that could pull you down into emotional eating. It seems that after about two years we have pretty well worked out what we cant eat to get around the band... unfortunately !! if not emotional eating, then you have a sugar addiction.. you can deal with that though. eat normally about five days a week and for two days, not consecutive, only eat 500 calories in 24 hours.. This may help you with your cravings. Its very good for setting a right balance again in your body. Or ? candidia... if you arent sure.. check candidia on line. I would be doing that just to have peace of mind about it all. The 5-2 eating plan is a good one though. Its good for liver, stomach, blood pressure, you name it, its got benefits... worth trying. you can google 5 - 2 online as well. good luck.

  6. My name is Stephanie I am a 43 year old mother of 3 and wife to Matt for almost 25 years. I got my first band January 2011. I proceeded over the next year to go from a size 24 down to a 14. I was running and loving life. I did great and loved my band, it was honestly my saving grace. In August 2012 on a Monday , I went to lunch and began throwing up. I luckily had just had all my Fluid removed from my band so a little throwing up didn't make me overly concerned. I went home from work. By the next day I was throwing up constantly, I went to the ER as my lapband doctor was out of town. The ER said I was dehydrated and gave me IVs but no anti nausea meds. Went home and still throwing up constantly. I again on Wednesday was in the ER. I had no energy etc. But I was still able to get stuff down, although it was coming up. Thursday I went to the ER again as I had lost 22 lbs since Monday from throwing up so much. They admitted me into the hospital. They determined I didn't have the flu nor food poisoning. They think it was a different type of virus. I kept telling the docs I had a lap band and they needed to call my LB doc and get instruction before something happens. Of course they didn't. So they had me on tons of IVs and other meds trying to stop the vomiting. I finally starting feeling better late Friday night with only occasional vomiting. Well I vomited one time Saturday morning and I just knew right than that my band had slipped. They did xrays and barium swallow and yep, it slipped. My doc came back and immediately after getting of the plane, came to see me. He was so angry with the hospital. He scheduled me for surgery the very next morning. He explained I was probably going to lose my band. I went into surgery Sunday morning just knowing the life I had known for the last almost 2 years was over. But I was so sick and in so much discomfort I didn't care. But deep down I was freaking out. I came out of surgery to find out he was able to place another band. The bad part it was bigger. So I waited. I did ok keeping my weight ok with just a tough of gain. I started having fills in October and nothing. I felt no restriction. I was so stressed I began gaining weight steadily. I was no longer running, I just was discouraged and depressed. I started arguing with my doctor because I was always his prize student and now I wasn't. I quit going to the doctor and even tried to change doctors. The problem is the only other doctor is over an hour away. I tried going to him for 6 months and I was not getting anywhere. I have at this point gained about 80 of the 100 lbs I lost. I finally decided a month ago that this is stupid and I needed to fight for what I deserved. I went back to my original doctor and I confronted him. To my surprise he apologized to me and said we would get back to where I was. So here I am starting again. It was just happenstance that I got sick and lost my band. I have learned so much. What I learned that I am now trying to help other bariatric patients... skinny/healthy or fat/over weight we have to find a way to deal with stress and road blocks. So I am now back into my running and I will see my doctor again tomorrow. Hoping to get my thyroid back in check and my weight back down. I am glad to be back here also. I used to use a lot of support groups and I am reconnecting with that right now.

    Sorry for the overly long story, but I needed to share to be able to move forward. I am no longer going to be a victim, but a survivor.

    Hope to meet some new people!!!


    hi Stephanie.. thanks for sharing with us all. YOuve not had a good run. I have to say though im really glad you went back to your original dr. i do pray that you will lose the weight that you need to lose from now on. we walk a hard road sometimes. Ive had some bad goes myself. Ive been banded about 2 yrs and three months now. Since Christmas ive been emotional eating because our grand daughter got pregnant and is in full rebellion against her mum. She is only 17. She has lost her banking apprentaceship and i feel now that her schooling will go as well. She isnt living withe the babys father and doestn want to know him. This has been devastating for us as a family and i went into binging on chocolates, you name it, the easy foods.... Well, about six weeks ago i was in severe pain and couldnt keep Water down even. i had lost about 40 lbs in that two years .... i ended up in ER to get hydrated. I had xrays and my band was o.k. so they took out some more saline. AFter six weeks, i had settled down. Then i had a little saline put back in about two weeks ago. Now they have discovered that i have gall stones. Some of them are a full 1cm across.. at least two of them.. plus lots of little ones. So now im having my gall bladder removed. Now im not so sure that it was entirely the band that made me ill.... anyway, im having the gall bladder removed in four weeks. AFter that i will know for sure where any problems are coming from. Anyone else had gall bladder problems after banding?

  7. Hi

    I also suffer with reflux, and know what you mean, l have to not eat to late, avoid certain foods ,l brought one of those v pillows which has been very helpful keeps my head up, try it,


    i suffer with reflux as well. Ive just had a refill and the reflux is back but not as bed. where did you get that v pillow from ? is it a special v pillow or just an ordinary one? it sounds like you need to sleep with your chest elevated some? have you tried donna tabs or buscupan ?... those tabs are really good for short term management, and bought over the counter. If you cant access these, bi carb of soda is good as well.

    good luck.

  8. So, I didnt mention that during the year of unfill, and maybe a good reason I was unfille was due to some health issues I was having at the time also. I was having sever pantic attacks, anxiety and depression. I had terrible stomach pain, body aches, joints hurts, not to mention continues weight gain. Went to four diffrent doctors trying to find out what was wrong, Gino, Psychiatrist, Grastro and GP. After being put on a long list of pills for all of the symtoms I just fell so bad, it was all I could do to get out of bed. I felt I was loosing my everloving mind. Blood work was done and "NOTHING" was found out of the normal ranges. I had the flu twice, two diffrent strans, pnemonia, was hospitalized for what they thought was cdiff. Had an upper and lower GI. Bowls were enlarged from the antibotics. Finally my GP noticed that my pulse was alway slightly elevated. He did some diffrent test on my blood work and it came back that I had hoshimoto thyroid. I had scans and more test, and was sent to an Endocrinoigist. Long story short, had surgery to remove my thyriod in Feb, they found cancer. I am lucky, they did remove all, along with my thyroid.

    So here I now sit, with my band empty, almost backt o the weight I was 7 years ago when I got it. I guess I am wanting to know..... Can I start this over, get my band refilled, fight the thyroid hormone replacement war and maybe loose weight?

    Thanks for letting me rant


    yes, i believe you can start over. I feel for you so much. I have the name of a group that will help you no end regarding the thyroid hormone replacement war... if you want it, please contact me ... chestermanjudith318@gmail.com

  9. I have owned a pressure cooker for 40 years. when I worked and had to cook dinner each night I would pressure cook some meat or make a stew or chicken and dumplings in about 30 minutes. it will make your meats moist and tender. I can eat just about anything except real eggs scrambled and dry chicken.< /p>

    hi Sharpie... i think they are marvellous. i have an electric one. Growing up i was frightened of them as mum always told us they could be dangerous. She had one that sits on the hotplate. But, since ive had the electric one ive been so delighted with the results.. and it never fails me. At the moment i have Soup in it as our weather is getting colder now.

  10. I was banded in May of 2007. I did great, a model bander. I lost over 80 lbs in the first two years. Well, over a three years ago I experienced very bad acid reflux. I am talking VERY BAD acid reflux. Wake you up at night, choaking, spitting up fire. If any of you have had this you know what I am talking about. Doc put me on acid meds and helped somewhat, but not for long. So doc did an unfill and I was better, and after a while we tried to add more back. The acid came back, back on meds, did not help. We went round and round with this for over two years. I just could not do it any more. So I went in for a chek up and they did an upper GI. The band was fine, no slips. Doc said that is some case patients just cannot tolerate a fill. So it was decided to do a total unfill and let stuff calm down and I have now been unfilled for over a year. As you can guess, I have gained about 60lbs of my weight back. I am so sick because of it. My Doc has since retired, but he does have a partner with his practice. I have made an appointment whith him. I am hoping for a redo. I dont know what he will recommend. Anyone have some words of wisdom?



    Laura... have you considered having a gastric sleeve done?... do you have health issues , like diabetes etc ?.. maybe a sleeve is the best way for you to go. I had a very similar situation happen to me. I developed a major inflammation and was vomiting all the time. sitting up in bed to sleep because it was that bad.I couldnt even keep Water down.( trip to emergancy to have drip to hydrate) i ended up having saline taken out and ive gained about 7 pounds in a few weeks. im due to go back next wednesday and have a fill. i dont know how i will react to that. One thing we found, last week i had ultra sound for another issue and they found gall stones... very interesting. Now im wondering if it was in fact a gall stone attack i had. or if that made things worse?... anyway, let us know how you go.. I will be interested to know . hugs for you .. i know how you feel.

  11. For me, ground beef is too stringy unless I cook it myself. For hamburger, I sauté in very hot pan until brown on both sides (no oil, just very hot pan) and then I start pouring in STOCK -- usually homemade but not always; there are lots of good boxed stocks available in regular supermarkets. The beef breaks down and becomes very soft. I do this for chili and bolognese (ground beef and red sauce). I have not tried meatloaf yet but my husband is Celiac (no wheat) and I make meatloaf with oatmeal. People go wild for this meatloaf and I don't even make the red sauce myself -- I just use jarred stuff. I think I'll make some meat loaves this weekend! I have done them in muffin tins before; our kid calls those "meat cookies."

    honestly..... for true flavour, retained goodness and great texture, you cant beat a pressure cooker. i paid about 60.00 Aust for mine and i use it nearly every day. its made my meals far easier to digest.

  12. I just had all the Fluid taken out of my band because i got food stuck at the band. Last night I was trying to eat meat loaf and it all came back up. What the heck is up with this? Hamburger is a soft food!

    it could be possible that you may have to give up meat..... my dr. talked to me about that. Ive had some saline taken out of my band and im gaining weight. i have a refill in a week and cant wait. i had inflammation of the gut so dr took saline out. Now i have to make extra effort to lose the weight ive gained. I have most Protein with legumes.... lots of good Soups etc. they are really tasty and filling. my Iron levels are normal.

    i dont think you have to give meat up... just eat far less of it. i bought myself an electric pressure cooker and that cooks beef so its very tender. A little bit goes a long way though. Thats fine. So long as i can get a taste.

  13. I just had all the Fluid taken out of my band because i got food stuck at the band. Last night I was trying to eat meat loaf and it all came back up. What the heck is up with this? Hamburger is a soft food!

    it could be possible that you may have to give up meat..... my dr. talked to me about that. Ive had some saline taken out of my band and im gaining weight. i have a refill in a week and cant wait. i had inflammation of the gut so dr took saline out. Now i have to make extra effort to lose the weight ive gained. I have most Protein with legumes.... lots of good Soups etc. they are really tasty and filling. my Iron levels are normal.

  14. First of all..... im sorry that you are having such difficulty now. It sounds like you maybe worse of than before?/.... i wonder why that is ?.....how much fill do you have in your band right now? have you been having to make as many trips back and foward for fills and unfills as before??...

    i cant help you regarding the gastric bypass but im sure others here will be able to advise you.....

    Im just picking up on the similarities you have had in comparison to me. ive had numerous fills and unfills. ive been banded just over two years now. i lost about 37 pounds.

    i just had a bad episode with inflammation in the pouch and had to have a drip because i was dehydrated.... then i had some fill removed. Now im eating like theres no tomorrow. i get more fill on about the 8th May. Meantime i have been told after having an ultrasound that i have gall stones. Now im wondering if some of the issues Ive suffered from were in fact due to gall stones? sometimes when having trouble with the band its hard to tell where the pain is coming from...... i do hope that you get some input that will help you out.... good luck with it all.. and keep us up to date on it.

  15. I was banded in 2008. I lost about 100 pounds but then started having severe reflux. I did the fill/unfill process more times than I even know. I live 4 hours away and felt like I was constantly going back and forth to the office in Durham. In 2011, I had to have my gall bladder out. I had Dr Portenier take it out and he also did a gastric plication at the same time. He said my band looked great. Since then, I have gained 30 pounds and have had constant reflux. Now I can't even lay down without having acid shooting up my throat (and sometimes out of my nose). I really want the band removed, and to get a revision to RNY. Does anyone know if Dr Portenier does this type of revision? I am pretty sure Dr Sudan does, but how do you switch surgeons if you are already a patient of someone else? I really like Dr Portenier and would love if he would do the revision. I have searched google and can't find any posts of anyone having band to RNY revision at Duke. I can find tons on the DS, but my BMI isn't high enough for that. I also lost a lot of hair with the band and am worried about this happening again with a revision. Any ideas?? Thanks so much!

  16. Hello! I need advice, feedback, and just to rant a bit! lol...

    So, I used to be a "Smashing Pumpkin" on here (LBT) ... Banded October, 2008. First year was awesome! Lost almost 100 pounds! Have been maintaining the last 4 years... up and down only 10 lbs, so I've been really lucky. However, I need to get reconnected with my band, and myself.

    For the past 4 years, I have slimed, and puked almost every day. Some foods work one day, but not the next. Some foods wont work at all. I'm not sure if I'm not chewing enough, bites too big, just bad food, etc... I'm actually afraid to go to the clinic for a check-up because I'm afraid they may tell me I need to have the bad removed. I can honestly say that if it gets removed, I know I will regain my weight.

    Mentally, I'm not at a great place for this. I'm obsessed with food... still. I get angry that I cant just sit and eat a burger, or a sandwich, or fries, or whatever, like I used to be able to. Even in super small amounts, I can't eat any of the foods I used to enjoy. Sometimes I eat certain foods just so I can taste it, knowing it wont be staying down. And I don't always know when to stop. My chest gets full, and hurts, but I never ever feel sated... in my stomach. I never actually feel full! Is this normal????

    I keep thinking maybe I should see if I can get the Sleeve done, or even Gastric bypass. I'm good at eating small amounts, I just hate that I have so few options to choose from, and even those, more than likely, wont stay down. I know its supposed to be just a tool, but without it, I can admit, out loud, finally, that I wouldn't make it. My body is slowly falling apart, so exercise hasn't been much of an option the past couple of years. Bad knees, back problems, etc... I do have a dog I walk daily, but that's about all the exercise I get. I'm not working due to physical limitations and have applied for SSI/SSDI. I was off my meds for the past 8 months due to no money and no insurance. Thankfully, I was just approved for Medicaid, so I'm finally getting my meds and getting my brain back on the right path. I've also recently quit smoking, and am doing PT for my chronic back pain. So, things are starting to look up. My next and last step is my band, diet, etc...

    So, anyone with any thoughts? Questions? Comments? Snide remarks? ;-) I'm open to anything at this point...

    Thanks for reading..... Bobbie

    hi Bobbie... i hear you ... and i know how it feels to be angry because one cant eat the best tasting foods. ive been banded now for two years, just over. I lost about 36 pounds.. i had another 16 to go. Ive been up and down with fill and unfill for the whole two years.. its very touchy with me and the balance between eating without trouble and having trouble is very slim. i havent reached the green zone yet. i went through a period of pain and acute inflammation (gastric) a few weeks ago , became dehydrated and ended up in emergency. AS a result they took a lot of saline out of my band and now im eating like there is no tomorrow. I do have some saline in, not much. Im feeling desperate right now myself. Have you had any unfills with your band? how much saline have you got ?... how long is it since you last saw your dr?...

    Im like you, without the band im hopeless with eating. I couldnt do without it either. somehow you need to reconnect with yours. See your dr and talk it through with him.

    I have an appointment for a fill in a few weeks. i reckon i would have put on about 7 pounds in six weeks. Not good enough. Im starting to panic now. I hope you get it sorted... it sounds like you need a small amount of fill taken out.... let us know how you get on. incidentally, i have two knee replacement and arthritis through my spine and feet as well. I cant exercise all that much either.... it sucks.

  17. Do not feel bad about yourself. I am practicing some good habits I picked up while using the band , like eating very slowly and chewing my food completly. I am trying to resist overeating. I am gaining weight slowly, however I am still gaining. If something is not done I fear all the weight will come back. My doctor says the band is filled as much as possible. He obviouly did not listen when I said I have no restriction at all. I have done some research and found there are several ways a band can be leaking not just one way. My doctory has been doing this for a long time yet does not seem to know this. I think he just does not care. If they are filling up your band now you will be able to loose back the weight you have gained. Now that you esophagus is no longer dialated. See if you can find out how to avoid this in the furture. You cannot be the 1st person this has happened to. There must be other people out there who have experienced the same thing but were able to keep their band without further problems with their esophagus. Keep looking and don't despair. This is not your fault. You got the lapband in the first place because you could not keep the weight off without it. Its really not about willpower. It about many other factors like brain chemestry, hormone problems. They are finding out that for many people being overweight has nothing to do with willpower.

    I feel your frustration. I was banded in 2005. Lost down to 145 lbs. I was estatic.Then, last year I started having trouble. Reflux, vomiting, chest pain. My doc sent me for EGD and found that I had dilatation of the esophagus from being too tight with band Fluid. I was dumbfounded. Never heard of anything like that, or that it could happen! I was just thrilled being thin and not being able to pig out. So. he removed all of the Fluid from my band and told me to restrict calories and carbs in my diet until the dilatation ceased. Even went so far as to say he might have to remove my band altogether. in six months I have regained 45 lbs. they have recently began refiling me. I have an appt 4/7. I am so disgusted with myself. When my band was "working" I could eat anything and not gain. I could have one cup of food and be satisfied. now i think about food constantly. I am amazed that you can regain so quickly. i know i should go on a diet, but that is what made me get banded in the first place! I couldn;t stay on a diet. i am at a loss. my life is in turmoil, because my self esteem lies in my appearance. Sadly, so. i feel like a failure.

    hi .... im just over two years banded. i had a nasty episode about two weeks ago where i ended up in emergency on a drip . i had severe inflammation and couldnt even keep Water down. The dr took a lot of saline out and told me to come back see him in six weeks. i had xrays done while swallowing the 'barium meal' type drink that they use. All seemed to be in its proper place. 'but, im eating more now than i ever thought it possible to.. i still have about three weeks before i see dr again. ( im assuming i will have a fill then) its so hard, im thinking about food a lot more as well.... Im having more Soups but even so its all calories. Im finding it hard to stay positive as i see myself putting on weight again. im ashamed that i cant even keep myself disciplined for six weeks. I honestly thought i could do better than I have so far. I think i only have about 1 ml of saline in now.

  18. I'm new to this, tomorrow will be day 8. I'm ready for this lifestyle change, but I feel like I'm going at this blind. I'm not one to read page after page of material and retain much of the info. The whole reason I'm starting this post is because I had a huge scare 2 nights ago. After arriving back home late Monday morning from my longgggg trip to Mexico I started on my diet. I was having an extremely hard time getting anything down. I ended up drinking a 10 oz clear Protein drink over the course of the day. The whole time I felt extremely bloated. The next day I had the same thing and about a cup of beef broth. Still extremely bloated feeling. I started feeling somewhat weak and a little dizzy. That night after trying to go to bed and sleep failing me I decided to take a warm bath as they usually make me feel much better. About 20 minutes in I lost my bowels 3 times in quick succession.i never even had time to get myself to the toilet. I immediately drained the tub and stood up to take a shower. About the time I got myself rinsed off and somewhat clean I started feeling dizzy. I leaned my face into the back wall of the shower and the next thing I knew was on the floor outside of the shower. I yelled for my gf. She got me to bed, dried me off and got me some Water. I woke up the next morning feeling about the same. I tried to drink Water and was still having difficulty. I finally decided to go to the ER. At the ER they told me what I already suspected. Extreme dehydration.

    My whole point in sharing this extremely embarrassing episode is in wanting to know what I need to avoid short term and long term in my new life. Also what positives do I need to be on the lookout for? Are there certain foods I should avoid? Are there medicines that are going to screw me up? Any advice will help.

    i would say that your blood sugar levels definately were low... after midday i would be having a small amount of glucose in a drink .... see how that helps. Apart from that, you are going to have to read up a bit. Forums are good though, ive had a lot of help from them. Have a look at the links that were given to you here.. I was dehydrated a couple of weeks ago and ended up in hospital with a drip. Im fine now.. had some Fluid taken out for a few weeks. Losing control of your bowels like that can sometimes happen as well. I did just once. It shouldnt happen to you anymore.. its very unpleasant though.

    Keep up the thin liquids.... have a small amount of ice in a cold drink. that helps a lot with inflammation. suck an icypole if you have to. that would take care of the sugar hit and the cold will help settle your stomach. good luck. let us know how you go with it all.

  19. i have no saline. He shortened the tube.

    So its back to the beginning for you now?? now that the tube has been shortened, are you willing to give it another go? after all, from what i read , it was just the tube that gave you problems. YOu did lose that weight initially. ......

  20. I underwent banding with good results back in 2006. I did well until about two years ago. I gained a little weight-about ten pounds but felt lethargic with abdominal pain. Nothing so severe that it made me think that I needed to go to the doctor. Then when I received some bad news-my dog was going die-I took a deep inspiratory breath which led to immediate pain. Pain worsened through the day and I went to ED that night. I could not stand up straight. Painkillers started and I was in two hospitals for 11 days. Emergency surgery was finally done which found the tubing from my band had wrapped around my small bowel and incarcerated it. I had a luckily small bowel resection and started on a very slow recovery. I told my surgeon I did not want a refill. I was terrified though my surgeon said band was in the right place and was fine. He said the original surgeon left the tubing too long.

    Well I did not want my band. I had felt really awful for a long time. And I didn't have the eating problems I had before. Right.

    Well a year later I am 25 pounds heavier. And I feel awful again. I worked out with a trainer. I had home delivery of fresh made diet foods. I did fitbit. I did it all right. Counted calories with my fitness pal and Losing it. Runkeeper.

    So I raise the white flag. I need my band. But I live in a different town. I don't know how to get there from here…..

    thats awful.. youve had a rough time of it. So the surgeon put too much tubing in? the chances of that happening again are very rare.... but if you are determined have you spoken to a dr about the sleeve?... perhaps that is the way to go.

    ive had some issues which landed me in hospital the last week... dehydrated and ill. Inflammation. It took about ten days to come right and that was after i had saline removed from the band. .... so, things do happen. I guess everything we do has its risks but i know that the lapband is the only way i will keep weight off. Ive gained about 6 pounds.... ive got another four weeks until i have a fill.... i know i wouldnt succeed with weight loss if i didnt have the band.... let us know how you get on.

  21. Yes, ive done the same thing myself. ive been banded two years now, this month. Ive lost about 2/3 of the weight that i needed to lose.. but for the last three months ive not moved at all. In fact ive put on a couple of pounds. I had to have a small amount of saline taken out last nov.

    Also, i had a bad run with inflammation in the pouch which saw me end up in emergancy for two days last week. I ended up having more saline taken out. I see the dr again in six weeks. Im not happy that ive stalled, in fact gained a little. I need to get moving again.. I havent stopped to work out a strategy yet. It was only last week that i was so sick with inflammation .. i need to get serious now and do something. I cant afford to be complacent for the next six weeks, i will put on more weight.

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