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Lela Clark

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Lela Clark

  1. Hello. I was sleeved Dec 28, 2021. I have reached my personal weight goal. I had been eating about 800 calories per day. I talked to my nutritionist on Wednesday and she said go to 1200 calories per day. I will say this is really hard. I didn’t realize how hard it would be. It seems all I do is eat and then I’m trying to get fluids in. It is so uncomfortable. I have never been able to get 64oz. Of fluids. Probably 40oz. My nutritionist is ok with it at this point as it has been such a struggle and hard to get to that point. I weighed myself and down 2 more lbs since Wednesday. I honestly don’t want to lose anymore. Any suggestions and meal plan ideas would be greatly appreciated. Also, any idea how long it should take before the loss will stop? I don’t have another appointment until 2 weeks. I am 5’9 and 190 lbs. this is comfortable too me. I was previously banded and it malfunctioned and had to have it removed and then sleeved. I looked healthy and was good here. Thank you in advance for any suggestions

  2. I just spoke with my nutritionist and she said it isn’t the first time she had heard that the surgeon said what he said. Also, the nutritionist I have is affiliated with my doctors office. She asked how I would like to proceed. I told her to continue how we were working on things as it is working. I told her I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life hungry.

  3. He said no soft foods cause they are easy to eat. he wants me to eat harder foods. He said to listen to him because nutritionist weren’t doctors. He said a shake in the morning and then 3 meals. The nutritionist said 3 meals and 2 Snacks throughout the day because I was getting hungry. My doctor said you won’t starve. He also said are you really hungry. I told him yes, it’s the empty, growing hard hunger. He said get used to it. He actually made me kinda mad. My husband also as he was there. He made me think again why did I do this.

    Thank you for your response. I do like the tablespoon idea instead of just the spoon.

  4. I am frustrated and confused. I am six weeks out from my surgery. I had an appointment with my surgeon today. He said my weightloss was going good and everything seemed to be going well. He then proceeded to tell me I am only supposed to be eating 3 spoonfuls of food. And that I would only ever supposed to eat up to six. I shouldn’t be eating anymore soft foods (yoghurt, pudding ect) no carbs and only ever drink Water with no flavors (crystal light). This is so different than what my nutritionist has been telling me. She just said I could work up to half a cup now. She also said I should be able to get up to a cup of food later. Some carbs are good. Yoghurt is good for you. I am so confused. 6 spoonfuls for the rest of my life?? How??

  5. I am about 6weeks out with my Gastric Sleeve. I had the surgery Dec 29,2021. This past week it seems nothing tastes good or right. I’ll get so hungry and ready to eat, take a bite and it just isn’t good and don’t want to eat it. How long does this last?
    Also, how long till you get over the regret of having the surgery? I will admit it is getting better it isn’t everyday. I went on errands with the family this weekend and totally got off my schedule and so didn’t feel good that evening. So the rest of the weekend totally depressed that I would not be normal again and not be happy again. How long till you feel normal again or even your new normal? Please no negative comments as I don’t need that right now.
    Thank you for any advice

  6. I do get urgent bowel movements so that is what I was concerned about. Someone mentioned above about being able to drink more than a sip so that will be helpful. May I ask how long before these changes occur? Also, did any of you experience the hormone changes. I am all over the place. Last night I was in bed crying to my husband what did I do? I know logically I did the right thing cause I have almost gained all my weight back and if I just let the doctor take out the band I would gaine it all back pluse more. Thank you all for the information and advice.

  7. Hi. I had My revision from Lap-Band to Gastric Sleeve on Dec 29. I have to say this is not what I expected (although I don’t know what I expected). I expect some of my problems are hormones, I hope. I loved my band but then the esophagus problems started. It seems all I do all day is try to get my Fluid intake. I go back to work on Jan 12th. My concerns and questions are, How did or do you handle the fluids intake and bathroom issues? At the moment again I’m just drinking (sipping) all day. I have to hold the cup or it seem I zone or distracted and won’t drink. I got dehydrated and had to go to ER for IV. I scares me know so don’t want to happen again. Then the bathroom it’s like bumm, you gotta go (BM). Any advice would be appreciated.

    just noticed my old info is still there I can’t figure out how to update

  8. I have been banded for 3 years. This honestly is my biggest fear. I hurt my back in Aug so haven't been able to work out or go for a walk at lunch time at work. I gained back several pounds while dealing with my back problems and going to physical therapy. It was so frustrating. My back is better so I am able to walk at lunch and I am more strict with what I am eating since I am still not working out like I was before. Granted I am no way talking about serious gym workout. walking on treadmill or bike. I just do not want to get to where I was before the surgery. Again that is one of my biggest fears. I just have to remind myself to be conscious of my choices. What is important to me? What have I been working for? I don't want it to be for nothing and go back to what I was before. I have worked to hard. I hope you do well and get back to where you want to be.

  9. Congratulations. I remember when my clothes started getting baggy. I was so excited. I remember when I had to go shopping for new clothes because they didn't fit anymore. It was the first time in about 15-20 years that I shopped and didn't end up crying. I was so excited and proud of myself. So again, Congratulations! and keep up the great work.

  10. Hello, I have tricare also. I was banded Aug of last year. My PCP was wonderful. I did have to go monthly for 6 months to get weighed for insurance.. My surgene did tell me not to lose anything so that insurance would pay for it. I was upset at first for having to wait six months but it turned out for the best. I feel I was more prepared. It gave me time to get ready for it. Especially mentally. I came on the site a lot. The best decision I have made for myself.

  11. Good Morning B-52, and Merry Christmas. First I would like to say I enjoy your posts. This has been the first year I have not worried about the holidays and how many pounds I might gain. I have not restricted myself with what I have eaten or will eat. My band and body has done that for me. Band with how much and body with what I am eating. For example, since I don't eat as much sweets my body doesn't like it as much as mind thinks I will so am only able to eat a bite or two. I have not met my personal goal that set for myself when I started this journey but have met my doctors goal. I have discussed this with my husband and may have to adjust my personal goal weight. Per my doctor if I wanted to reach the original goal I would need to spend several hours a day in the gym and reduce calorie intake. I am happy where I am now. What a difference a year makes. I hung pictures on my fridge the other day from Christmas last year and this year. What a reality check. It is amazing. Again, I enjoy your posts and look forward to reading more.

  12. I felt the same way. I had my 1 year anniversary aug 23 and was down 65 lbs. to me it seems so little compared to some of the other people on the site, bit my doctor is happy with it and when I go through my pictures and see the difference I am happy with it. Just keep on doing everything your Doctor says and what you know you are supposed to do and you will get there. Good luck on your journey.

  13. I was banded in Aug of last year. I have lost 56 lbs. the difference is amazing. I have so much more energy. Before all I wanted to do was sit and watch tv. I didn't want to go anywhere or do anything. Now I want to go, go, go. My knees don't hurt and my back doesn't hurt any more from walking around. I don't wake up in the middle of the night with back aches. It was the best thing I have done for myself. My family physician has just taken me of my metformin and Lipitor.

  14. I did. I wanted the band but I believe it was the surgery itself that scared me. I had tried everything to lose the weight but the most would be 10-15 lbs. I would go to the gym 4-5 days a week. I would tone up but still not lose weight. I second guessed myself up until they came to get me for the surgery. My husband told me if you don't go through with it now you will regret it tomorrow and everyday after. I knew he was right. It is the best thing I have done for myself. I know I am not losing as fast as some but am happy with what I have lost so far on my journey. Whatever you decide I hope it goes well for you.

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