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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by dubsteppsycho

  1. i was praying this day would never come, due to my irrational fear of vomiting. The fat guy inside my head made me eat to much lol and i paid the price... Oh the pain and discomfort, the vomiting was actually a blessing. The whole episode lasted for what seemed like a half hour until i guess my stomach had gotten rid of what it needed to , to chill out. I feel much better now, just sad because dinner was so good :) oh well lesson learned! DONT GET COCKY and eat to much like me!

  2. so i was just banded on may 23, 2012 and im doing great! finally the gas pain has pretty much gone comes and goes depending upon what i eat. I have been trying to eat really healthy, alot of veges, and stir fry type meals with some chicken thighs thrown in and i like my cheese. I have been eating much smaller portions but i still am finding my self getting hungry etc. Just wanted to see if other people had this before their first fill? i think im hungrier because the swelling in my stomach is probably minimal if at all so i probably opened up more. Im not eating alot of food, just more then i thought i would be banded( thought i would eat like half a cup of food and be full ), although some days i feel it and some i dont, i guess its just the adjustment period.

  3. oh i know lol i dont mind passing wind at all, im actually quite please with the increase in quantity and quality i mean what guy wouldnt be, but the not burping thing is getting to me, i really want to just stick a tube down my throat into my stomach like a vent haha i wonder if i will ever burp normal again

  4. im a fairly blunt person when it comes to conversations about anything and everything so im just going to spit it out but im not trying to be gross. I was banded wednesday 5-23-11 and all ive been able to do is basically fart and ALOT, i can barely burp. I mean sometimes i do burp but they are so little its like a infant burping. I feel like i need one of those just funneled 2 beers burp but for the life of me i cannot make it happen. Ive been taking the gas ex strips etc. Has anyone else experianced this?? meaning one route seems to be working over the other etc? or just not able to burp like prior?

  5. banded wednesday, still have all mine, but some are partially on, my surgeons office said they will just "fall off" when they are ready, so i figure either he will remove them when i see him tuesday or once they get to the point of barely being held on ill just remove them my self.

  6. ugh man am i in pain! this was my first surgery and boy is my stomach, or atleast the abdominal wall hurting. standing up my gut pulls down and makes the pain worse. i just cannot wait to get over the healing process and be better. i feel like i have to burp but cannot, trying the gas x strips for the tongue only had a thing of Jello today so that hasnt helped either. Hopefully in a few days things will be better. anyone else have these issues?

  7. tomorrow May 23, 2012 i have to be at the hospital at 545am for my realize band! So many mixed emotions, i cant believe the day is here, i cant believe i finally decided to go through with it, i currently weigh about 455 and am 27 years old. I hope everything goes well tomorrow and i can finally start to enjoy life and get out of this hellish trap being morbidly obese my entire life has held me in! NEVER EVER LOOKING BACK!

  8. hey everyone....so heres the deal everyone around me is having the gastric sleeve operation done. I am starting to feel like the odd man out. The meeting i attended a few weeks ago i think only 2 out of 50 were banded if even that. I fully understand all the risks of the surgeries as i have been researching them for years. I also understand ultimately it is up to me since its my body but my main question here is:

    1) How many people here are 100% satisfied with the band?

    2) Is there anyone else who wish they went with another option, if so why?

    3) have any of you had any slippage issues?

    4) How common is vomitting, and if you seriously watch what you eat and pace your self can you avoid it entirely?

    i would like peoples input who have already had the surgery as i feel i am now at a cross roads in my decision...as of right now im scheduled for May 23, 2012 for surgery. HELP!!

  9. Ok so i met with the nutrionist about 2 weeks ago and she told me to start a Meal Replacement diet. For the first week replace one meal a day with a Protein Shake, then on week 2 start with 2 meals a day ( im a big guy ). My probelm is for the last 2 weeks have i been completely faithful to it, no, but as everyone on here knows im sure you too have also not stuck to the diet 100% as it becomes almost a task after awhile. That being said, i think my biggest dilema is the actuall " not eating" part, ive never just drank my meal before to be honest i dont like it at all. I know i could also eat some things with the shake as it is only 30 grams per shake, but i dont know how much i should eat with it as well. I am going to try to get a hold of her sometime this week, but was just wondering if anyone had any pointers. FYI im just replacing my Breakfast and lunch, and this week im determined to really stick to it.

  10. Hello all, i today just started my pre-op diet which as of now is just a Meal Replacement diet until i get closer to surgery date ( May 23 , 2012 ). As of today im substituting one meal a day with a Protein shake and my dietitian wants me to next week start replacing 2 meals a day. I will be keeping a very detailed blog about my jounrey for all those who are interested, i will post on it as often as i can. My goal with the blog is to give anyone who is thinking about it or behind in the progress i am my personal step by step process, feelings, thoughts etc. Its going to get very detailed with progress etc as time grows closer and will continue after surgery. For anyone who is interested here is a link to my blog, not much there now but i recently just started it! ( the title is a refference to the movie " Step Brothers" )


  11. MY FAVORITE rish recipe which i make from time to time is broiled/baked cod!

    I usually get two nice sized fillets ( not currently banded, but in process)

    spray some non stick pam butter spray onto some tin foil

    then i use emerils SOUTHWEST seasoning and generously coat the top of the fillets

    and i cook them at about 350 for like 20 minutes or until the fish starts to flake apart without much effort, i personally find it delicious

    i tend to only like white type fishes, but have only tried this with cod, dont know how it would be with flounder etc..goodluck!

  12. So as of now i have scheduled my surgery for May 23, 2012. I am having all my pre-surgery clearences being done next month and also hoping the gastro can accomidate me with the endoscopy that month as well. So far, i have the letter from my PCP and tomorrow i will have my psychologist get working on his letter and then a few dr appointments and i should be all set! Going to attend 2 meetings this month. I am quite excited because it has taken me many years to get the "balls" to finally due this. Everytime i put on a shirt that is tight or get depressed when i see a shirt online i want and it doesnt come in my size i do get bummed but they i think hopefully by end of summer my tight clothes will be loose and it will be like having a brand new wardrobe! because there is no way im buying new clothes until i have a really nice chunk of weigh off, or it comes to the point where it looks like im about to drown in my own clothes then ill consider it. Im not going to lie i am going to miss the **** out of food, in the sense of EXCESSIVE amounts. Those days are soon over with and it will be a bittersweet ending, but in the end food will always be dear to me BUT i will no longer LIVE TO EAT, i will EAT TO LIVE!!! I do plan on starting a Blog, not that anyone cares and i will keep extremely detailed logs of everything pre/post surgery. My goal is to be as brutaly honest and incredibly as detailed as one could imagine so someone like me who kicked around the idea for MANY years might be put more at ease and kind of live the experiance through my self ( yes i know experiances vary by person). Once i get it started i will post a link and all who are interested may view it! Goodluck banders, i look forward to joining you proving there are no hiccups in the process! Have a good day!

  13. Bottom line is this, its ultimately your decision BUT once they cut your stomach out and suck it out of you thats it, your now perminantly altered for life so any further complications down the road you will have to deal with. With the band should anything arise it can always COME OUT. This is the EXACT reason among many others why i wouldnt get anything but the band, not even for a million dollars. My surgeon also said because of my high BMI the band might not be as successfull, but i told him flat out the band is the absolute only thing i will remotely consider and thats it and he didnt even argue with me about he said ok sure no problem. This is YOUR life, not your surgeons, not your familys its YOURS. Make the decision thats best for you, there are many pros and cons to ANY surgery, but the band is the absolute safest out of all of them and your far less likely to have a complication from it than the other surgeries! Goodluck!

  14. I was terrified of going under anesthesia. Terrified!!! But let me tell you, they set me up in my bed with my iv and I got to watch tv while I waited for the surgeon. While I waited, I was given warm blankets, and then met the anesthesiaologist. They gave me something in my iv and I felt like I drank a bottle of wine. They wheeled me in to the OR, and I got myself on the operating table, all while feeling quite calm. They told me they would take good care of me, and thats all I remember. Then I woke up, in recovery, and it was the most comfortable I have ever been!!! I went in and out of sleep, and was even able to get up and go to the bathroom after a few hrs of being in recovery, with some help from the nurses, who were wonderful. I had heard a few people here say, you just have to give yourself to the nurses the day of surgery, and dont stress just relax. I never thought I could do it, and i was a mess the day before thinking I was going to die from some horrible complications...but the day of surgery, a calm came over me and I felt so ready. I did like everyone said and just let the nurses care for me...it was actually enjoyable!

    those are basically the things im worried about lol, i just had the consultation it went good the dr is really easy going which is nice for once, and didnt b***h at me for being fat what a FIRST! lol...now i gotta schedule the endoscopy, and the other clearances and then i can set my date im thinking may-june....long road ahead but hey gotta do something! im really glad he didnt try forcing me into choosing the sleeve, id rather have the band for life then my stomach removed!

  15. i got for my consultation tomorrow! I too have done the research and there is no way in hell i would do anything BUT the LAPBAND!!! i dont care how effective one might be vs the other, god forbid something down the road happens to me i want to know it can be removed, all the other ways once they cut out your stomach its gone for life! no thanks!! i cant wait to get this done and finally start to enjoy life...and to those out there who feel like they are the only ones getting banded, dont ever question what your having done is right or wrong, its YOUR body and you get what YOU want...do the research and come to your own conclusion, reguardless of what the dr says its ultimately YOUR decision! hopefully by/during summer i will be banded! good luck everyone!

  16. Hello all, i have a ton of questions reguarding food after being banded. I go for my conseltation tomorrow feb 14, and ill ask those questions there but i also would like to know from first hand experiance. Ive read a TON of stuff online reguarding the do's and donts if you will of being banded. My question is have any of you personally found you cannot eat ANY types of food anymore..IE..steak,seafood,veges etc? My logic behind it is, if you cut the meats or whatever your eating into insanely small pieces and chew as good as you can to mush it up, the odds of it getting stuck should become much smaller no? I know ive read to also stay away from like breads and rice type foods because they can get stuck in the pouch and cause pain etc. Im hoping to be banded by summer, and i obviously know EVERYONE experiance will vary when it comes to food, but i was just wondering as a whole are there any foods there are completely a NO NO? Also with the band is there any sort of intolerance to certain foods like i believe some people find out when they have the sleeve or bypass done, meaning they can no longer eat certain meats or dairies? Sorry for the nonsense rambling, just really want to know from people instead of a thin surgeon who has not been banded lol...thanks in advance

  17. Well Feb 14 has come quicker then i thought haha. Tomorrow is my first consultation with the surgeon to get the process started. i obsessivly think about it everyday, breaking the bond i have with food will prove to be the toughest thing i think i will face in life, i know many of you say it could be worse, but if your a foodie like my self and food is just about everything to you, you know how i feel. I am worried about the pre-op diet and i dont even know if i have one or to what extent it is if there is one at all. Most of all i am absolutely terrorfied of going "under"....i dont think they can give me enough valium prior to surgery to take the edge off. I suffer from at times extreme anxiety and am just dredding that moment in every imaginable way you can dream up. Anyone who reads this that is already banded, do you find after you get over the intial hurdle, you dont look to food like you use to? thanks for the venting!

  18. Thank you all for your kind comments. I too have yo-yo dieted most of my life im good for 3 monthes then i have that slice of pizza or something bad and then it happens again and again and next thing i know all my hard work is gone. I dont care how scared i am, i am going to go through with this, no more backing out! To stephyanders, dont be afraid to "feel" like a failure because you had to result to surgery, drugs users have to goto rehab often if not several times over many years, it just so happens our "rehab" if you will is more perminant. Of course you can gain it back, but you now have more control over your self. I just wish i could fast foward a few monthes and be on my way already! I can only imagine how much the liquid diet sucks! Fortuantly i do love Soup as stated before, so if i can make some good broths hopefully i would be to bad, but i know its going to really suck staring at someone else eating regular food but hey i gotta do this for me and if i have to "divorce" myself from food then so be it because it NEEDS to be done. I have been seeing a therapist for most my life, mostly for small personal issues, but breaking the bond between food has been proven to be the most difficult thing in my life. I am just looking forward to the chance to be more normal sized, i just want to know what its like already!!!!! i want to know what its like to be cold, not have to worry about if im going to fit in a booth or a chair, and DAMN those stupid white plastic outdoor chairs hahah! man those things hurt! The ability to sit in a chair with sides or arms, and not feel like im going to lose circulation in my thighs because the chair has now become one with me! Some people truly dont understand how emotionally disturbing it is to be so over weight, and just how much an over weight personal literally anaylizes EVERYthing and worry about weight limits or be restricted from doing certain things and im tired of people calling me big guy, or any name referencing my size! Heres to greener pastures ahead! No looking back!

  19. yes i know, ive done tons of research i guess its just going through the surgery as i said i am terrified of being put under. But i know this is something i need to have done, i distinctly remember a day i think it was the summer before i went into highschool and i weighed my self and the scale said like 265 and i was like oh hell no...now several years later and 200 lbs heavier i just cant believe i let it get like this. Now is time for change and i just keep telling my self how great life will be. Another problem is i dont know what its like to be thin, ive been over weight forever so its not like i was some skinny person who lived a somewhat normal life and then just blew up, its been forever so i guess in a weird way that is also another fear, a fear of the unknown ( being thin, or thinner) but hey i would love to never have to goto Casual Male ( Store for larger sized clothing ) again for clothes! I plan on possibly doing a blog on my journey once i get things going in motion, maybe it will help someone else out who was as timid and afraid as i was.

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