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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by claraluz

  1. I doubt you have done any damage, so relax. But like everyone says, do try to comply with your doctor's instructions from now on. One thing I don't get is why, if you only deviated from doctor's orders to test the temp of things for your kids, did you try to eat bread? FYI, I cannot now and never have been able to eat bread. In fact, my doctor uses the question, "Can you eat bread?" to determine whether or not I need a fill. One reason I come to this site and this site only is that when I used to go to another site, I found they were very self-righteous and blaming. There seemed to be a lot of finger-wagging going on. Whereas the wonderful people on this site have never been anything but supportive. Nancy
  2. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Luckily, when I googled my screen name, I had to go to page 14 before finding me and none of the previous posts were in English. Still, I don't like it. I, too, would vote for the option of allowing people to find the forum by googling "lapband" for example, but not to find my posts unless they register with the site. I never did post a photo and that is part of the reason why. I have taken all info out of my profile (I thought I didn't have much in there anyway, but I found I did have my occupation, city, and state, which was way too much). I have told a few people at work about the lapband - people who are MO and who have asked me how I lost the weight. That doesn't mean I want them to be able to identify me and read my innermost thoughts if they come to the site. I'm a pretty private person and try to balance being able to enhance my life by using the internet, with maintaining as much privacy as possible. Nancy
  3. claraluz

    Medical Tourism

    Heard an interesting piece on medial tourism on NPR radio. It seems that bandsters are not the only ones heading to third world countries to have elective procedures. The hospital profiled was one in Thailand which is 17 stories, state-of-the-art, luxurious, and staffed by well-trained physicians, many of whom are American board certified. They profiled a man who had no health insurance who went there for a knee operation and paid 20% of what it would have cost him here. And they talked to a woman who went for plastic surgery and paid $7,000 for a tummy tuck and breast lift. The piece did mention Mexico in passing, but nothing specific. Evidently this is such a big trend that they anticipate that insurance companies may eventually offer lower premiums to people who agree to go overseas for elective procedures. Nancy
  4. claraluz

    Goal Rewards

    LOL, Zoe, you crack me up! When I get to goal or something like it, I'm going to have a neck lift (and maybe a tummy tuck if I need it). Nancy
  5. claraluz

    What irritates you?

    Christina - very creative solution with your sister. I think you did the right thing. Will your mom keep it from her? Jamie - My personal opinion is that you should not tell your husband's family if it would worry or upset them or cause nagging, etc. They have no particular right to know. You and your husband are allowed to have things that are just between the two of you (and anyone else you choose to share with). As for me, I have been very selective about who I've told, so I do not get any dumb comments. The only thing that annoys me is something very understandable. I am very tight and usually cannot take more than a few bites of anything. So when people see me take just two or three bites and then stop (and they don't know I'm banded), they will naturally say something like, "That's all you're going to eat?" This happens especially with people at work. They know I've lost weight and I'm afraid they're going to think I'm anorexic or something. I'll usually just say, "I'm full" or "I'll eat more later" but it's not really a satisfying response. Nancy
  6. claraluz

    i'm scared!

    Ditto what Alexandra said: When I was 40, I lost 100 pounds and had no hanging skin anywhere. This time, I can't tell for sure, but it looks like I will have it. What's worse? Hangin skin or diabetes, arthritis, atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, depression, hormonal difficulties and infertility, just to name a few common obesity-related diseases, OR - hanging skin? Nancy
  7. claraluz

    Fears about the long term....

    I think your fears are valid, though I can't honestly tell you if there is a scientific basis for them. I've had my band for 18 months now and have had nothing I would call a complication, though I have had to get an upper GI one time and an unfill for 2 weeks. But I don't think that is unusual. I actually have another kind of implant and I have to get it checked out every three months. (Yes, I am the bionic woman) Still, I have known several people on this board who have had to have their bands removed or are going to have their bands removed due to complications. And it does make one wonder. When you are making your decision, just keep in mind that the VBG has a high rate of complications and failure and many people regain their weight after having the bypass. So those other procedures are certainly not guaranteed to work forever and they have much more serious side-effects such as Vitamin deficiencies. Best of luck in your decision. The researching and deciding were by far the hardest part of this whole journey for me. Nancy
  8. claraluz

    I hate fat people!!!

    Your post is very thoughtful and you've gotten some thoughtful responses. And I do think you've answered most of your own questions. Now the task becomes to examine those feelings and figure out how to change them. I would start with building up your own opinion of yourself, fat or thin. I am sure your contempt for fat people comes from your low opinion of yourself. Right? You've got the tools to do this because you are an introspective person who is not afraid to share the negative parts of himself. And you can start with appreciating that part of yourself. I do. When I see super-morbidly obese people, I just feel compassion. But when I see ordinary morbidly obese people, I feel an unattractive self-rightousness. I feel that I'm better than them because I took action to help myself. I really want to work on this attitude, because in reality they are my brothers and sisters and if we could only speak to each other, we could almost tell each other's stories. Nancy
  9. claraluz

    Plasticize me please!!

    You've done a great job. I know how badly you want to lose those 20 pounds, but it may not happen or it may take another year to happen. In the meantime, you should feel good about your body. You've earned that right. Do it! Nancy
  10. claraluz

    Geezer Sue update

    Thanks for the progress report. Please tell Sue I send my best wishes for a speedy recovery. Nancy
  11. claraluz

    horror story

    This is an outrage! Your surgeon was obviously incompetent! Are you sure you lost the weight on your own? It sounds like maybe the band was pushing against the stomach or something. Were you able to eat large amounts of food if you wanted to? Anyway, I can understand your reluctance to have another surgery, but I think you should - either to have the band placed properly or to take it out. I wouldn't want the band just floating around in there. Why risk having a foreign body in you if it is not helping you? And of course, your surgery should be free. I would talk to your original surgeon and the hospital. Tell the surgeon you want him to pay for a new surgery with another surgeon and tell the hospital you want to have a free surgery. You may not even need a lawyer. But if they don't comply, of course I would sue. You'll, win, it's a no-brainer. Sorry all this happened. Nancy
  12. claraluz

    Day or Overnight?

    You are not alone! I went home that evening. I begged to go home even though I hadn't been able to pee yet and I probably should have stayed. But I was going home with my sister who is a nurse so I just was not worried about it. And sure enough I was able to pee when I got home and I was so much happier than being in the hospital and so much more comfortable. I never had any pain, so I didn't need IV pain meds. I wouldn't worry about being scheduled for a day surgery. In fact, my surgeon now does the surgery in an outpatient surgery center. Good luck! Nancy
  13. claraluz

    About LBT.com?

    This is a great opportunity to give thanks! So thank you, Alex, and thank you moderators! And thanks to all my cyber-friends who have given me support and let me into their lives. What I like about this board is that it has a culture of positivity and support. There are no arguments here, no criticism, no lecturing. To me, that is what makes it different from some of the other boards. Nancy
  14. claraluz

    Banded and Doing well

    Vicki, thanks for letting us know about your getting banded. I'm so glad everything is going smoothly for you. I went to I.U! Nancy
  15. claraluz

    I need motivation!!

    Kelly, your new avatar is so beautiful and so inspiring to me. Are you sure you can't be comfortable at this weight and consider yourself a success? Nancy
  16. claraluz

    -150 Century and a Half Club

    That is such a significant accomplishment! Congratulations and a lot of admiration from me! Nancy
  17. claraluz


    Congratulations, Darcy! I love the pictures! You really look great - and so much younger. Way to go! Nancy
  18. claraluz

    Attack of the Stomach Flu

    Oh, Megan, that sounds just awful. I'm so glad you knew just what to do to take care of yourself. Nancy
  19. OK, like everyone else, I am shocked that they never did a culture. Actually I'm angry. I'm glad you are getting competent medical care at last. I must admit that all along I was wondering about the rejection theory. It just didn't sound right to me. And it definitely didn't sound right that a surgeon would think you are rejecting a port and then put in another port, "knowing" you would reject that one too. Heal up, girl. You need to get well at last. Nancy
  20. I'm glad you found us and welcome. It is really important to have a group of bandsters for support because the band presents challenges all it's own that the bypass people won't be able to help you with. Congratulations on your surgery. You're definitely off to a great start! Nancy
  21. claraluz

    What kind of discomfort with food?

    Don't get ahead of yourself. The first step is to recover from surgery. It does take some time. pizza is not the easiest thing to eat and certainly not the healthiest, but I have been able to eat part of a slice of thin crust pizza. I wouldn't try it for a long while, though. Not until you have plenty of experience with your band and know what a soft stop feels like. There are certain foods that just don't go through the band easily. They get stuck and cause pain, salivating, and sometimes a PB. These foods are different for everyone, but I think most people have problems with bread, for example. It's kind of a trial and error process to know what you can eat and what you can't. Hope you feel better soon. Nancy
  22. claraluz


    Paula, I hope everything goes well. Please let us know what the results are. Nancy
  23. claraluz

    Question about aftercare

    Vicky, you sound like a very thoughtful person in a difficult situation. You are the only one who can ultimately decide what's best for you and I wish you the best of luck, whatever your decision. Nancy
  24. I would stay away from eggs until you're much farther along - if then. I've been banded for over a year and cannot eat eggs. Just because you cannot eat an egg does not mean that you will have a hard time when you move to solids. I would start with foods softer than a soft boiled egg: yogurt, cottage cheese, etc. Don't worry! You'll be fine. Nancy
  25. claraluz

    Whippledaddy, We're Here For You!

    So glad Patty is feeling better. Thank God. Nancy

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