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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Sojourner

  1. Yes, his bio does read that he has excellent qualifications for his specialty in bariatric surgery. But the importance of his professional record eclipses that of his education. What I mean by that is that your state of residence should have a website to provide prospective patients with not only education and residency/fellowship information, but also to know if this particular surgeon has had any legal judgements leveled against them and also if they have been disciplined by the state medical board who governs ethics and professional history. I was in need of abdominal surgery, and my PCP gave me the name of the physician who he felt was best qualified for the surgery. When I looked up his record, I discovered that he had 2 lawsuits over the past 10 years, and the site also disclosed the amount of money his suing patients were awarded. Needless to say, I contacted my PCP for the name of his second choice surgical specialist, and was very pleased with the entire experience, if you can be happy with major surgery. But doing my research allowed me to move forward with an anxiety provoking surgery with much more peace of mind.
  2. Sojourner

    A Paradox of Sorts

    True pearls of wisdom...and about time someone pointed out the obvious! We are all adults, and though there are active posters who are passionate about their weight loss journey's, they don't need to write devisive and mean posts just because someone else does'nt agree with them. There are many paths to take...wishing success to all.
  3. Wow...more sweeping broad generalizations again...please provide a link to validated research to compare/contrast the incidence of patient infection post surgery in hospital facilities vs those of reputable surgery centers. Inquiring minds...want to know.
  4. The choice of facility for your surgery IMO should be driven by where the best level of medical care will be given. And equally important is where the best level of medical after care will be available to you. IMO, one's important health decisions should not be driven by my convenience. I have seen the difference first hand between a bariatric practice recognized as a Center of Excellence, versus a general surgeon who does not specialize in bariatric surgery. There is no comparison. The aftercare provided through the Center of Excellence provides the level of care post op with the methods they use to do fills and monitor your general health state along with how you are adjusting to your band. I was fortunate to be referred to a surgeon who is the head of bariatric surgery at a Center of Excellence. I felt no hesitation with proceeding with my band due to the level of both pre op and post op care available.
  5. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Afternoon All... A morning of doing everything out of order...so... Janet, I sincerely hope that you are feeling better today! And about the dates...I was confused about which week Thanksgiving fell in. Thanksgiving Day this year falls on Seth's 33rd birthday, November 28. I should have known that...but anyway, the dates I mentioned before are still accurate, with the exception that we will be in Florida a week longer than we previously thought. Which is a good thing, because we will be caring for the grandsons so that Jay and Jodi can go on a cruise to Celebrate their 9th anniversary. I have no dates for this, and will let you know when I do! DAWN, so happy to read your current insights into how we interpret the events and times of our lives. While we do plan for the future, we also will be emotionally healthier if we focus on the here and now. And channel your energy into those things and priorities which you can influence the outcome. The rest will have to be left to play out...life lessons I have also learned along the way. Terri, yes, we are enjoying the glorious weather...while I feel blessed to have the opportunity to be here for the changing seasons, it is kind of sad that we did not make this move sooner...but life does get in the way of what we would like to do sometimes. Dee, let us know how your training goes with the 5K...will you be jogging, walking, or a combination? Happy to read that CJ's appointment went well. Is the nurse drama of a few months ago resolved now? OK, interrogation is now over! Diane and Michelle...have a good weekend... So thankful to have you all as friends...
  6. Hazelsbliss shared some comprehensive information which is quite accurate IMO. The only additional thoughts which I would like to add are that the age, motivation and financial resources of the individual to have the more aesthetically pleasing body post weight loss are factors as well. Realistically, I probably would benefit from a TT, but do I have the motivation to go through the trauma and recovery for an optional surgery? A resounding NO. My husband has put that choice in my court, and for the relatively small amount of excess skin I have post weight loss to date, I'm just not motivated to go through another surgery unless it is medically necessary. If the individual has large amounts of excess skin, then it could be considered medically necessary, especially if there are chronic skin irritations. So for my age, the history of having 5 surgeries within 14 months(band placement was the only optional one), I am quite content with just a small amount of excess stomach skin. I have no doubt that other's mileage does vary...
  7. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Dawn, I hope you had a good evening out, and will have a good weekend. I'm sorry you are feeling a little down...don't forget you are still in the process of adjusting to your empty nest. Terri, enjoy the rest of the weekend...you should have great weather. We had 0% chance of rain today...magnificent! Michelle, games this weekend with your son? Good times for certain... Dee, nice to see you more often...and I also hope you have a good weekend. Diane, enjoy your weekend, and make time for you! I had a different experience with raising our 3 sons...which I was totally unprepared to do. They are all relatively close to their parents as adults, but the high school, college, and professional school years were trying for us. We made it a priority to never compare them, and they are each so much individuals it is difficult to believe they came from the same family of origin. They are close to each other too. But we ran into difficulties when they eclipsed their parents with their education achievements. I attribute most of that to the mentality they were taught in professional school. They tended to want us the parents to remember that we were speaking to the doctor. They were trained to not second guess themselves, and are decisive and perform well under pressure. We have since come to a better understanding that the parents still have more life experience, and that we are to be respected as their parents, even if we have to agree to disagree at times. All I can say about parenting at this point is that it has been an amazing experience which I feel blessed to have been given the opportunity to participate in... Feel better Janet...good night all...
  8. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Evening all... We made the rounds in both Banner Elk and Boone this afternoon...and hit the grocery store before coming back up to the house. Tired...but it was great to see great people from high school! Janet, I just cannot like your post...how are you feeling now? That is precisely why I have never had a flu shot, and likely will never have one. Please take good care of you! We finally have some dates for being in Madeira Beach. We will be at Brent's November 6 & 7, and 12 & 13, then back there for November 19 through 25. I realize that is Thanksgiving week, so just let me know your availability. We will definitely be able to figure something out. Feel better fast...in my prayers always...
  9. Sojourner

    Feeling nausea

    Have you been drinking adequate amounts of water and other free fluids? Have you recently had any digestive upsets? Nausea can be a sign of dehydration, and it can be serious. So serious I ended up in the ER directly from my first appointment post op with my surgeon. You should notify your surgeon ASAP. In the meantime, keep sipping water. Feel better...
  10. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Morning... Off to a slow start again...but it is date night, and we have a long list of errands to run before meeting friends from Ft. Launderdale in Boone for dinner. I am still amazed by the number and variety of folks from different parts of Florida that I have not seen in years that we get to visit with here in NC...who knew? Janet, so very good to read that something as simple as a tennis ball can bring relief to your pain! I am happy that you are moving forward with your second surgery. Soon all the worst parts of it will be over for you! I am sorry the Voltarin gel did not provide relief. I am still amazed at the results from Pennsaid. My knee is still a little swollen, but I use ice after exercising and the Pennsaid and I am able to walk and exercise without pain. I even got in 3 days of 1-1.5 hours of cardio this past week. I am both thankful and amazed! Dee, how are the classes going? Have you taken any practice tests yet? I hope that you do some practice testing if they allow, as then when the real exam time comes you will be thoroughly prepared for success! BTW, love your new FB profile picture! Terri, are you returning from the coast today? It has been warm here for this area and a friend from Winston-Salem has told me that they still have true summer there. We will definitely need to do some traveling around the state so we know it better! Dawn, Diane, and Michelle...thinking of you all, and hope that all is well in your respective world's... I hope all are enjoying a great TGIF...love and appreciate each of you!
  11. Just remember, other people have similar insecurities as you mentioned. And the only way that they can feel good about themselves is if they act in a demeaning way towards others. The only way others can influence your feelings of hurt and/or anger, and beliefs is if you allow them to. How powerful is that?? Best wishes for continued success with your journey...
  12. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Dee, I so understand what you mean about things many take for granted...and we don't realize this until we experience a life altering event. I told Jack this week that when I walk, it makes me feel so much younger and happy to be moving again. Two years ago I had serious doubts about ever being able to walk for miles again. My lengthy recovery taught me that we should never take anyone or anything for granted...and I am thanking God for every time I am out enjoying walking again! Small things mean so much...stay well, and keep us posted on your 5K!
  13. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Morning... Dee, WTG with signing up for your 5K! I am so proud and happy for you! Please let us know when it is, how you do, and of course, we want to see some pictures! Janet, in my thoughts and prayers as your second surgery approaches! How is you leg feeling today? Just a quick hi-bye this morning...off to a very late start of the day. I did not have a good night last night, and am still trying to figure out what I did that was different. I pray that there are no additional medical band associated conditions to manage... On a better note, I have been using my topical anti-inflammatory medication on my knee, and it is a wonder drug. My bariatric surgeon has approved it as safe for me to use. It makes all the difference between not even being able to bend my knee to get into the shower and being able to go back to my full hour of cardio yesterday pain free. I am so thankful for this...as the only way the scale is going to move in the right direction now is with continued exercise. Terri, I heard from a friend in Winston-Salem who told me it is still very much like summer there. I guess the coast must also be warm but not hot. We also have air conditioning on our boat, and it makes all the difference between comfort and sweltering. More clothing to go through upstairs to weed out the items that are too large. It's a good feeling... . I hope everyone has a great Thursday!
  14. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Afternoon all... Life is good with the group...and I am happy! The Fall is unfolding all around us. And I am so happy to be here to see it! More leaf pictures on FB. I may go a bit overboard on leaves, but I can't help it...seasons mean to much to me! Dee, so happy you have a new computer to use, and keep in touch with us all! Too funny your note to Kaleb. He will understand larger print in a few years! Michelle, good to read that you are enjoying life with your sons. It is true that their priorities shift when the get married, but some sons do keep their parents close in heart as our Jay does. And some sone, not so much, as evidenced by Seth. But we love them all the same. Janet...good to read that you are taking care of you today...and it is essential that you have a good leg to help you through the next surgery. You are covered in prayer as well... Terri, glad that the coastal life is going well...I hope your weather is as glorious as ours. More leaf pictures found their way to FB. I am where I have yearned to be all of my life. Dawn, your novels are wonderful to read...and so funny that you had to edit some emoticons out of your post. Any date for your move? We all will be happy for you when you leave the 'hood... Diane...I hope you are carving some "me" time out of your schedule...are you adding on to your house, or did you decide to move? Either way, I hope you are coping better than I am. Week 2 without a functioning kitchen, and I am getting restless and my patience grows thin! Break time over...back to making some semblance of order in my office. I love and am thankful for each of you...
  15. While I do agree with the above postings, and I do understand that the only way I will reach my goal weight is to continue my commitment to exercise, there are sometimes extenuating circumstances which make the weight loss journey more of a challenge. I am not able to have any more fills in my band due to some potentially serious complications, so my band must remain totally unfilled. My level of restriction is virtually non-existent, and can vary widely from day to day. So...I would be the person who eats right, has little restriction, and is committed to an exercise regimen. Yes, the weight loss has been slowed, but the scale does continue to move in the right direction. I have to take more of the responsibility for managing my hunger. Because I am motivated, I have every expectation I will successfully reach my goal weight. Sometimes parts of the equation are not the first choice of the individual, but I believe we can all be successful if we are sufficiently motivated to reach our goals. Yes, the obvious should be pretty obvious, but there are many who don't receive appropriate and adequate aftercare to understand how the band really works. And I believe that the aftercare is an important component to weight loss success.
  16. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Just flying by... I shortened my exercise by half this evening...and I feel like I'm cheating on my diet. My right knee is swollen, thank you again drunk driver. The upside is that my prescription of a topical anti-inflammatory medication is making a huge difference. Last night I could not bend my knee enough to get into the shower, today I was able to walk almost normally, allowing me to walk nearly 2 miles this evening. Onward... Janet, I hope you are back to normal...and very sorry to hear about your swelling. With PT, it seems that everyone has their own opinion. I would follow whatever your doctor advises. Are you ready for knee #2? Dee, loved seeing the video clip of CJ and his first eating experience. I don't think it would be possible to smile more than he did! How is life treating you these days? I hope all is stable and well... Terri, enjoy your down time. I always like to have options with me to stave off boredom. books to read, a project I enjoy...I get bored easily... Dawn, how are you liking your "me" time? Any word about remote working arrangements yet? My band is fickle as h#%!?...I never know when it will clamp,down or when it will allow me to drink Water. Stress level in life has evened out, but the band has not. Were you asking about my son in Kandahar (Seth the pharmacist) or my son the endodontist in Madeira Beach? Seth did check in with us over the weekend via Face time. He looks good, and appreciative of all the care packages he receives from his wife and mother. He especially enjoys all of the different options to flavor water, and the packages of Cheerios. He is now a full 2 months in to his deployment...please keep prayers coming that the rest of the time will be as uneventful. Brent was on a cruise to Mexico for the past 5 days...I did not realize he had left town again. It's difficult to keep up with him...he does so much which creates additional anxiety for me. The weekend before Labor Day he flew down to Key West with his former flight instructor (private plane=high anxiety for me) to spend the weekend scuba diving. The weekend before, he traveled to New York because a friend was leaving the country for a year of study. He will finally get around to visiting the parents the first weekend of October. The rest of that month, he already has trips planned. It must be youth, but it makes me tired to even think about his schedule. We are enjoying the change of seasons here...there is more color every day! I am where I have dreamed of being since we left Seattle in 1984. I hope all is well with Michelle and Diane...the key lime cheese cake looked divine, BTW... Enough already...EXCEPT that our daughter in law, Jodi passed her board exams today!!!! She was so happy...and we were happy for her and Jay. She is looking forward to her new position, and I am thrilled that she will no longer be working the 12 hour shifts at the hospital. Though she will be hospital based for the medical group, she will have regular office hours. Yay! I hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday...
  17. Sojourner

    Worried - please respond

    While none of us are perfect, and we do have challenges to maintain compliance, as a previous poster mentioned, there are way too many risks to your band and well being to ignore in the situation you described. And, I am also of the belief that being honest and "telling it like it is", is much more effective and important to read than writing that it is alright, just don't do it again. Life post band placement is a life of mindfulness, in other words, when you eat anything, or even consider eating anything, you need to be aware of what you are doing. When you approach eating this way, you do not find yourself in a situation of post indulgence guilt and worry. Peace of mind is a priceless commodity, and a gift you can give yourself. There are ways for you to develop self awareness skills, these skills have helped me adjust to my new normal of portion control. I just don't allow myself to feast any more. When you are further along in your journey it should be much easier to say no to many temptations, and for those cravings which crop up from time to time, a small bite will have to be enough. A successful weight loss journey with the band is just as much about psychology and getting your "head in the game" as it is about compliance with your eating. Best wishes for a successful journey...
  18. Sojourner

    So am I stuck or what?!

    I would call your surgeon's office ASAP. I had similar symptoms, and was diagnosed with gastritis. It was very painful. I had to use carafate for an entire month afterward, but it did help the pain resolve. Please don't neglect yourself, as it could lead to additional complications down the road. I hope you feel better fast.
  19. My eating habits have not changed considerably since my surgery, as I was raised in a home with minimal processed foods in the house, and that is also the way we raised our sons. I've always preferred simple and basic foods, and have stuck with them throughout my weight loss journey. The portion sizes, of course, are very different! I still have dairy products in the form of 1% milk, low fat cottage cheese and Greek yogurt. I am unable to tolerate the preferred form of Calcium supplements for bariatric patients, so I have to increase my intake of real dairy and calcium carbonate to compensate. My newer eating guidelines are now habit with me, and have become second nature. I'm not anticipating that anything will change much in the future.
  20. Sojourner

    PPIs and acid-blockers .. Do you take them?

    Yes, I take Nexium twice a day, which had to be increased in dose post band surgery. I had a long and extensive history with reflux prior to band surgery, and the band has only increased the necessity to stay on the medications.
  21. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Morning all... So good to read all of the updates...and all is well, for the most part. Janet, it both sad and understandable how Ange feels about a baby registry. It will help immensely after the birth, and she is able to relax and know that the scary part is behind her. Keep us posted on her progress...October is already NEXT month! No, Jack never used to come with me to exercise. I used to get over to the fitness center in our neighborhood 3-4 times a week, and he only went with me if I was going into one of the pools. But that was before all of his heart issues, and I know he is more aware of what he needs to do now to improve his health. A huge motivator! I will have to scale back my exercise for a week or so, as my same knee is painful again. The topical anti inflammatory is helping a lot, but will have be conservative for a bit to be certain I don't have to go back to using a cane again! Last evening, I actually walked back to the house from Buckeye, just about a mile. But there is a lot of inclines, which my knee does not like. But it was fun...still learning my limits. Terri, enjoy your time on the coast! We may have up to 4" of rain today, which I hope will stay in the mountains. Taking any projects with you to work on? Dee, very glad that the family is healthy again...and excellent that Kaleb is going to pay to cover the vehicle repairs. This is an excellent life lesson of building responsibility that will serve him well in the years to come. And, how wonderful CJ was able to finally begin the baby steps to eating! Keep us apprised of his progress. Diane, I hope you took a well deserved time out from your super schedule over the holiday weekend...you earned it! Dawn, such sweet pictures of Symba and his forever family! What an amazing program that is, and you are an angel to participate! I also hope you enjoyed your weekend! Michelle...looking good, and so nice to have sons participating in school activities. That was quite a victory they had in the game. BTW, the kite festival had to be cancelled... . The weather did not cooperate, we had both rain and fog at the top of Beech. Very difficult to see kites through the fog...perhaps next year! I hope you all have an excellent Tuesday...love and appreciate each one of you!
  22. Yes, it is possible to have a stuck episode without any fluid in your band, and you may not be entirely healed from your surgery. My first stuck episode actually happened when I returned to taking my medications in pill form. Very unpleasant to have to taste a pill until it dissolved enough to move through. I was still too swollen, but felt that cutting the pill would suffice. You should learn what the early warning signs of a stuck episode are, and they vary by individual. I feel a sudden tightness in my chest, and know that I need to stop eating immediately. Life with a band is a learning curve for the first few months. Take a day at a time...
  23. Based on what you and the poster just before you on this thread, it does seem that you have been taking all of the appropriate measures to relieve your symptoms. It is so important to get your restorative sleep, it would be a good idea to contact your physician about your lack of rest. How much are you limiting your intake of fluids in the evening? I have to wait an entire hour after taking my evening medications before lying down to go to sleep. One evening, I was partched and not properly hydrated in the evening, and had only one sip of Water about 10 minutes before I laid down, and ended up regurgitating it. That's the last time I'll do that... I would keep your physician aprised of what is happening. I hope that your band has not slipped, and that you will get relief of your nighttime symptoms.
  24. Sojourner

    Alcohol anyone?

    Yes, we are allowed limited amounts of alcohol, and always have to remember that alcohol are empty calories which need to be included in your tracking. The other important information is that it usually takes less alcohol for you to feel the effects of it. My surgeon warned us about this effect, and stressed that he would not be writing any letters in defense of his patients who might get DUI charges. I waited the advised 1 year, well almost an entire year, before having a glass of wine. I could only drink half of the glass...
  25. Sojourner

    Some People...........

    I looked for the post on FB, and was not able to locate it. The comments you received seem to be motivated by a moral model that uninformed people often subscribe to. Casting those type of aspersions should never have happened.

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