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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Sojourner

  1. Sojourner

    For those who measure...

    Part of our portion control is to limit the risks to stretching our pouch. That alone made me realize the importance of volume measure rather and measure by weight. All physicians are a little different in their approach to treating their patients. I was advised that I did not have to count calories. What was more important was to make wise choices for my meals and stay with right size portions. Others mileage may vary...
  2. Sojourner

    No two doctors are the same

    Thank you Cheryl, for pointing out what should be obvious to all, yet does not seem to be. We are paying our money to our surgeon for their expertise in the field of Bariatric surgery. We should follow the instructions each of us were given for our pre and post op diets. Get your best value for your healthcare dollars...follow your instructions!
  3. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Afternoon All... I'd this FB or LBT? I have enjoyed our spontaneous chats on FB... Dee, you just have to take responsibility to manage your hunger, and learn to tell yourself NO. I can usually go a full 3.5 to 4 hours between meals. If I do need a snack, then it is either 1/4 cup low fat cottage cheese or a teaspoon of Peanut Butter. I allow myself 2 Snacks a day, but I usually only have one. It is not the best scenario, but it is what can work for me with a continuing commitment to exercise. Terri, did your Fitbit show up yet? How is your arm today? I hope that it is better...and you are off the meds soon? Janet, how are you today? Has the swelling subsided any yet? Keep us posted on your progress...you are an amazing woman to already be back with some of your favorite things...aka US! Dawn, how is the remote working schedule working for you? When will you know if you will be permitted to do this full time? Diane, I hope you have had a peaceful and restful day! Michelle, I hope you have enjoyed your busy but fun filled weekend... Nicole, if you read this, I hope you are continuing to do well... Taking a break after finishing up staining the deck...I decided I did not care if I had a clean car this week... I hope everyone enjoyed their Sunday...have a happy Monday!
  4. I was banded 18 months ago and cannot "chug" Water...even with a completely unfilled band. I keep a bottle of water with me at all times, and sip from it frequently. I am able to get the proper amount of water, but it takes a conscious effort to do so.
  5. Sojourner


    Yes, I have experienced significant fluctuations in the tightness in my band. Most of the time I can relate this to life stress, and what I am doing at a particular time, I.e. driving increases my stress level, so sometimes I cannot even sip Water. I have not noticed an increase of restriction with increased level of physical activity. When we relocated our residence, I was able to exercise more in the cooler temperatures, and now am up to 1-1.5 hours of cardio 5-6 times a week. We currently live at 5,000 ft. + elevation, which has had no effect on my band either. I asked my surgeon prior to our move if the elevation would effect my band, and he said no. His prediction has been accurate. As for night time reflux and any vomiting or regurgitating, you should consult with your surgeon ASAP, as these symptoms can lead to significant complications. I have always preferred leave my band on the loose side, as taking my medications without crushing is important to me. I also prefer to avoid the complications of having a band that is too tight. This,means that I have to take more of the responsibility for managing my hunger, but I am willing and able to do this.
  6. Sojourner

    What's on your "Do Not Eat" list?

    I can no longer tolerate asparagus, pineapple, under cooked broccoli and cauliflower. I have not tried to eat bread since banding...and after 18 months successfully tried rib eye steak. It's a different list for everyone.
  7. Sojourner

    Pre-Op Diet...Help!!!

    I had cravings for salt also while on my pre and post op liquid diet. The clear chicken broth was a God send for me. One way I got through those days was to have a multitude of projects planned for me. Everything from daily errands to run, to, by the time I finally reached my surgery date having the cleanest closets and drawers in memory. In other words, I planned ahead to find ways to stay occupied with distracting projects to take my mind off of hunger. This is the most difficult phase of the banding process. It does get much better! Best wishes...
  8. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Postscript to my previous post...too many interruptions from Jack! Dee, I am sorry you had to get your band unfilled...but it does help to calm the stomach down. I've continued to have varying degrees of restriction with no Fluid. And I am too concerned about my long term welfare to ever get fluid in my band again. You should be able to maintain your portions and not gain weight. So, NO worries! I hope you feel better fast! Big cyber hugs...
  9. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Evening All, Well, between FB and LBT, I am clueless...some more mean people out there I guess. That's why I usually stay in our space here...no fuss, no drama. Just friends! CaGottaBannd? Did I get that correctly, I hope? Welcome back...you were missed. Sorry you had/have family issues to cope with. And you have done so well so far with Banded life...keep up the great work! Terri, very happy you went to the doctor and that you are feeling better. I have allergies to bee, yellow jacket, and wasp stings. I have to have an EPI pen with me when I am outside. I worry about others who have sensitivities to insect bites/stings. I had a friend nearly die if anaphylaxis, so I get concerned. Rest, and very happy you get feedback now... Dawn, you are correct. Jack does enjoy all of the DIY projects, some more than others. He enjoys working with wood, building walls (over engineering everything), installing wiring, and designing kitchen and baths. An engineer with many talents. The best part is I get to customize projects as we go along. The down side is that our chaos usually lasts a little longer. But you end up with things finished the way you want them. It's good to read that you are feeling more in control now. And you are so right, giving back to the community is an important aspect of being validated in life. We always encouraged our sons, Brent has done dental work on children in Haiti, Jay volunteers for Habitat for Humanity, and Seth has been an active organizer for fund raising at the various hospitals he worked at, and also while in the USMC. And I always had at least a couple of pro bono clients who were referred to me through EAP and could OT afford private counseling. Excellent for Audrey to have this environment to learn in! Dee, thank you for sharing your experiences about your children...what horror stories there are. Amazing that CJ survived...you truely are an "angel on earth"! And thank you for getting after Terri to get to the doctor! Miclelle...congrats on your progress to goals, and having longer range goals as well. Those who do that are more positioned for success. Keep up your excellent work! Diane, how was today? We are concerned for you...please let us know how you are doing... Janet, how wonderful it must be to be home again...and with good drugs! I'm so glad that you are on the recovery path now. Be thinking where we can go for a walk this time...seriously! And I wanted to clarify my cover picture was actually taken last October when were up here. Sunday I will be going to Buckeye to take my weekly picture. We see more color on the trees every day, but the trees are still predominantly green here! So, now relax between physical therapy sessions, and continue to take good care. Please keep us posted as to your progress! We found the Watauga County Animal Shelter thrift store today, and dropped off several boxes of donations. They are quite a ways out of the Boone city limits, but a nice drive for a good cause. We have not decided on our plans for tomorrow, but it is going to be too beautiful of a day to be indoors. Low tonight projected to be 42, high 66...so happy to be here! I hope all enjoy their Saturday...hugs!
  10. Sojourner

    How long ??

    This question is basically impossible to answer with ny accuracy, but it does get asked frequently. There are so many variations between insurance policies that for accurate information, it would be best to contact a representative with your insurance plan and get acurate information. The process does vary widely. Good luck with moving forward...
  11. Sojourner


    I'm uncrtain of what you refer to as "insanity". Basically, yesterday is gone...so move forward with the rest of your schedule as planned. Some individuals, such as myself would definitely make it a priority to make up the missed exercise, and continue from there. Other's mileage does vary...do best of what would work for you.
  12. Sojourner

    A New Day

    So today we finish up the deck...and hopefully will be able to locate the thrift store operated by the Watauga County Humane Society. I have several large boxes of donations I would love to drop off. They are hindering progress with getting my office space usable. Band is mostly behaving...I am still getting my exercise in, but 5 days a week is about all my knee and hip will permit if I want to be able to walk and climb stairs. I hope everyone will enjoy their TGIF...and have enjoyable plans for the weekend... Big cyber hugs to all!
  13. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Morning All, Terri, I cannot in good conscious like your post! I agree that Dee is correct...you should see a doctor and not fool around with reactions to venom. I am with you...I hate bugs. Of every description! Please let us know how you are... Dee, very sorry that you had to have your band emptied...it should not be too difficult to continue to maintain compliance with portions. I hope that your tummy calms down . You have a full weekend ahead...no wonder you continue to lose weight! Remember to pace yourself! Janet, absolutely wonderful news that you get to leave the hospital so soon! Continue to improve every day...when we visit in November, we should enjoy a nice stroll somewhere. Be thinking what options around the Englewood-Madeira Beach area fit that criteria...how is Ange? Did Maddy enjoy her birthday? Michelle, good to read that you are doing well. You certainly stay active, which helps so much with weight loss. Keep up the great job! Dawn, how has the remote job site been working out? Is the weather more harsh in Nebraska compared to Illinois? When I was a young child we lived in Wisconsin...my father decided he no longer wanted to deal with the harsh winters in WI! Diane, please let us know how you are...sending positive thoughts your way!
  14. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Evening All, I don't know what happened to yesterday...I seem to have lapsed into a time warp of sorts...but it was great to see the updates from everyone! Michelle...I am so very sorry to read of your dog. Wow, 20 years is a very long life for a pooch. You provided a very good home, be at peace with that. Hugs... And good to read the exercise is going well, too! Dawn, how fun is that to surprise Brad! I love doing those types of things. One year I made my sister a birthday cake, and traveled from Orlando to Daytona Beach to deliver it while she was at work. She was so surprised and happy, but was not too pleased that I was in town and did not see her. I hope your cold does not become a major one. Enjoy your visit! Dee, great news about CJ...a wonderful story! I was sorry to read of your reflux, you have to be serious about treating it fast. I hope the slight unfill will help. Please let us know how you are. Congratulations on your additional weight loss! Diane, I hope your next appointment goes well...please check in with us and let us know how you are. Terri, sounds like all is well in the Noel home...that's wonderful to read! I hope your recent fill will put you back in the green zone. Keep up with your walking, I love it, and does not seem like exercise to me I enjoy it so much. Janet, I am so relieved to have received your text and know you fared well with the surgery! You are amazing...now onward to more mobility! I am so sorry I did not realize it was Maddy's birthday...so please share HBD wishes from me as well! Physical therapy is going well, so far. I have to stretch and manipulate my toes on my left foot. I hope no additional surgery will be necessary The deck is 90% completed with the staining, looks so much better than the weathered look we had. Definitely will post a picture, but likely will be on FB, as I still have difficulties with getting pictures out of the camera, or posting a picture from my iPad or iPhone here. Jack has also made great progress with the closet upstairs. It is all framed out, he has the wiring done, additional light switches in, and moved the thermostat for the upstairs central AC. It's ready for sheet rock now. After the seams are taped, compounded, and sanded we will move from the main level to upstairs. The house is slowly taking shape...it will likely continue to be a work in progress, as work on a total revision of the upper level master bathroom begins this winter. Overall, the updates were great to read...keep up the great work ladies...each of us has great things in progress! Love and hugs to you all...
  15. Sojourner

    Lap Band removal

    My PCP shared instances with several of his patients who chose to have their bands removed. One chose to do this for cosmetic reasons (her port was visible when she wore a bikini), the others did for medical reasons. He said all had regained their previously lost weight and then some. I wanted to give me the best possible scenario to allow me to keep of the weight I have lost. Removing my band for anything but compelling medical reasons is the only way I will have mine removed.
  16. Sojourner


    Yes, caffeine is a known stomach irritant, and can contribute to band issues. Also, post band I am more sensitive to the stimulant effects of coffee, just as I am with the depressant effects of my occasional half glass of wine. I am able to have caffeine in the morning only, and I can no longer tolerate a full glass of wine as I did pre-band. A little goes a lot further now!.
  17. Sojourner

    I wanna know if this is true...

    From what I know and have gathered by reading posts on this forum, the erosion process of a band is not usually a rapid one. A slipped band would not immediately cause erosion from what I have read. Emergency surgery is usually related to life threatening medical issues. Perhaps after ignoring some symptoms that may occur with a slipped band required removal of their band. I find it a bit difficult to believe that this individual required an "emergency" gastric bypass. If we take care of our band by following the rules, our bands usually take good care of us.
  18. Sojourner


    I take Celebrate AGB brand chewable multivitamin, Biotin, and calcium chews.
  19. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Afternoon all... I must be getting senile...I had to look back to see when the last time I posted here. We slept in today...so the day got off to a slow start, and my schedule is out of sync. Exercise is coming along, trying to use the medication minimally as I prefer to avoid any potential stomach issues. We are expecting a Fall front by the weekend, and Jack and I went out to continue to stain the deck railings right after breakfast. The weather should cooperate until Friday, and we should have it completed by then. Wonder of wonders...we have an installation date for the countertops! Next Wednesday afternoon...looking forward to it so we can move forward with getting many more boxes unpacked and gone! Terri...still would like to see a picture of a scrapbook page you created...good luck with getting your fill. I sincerely hope that it will accomplish what you want it to! Dee, those pies sound yummy...how do resist indulging in a local staple like those? I would find it too tempting to make them at home and then leave them alone. Janet, you are in my thoughts and prayers today...I know you will do well...I just recall the mood and anticipation of round 2 with my feet...a mixture if positive and negative thoughts. But keeping your eyes focused on the prize of pain free increased mobility is a great motivation! Dawn, kudos to you for taking the initiative to get refocused with your eating and meal planning! Both will help you reach your weight loss goals. This should be easier now with only you to accommodate with choices! Michelle, and Diane, I hope all is well in your respective worlds...keep in touch when you are able. Tah for now...everyone keep up the great jobs you are all doing! Hugs...
  20. PB2 is a powdered Peanut Butter that has 85% less fat than regular peanut butter. I add it to my Protein shakes to increase the Protein content slightly, and improve the taste significantly. I purchase mine through Amazon. I am many months post op though, and don't believe a surgeon for someone who is completing their pre or post op diets would approve using it.
  21. Chugging is not good...it means you should continue looking for a shake you can tolerate, or even like. This is also the time to learn how to sip like a Bandster. After you are banded with restriction, you likely will have to sip instead of chug. I also add half a teaspoon of instant coffee to my chocolate shake, and recently I began adding a teaspoon of PB2, along with 8oz 1% milk and the Protein powder. It's sinfully delicious to me...I sip and savor it. There are many different options for Protein shakes. Because you will from time to time need to go back on a liquid diet post op, it is best if you find a shake option you like or at least find it easy to tolerate.
  22. Sojourner

    A New Day

    So, today was physical therapy first thing...so I drove to Boone by myself. They do PT here very differently here. Much more attention to details, and the therapist worked with me the entire appointment. Apparently there is scar tissue interfering with the tendon's ability to move my toe. Not understanding why this happened...but will hope that there is no mp need for any additional surgery... We had to have our new mattress replaced,,as the first one had one of the layers just under the outer layer not laying flat. I was not happy with the first one, and this one is in perfect condition. So, I guess I will now wash all the new bedding, and get the room ready to move into. Progress... The deck railing is about 40% stained now, and will plan to get the rest done by the end of the weekend. The leaded glass panels are now mounted in the cabinet doors. We need to let the adhesive cure, then the upper cabinets are complete! The stone fabricators have not been in touch, and Jack is losing patience. Not good, as it takes a lot for him to get angry. We know they were laying out the stone for initial cutting mid week last week...so, Jack finished the wiring and framing for the new closet upstairs. More progress... Patience.... Love and appreciate each of you...take care!
  23. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Afternoon All, Dee, we have missed you! It is so nice to see you here more often! Busy, busy weekend...no wonder you stay skinny now! Does it make you feel old to be caring for the son of a former foster child? Your community seems like a nice place to be. Terri, glad you arrived home safely! The weather is warmer here now, which is good to get the stain on the deck. It will be cooling off again this weekend...and every day there is more color on the trees around us. What plans do you have now to keep from being bored? Janet, you seem to have everything ready to go for round 2. That's a great feeling, and prayers continue...as before, please have your daughter post an update so we know how you are! Diane, please know you also remain in my thoughts and prayers...when do you get another girls "time out"? Keep smiling, and breath deeply...we miss you but understand... Dawn, brave woman, did I say that before? You will never see me on one of those rides...I had everything I could do not to chicken out from the Harry Potter ride at Universal...but I was elated that I fit on it too. You have to be able to be strapped into the car...such a nice validation of your progress...now it should be a bit easier to focus on yourself and do what you need to to stay on track! Michelle...yes, how is your exam prep progressing? We have no doubt you will pass, but it always feels good to make it official...
  24. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Today has been deck staining day...yesterday we pressure washed the entire deck in the hope that we would have a good weather window. So far, so good. We knew we were running out of time for the weather to be warm enough to complete the job. Then our attention will return to the interior. We had the leaded glass panels repaired, and now they need to be placed in the cabinet doors. A day and a project at a time... Week 4 of no countertops...getting restless about this. Very tired of being limited with cooking options and paper plates...the grill is getting a good work out though. We had a nice "conversation" with Seth earlier today via Face Time. He said that the heat of the summer (~125 degrees) seems to be over, and now the high temp is usually only around 100! Muniza is training to complete the Disney half marathon this February. That is one item I would like to have on my bucket list, and the next year will let me know if I should seriously consider it. Tomorrow I go back to physical therapy for scar tissue on my left foot from the surgery in February. Not sure what will be achieved, but will find out what to,do with the exercises and continue on my own. Too long of a commute to do several times a week... I hope all have enjoyed their Sunday...and that Monday gets off to a great beginning!
  25. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Afternoon all, Safe travels home Terri...and there is no place quite like your own real bed. So good to know that you had a safe time without any unexpected excursions into the water! Janet, I hope you are continuing to feel better! Ready for Wednesday? Round 2 will be over and then you will really be on your way to mobility. So happy for you! Michelle, the things we do for love! I hope the other coach has a good talk with his team...a forfiit for that reason is inexcusable. Dawn, you fit beautifully on the coaster...and how brave you are! No way would anyone be able to talk me into riding one of those. Times will get better...it just takes awhile... Not happy to read that Diane is still having her challenges...we are here for her. Always... Dee, looking like a little pixie, so small now! How's your studying coming along?

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