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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Sojourner

  1. Thank you Dr. Most physicians examine the patient before issuing their diagnosis and determining their treatment plan. J/S
  2. Sojourner

    ? about getting the stomach flu

    As per my surgeon, if you have a stomach virus, and you are going to vomit, there is really no way to stop it from happening. In my experience, anti-nausea medications will not stay down if you have a stomach virus. I did come down with such a virus after being exposed to my son and caring for my 2 young grandsons last Fall. I vomited several times (tmi), and the following day went in for a partial unfill. I stayed with a liquid diet for several days and had no residual ill effects from the episode. It is best to avoid vomiting if you are able, but sometimes it is not possible. Lower your chances of contracting the virus by washing your hands often and keeping them away from your face.
  3. What you are describing is NOT normal for someone with a band. Coughing at night is often a symptom of reflux, and it can increase the risk for aspiration pneumonia. It is great that you will be seeing your doctor tomorrow. Eating too close to bed time is not the only factor to cause nighttime reflux. Even drinking fluids close to bedtime can increase nighttime reflux. I have experienced those symptoms, and the only relief I have had is to limit eating to no less than 3 hours before bedtime. I also wait 1-1.5 hours after taking my evening medications before going to sleep. These symptoms should be addressed ASAP, as if not resolved could lead to additional issues with your band. Best wishes to feel better...
  4. Sojourner

    Stress? Tighter band?

    What you are describing is totally normal...for the situation. When I am stressed, such as driving, sometimes not always it is impossible for me to sip Water comfortably because I feel additional stress when I drive. Other Bandsters have posted that their bands are much tighter in the morning. I have never experienced that feeling. I am told by knowledgable others that sipping a hot beverage in the morning helps to get the band to feel less tight.
  5. Sojourner

    What to pack for surgery?

    Bring a lip moisturizer like Chapstick. Best wishes as your journey begins...
  6. Sojourner


    I have a Fitbit One, and wear it every day. I love it, as it helps keep me accountable for my level of activity every day, and also to help me see how many calories I have burned for the day. It's a great motivation for me, as I make it a priority to get my 10,000 + steps in every day. I got tired of having to reset it with my computer, so I do not sync it, but rather use it to track activity and calories burned daily. I am not familiar with the Fitbit Zip.
  7. Sojourner

    Low metabolism?

    While I have not experienced your issues I do have hypothyroidism, and have been on medication for that for years. Prior to banding, I was less active, and I did believe that my metabolism had gone into hibernation. Quite contrary to the above poster, I have never read any studies which have scientifically concluded that consuming less calories over time will diminish the rate of metabolism of an individual. As we grow older, that is the natural course we take. Also quite contrary to the material shared by the previous poster, I have had my band totally empty of all Fluid since June. I have continued to lose weight. I attribute this to continuing to be compliant with my exercising 1-1.5 hours for 5-6 days per week, and I am also compliant with my portions. IMO, I would not lose weight at this stage if I was not exercising on a regular basis. There is no "one size fits all" prescription for day to day management of calorie intake and rate of weight loss for weight loss success. Especially when it comes to breaking through weight loss plateaus. The only truism I subscribe to is that we must take in fewer calories than we burn to lose weight.
  8. Congratulations...and best wishes for a successful journey to a healthier you!
  9. Definitely discuss your concerns with your doctor. Though pre-op instructions advise nothing by mouth for usually 10-12 hours before surgery, I have been told in the past to take my hypertension medication in the morning with only a sip of Water. This policy does vary by physician, so let your surgeon know of your concerns. It helps to learn to be your own advocate, and ask questions and discuss your concerns. Remember, you are paying for the expertise of your surgeon. Best wishes...
  10. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Afternoon...all... Have we officially abandoned this thread for FB? Inquiring minds want to know! Hope everyone is having a great Friday...
  11. Sojourner

    Cant we all just get along ?!

    Some people are very passionate about their journey to weight loss and health. That's a good thing, because it promotes the motivation for success. However we all realize that different surgeons can and do have different approaches to their treatment protocols they use for their patients. Different does not mean wrong. I also am beyond weary when it comes to the poster who is freaking out about the possibility of damaging their band because they ignored their surgeon's instructions. It is up to the Bandster to take the personal responsibility to follow their OWN surgeon's instructions. And if you fail to, take responsibility for your mistake. Then you should be honest with your surgeon about your lack of compliance. None of us who post on this forum that I have encountered to date has the proper medical credentials to render any type of medical opinion. Apply that reality to your post before you post questions which should be directed to your own surgeon. We are all supposedly adults, and as such we can/should act our age. We can agree to disagree in an appropriate manner without resorting to the childish behaviors we would expect from young children.
  12. Sojourner

    a question on lap band removal

    There are many general surgeons who have surgical experience with WLS. Though it many not be a best case scenario, there are other qualified surgeons who can remove a band. When I began having some complications after our move, I contacted a surgeon recommended to me by my bariatric surgeon. He is a general surgeon who does WLS, and has experience with placing bands. I needed to have my band unfilled, which he did. He also gave me the option to have him remove it. Do some research. If your original doctor is not cooperative, you should have other options. I'm very sorry you are experiencing these challenges. Best wishes...
  13. Sojourner

    Anxiety eating

    Coping with anxiety means "changing the channel" with your thoughts. Are you aware of any patterns with your anxiety coming into focus? Are you studying when you become anxious? Distractions provide anxiety relief. I prefer to get moving with something physical, like go for a walk. If that is not possible you can work on projects around the house. If you are in a place where your attendance is required, such as work, try to engage in some sort of cognitive exercise. I would draft work agendas, schedules, etc in my thoughts to get me through stretches of anxiety when I had to attend meetings. Thinking outside the box for solutions should help. Best wishes...
  14. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Hi all... Just a quick question... Have any of you ever had over 11,000 steps in for a day, and the Fitbit says you have burned only 1330 calories burned? No way to lose much weight with those numbers... Just curious... What a disjointed day, had to go shopping this afternoon to get out of the house during the install of the marble. I have a bad reaction to fumes from resin... I did get my exercise in though, but had to go alone. Jack was just getting to eat dinner when I got back around 9. We have to do it all over again on Monday. So, all of the kitchen boxes will wait for a few more days. Off to bed...love, hugs and glitter to all!
  15. Sojourner

    ?KNOW IT ALL? posters in Bandland this is for you.

    Thank you for addressing the "white elephant" in the room on our forum. There is nothing wrong with sharing best practices and first hand experiences which have led to learning and understanding with regards to band related issues. I cringe when I read medical advice being given by individuals who do not hold the professional credentials to be dispensing medical advice. This forum is not a replacement for consulting with your surgeon or their medical team.
  16. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Michelle, in my thoughts as you hit the books again for your boards. You will do fine! Please keep us updated on your progress with the exam and your new physical training challenge. Nicole, as others have already said, sorry to read about your family issues, but you have done well with keeping a focus on what you need to do for you. And you are doing well...keep up the great progress! I'm fighting a migraine...and Jack is finishing off the sheet rock on the closet upstairs...the hammer is resonating within my head. But I say nothing, because progress is a good thing. The stone fabricator called earlier today...he said he didn't make a hard template of the island as he did not believe he needed to. And now he sees that he should have. So, long story short, we get only half of our countertops tomorrow...the island and raised bar will not be installed until Monday. Never again will I do this. Nothing but issues with the "professionals" in this area...and in Florida it was comparatively so simple and no problems...I guess my head is making me irritable... I hope everyone has had a great day...and now I'm going to hibernate in bed in the hope my Headache will subside... FB has been fun!
  17. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Terri, how was your time on the links? Did you break 70? We lived on a golf course for 8 years...and neither Jack or I have ever had an interest in the game, but the golfers certainly were entertaining to watch and listen to. We only had a golf ball come through a window 1 time...the shattered glass was everywhere, and several years after it happened we were still finding pieces of it in our bedroom. You must have had beautiful weather today...we certainly did. How is your recent fill working out? I hope it gets you back to where you want to be.
  18. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Janet...how are you feeling today? How many times a week are you having physical therapy? I know it is not a fun time, but you should be able to derive great satisfaction out of the progress you continue to experience as you regain your pain free mobility. St. Armand's is near Sarasota? If I recall, we took out boat over there years ago...I have no clue as to the geography of that part of the Gulf Coast. Please let me know what you think.
  19. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Dawn, what a sweet sentiment from Brad...and how thoughtful for the gift of those earrings with so many meanings attached to them. He is definitely a keeper for certain! Glad you returned home safely. No worries regarding memory issues. I have them also...and they provide great material for the rest of my family to make fun of me. Ok, so memory, along with technology and algebra are not my strong points...but they never held me back!
  20. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Dee, I think it is amazing that you have figured out how to use your phone as your alarm...can you teach me? You should have seen Jack and me last evening, on the phone with our eldest son (IT manager) as he talked and walked us through how to burn a copy of my class reunion DVD for a classmate of mine. It was like Computers 101 for Dummies. Well, we all have our strong points, and technology and algebra are not mine!
  21. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Afternoon All... Diane, you are correct, Jack and I have pretty much forgotten about alarm clocks...but every so often you have to get up earlier for appointments...this morning it was 70 degrees in the house, and we did not want to get up. So I believe we finally got the day going about 9:30. Thank you for your thoughtful words about Seth and my family. It is difficult knowing he goes "out to the remote areas in the field" by helicopter. I know he risks his life to do this, and this war is an effort which I do not feel we belong in. I continue to pray for his safe and unharmed return. He is now preparing his application for a second residency for hematology/oncology pharmacy. His focus on his future and the career path he prefers is amazing, and we are encouraged that if approved he will be able to leave Germany ahead of schedule. I still have to take only one day at a time...
  22. Sojourner

    Pre op Diet Struggles

    The pre and post op liquid diet and the variations prescribed by different surgeons are the most challenging of times. You are engaged in an immense amount of change, both with the how and why you eat, and confronting the "new normal " of understanding that the habit of just going to have something to eat whenever you want to has to change if you want to be successful with weight loss. I structured my shakes and the one cup of fresh salad veggies so that there were at equal intervals during the day and evening. I had a bottle of Water with me at all times, and sipped from it frequently. And I kept very occupied with errands and those projects around the house that I never seemed to have the time or motivation. We never had such clean and organized closets and drawers in our house. But it worked to keep me on the straight path of not cheating on my diet. Weight loss success requires "getting your head in the game", and understanding that there is much psychology involved with retooling out eating patterns. Many times what we interpret to be authentic hunger is really "head hunger". We need to be aware of the difference between the two. We also need to be aware when our thoughts create a "need" to eat if/when we are bored. We need to revise our thoughts to be "mindful" when we are eating. That encompasses small bites, timed meals, chewing, chewing, pausing between bites. That also includes being aware of everything you put in your mouth. Best wishes for a successful journey...
  23. Sojourner

    Best NSV Ever...sort of

    And it should keep you on the high that comes from success! Well done...congratulations!
  24. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Afternoon All... Well, I overslept because the alarm never went off. I guess I'm going to have to look online for an owner's manual so that Jack can get the directions again...amazing what simple things we can forget in such a short amount of time! Dee, so happy you did not freeze at the game...you have little insulation left to ward off feeling cold now! Your boys read like they are great players...I hope they never have injuries. That part would scare me the most... Diane, would love to see a picture of your new hair style...it looked like you had a good time with your mother over the weekend. I hope the medication is helping you cope with feeling overwhelmed. Dawn, so happy to read that you enjoyed your trip, and that you returned home safely. It must be difficult to,leave there to return to IL. How are your college girls? Have you been riding your bike lately? Terri, I hope you are feeling better after your stuck episode. I hated those...and almost done with your medications. Life is good! I believe I have Nicole's address. Let me know if you want me to send it to you. Michelle, good luck with your studies...you are on the glide path now and will do fine! Physical therapy is going well, but I may have to have an additional surgery to correct some issues with scar tissue and the tendon. If it is optional, I will pass. I am able to walk for miles without pain, just one of my toes seems disconnected from the rest. I could not resist, and purchased some bronze mums to Celebrate Fall...they come in so many colors. It was difficult to choose. Next year I will be more focused on the outside of the house. Only 2 more days until countertops! It is so true...the small and basic things do mean to most to me! I treasure each of you along this journey...at different places, but we all understand. Group hugs!
  25. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Janet, Turnabout is fair play...you will have your wonderful opportunity to wait on Ange in just a few short weeks! Awwwww, she looks so cute and so pregnant! I'm so happy for you to have daughters you are so close to! I hope you got your situation in bed all figured out...I laughed about your plight, and at least you have a great sense of humor about it all! I am thrilled to read of your progress! WTG!

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