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Everything posted by Sojourner

  1. Perhaps the area of the country I reside in has ethical medical professionals. And the many doctors, attorneys, and judges I have interfaced with through the course of my long career also abided by the professional ethics set forth by their respective professional boards as well. I assure you that I don't live in any sort of a "bubble". My many years of relationships with physicians as both the patient and as a professional I encountered only professionals who acted with the best interests of their patients. It reads that you may have had a physician who did not abide by the Hippocratic Oath required as part of receiving a degree in medicine. Perhaps you did your extensive research as part of your circumstance with your first band. That's unfortunate, as it seems to have soured your perspective on doctors. In any case, your comment about "earning your stripes" is an indication of your anger and belief that there is some sort of nebulous cast order on this forum. Why should this be? A reference to the military? I thought an open forum was just that. You seem to believe that because of your unfortunate past experiences you have some sort of elevated status? There is no use in exchanging additional words. Your words will never change my perspective or world view. I am sorry for your previous experiences, but they do not entitle you to essentially "pull rank" with other participants. An open forum is just that. Time to move on...
  2. Sojourner

    Dentist help.....

    Most dental procedures are done using only a local anesthetic. That should not have any effects on your band. I've required more extensive dental work post band, and had no ill effects.
  3. Your use of gross generalizations is a concern, as you seem to have based your conclusion based on limited reference points. I would want to know, based on your personal, first hand experience how many surgeons used bait and switch tactics on you? I have no agenda to engage in a war of words with anyone. I respectfully disagreed with your statement and intentionally omitted your so called "name", because I respect the right of others to post their opinions. Perhaps you should review forum rules and etiquette? I don't believe everything I read on the Internet. It would seem that you have a less discerning evaluation of the data you have reviewed and quoted. As for referring to me as a "rookie", this is only your disrespectful opinion and uncalled for name calling.. How immature of you...you are resorting to this and you have no clue as to who I am, or the professional credentials I hold. I am well schooled in medical ethics and prevention of medical errors, along with patient rights and responsibilities. That said, I will always encourage self determination of each individual. As the consumer, each of us owes it to ourselves to research and educate ourselves as to possible risks, projected outcomes, and the role of the patient to be successful. I also have sincere concerns when forum participants dispense medical advice without proper credentials to do so...these individuals know who they are. So, in accordance with current politically correct verbiage, we should agree to disagree. And then let it be.
  4. As others have previously posted, there are risks of complications with any surgery, and WLS is no different. And there also are complications from obesity which I believe we all know about. It is true that those who have been successful with their weight loss journey do move on from this site and enjoy their healthier lives. The individuals who experience the complications are the ones who usually engage in "band bashing". Aftercare with the band is essential for your health and success with weight loss. I have experienced complications with my band, and presently 2 different surgeons cannot explain what is going on. My band is still properly placed, but I need to be very careful with my evening routines to avoid nighttime vomiting. The band has fewer incidences of post op complications statistically than other types of WLS. And for me, I was advised that I was not an acceptable candidate for the sleeve due to a pre-existing medical condition. I disagree with a previous poster that the band was done by many bariatric surgeons as a side project. The alleged "bait and switch" tactics she alluded to are not only unprofessional, they are unethical. As the patient, it is your responsibility to ask questions, educate yourself, and move forward with your decision based on what you feel is the proper choice for you. Best wishes as you consider your options...
  5. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Happy Monday! Dee, we all need a safe place to land, and I do understand that life and all your responsibilities keep you focused on other important needs. So keep in mind that when you are here, we love hearing from you, and when you are away, you are missed. There is always some challenge in life, and I hope you get a break from all the chaos for a bit. Perhaps Kaleb needs to find a job to cover the repair costs from the accident? Michelle, yes, what will you do with all that extra time now that hitting the books is in the past? Enjoy your new well deserved freedom! Janet, do you feel ready for Round 2 with the other knee? I had my foot surgeries 2 months apart, and don't believe I could have survived if I had the second one earlier. On the other hand, your recovery progress is nothing short of phenomenal! How is the sciatica these days? Terri, did you finish the Disney album as planned? I hope the weather cooperates for the pool party! When does Fall peak in the eastern part of NC? Does all the excessive rain we have had impact Fall? Dawn, how is the empty nest? I know a major adjustment for you, bur now you can focus more on your needs and choose how to spend your time. You have so many good events ahead...enjoy this time! Diane, just remember to take good care of yourself, and do whatever you can to create some "me" time through all of the chaos. You are having an addition built on your current home? You have my sympathies...I'm so tired of the construction and dust here... As I type this, Jack has gone back to work in the kitchen, installing the garbage disposal and getting the rest of the plumbing hooked up for the kitchen sink. I guess I'd better finish lining more shelves... I hope everyone has a great day!
  6. For me, it was being over medicated by two different doctors who refused to communicate with each other which packed on about 90 pounds over the course of about 18 months. I had never been a stress or an emotional eater. By the time I was aware of my new to me weight problem, I had reached post menopause, and my metabolism was seemingly in hibernation. I tried several diets, and had previously lost significant amounts of weight several times and successfully managed to keep my weight at a healthy number for years. This time it was different. I was able to lose around 40 pounds, but with stress and the demands of my career I found it nearly impossible to keep the lost pounds off, never mind about losing the rest of what I needed to. It was when my A1C level crossed the line for a diagnosis of Type II Diabetes that I knew I had to get serious about losing weight and keeping it off for good. Ironically, it was through one of my patients that I first heard about the band, and began my research. It sounded like the proper solution for me. My journey has not been without complications, some resolved, others not so much. But I still believe that it was the proper choice for me. For now, everything is stable, and my band and I can stay together. For those who are hesitant about surgery because they are concerned about complications, it is good to know that most are manageable. If you take care of your band and adjust your lifestyle to the healthy way of life we should all try to follow, you will likely be successful with your weight loss journey.
  7. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Morning All, I enjoyed reading the updates from everyone... Michelle, Congratulations of the highest order to you for completing your degree! I understand how much a family, work, and grad school place on us, and I look back to that time in my life and question if I was insane or just driven for success. And the best is still yet to come... Dawn, this will be another busy week for you...how are you feeling? Did your back ever calm down? I hope Audrey is doing better with her adjustment to life at school...remind her that this was her decision. She will be fine once she becomes immersed into school and sees how successful she can be! I also am looking forward to seeing some pictures from Ericka's trip. Memories for a lifetime! Janet, thank you for the words of validation...we are a mutual admiration society, for you are inspiring to me! I am so blessed to know you and our entire group of strong and amazing women. Yes, it is a wonderful thing to be close to the family, and losing that is the only downside to this move. But, I know we are where we want to be, and there will always be tradeoffs in life. I have to say though, visiting and staying with Jay and Jodi was one of the best times we have had...so nice for the grandsons to just,come up to you and want to snuggle as they wound down at night before bed. Diane, thank you for checking in...I knew your plate had to be overfilled. I wish you were feeling better, but as we all re aware, stress is a killer in many ways. I can relate to the difficulties of the role reversal you are involved with at this point. It is not wrong to acknowledge your feelings, and you are wise to take a minute at a time if necessary. I hope that your spirits will life with the changing of the seasons. Shopping for smaller sized warmer clothes should be a good pick me up! I hope you focus on some nice colors... I want to respect your boundaries, so I have not been in touch often, but remember I am only an email, text, or phone call away... Terri, keeping busy is wonderful...I am jealous! I want to be engaged in all of what I want to do, instead of continuing to get settled. The light is still not shining at the end of this tunnel...though there is progress. That is what I have to settle on now...this time next year,will be a time to look back on with humor. It is so good to read that you are involved with your granddaughters. Family really does complete one's life... Dee, how is the studying coming along? And how is the home schooling going? I hope Charlie is behaving himself with his diet...and he should also be getting some appropriate exercise in. When is the peak Fall up your way? A friend of mine in Philadelphia told me they have their peak season sometime in November. After so many years of feeling wilted in the heat and humidity of Florida, this is so refreshing. Well, it is back to working on the kitchen...there are shelves to be lined. And perhaps I will regain access to the china cabinet so a few additional boxes can be unpacked. If not today, then during the week... My band has been behaving, with the exception that I have had hunger come back with a vengeance (I believe because of the prednisone I was taking). Jack suggested that I go back to Asheville for a small fill, but then by dinner time yesterday it was difficult to drink Water. My band is too unpredictable to even think about a fill, so hunger will be my constant companion at least for now. I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday...
  8. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Terri, yes, indeed a leaf quilt is in order! We are so excited to be able to be here for the entire Fall this year after wanting this for so many years! Good to know that Diane is staying in touch with you. She needs the emotional support through all of the stress and changes she has on her plate right now. Dawn, it was the right thing to do not to rescue Audrey. Remind her that the majority of the freshman class is in her identical position, away from home and not having many/any friends there. Encourage her to take the first steps to introduce herself...I know this adjustment is not easy, however she will benefit from learning how much she can accomplish on her own. Janet, ! Hope you are feeling well, and that today was better than yesterday. It seems that part 2 of your surgery is timed well with the progress you have made to date, and you will be so much more mobile. Diane, Dee, Michelle...I hope life is treating you well...stop by sometime! Love and appreciation to you all...
  9. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Saturday Evening, What a strange day we've had. Totally out of sync. The dogs got Jack up early, and then he fell back to sleep in one of the recliners. I did not wake up until 10 am, and I hate when that happens. The air was cool and crisp, and not a cloud to be seen. So we decided to disregard the house, and go to a national park that the Blue Ridge Parkway runs through. Jack wanted to scout the lake for canoe launching. I guess I have to say that I am now officially recovered from my accident and foot surgeries. We hiked around the lake, about 3 miles or so. Over very uneven surfaces, navigating our way around the mud pits, and through very rough areas of exposed tree roots. The only pain I felt was minimal in my right hip. I am ecstatic. I guess all of my reent exercising has helped. I am so thankful I was able to do this, and Jack did not believe I could go the distance. It's the small things which give me so much happiness!
  10. Sojourner

    Hair Loss

    The 5,000 mcg of Biotin was what I was advised to take for hair loss post op. I was advised that my hair loss was likely due to the multiple surgeries I had over the course of the year that my band was placed (4 surgeries within 12 months). I do track my Protein intake, and remained within range the entire time. My hair loss continued for around 3 months, and now continues to grow back. It is not to the same thickness as prior to surgery, but this thinning could also be a factor of age in my case. Your hair will grow back...take your Biotin, and get enough protein!
  11. Sojourner


    I have a diagnosis of both fibromyalgia and SLE (Systemic Lupus). I have been able to successfully manage my inflammation symptoms without taking any of the anti-inflammatory medications I was prescribed prior to surgery. I have found that staying reasonably active with the moderate exercises I am permitted to do has actually helped some of my pain be managed easier than before. And the weight loss has definitely helped me to feel better with less stress on my joints. Everyone is different, so it is important for you to discuss your concerns with your physicians prior to moving forward with your surgery. Taking NASIDS post op could create significant complications for you, so it is in your best interests to be prepared to give up your anti inflammatory medications. Again, the importance of discussing your concerns with your physicians is necessary. My physicians medical opinions were pro surgery for me. Best wishes for your health...
  12. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Almost Afternoon all, Janet, fabulous news from your ortho doctor...I was certainly expecting a stellar report! Thank you for the pic of Emilia...I hope I spelled that right. I am ecstatic that the pregnancy is progressing well! What blessings you have in your life! Keep on moving forward. Terri, already up to the Disney pictures, I wish I could stay current like that. One of my projects for retire,met is to put the finishing touches on the baby books for all 3 sons. About time now that they are all in their 30's! Dawn, happy that Erica arrived home safely. I'm certain she will have many adventures to share...and they will be with her forever! What will you do with all your new "me" time and less drama in the house? I'm certain it will be an easy adaptation for you! Enjoy this time. And Dee, Diane, Mini, may only good things come your way, whatever your current focus is... I sense that this wonderful group is losing some of it's cohesiveness...but at least most of us can stay connected through FB. I hope all have a great rest of their Friday, and just in case no one is here, a great weekend as well! It's a privilege to know you all!
  13. Sojourner


    I can relate, and feel the same way. It sometimes feels that I am reliving the years when our sons were adolescents, and they refused to consider that someone else may have some wisdom forged from living through the experiences. I particularly become concerned when there are posts which give medical advice to others, and the poster possess no professional credentials to do so. Some things will never change. And like you, I ignore most of the posts which ask for medical advice and the responses of those forum members who are unqualified to render them. I rarely post anything on the main forum any longer for those reasons. Thank you for sharing these most valuable insights with others.
  14. Sojourner


    GNC Wheybolic Extreme, chocolate flavor made in the blender with ice saved me through these weeks...
  15. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Good Evening All, Finally time to catch up and slow down. I'm skipping exercise this evening...the joints are just too unhappy. I've been exercising an hour 5-6 evenings a week since we returned from Florida, and now am up to a full hour. Not that it's making a difference weight wise, but I usually get energized and get in my ten to eleven thousand steps a day. It felt good while on the prednisone, but now the effects (pain free joints), including increased appetite have worn off. The new bedroom furniture is here finally, these were the only pieces of furniture to come into this house which were not rained on. I can't figure out how to post pictures from my ipad or iphone to this thread. Does anyone know how??? So, we had to return to Lowe's to pick up the new microwave, as the first one they delivered was badly dented on both sides...and from the outside of the box it looked like it had not been tossed about too much. Good thing while we were there we also purchased a generator, as when we returned home, the power was off, and we have no clue for how long.. Jack got to test it out immediately, and it works. We have been having short power outages periodically for the past few weeks, but they seem to be more frequent now, and likely will be worse over the winter months. So strange to me...we lived in Florida for years, went though numerous hurricanes, and Jack never wanted to invest in a generator. We are just arrived here, and now he wants one. Can't figure him out... Everyone has been so quiet...I hope all is well with each of you! Dawn, yes, being out on your own will give Audrey a more realistic understanding of her world. It's good that you set your boundaries firm with her. You are the last person she should be grumpy with! If no one checks in here...I guess I'll "see" you on FB! Sweet dreams and hugs...
  16. Sojourner

    Having one of 'those' days

    All that you wrote in your post is normal, and I can write that I also had that same post op discussion with myself. The weight loss journey with your band does require your participation with diet, lifestyle compliance, and understanding that your band is only a very useful and self empowering tool for weight loss. You will be successful if you are motivated and committed to change your relationship with food and your lifestyle to eat to live and not live to eat. Fear of failure is common, but if you chose to follow the instructions you were given by your surgeon, you will be successful. As you travel this journey there will be "NSV's" along the way that will affirm your progress and strengthen your resolve for success. This forum has many members who have been successful and will be supportive of your efforts to succeed. Believe in yourself...you can and will do this...if YOU want to! Best wishes for a successful journey...
  17. Sojourner

    Am I eating too much?

    What were the precise post op directions given to you by your surgeon? These instructions tend to vary by the physician, so it is essential that you follow the directions you were given prior to your surgery. Many people will not have restriction to any degree until after they have had several fills. We are all different. Just because you can eat more than your allotted amount does not mean that you should. You could risk stretching your pouch or esophagus if you were to get into the habit of eating too much. There is a stage many of us encounter known as "bandster hell" before you have much if any restriction, when you are able to eat more than your allowed portion and are still hungry. Just be aware that some of the responsibility for weight loss rests with you to comply with your post op instructions. If others have survived this stage, you can too! If your surgeon did not provide you with detailed instructions as to what and how much you should be eating, get in contact with them for their instructions as to what and how much you should be eating.
  18. Fear of failure is quite common, and you won't know the success you are capable of if you do not make the attempt to be successful. Please learn early on that you can create undue negative feelings of failure if you compare your weight loss journey to others. We are all individuals, and as such will not have identical weight loss journeys. My life with the band has given me a life skill which eluded me for years...patience. If you follow the rules as given to you by your medical team, you will be successful. I have experienced some complications along my journey, and am losing weight slowly. I am focused on that the scale continues to move in the direction I want it to, not at the speed which it moves. There will be days when you will be less compliant than others, and you may from time to time encounter weight loss plateaus. It is important to stay the course and stay in touch with your reasons for opting for this surgery. The weight loss will happen...all good things in time.
  19. Sojourner

    A New Day

    A quick hi-bye again...the fabricators were here for the countertop measurements. They complimented Jack on the quality of his installation, saying most professional installers do not do the same accuracy as Jack did. We have to cut the sink base down several inches for proper placement for the sink, and then worry about the oven installation, which is separate from the rest of the work. I am seeing red over the misinformation that the kitchen designer gave us regarding the raised bar...it takes a lot for me to get to the point to complain to management about their lack of accurate information, but we may not have enough of the marble, and may have to purchase more. But is would not be from the same lot, and matching it would be difficult if not impossible. Rant over.. Janet, so glad that you are making progress...I know how painful it can be, but there is an endpoint in sight, so in this also, please strive to keep your eye on the prize. Also happy to know the date for Ange's C-section. The time will fly by... Dawn, what a special woman you are to foster dogs until they find forever homes...Audrey's birthday picture was stunning! I know how much you will enjoy seeing Erica again...she has had an adventure of a lifetime. Brent still talks about the months he spent in Australia. Terri, How's the scrapbooking coming along? I would love to see a picture of a sample page...there are so many creative ways to create each work of art. Got to get back to lining shelves in the kitchen...I hope all have a great hump day!
  20. Another thing we tried which seemed to help me was to elevate the head of our bed by about 3"... I agree with others...do what you an to have your appointment moved sooner. With all of the coughing you are experiencing, you may be at risk to develop aspiration pneumonia.
  21. I was trying to cope with a similar scenario earlier this summer. I had issues with night time vomiting and coughing even after my band was unfilled entirely. What I found has worked for me is to limit my intake of both any food or Water in the evenings. I wait a minimum of 2 hours after eating anything, and a minimum of 1 hour after taking my bed time medications before it attempt to lie down to sleep. If I follow those rules, I have no problems at all, which is what I have done since late June. If I don't follow the rules, more night time coughing and vomiting. My band is still unfilled. My surgeon in Florida who placed my band was convinced that it had slipped. Repeat of the fluoroscopy showed a perfectly placed band, and he even said he was surprised that there was no slip based on the severity of my presenting symptoms. He said he cannot explain why I have the symptoms I have, but I will be allowed to keep my band as long as I can keep the night time symptoms controlled. I hope you get some relief from your symptoms, and that your band is ok...
  22. Sojourner

    esophageal dilation - FREAKING OUT!!!!

    Esophageal dilation is a condition not to be ignored, as it can lead to more significant problems later in life. I've just been through a similar dialogue with my two surgeons and PCP. From what I was advised, the solution to resolve the esophagus issues is dependent on the degree of dilation. It can be caused by your band being too tight, or from overeating on a regular basis. I have a very minor dilation which the surgeon says is not commonly found, and will need to be monitored closely to be certain that it does not become worse. Do your best to stay calm, and find out what your options are to resolve this issue. You may discover that the options are not as bad as your anxiety driven thinking is making them out to be. Best wishes for a good resolution of your issue...
  23. Sojourner

    Anxiety and restriction....

    I encountered similar issues with my band that increased the level of restriction significantly due to the stress of major life changes, several major ones occurred at the same time. I opted to have my band unfilled completely so that I was able to continue to get proper nutrition and Fluid intake. I have noticed in my experience there is a direct correlation between my stress level and the tightness in my band. I attribute this correlation to be the same as in other instances of stress when I will realize that I have been either clenching my teeth or have tightened my muscles as a stress response. I believe that the same internal response to stress happens with my band. As you will soon be out of the stressful situation, perhaps you do not need to have a slight unfill, but you need to consider that it is essential to stay properly hydrated and nourished.
  24. Sojourner

    A New Day

    Just a swift hi-bye...I get it line the new pantry and lower shelves today. Our new bedroom furniture arrives on Thursday. Things are looking more positive to be ready for the first waves of house guests in October. Dawn, cat's cannot "change their spots", and dead beat dads are the same way. He will never change, the the best thing you can do is to help your daughters realize this also so that the amount of hurt and disappointment to them is minimized. Janet, glad that the nurse is history...keep up with the great job with rehab! Terri, I understand, much of the traditions which were passed to me through my family are kept alive by me, with only Jay,who has 2 sons of his own interested with preserving them for his sons. I hope everyone has a great Tuesday...

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