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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tifferoni326

  1. tifferoni326

    why did you choose

    I choose the band because the by-pass was very intimidating for me. Its more invasive and premenant, plus if you mess up, your stomach stretchs, whereas with the band it can be tightened. Also the chance of malnutrition is less with the band. I also liked the fact that the weight loss is more gradual, and I can still eat! Even though I dont eat as much, I dont know if I couldve standed the amount of food by pass paitents eat! I think id get depressed! Love food too much Cost too was an issue
  2. tifferoni326

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Thanks! Its taken alot of thinking and work, but I feel I am starting to have a healthier mind set as far as eating exercise and coping with life goes:cool:
  3. tifferoni326

    who supports right to choose

    Thanks, I like to think im responsible..infact to most people my age is misleading!..do I usually dont shout out that im so young!
  4. tifferoni326

    It is the little things...

    I come from Houston--RAINY! and have had these realll cute black rudder mud boots with bright pink polka dots on them..love them. When I bought them, I cut slits at the top bc my calves were too big to fit in...put them on the other day and wore them half the day until I notice that my jeans were tucked inside of them..and my legs were moving around inside of them..they now come off without stripping back rubber!!! I was in a hurry the other day, and ran down the street to talk to someone,,ran without realizeing it..YES!!! I can hike my foot of the back of my tailgate and pull my butt into the truck..no longer is it the sit, roll up to knees and pull up routine for me!!
  5. tifferoni326

    Being hypercritical.

    Im am now several pounds under my orginal total weight goal. Seriously I never thought Id be this thin. So I want to go further. Pushed the goal back Even though I havent beeen this thin since 6th grade, I still look in the mirror and think ugh..look how fat you are. Im not fat..I need to lose like 3 lbs before my BMI says Im healthy. but i see myself in the mirro ugh. I too worry if I will ever be able to love my body, or if all the years of self loathing has bcomes a habit. I look at myself in the mirror and tell myself, :egh, not bad for what you are working with!" Im a size 10... I worry I might need to go see a shrink for help with this..I dont want to obsess with being skinny either. I want to get down to a size I am comfortable with that is healthy and live my life, without being attached to a scale!..why does that seem too much to ask?!
  6. tifferoni326

    Do you eat popcorn?

    Yum popcorn..just saying it makes me want some..at 6 00 am!! I love popcorn, and thou sometimes it makes me pb, I still eat it. My doc doesnt care for it, but Im pretty sure that my popcorn is sprinkled with crack, bc I can not seem to break my addiction to it. I try to keep it at a min tho...
  7. 22..thank god! I am so happy I had this done before my weight effectedmy health..wish I couldve done it at 14..but whatever
  8. tifferoni326

    Poll zodiac sign

    aries all the way, but Im in the early phase, so I think I have some Pesces qualities too..I will say this though I am an ox in chinese zodiac, and it mostly fits.. People born in the Year of the Ox are patient, speak little, and inspire confidence in others. They tend, however, to be eccentric, and bigoted, and they anger easily(not me). They have fierce tempers and although they speak little, when they do they are quite eloquent. Ox people are mentally and physically alert. Generally easy-going, they can be remarkably stubborn, and they hate to fail or be opposed. They are most compatible with Snake, Rooster, and Rat people.
  9. tifferoni326

    who supports right to choose

    I have a little brother..well hes actually my cousin. We adopted him away from my aunt when we found out that she was taking him to crackhouses with her and leaving him unattended while she went off with john. She feed him nyquil to be quiet. He was a couple months shy of being 3 when we got him..all his teeth rotted out because she let him drink juice at night, never tried solid food, just juice and cow milk, never even attempted to be house broken ( i refer to it as that bc its easy to get them to go pee on a tree) never circumsized and had a very very very limited vocab. Hes 11 now. Happy, normal, believes hes gonna grow up and be a skateboarder...thats gonna be his major at some unknown university...now if we were unable to get him from her, and for awhile she didnt want us to, I would rather that he never was born than have her stay with that woman. I love him to death, I raised him once we adopted him, I couldnt love anything more...but even if social services came and got him, he has a strong resemblance to his father, a Mexican, which have very low adoption rates, and at that age and with those problems, do you really think someone wouldve adopted him? As far as child support, if I ever (deep breath) get pregnant when I am not married, I do not believe in abortion for myself, because I am responsible and could raise a great kid. However, I am pretty sure I would have daddy sign away rights, child support is hard hard to collect and most of the time it never is. Plus unless you really need it, its almost like getting paid, because you got laid..I know thats horrible that it ryhmes, but true..now if you dont have a job and daddy does then cash up, but many people arent like that and get the support for extras..I do believe in child support after divorce w kids..paying somenoe off because they married you
  10. tifferoni326

    Which embarrasses you more?

    I prefer a short Hey you look great..then next topic.. I know its meant well, but Ive been the fat girl in the courner to feel comfortable about being congratulated for more than a min. I hate being called skinny.. Im not skinny, skinnier, not skinny. A pole is skinny, a supermodel is skinny..o wait already said that..:rolleyes:I have curves..they may not be in the right location but they exist, so I am not skinny..I prefer good..just good..Im a simple kinda girl what can I say
  11. tifferoni326


    I am a firm believer in spanking.. what people dont get is that its not nessarily the pain that works, its the acknowledgement that O crap I crossed the line! and the fear of the hand/paddle/belt. Spanking is an effective tool if used with the proper respect. I had enough respect for my parents that when I crossed the line and got one, I knew I deserved it Plus, parents who do spank too much are just going to find other ways to disipline...my dads favorite..we had a fireplace with a brick seat, we would hang our heels over the edge while holding a penny against the mantel with our nose..OUCH!! Tell you what I never called my sister a Doo-doo head infront of my parents again!! Are they stipulating no hand spanking or object spanking or what.. I used to get those stupid paddles with the ball attached to a string which broke after five minutes of frusterated swinging..then my mom had a new paddle to keep in the car.. But I was spanked, and Im fine. I dont abuse animals, children or old people. I dont have an outrageous temper and dont resort to physical violence. I was spanked/not abused..how can some politican tell the difference?
  12. I celebrate at 5 lb intervals...that way Im not stressing water weight or hormones! I try to reward myself with things, but Im so used to doing it with food. So since I graduating in like 17 days or something, and Ive lost over 90 lbs in less than a year, I am going to celebrate by putting all my money into a body bugg, as a gift and motivation, cause Ill be a monkeys uncle if I spend that much money on something and then not use it..Nope Im way too cheap for that:ranger:
  13. tifferoni326

    If money were no object...

    hmm I would lovea personal bra shopper...maybe they could find one that holds them where I want them... now pygmy goats or reg goats...this is very important now..pygmy goats have the habit of jumping on counters, but once when my pet goat got inside he slept on the couch..might need a goat hair remover! :biggrin1:
  14. tifferoni326

    What kind of eating disorder do you have?

    I am an unplugged eater..I get stressed, lonely, sad, bored, whatever, I distance myself from that emotion and unplug. Usually with a book orI turn the TV on without watching it..then I just eat..I could go through sun flower seeds till my tongue bled...I distinctly remember once lying on the couch, with a bag of chips, cheese dip and a 2 l of Dr. pepper next to me while I read a book..all day..it was a big book but geez! Even today I still do that, only now, Ill being eating with out knowing it them WHAM! I have to run to the trashcan...
  15. tifferoni326

    If money were no object...

    the way I see getting better boobs would be a gift to the world..ie charity..have boobs will travel..plus all though beaches topless...I mean seriously boobs..good for the soul, good for the world, good for all...bc I know ifI spent money on mine..well lets just say theyd get plenty of fresh air!!!!!!:whoo:
  16. tifferoni326

    How do you feel about your ass?

    The newest piece Ive been getting you can bounce a quater off it...heck yeah I love it...though youd probally lose that quater in mine hehe
  17. tifferoni326

    Sorry, the sex is bad!

    I just want to give props to you..It takes courage when you are the bigger one in the relationship to climb inbetween the sheets for the first time, and honestly, no one stood by the bed and forced him to have sex, so you must've been good enough for that!! I have only very very recently allowed myslef to have a sex life again..mostly because of these assholes...I dont have the temper in me to deal with them..if my irish comes up..I make sure his doesnt for a long time..he'll be holding an ice pack to himself when Im done kickin..and hell hath no fury like a pi**ed off woman in bed... Heres what I wonder, if he usually only dates 2-3s why date you? That probally shows just how pretty you are, bc even if you are just an experiemnt as someone put it, you must be a damn good one to catch his eye in the first place!!!
  18. tifferoni326


    whenever I hit size 8 or 160, which ever first, I am getting my 1st tats..Please see diagram below.. I am getting ants marching down my back into my pants, starting at my bra strap, ending around the tramp stamp spot. I like bugs, I took a class over them one semester and would love to work with them as a career..but I dont want a butterfly- too girly, a beetle- too common or a wasp/bee- too school mascot-y Its also to symbolize my path in life, though while not always straight, I kept going, also stands for hard work Plus then I can say I have ants in my pants..which I am already starting to get as I lose my weight!!!! hehe the box is my back, the dots are the ants and the line at the bottom of my box is my pants..I m thinking 2-3 inchs big...b/t 3-4, but I have to the artist to make sure the size isok, I would like smaller, but dont want blur...
  19. I knew that..love Elvis As to the question.. weight doesnt bother me, its all about how you handle it, I dont like men who are pounds of blubber when they get home, and become part of the couch, butI also dont want a man so obsessed with his body that all his extra time is spent at the gym. Fat doesnt bother me, unless you dont function..A couple extra handles never hurt anyone..I will say however that I have always been attracted to skinny men with dark hair and no chest muscles..dont know why that is though, I mean seriously, why is NOT having a chest attractive to me? weird. O well At the same time, I dont expect to be attractive to skinny men..its a catch-22 :faint:
  20. tifferoni326

    If money were no object...

    If money were no object.... 1. I would open up my own animal shelter, where dogs went through intense training before being put up for adoption, that way they would make a perfect family pet and never end up back at a shlter 2. I would travel around the world, by buying tickets to random places at random times, no destination in mind, just wing it 3. I would give money to the agencies that are trying to enforce animal protection laws 4. I would have better boobs! 5. My house car and lifestyle would be as eco friendly as possible 6. I would be able to pay Johnny Depp to take me out on a date in his pirate costume! (HOTT!) 7. I would "accidentally" drop money on the ground, just to see how honest people were! 8. I would pay Oriental fishermen more money than what they get for shark fins to stop killing the sharks 9. I'd totally buy everyone on here all the plastic surgery thier skinny butts desired! 10. I would actually see what it felt like to spend money on a wardrobe, without feeling guilty. Man o Man, but I am broke!:cry
  21. tifferoni326

    NSV (Non Scale Victories)

    So apparently..I have to lose like 5 more pounds before I am considered a healthy weight by my BMI YES!!! wow..to be considered healthy..not fat...or the dreaded O word that I refuse to use!
  22. tifferoni326

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    I feel like that too. Like maybe Im supposed to be alone..I mean whay kind of crazy person would actually like me. Men to me are all pretty much bastards..you get your hopes up, and get crushed...Seriously, it would be nice to have someone to kiss under the mistletoe this year..for ONCE! but its not gonna happen...maybe next year
  23. tifferoni326

    How Do You Set A Reasonable Mini Goal ?

    I set my mini goals for things just barely out of reach.. lose 3 lbs, not 20, do 25 more crunchs, not 100, jog down the driveway and back, not around the block..if I set them so I can attain them, though not too easily, then i get more motivated then if i set them too high and fail. So this week my mini goal is to do 500 crunchs every other day...I usually do 200 or so everyday, and Im trying to push myself, plus Im getting to that point where Im going to have to fight it..When I first started, it was do 100 crunches every other day..usually 50 a day, then 100 etc...
  24. tifferoni326

    Bad skin...

    Also try this stuff..and this isnt spelled right, Bordeuax's Butt Paste.. It works good, its for diaper rashes but made popular for treating acne.
  25. tifferoni326

    Why does the band work for you?

    why the band works for me...because it had to. I hated myself hated my life and was never happy. Im 22, in school supposed to be having the time of my life, and instead I wanted to disappear...I knew this was it. If I didnt make this band work, I was done for and would have to be lifted out of my house with a crane in 10 years. It wasnt the money, insurance paid for most of that, it wasn't the restrictions- bc I can eat as much ice cream as I want and dont throw up..Its me. I know that this band gave me a choice..become a real person, a become a lump of blubber. I realized that if I didnt do this now, I would never be happy, I would never be me...the band has allowed the true me to start to come out...that is why it works for me, because once a little bit of myself came out, there was no stopping me! I used to come home and snack till dinner than afterwards..sunflower seeds, popcorn, ice cream, cokes and pizza...that is what made me feel ok..now its when I hold that last crunch for 3 secs longer, when I form that first bead of sweat, when I dont eat the food on the table because Im not hungry..thats me happy. and thats why it works for me...

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