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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tifferoni326

  1. tifferoni326

    Depressed breasts

    depressed..heck mine are sucicidal!all they do is look over the edge..:cry I am with you.. I used to have 44DDD in Feb when I got banded now Im a 34C!! I was complaining to a friend how small they were..she said they werent small..just normal..they are freakin tiny to me... Pushup bras help them look better, but sometimes they are cut too short and the girls try to come out for a visit..so when you are trying them on, bend over while wearing the bra... I am also going to try to do so chest exercise..I never thought Id have to do something to make my boobs look better.. I mean at a DDD, guys dont care which way they are looking!!! O the plus side to have suicidal boobs- I went out the other night with friends..was talking to this guy and we kept eye contact...he didnt ask my bbobs what I was majoring in or if they wanted another drink..it was weird, bc Ive had boobs since 5th grade..and theyve always been talked to when I meet new guys...odd
  2. tifferoni326

    NSV (Non Scale Victories)

    Yess..Its amazing bc we I never had them, I didnt miss them..but I see mine and Im like woah! My bracelet fell off today, and I looked at my wrist..you can see my wrist bones!! Then I was laying in bed last night and was getting mad and threw my arms down to my side..OOOW..freaking hit my own hip bone....YEP I found it..I have a bone on my hip that sticks out..when Im laying down and my fat is compressed but its there and its not soft..actually really bone-y
  3. The Patches are on alot of people a hunger eliminator, because the nicotine is getting into your system at such a concentrated rate and not to go too much into sci here but it blocks off some receptors in your brain, some of which would pick up on the chemicals released when you are hungry Also because of the way you are eating, the food is hitting your stomach differently, making it so it fits in there different..ie you are full Neither of these techniques by themselves would probally work as well as both, but I will tell you that you will probally get used to the nicotine ie become hungry again before your surgery...Just do the best you can with it Protein shakes also fill me up, even before my band..Id have one for Breakfast at 4 45 am and not eat again till 11, and be fine, and this was when I worked at the zoo in the summer-ie hot outside. Good luck, and dont get discouraged..this is going to be one of the most challenging parts of the band. I didnt have to go on a liq diet before surgery..it was hard enough after surgery! but I did stop smoking for 2 weeks...I was not a ray of sunshine to say the least! Just think though, whenever you feel like slipping, soon Ill be thin and happy..is it worth that drag or that bite?..O also, a big portion of smoking is habits..try to advoid those places you always light up..itll help Good Luck, I'll be rootin for ya!:bounce:
  4. tifferoni326

    Alcohol ?

    Like said earlier its not that you can't drink, you shouldn't..empty calories and also because of the band slowing down digestion and eating way less food..well it makes you feel the effects alot sooner...:bounce: I had a margarita about a month after banded for my birthday, was fine. I can drink beer, I let it go flat, wine, shots no problems..Im just a realllly cheap date now, I can't have more than 1 beer before I cant drive home..course my friends love it, because Ill be tipsy and they'll be sober, and I love it cause I have fun with a $5 beer. ..I guess this makes it sound like I drink alot, I don't but I am in school, so it happens!:eyebrows:
  5. tifferoni326

    Getting Banded in 6 Hours

    six hours before surgery..At that point before my surgery I was too hungry to do anything but drool!! Good luck..every confidence that all goes well..
  6. tifferoni326


    I think thats the whole point...it shouldn't be illegal.. America has always prided itself on its freedoms...hm but now we cant spank..whats next..Can't have more than 2 kids because more than that takes too much attention from the other children..or No dating under a certain age...hmm maybe you can only marry twice, after that sorry..guess we should make it three strikes youre out..baseball and everythnig- Point is that the goverment has no right. Passing such a law would just open our doors to others... Not to mention I can barely go to walmart during regular operating hours and go at like 12 am to advoid the tons of children that need to be spanked as they run around the store like crack addicted monkeys. My sister one timed asked, where are these kids parents...I looked at her and said quite frankly.." If they were mine I sure as heck wouldn't claim them when they acted like this, would you?!" Now its the parents fault that they behave like that..but Im telling you some good disipline..including a spanking if needed.. would have these kids walking beside the cart...upright not draging thier knuckles!! I don't think such a law could be passed in texas any time soon...too many angry rednecks!haha j/k sorry if that offends other Texans...I just joke about it, Texas is not full of rednecks..
  7. tifferoni326

    crazy pets

    I am so glad I am not the only one with freakin nuts animals..as I speak the cat is watching my fingers from ontop of my shoulders..he gave up on my feet YAY..still afraid to move. Petri (Stinky Pete) is watching TV..she stares at it when its on..I leave it on for her when I leave, I know it rots her brain but I figure kids these days..shes only 9 mnths old..the other day she must have had this sudden inspiration to clean her teeth..at night she went into my bathroom and ate a tube of toothpaste,..then chewed the bristles off the toothbrush..not that i needed it with out toothpaste...whats worse is she did it on my black comforter..which now has white stains on it that I cant get out, even though ive washed it like 12 times..kinda embrassing Kip my Chi is about to be 4 in a couple of days. He is such a snugglebug..One day I thought Id lost him..looked all over the house for him, nowhere..Im flipping out, throw all blankets off the bed, tears at this point down my face..hes my baby..the lil poop head crawls out of a pillowcase and looks at me like what..apparently a matress and a down comforter arent soft enough, my lil prince sleeps inside the pillow case, on top of the pillow on top of the comforter on top of the mattress..Prince in the Pea.. And then theres Mikeyhes my 12 yo red foot tortise.. he loves people.. Ive had him for a year and when people come to visit he bangs aginst his cage until I let him out, then he zooms around everyones feet, wearing his diaper..hes not housetrained. He has a crush on my mother and will follow her around when she comes up for a visit..even though Im the one that feeds him..I guess hes at that stage where a boy stops needing his mom and starts needing a girl.. Plus theres my snake Corp. Klinger ( wasnt sure when I got him if male or female, so I covered my bases.. MASH) who even though he is naturally found in trees, flips out if you hold him any higher than your waist and will orient his body in my direction whenever someone else is holding him..He also refuses to leave his tank unless you pick him up..a friend accidentally forgot to put the lid on when he was taking care of him..a week later I got home and there he is under his log... I like animals..notice?:ranger:
  8. tifferoni326

    Wish me luck!

    I did on one side...the surgery was no fun but the ease of tension and pain was like a gift acouple days later..felt like Id been kicked in the jaw by a freakin elephant..oops..probally wont help huh? No but seriously, just wake up and take the pain meds..even when you couldnt feel a semi parked on your chest, cause it means you wont wake up without them!! I think what was the worst for me was that my sister, a dental student kept wanting to study me..like some freakin experiment. I couldnt go to sleep without her shining a flashlight into my mouth..Once I thought I died bc all I could see was this bright light...nope stupid halogen flashlight...
  9. tifferoni326

    Can you help me figure this one out?

    It could be a possibility of different food types..a hot dog- fat and Protein..enchilada..hell even I dont know whats in those but maybe the different consistancy of the food effects its passage through the band.. mybe a hotdog expands in you tummy! like those kids toys that "magically grow in water"! I also think that sometimes its mind over matter..I can drink a freakin huge margarita ( ) with no problem but a small glass of soy milk hurts like heck!
  10. I went to a seminar hosted by another doctor who really pushed bypass..even for me who is young and not morbidlly obese..When i talkedto my doc he said he couldnt make a comment, but hisPA sure did. Basically she said it came down to money. 70,000 and up for bypass...30-50000 for band..thats a good bit of diff and a good deal of money..now im not saying all docs are greedy, and many paitents are better suited for by-pass, just letting everyone out there know of a different option. As for any risks with a non-native object..You can develop these reactions to anything, some people develop them to thier own organs. They made the tubing and port as less invasive and threatening to the body as possible. Most people dont have problems with it bc weve all had saline in us and plastic at some point. Surgery is scary. I dont try to sway people one way or another...but I found that this piece of plastic in me, has helped me discover who am really am good luck with your choice
  11. tifferoni326

    Feel food going through your band?

    try chewing more and smaller bites, that feeling is probally what I refer to as a clog..a bit of food that is almost too big to go down but squeezes through somehow..this is different from a blockage, where the food gets stuck. If you've just had the band in or a fill, you're probally not used to the small bites and chewing involved. I used to cover just the tip of the fork with food and chew a crap load..just remember--chewing involves muscles..which means you are technically working out..so just extend your workout some!
  12. tifferoni326

    Do you call yourself fat

    he might've sprayed soda, I sprayed Chinese Pepper beef all over my keyboard..I need a laugh..haha..My little bro asked once a fat people store was called "the Avenue" I told him it was because people who shopped there, including myself couln't fit on the sidewalk
  13. tifferoni326

    someone noticed!

    Way to go on self-congrats! The best I can ever work up is not bad for what youre working with..keep them up and before long EVERYONE will be saying that youre smokin!
  14. Name your 3 all-time favorite movies Pride and Prejudice Born Free National Lampoons Senior Trip If you could pick a new career right now, what would it be? Dog trainer/shelter owner how old were you when you fell in love for the 1st time? 5..his name was Corey..blonde hair, blue eyes..and he had a tree house;) If you could pick your “last meal” what would it be? Queso and chips with a margarita of course What’s the greatest thing about the town you live in? Me?! Haha no seriously I guess that its small..Im not a big city type of person Where were you born? HoustonTexas..texas bred Have you ever read a book (or attended a lecture, took a class, etc.) that changed your life in some way? What was it? The Anatomy and Physiology of the Domestic Cat: A dissection guide—this was when I found out I was smart… What is your favorite charity? Why? ASPCA..animals don’t have a voice and a lot of people shouldn’t be allowed to own a pet rock, much less something that’s alive..of course these same people usually have kids too Name your 3 all-time favorite books: Clan of the Cave Bear Sense and Sensibility Gone with the Wind..though in my head Rhett looks like Carey Grant and Scarlet looks like a skinny me :heh: What do you do when you are bored? smoke, read a book, knit, train my dogs, do my version of dancing in my living room when no ones home..(its like a cross between the funky chicken and MC hammer, with a lil bit of Britney Spears…this is why no one else can be home) Do you have any vices? smoking, sarcasm (its also one of my best traits), I share random things with people I barely know (for example you should not compare someone’s letter granting an interview to a med school with the fact you "had fun" the night before..crap kinda did it again huh) Name one thing you’d like to do before you die. be comfortable enough to strip in front of my significant other…go on a picnic w a loved one Is the glass half-empty or half-full? depends on how much I drank..knowing me..empty and turned over What is your bedtime? whenever I wear myself down to the point I have to sit for five mins before I can will myself to go brush my teethers What is your idea of the perfect vacation? camping at an almost deserted campsite, 70 degree temps, with clean bathrooms and alcohol chilling in the igloo ice chest..ya I know I’m kinda a red neck. Ever have a dream that you were “with” a movie star? Who was it? Lately Johnny Depp..in his pirate costume of course..put eyeliner on that man and I drool..also Sean Connery..that voice I know hes old enough to be my grandfather, but my grandfather doesn’t talk that way! If you knew your advice would be taken, what would you say to a high school graduate? Keep your chin up Don’t let your high school career be the defining moment in your life Don’t do anything you’re embrassed to think about afterwards If you’re gonna do drugs do them, but make sure they don’t do you in Remember, sometimes the people you are wishing to be like are wishing to be like you :clap2: theres me
  15. tifferoni326


    this thread made me think of something, I once had someone threaten to call ASAP on my because I spanked my dog...haha I was soo mad I wonder if thier ears are still ringin from what I said. The main goal of parenting is to do the best for your children, for some, that includes spanking, but if you can control your kids with a look, then there is no need to spank! My grandfather would just look at us, and all the grandchildren would freeze, until we figured out who he was looking at..never even had to raise a voice..Most parents arent like that and need to reinforce threats...otherwise there will be even more screaming brats running around Walmart and every other place... as for my dog, I informed the man that I was a professional dog trainer and was well equiped to handle my animals in which ever way I chose, and that had I not spanked her, she would be receiving CPR at the moment..she picked up a plastic bag and was attempting to eat it (why I dunno) and refused to drop it on command..I wasn't that polite though. Why is it people always try to offer advice to people who dont look like they need it? Now, maybe if I had kicked the dog or even hit her..popping on the nose is a doggie spank..then I might be able to see thier side..meanwhile I felt like showing him what a beating was.!
  16. tifferoni326

    Calling all scrapbookers...

    I wanted to do one after I started losing weight..but I cant find any fat pics of me that really show how fat I was..I guess whenever you burn them they really do disappear
  17. tifferoni326

    Any Younger Bansters Here?

    I tried one of those..unfortunately..I dont have a butt to hold the jeans up, so the muffin helps with that..if I use one of those..well I look like a gangster!:bandit
  18. tifferoni326

    Do you call yourself fat

    OMG I would've died..seriously the fallen on the floor..dead as a doorknob which was never alive, but thats beside the point..cause of death..embrassment, concussion from falling and a heart attack from the sheer pain of thinking someone thought I was pregnant! I thought that only happened in the movies..guess I give people credit for intelligence they dont have.. I mean seriously even if you were pregnant, would you want her touching your stomach?! Unless you are Buddha and give people good luck for belly rubs a persons tummy is a weird place to put a hand..I guess its better than having someone grab your ass..course at this point in my life that might not be so bad! sorry off topic on that one!
  19. Wow So people really did research on it.. I heard my moms insurance covered it and thought to myself "Screw it, why not..cant be any worse than being fat!" I saw the comercials, and emailed her coworkers who had it done..thats it..Im kinda a jump into things head first person..especially if there is a chance it might make me skinny!!
  20. tifferoni326

    Any Younger Bansters Here?

    I moved my goal weight down! YAY!! :whoo:Goodness I wonder how thin I could get..not that I want to be a toothpick, but can you imagine not having any fat rolls..probally not a good luck for me..my familys kinda bean-poleish..my rolls are the only thing giving me curves at the moment! I also decided that by V-day:rolleyes (ugh my least fav holiday EVER!) I am going to be a size 6...squeezed into my little sisters Lucky jeans a size 8, but I dunno how they run..prob big..and they still give me a muffin top..but at least its a smaller muffin!:heh:
  21. tifferoni326

    Crossing your legs....

    someone once said something like that to me...I told them that my mother taught me that ladys cross thier legs..and hold a penny between thier knees..:heh:--wonder where that penny went anyways--but it shut them up..besides..you are allowed to be prissy..youre a girl!
  22. tifferoni326

    Do you eat popcorn?

    its unpopped popcorn.. I went on a fairly effective diet once where I could eat as much air popped popcorn as I wanted as a snack..you can put everything on popcorn..ranch powder, chillipowder, carmel, butter, salt, my sister eats hers w Pace hot sauce..pretty good...anyways lost weight on that diet, popcorn takes time to eat.. As far as cancer...with the amount of chemicals in our ecosystem, Water and air, we might as well all light up a pack of Marlboros, eat Splenda and Sweet n Low by the pound and start dippin "chew..or do they call it spit"...If you are really worried about a food giving you cancer, I strongly urge you NOT to read the ingredients of any food, or eat anything that you dont grow..in composted soil...lol besides, we have all kinds of DNA repair systems to attempt to prevent cancer..sometimes they break down, but then so does your car..do you spend all day worrying that one day your car might start smoking..haha cancer car smoking..just made the connection! :heh: Back to the topic..an air popper is a must..theres nothing quite as romantic as cuddling up with your sweetie watching an old movie, the smell of that popped goodness filling the air with every audible pop..crap, nowI want popcorn!
  23. tifferoni326

    Do you call yourself fat

    Im the same way.. not really fat anymore, but still see myself as that..might have to have this discussion with my therapist! Even though I might refer to fat, like ugh my fat rolls suck (which I think everyone probally agrees theirs do) I never called myself that..even if I did in my head,..it was a whisper..if you can whisper in your head that is. My mother has a weight issue too and growing up, when my sisters and I grew into our teenager attitudes- we'd get in way more trouble for saying something like get your fata** up and get it yourself, then calling each other the B-word..this was to my older sister..NOT my mother..good lord I wouldn't be walking yet if I said THAT to my mother! :paranoid And I know its a good thing that we werent allowed to, but now I have this adversion to the word...its a bad word..like the N-word or something..odd I know
  24. tifferoni326

    Which embarrasses you more?

    Ohhh I thought it might be an acronym..crap cant speel that! :biggrin1: Ok so I now know what to tell my sweetie to call me..a sl..crap cant speel it either!!! Spelling..not really my strong suit Here I thought being called decent looking was good, and now you've given my aspirations! lol
  25. tifferoni326

    Which embarrasses you more?

    green you were called a what?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
