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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tifferoni326

  1. tifferoni326

    A thread for Single Bandsters

    Ive had that problem before, and I always worry about protein intake. I mix fat free cottage cheese into my yogurt. Its high in protein
  2. tifferoni326

    The night before surgery

    good luck!! Let us know how it goes!
  3. tifferoni326

    Sex Life

    Yeah thats how it is, or at least was before i started to lose weight. It got to the point where i never wanted to have sex, bc i didnt feel sexy. After I started losing and was able to dress nicer and cuter and gain more self confidence, up went my sex drive..this is of course not including the period of my life where I was constantly having sex to make myself feel wanted and pretty...anyways as the weight goes down, dont be surprised if the sex goes up
  4. tifferoni326

    Where is everyone from????

    How cool I have family there! awesome
  5. tifferoni326

    How often do you weigh?

    I only weigh in at the doctor. For me this is for a lifestyle change than a weightloss tool, so i try not to weigh in too often. Of course most people think its weird but thats ok, i just dont want to be obsessed with a scale..like i havent weighed myself as of now, in Feb, since Dec of course, in doing this, I miss my goal weights, my 1st goal weight was 175, and i didnt get on a scale till i had already passed it, it was way better than agonizing about being 177, it was a nice surprise.
  6. tifferoni326

    Sex Life

    One more reason for me to buy one of those hahaha
  7. tifferoni326


    Hi ya'll..I havent been on here in awhile, so to catch everyone up, I 22 in houston tx I love to read, right now I am trying to get through alot of the classic novels- Shakespeare, Jane Austin, Dickens etc- I also love to take care of my animals, i have two dogs a cat and a tortise and i also train dogs on the side. I love to go for hikes and i love hanging out w people who get my sense of humor, which is very sarcastic.
  8. tifferoni326

    Sex Life

    OMG! YES..my sex drive has gone through the roof! This is gonna sound horrible, but I go to like walmart or something and a cute guy will walk by and I turn and check him out and think Yeah I could totally tap that! lol So yes drive is through the roof, as for the rest, well I have this personal goal of not attempting to "make up" for lost time while I was fat :eek:
  9. tifferoni326

    What's ur goal?!?!?

    Im 5'9 when i 1st got banded my goal was 175..this was what i weighed in 6th grade when i broke my leg. I dont get on the scale very often and one day got on and I was 172..totally passed my goal and didnt even realize! oops.. so then i set a goal of a size 8..now I am a size 6..newest goal, maintain a constant workout schedule! O btw I say I am a size 6 plz dont be confused, Im not really super skinny, i just have NO hips or butt :eek:
  10. I make meatloaf and everyone loves it, even my father who hates turkey (says its nasty) 1 lb-1 1/2 lb lean ground turkey 1-3 eggs depending on preference 1 pkg Knorr vegtable soup mix ketchup..which gets spread on top of the formed loaf to form a nice crust I also love the refried ban soup recipe I got from someone- fat free refried Beans and like 8 oz V8 hot and spicy, mix and heat Also I mix a couple servings of cooked Pasta, canned tuna (in enough amount to noodles so that its a tuna casserole not a noodle casserole w tuna) and cream of mushroom soup turkey burgers are great O I will also take a pita, split it in half and stuff it with cooked chicken breast, mozerella cheese and bbq sauce, this is really good and extra pitas last forever in the freezer
  11. tifferoni326

    Loose skin???!!?!?!?!

    I've got some extra skin, Im still hoping it will eventually go away! Basically right now, its turning my stretch marks which used to look like a map into a 3-D map with mountain ranges and valleys!!! it isnt the look i was going fo, but i guess it adds character!
  12. tifferoni326

    Where is everyone from????

    Im from a small town near Houston Tx! Howdy :eek:
  13. tifferoni326

    The night before surgery

    I was sooooo nervous!! I kept wondering what I would do if this didn't work and wondering how I would look if I wasnt fat. I had always told myself that I would be pretty if I was only thin, but the night before surgery, I agonized what i would do if i lost weight and i was ugly..i know this sounds sooo self centered, but thats how i felt. I wasnt too concerned with the actual surgery, because it is really so simple, I was worried about my life after the band
  14. tifferoni326

    Who Has Lost Over 100 Pounds?!?!

    It amazes me when i think about how much I have lost. People who I havent seen in a while makes comments about not recognizing me and it takes me a sec to figure out why they wouldnt recognize me! And then its always Youve lost some weight havents you..and I think to myself, yeah a little, if you think 100 lbs is a little, which I dont!
  15. Hi all..real quick intro..Im 22, banded in Feb, almost to goal weight. I want to have some PS done, so I can actually be a normal 22 year old...problem is, I am working on getting my teaching certificate so dont have alot of money. I want implants and a tummy tuck and maybe an arm life..if you have had PS in Texas or Mexico could you relate some of your experiences to me? Thanks. My parents are dead set against Mexico, but if I have to come up with the money, then O well Thanks so much
  16. tifferoni326

    confused and disgusted

    Ok so I need to get this off my chest... Last Sat my parents had thier annual christmas party. We fire up the margarita machine..yes a reaal heavy duty one thats like 5.5 feet tall..and everyone gets drunk and we karaoke anddrink and dance. Well mostly these are my parents friends but I get along really well with most of them. ANYWAYS So I was looking pretty damn hott..people didnt recognize me hott. And I was singing and being a lil crazy.. I was wearing this brown dress and some fuck me boots..as they came to be called all night long..they are these knee high leather boots. HAD to buy them bc my calves actually fit in them..anyways so I am minding my own business. drinking partying whatever and my dads best friend since like elementary school comes up to me. I call him uncle, he picked out my middle name..I have always thought of him as an uncle..well apparently now that I am skinnier..i am not family anymore. He comes up to me and compliments my appearance "wow you look hott..I mena damn hott.." ok no big deal.. then he actually offers/asks me to join him and his girlfriend for a threesome..seriously. Im not the type of girl whose commonly approached at partys and asked if they wanna go for a romp in the hay anyways, but of course this was my first party in a size 8 since i was like 4 so..ubt he actually wanted to know if I was interested...UGH. I wanted to throw up..the man named me..he changed my diapers..now he wants to do me?! Needless to say I was embrassed. thankfully no one else was around to hear this..I told him he didnt make enough money for that to ever happen, then walked off. I didnt want to get too upset, i realize he was pretty drunk..he followed me outside and asked how much money...cause he makes a 100,000 a year... Ok so I am sorry, this really was never a question of money for me. I am a biologist..we make no money, and have accepted this..I just didnt want to get into a moral discussion after Id just have my umpteenth margarita. Ugh I felt soo dirty.. Im not gonna tell my father...I am daddys little girl and hed be pretty upset...and I know alot has to do w the alcohol but still...ugh Just had to tell someone....on the plus side however I am now hott enough to be propositioned for sex at a party..now if it just wasnt someone hows the same age as my father!! Gag!:phanvan
  17. tifferoni326

    February 2007 bandsters!

    I threw out all my junk food..all of it. if I bought any more, I would only let myself eat it once, then throw away the rest..seriously aerobics 2 a week karate 2 a week and a crap load of prayin!lol
  18. tifferoni326

    Beating the ODDS 100% Goal. Help needed

    I have lost more than my orginal goal loss in anout 9 mnths.. my strategies include.. 1: I dont rely on the band. Its tool for me not a mthod..Ive had 3 fills since Feb 07..I dont keep it as tight as possible- This is more about change in lifestyle than being able to eat one carrot and be full 2. Exercise- I did an hour of karate and an hour of arobics twice a week. Now I do 300 crunchs a day and Im gonna start running on Mon 3. I ask myself before I eat..is it worth it? Sometimes the junk food is..but not usually good luck..message me any questions
  19. this is before surgery..Im in the orange if ya cant guess..there not very many full body pics of me that exist wonder why? lol me and only one of my sisters me, my workout buddy (the dog) and my fathers boss..only full body shot i had
  20. tifferoni326

    February 2007 bandsters!

    :whoo:YAY to everyone...:whoo: I am down about 100 lbs since Feb 8 07 Thats from a 22/24 jeans to an 8 my bra size..48DDD to 32 C good job everyone keep it up!
  21. 1. I can tie my shoes without losing my breath! 2. My eyes don't shut when I smile! 3. My big hips have less bruises! 4. I can feel my bones! 5. I can see my feet! 6. I can wear an underwire bra! 7. I can run! 8. I can feel my muscles! 9. I can see my cheek bones! 10. I can walk much further without getting tired! 11. I can cross my legs! 12. I look younger ( I got carded twice in one week!) 13. I can shave my legs in the shower! 14. I Have Dimples In My Cheeks.....they Are Coming Thru! I Can See Them! Now, As For The Dimples In My Butt!!! I Hope I Will One Day Never See Them!!! 15. I can get out of the bathtub without 911 on speed dial! 16. I can bend over and..... GET BACK UP! 17. I can shop......anywhere! 18. I have so much energy especially after I exercise! 19. I can bend down without getting out of breath! 20. I'm more flexible during sex! 21. My big bow hips have went down more than 20 inches! 22. Men are turning their heads constantly! 23. My face is so much thinner and prettier! 24. I have collar bones! 25. The fat from my back is disappearing! 26. I feel so good! 27. I'm starting to like what I see more and more! 28. I have a Fricking Rib cage and can feel it! 29. I fit comfortably in an airline seat! 30. I can ride all of the rollercoasters I want! Whee! 31. I can curl up in a chair with my knees up like a little kid. 32. I can give myself a nice pedicure. 33. I am amazingly small boned, who would'a known? 34. No more high blood pressure meds! 35. I no longer run from anyone carrying a camera. 36. I can give myself a BATHING SUIT TRIM down south and actually see what I am doing!:clap2: hehe 37. I can wear boots up to my knees without fat exploding out the top 39. I can crouch down to get doggie kisses and NOT require an act of god to get back up 40. I no longer feel like a beached whale when I wear black or grey 41. I found my hip bones
  22. tifferoni326

    About to have a nervous breakdown.

    alright..so maybe your app will take a lil longer. Its ok breathe/ We are all here for ya and will help anyway possible. sleep Apnea..you may have risks for it and not have it..I was approved based on the fact that my neck was greater than 17 inchs around, i snore and frequently wake at night..but i have never had sleep apnea I was in the smae boat as you..Im young so my age prevented me from having alot of huge health problems. One way or another, you can do this. We are all rooting for you because we have all benn there Good Luck:whoo:
  23. tifferoni326


    Ok so I am taking this workout class through my school and you go through different types of popular workouts. I love kickboxing! It was challenging but it kept me entertained. Does anyone have any recomendations as to videos I can buy to continue to kickbox. Thanks!
  24. tifferoni326

    HELP! I hurt when I drink,

    yep call the doc..also make sure you are drinking room temp drinks..anything that i drink thats too cold or hot hurts at first..but seriously call the doc
  25. tifferoni326

    Compulsive habits?

    I have to write with multi-colored pens..have to. I buy pens by the box and they are all multicolors and I write notes with the different sets and they are all in apattern of colors and everytime I make a new paragraph or whatever..new pen..yep Im a lil OCD I know I also used to do what you did with your face to my scalp..I have really thick thick hair and when I was younger a fungus which grows on everyones scalp become overzealous and it would make like really big dandruff flakes that would fall out at the slightest touch..it was soo gross, thank god I finally got a solution to it..blow dry my hair..so now I cant go like more than 10 mins with wet hair..it drives me NUTS those are the ones I am most aware of..O no wait..I bite my cuticles like a choc-oholic eats a chocolate bunny at easter... but besides THAT I am completely normal:huytsao lol

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