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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tifferoni326

  1. tifferoni326

    Dating after Lap Band

    1: Actually most of my friends dont even know..so no 2: Actually once it did bother me..or I thought it did..but nope that was my hip bone..found it!! 3: Ive had people when they found out say O you took the easy way out. which is why so many of my friends dont know, Its a topic people seem to feel free about letting their beliefs out about, even when theyre not wanted... I mean if a date told you about his concern over his uncle who is loony as a bat do you tell him O well thatstuff travels in the gene pool? NO! ( or good manners dictate a negative response ) but yet people think i want imput on what they think about my choice
  2. I had my band put in on thursday..went to class on friday. My teacher was a complete you know what and said that since I wasnt having surgery on Friday I shoud be well enough to attend...I was so mad, I clipped my lil pain medication bag to the outside of my shirt and refused to sit in a desk because it put pressure on my stomach..I did get pity from class mates though
  3. tifferoni326

    Anyone Taebo?

    my little sister got the dancing genes too..and the skinny genes come to think of it Have you thought about kickboxing? I did it for like a week of a free intro class and i loved it bc it kept me busy and i didnt get bored. I am trying to find a good one on dvd
  4. tifferoni326

    I'm STUCK!

    So this doctor once put me on this super hard diet, but it works... in the morning a bowl of oatmeal, glass of 1% or soy milk salad w low fat dressing tuna chicken rice those were the main options to eat...sucks yes as far as fruit no banannas or grapes..really watermelon was highly encouraged also no carrots I think thats the gist of it..Im about to start trying it again cause Im stuck
  5. tifferoni326

    dating for my 20's banders

    to get back on the subject...ya I know how u feel. I dated a soccer player that was so well built you could bounce a penny off his butt!! And even though Im not comfortable with what I look like, I didnt force him to date me, so mustve been something there he liked! maybe my personality :cursing: whatever the reason, enjoy it..I did
  6. tifferoni326

    Need some funny names for my husbands car.

    how bout Adams apple- in reference to the bible adam and also the red in the car ans the fact that are devishly hott cars lol
  7. tifferoni326

    Rodeo Time

    Now that its rodeo season and this is Texas (duh!) how are we all coping? I went to the Houston rodeo on Thursay and had a sprite/vodka and nachos, but then on Sunday went to the Austin rodeo and had 1 bite of my friends funnel cake..then watched in almost disgust while she ate it..used to love those... o and btw you know youre in Texas when you buy an infant thier first cowboy hat! Look at my godson..freaking adorable huh?
  8. tifferoni326

    Calling ALL MYSPACE nerds....

    I got one i think its in my signature... 22 Tx female 1 yr since banding
  9. tifferoni326

    Seeking support - hurt feelings

    umm Im sorry but a-whole...its bad enough for him to think it but to confess it.. sounds to me like he has self confidence problems of his own adn wants to make sure you feel fat, so youll stay w him. funny thing is the cutest couples are those that are well matched in my opinion..two ugly people look better together then a cute one and a ugly one..sorry if this offends someone but ive always felt this way..anyways..point is every guy might want to date a supermodel, but not every guy looks like brad pitt or orlando bloom etc..so next time he says something like that, assuming you stay w him of course, mention yeah i understand, I mean Im not angelina jolie..but of course youre not brad pitt either! I mean if hes gonna insult you, show him what its like...or at least think this to yourself as you leave the table or it in silence in the car!
  10. tifferoni326

    Any Baytown, Tx Bandsters?

    Im gonna try super hard to make it..thanks!! umm this is gonna sound kinda bad, but how will i know its yall? I dont want to walk up to a group of people and ask if theyve had weightloss surgery..they might take offense if its not yall!!! lol
  11. I had the option of him and the doc I actually used.. I wasnt impressed with him..I kinda thought he came off as an arrogant a**. I realize that hes very successful doc but I was more comfortable with my doctor who took the time to spend quality time with me..I even had pics drawn for me by my doctor! lol..I just felt like a number with spiegel, whereas at my doctors office they recognize me when i walk in..even once when i came on the wrong day! lol but these are just my impressions!
  12. tifferoni326

    Where does it go!

    not to get too technical here, but basically your bodys main fuel is glucose, a 6 carbon sugar...glucose braeks down too easily to be stored, so your body changes it into another sugar glycogen when your glucose levels are low, because you arent consuming the groceries or you are working out, the body will convert the stored glycogen back into a sugar that can then be broken down and used... the breaking of the ATP to ADP is the actual energy, and I dont want to go too into it for fear of losin everyone! Your adipose cells (fat cells) have large storage containers to store the sugars until they are needed, as the sugars are removed from the cells they shrink in size..after you eat a do-nut, they increase! While most cells )i forget if bloodcells can or not) are capable of storing "energy" the fat cells are specialized for this task
  13. tifferoni326

    Dating, geez, HELP.

    Ok so first off..NEVER EVER dumb yourself down..I mean do you want a man that isnt comfortable with your intelligence? I get told all the time that I should do this and I refuse..end of story..If they are that easily intmidated by a girl w brains, then tell them to go back to the middle ages, when girls were just there to bake and look at!! As to the other thing..go outside of your circle. All of your friends prob have you calssified as a friend and this puts you on a untouchable status...go out with people you wouldnt normally, Im not talking about people u dont know, just the ones you dont know as well. As Ive lost weight Ive had guys start to take a interest in me..for example, this one guy who I had a crush on for over a year..we were great friends. We went to the movies together and hung out alot..but we never crssed beyond friendship...but when i lost weight, we did. Its not that he wasnt interested in me fat, bc we were seriously really good friends and if my weight bothered him he wouldnt have hung out as much..its like he saw me as a girl w the potential to b a gf. Like it didnt cross his mind b4 or something...And honestly I didnt take offense to this, bc all my life Ive used my weight as a shield against being hurt..so can the world help it if they see a shield b4 a girl. Also, talking about guys you meet or date around other people makes others see you as avalible and might click w your guy friends
  14. tifferoni326

    When did you start gaining weight

    Umm I guess I was never really the skinny kid, but I wasnt a kid that when you saw me you thought I was chubby. In kindergarten I had a bad encounter with some classmates, and after that I started gaining weight, and managed to keep it on through high school and most of college..lucky me right! lol
  15. tifferoni326

    Any Baytown, Tx Bandsters?

    Alright so maybe we can set something up for next weekend? How bout this..whoever is interested can email me, and then we can find a starbucks or something somewhere in the middle from where everyone is located my email is tifferoni326@hotmail.com
  16. before band... 1 yr post band Im down about 110 lbs...and yes these are different red heads in the pix!
  17. tifferoni326

    Sex Life

    I just started working in my home town..people dont recognize me! its so weird..even this teacher who literally hated me during highschool..i finally had the nerve to go say hi to him and he didnt know who i was...jaw kinda dropped when he found out though! hehe
  18. tifferoni326

    Any Baytown, Tx Bandsters?

    Have ya'll had any more meetings? I live in Crosby and would love to get together and meet with other banders. My emails tifferoni326@hotmail.com if there is going to be another meeting
  19. tifferoni326

    How is life at goal?

    Ive pretty much been at goal for 2 months now, and havent gone in for a fill since Oct. Basically now I try my best to balance my diet..I know only to have a couple of Cookies instead of sitting on the couch with the container, and then will eat the rest of the day with the fact that I had cookies in mind. It also effects my workout..O I had cookies today ( i love cookies) better throw in an extra hundred crunches! lol I dont let it rule my life though. I dont get on the scale every day to make sure I havent gained a pound, I just try my best to live a normal well rounded healthy life
  20. tifferoni326

    Single Bandsters

    I wouldnt say I waited to loose my weight before I started looking for a relationship, but as I lost weight, my confidence in myself increased and I ended up meeting more guys As for finding a guy who also had a band, thatd be awesome, or even someone who is or once was heavy..just so they can understand my emotional baggage more..so if anyones interested here I am! haha maybe we can make personal ads...heres mine A 22 yo f in tx who enjoys spending time with animals and being outside. College educated, likes long walks on the beach and sunsets :cursing: lol
  21. tifferoni326

    any single gals out there???

    Ok so Im single, about a year post band and not currently dating anyone.. when you do start to date though, there is a time and place to mention things. You dont generally discuss your sexual past on the first date, or whether or not you want children right? what I am trying to say there is a time and place for everything in a relationship. Usually if a comment is made about how little I eat, and I am not quite comfortable telling the guy that I had a band, I tell them I am on a diet, which is true, because a diet restricts what you eat and how much, as does my band. As for the scars, well honestly most men have better things to do then notice a few small scars on my stomach, they better find something else on me more interesting!:cursing: lol Case & point- I met a guy from another country last year when he was here for work, I was extremely attracted to him, but we were only friends, this year after he came back again and saw me, a relationship did develop. He was around when my band or eating habits were brought up by my family, but was secure enough in our relationship not to ask too many questions until I was ready to tell him, so he knew, but didnt know. O and he never even noticed any scars :tongue:
  22. tifferoni326

    Anyone up for letting me interview them this weekend?

    Do you still need someone? I've had my band for about a year, and am now working on maintaining. Umm I dont mind sharing what Ive been through though, but Im in Texas.
  23. tifferoni326

    New Here. My LONG story. :O)

    I hope everything goes ok for you! I was always overweight growing up and miserable! No matter what I did, I was always fat...Id lose 40, gain it back..that whole yo yo cycle we all know so well..Now I am smaller than I believed possible. I can shop in stores where before I wouldnt have looked in, and its changed my life. I am happier now than I ever was and more myself, and I am starting to change my personality..I no longer feel as though I have to make it up to people..before I was so grateful for my friends because they were friends w me even though I was fat, so Id go above and beyond what I had to, just to make sure they stayed friends w me. I didnt have any major health issues..no high blood pressure or anything, and I was approved, so good luck, email me if you ever want to talk! Or you can add me on myspace- I love talking to people before or after the band!!
  24. tifferoni326

    OMG I Can't Believe It

    Yay for you!! Whenever you start to get discouraged just think about this time and know that it will only do downhill from here (your weight that is!)

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