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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tifferoni326

  1. tifferoni326


    Ok so I had my band in Feb. I am one of those people who doesn't eat bc they are hungry but bc Im stressed or bored or happy or sad or doing something. My whole family is like this. We watch TV with a thing of Cookies, we work in the yard drinking sweet iced tea etc...of course I am the only one thats real overweight but whatever... So getting this bad was a huge deal for me. There are still alot of times when I miss being able to eat. When I want to jump the person eating next to me. When I go and open the fridge to look longingly at the food. Do I miss eating. YESS!! But, I've lost 30 lbs since my surgery. This is without exercise..oopps!.. I bought a new pair of jeans last week, went from a size 22 to 16 stretch. New bra -a cup size (of all the places to lose). Several new shirts. Before this, I would go to walmart and go buy these mens solid colored shirts for 5 a piece bc I was covering myself up. Now not so much. I actually flirted with a guy at a party last week..heck I actually went to a party!. Sure I miss food. This is not as easy as I was hoping. Its hard. It takes alot of work. BUT I am finding ways to live. I buy side dishes at restaurants. I buy suckers to eat while studying. I am addicted to Crystal light pink lemonade. So would I do this again. Yes. but there are drawbacks. Everytime I eat something too fast or too much and must throw up its like the biggest deal to people around me. Sometimes I would like the temp satisfaction of being able to drown myself in food. But, at the same time, I am happier. So, while its not a walk down a park road, this whole thing is worth it. Its helping me find myself under the fat..as corny as it seems
  2. tifferoni326

    Vegetables & Salads

    Its odd, but since right now im stilll in mushies, i cant hav this and im totally craving..Ive tweaked a lil though... corn tortia- microwaved and broken in small pieces for chips shredded lettuce for tacos- easier to eat and already cut up! Than I mix salsa and Beans together to make a dressing that is runny so it covers more..Yum. Also cheese if desired on top and sometimes I brown the 99% ff turkey breast with taco seasonings:hungry: Ugh I miss salads..Im hoping though that when I can eat them that this one will be ok, cause Im so used to eating salads!!!
  3. tifferoni326

    What made you decide on surgery?

    God I hate those chairs. I found myself haveing to work up the nerve to go sit down and squeeze it... other reasons 1. So many of my happy memories are associated with food. I had fun at this restarante, and this movie theatre had good popcorn and this was the drive thru etc.. 2. Look back to your fat pictures..not many huh? My little brother had to for a school project find pics of all his family members...took me forever to find him one of me 3. I got tired of having to prove to people that I was more than the fat girl..almost like I had to make it up to them 4. For the last 2 years, I havent worn anything but jeans and a t shirt 5. I decided to live my life instead of just saying "Yeah Id do that if I was thin..." 6. Ill be graduating soon, and I hate going in for the interveiw, b/c I have to be way better than the skinny people, just to be considered! I could go on, but its so depressing Basically. I got tired of feeling trapped in my own body...
  4. tifferoni326

    Hey everybody!

    I went online and ordered them. They are fantastic. I have this weird thing about texture, and these werent powdery or too milky if you want to try one, send me an email and I can snail mail one to you. i have teh ones fro women, and when my family and I, including my father, mother and sister did BFL, we all liked these shakes the most. Ive tried the MuscleMax or whatever at GNC and yuck..btw, you might find these shakes at a local health store, theres none around me, so i dunno :mad:
  5. tifferoni326

    surviving the liquid stage

    I was on it for a week. It was the worst. I went to a local chinese take out place and got LOTS of wonton Soup, and took out the wontons..my dogs apparently love them.. that helped spice up my life. I also bought like those packets of ranch to put in my chicken broth which helped..LOTS of crystal lite. I bought like 6 boxes of sugar free popsciles, and didnt feel guilty about not eating the orange ones. I ended up duc tapeing my fridge door closed. That way, if I was tempted to eat something not liquid it would take me longer to get to it, and Id have time to snap out of my Food-Craze-To-Chew Maddness!! Good luck!!!
  6. tifferoni326

    Hey everybody!

    Ok, so this is gonna sound weird, but my doctor told me to take Flinstones Vitamins ! Swear. He said that it was a complete Vitamin that couldn't be beat on price and conveinence (sp?)..chewable and what not As for shakes I think its all about what you like to drink. Theres some clear Protein shakes for the clear stage etc. As for taste, Im picky, and fell in love with the Eating for Life Shakes, these are shakes made for th eBody for Life Diet. Theres also tons of shake recipes online for them..yum
  7. tifferoni326

    Newbie: Had band today!

    Ok, I just said that to stand out! :mad:, being from Texas and all...hah I am in week numba TWO on my band..Freaking awesome...ok, not all roses, so heres what ive had problems with, so youve had a heads up. liquid diet..i was put on a liquid diet for a week..If I never see another can on chicken broth, itll be too soon!! The Pain... I sleep on my stomache, so my incisions were always keeping me up, so be sure to stay on those pain meds for that..Also the worst part of the operation is the shoulder pains from anesthia (sp?)...goodness they were like a cramp pulled muscle and a burning sensation all at once..ugh! food.. I really had no idea how often I opend the fridge until I duc taped it shut...also it made me face my emotions unstead of eating through them....weird All in all however, this life after band is GGRRRREEEEEEEAAAAAAATT Good luck and may there be less of you at each post
  8. tifferoni326

    shoulder pain and cheating

    I've kinda felt that i was the only one cheating on here, so its nice to see Im not. Its just a hige adjustment!! I feel like I need to stand up and say "Hi my name is Tiffaney and I have an emotional relationship to food!". This has really put my entire life in prespective of how much I link with food.! ...The other day, I bought a Dr Pepper and let it go flat and had a lil bit of it..It felt like I was going to Food Prison!!! Also for the shoulders, I liked Polar Ice on mine...my sympathy goes out to ya though they are awful
  9. tifferoni326


    I went through HOOPS to get this done. I go to school 3 hours from my doctor and theyd call and be like you remember your appt in 2 weeks, well we have an opening tomorrow, can you be there?..always was. Once they approved me I decided to get it done ASAP. Im in school to, and am actually a senior in college. I decided, that me being happy with myself and thinner and first in line with myself was more important than my grades. I did this for myself, and had a rough week post surgery. HOWEVER.. I did get alot of sympathy from people, although I didnt tell them what I had done exactly...still even though my test scores suffered, I am feeling much better, and thats what is important Keep on Hangin!!:mad: even though you want to SCREAM!
  10. tifferoni326

    Can We Eat Popcorn?

    For some reason, I dont know why, but I thought we couldn't..I was depressed..Ill admit it. I LOVE Popcorn Now for a lesson in self restraint..I think Ill wait a week, and then try some..o man I cant wait:clap2:
  11. tifferoni326

    shoulder pain and cheating

    OK...breathe..in then out. First off..this is me on my like second week, so totally not an expert, but heres my experience. Erosion..shouldn't concern you, I think you might be mixing it up with band slippage, which could happen if you tried to pass something that wouldn't fit and kinda shoved the band down. I dont believe it would cause shoulder pains howver, basically, look at how much you are eating. If you are still eating little in comparison to what you did before, then youre probally ok Shoulder Pain... The worst part of my surgery was my shoulder pains. The incisions..nuthin compared to it. I believe its a left over from anethesia. Mine hurt like crazy for like 5 or 6 days. OMG I wanted to shoot myself, it was like a cramp and a pulled muscle in one..ugh horrible Cheater...cheater cheater pumpkin..no wait..pea eater!! Stop being so hard on yourself. No one learns to ride thier bike on the first day. The hardest part of a lap band is the life adjustment. Split pea soup huh?..I just pureed veggies in my chicken broth. Fat free pudding...ok so the reason for the liquid diet is that your stomache is swollen and the passage from the banded region to the not banded region is going to be narrow until the swelling receedes. Some doctors, like mine, said a week of Clear liquids, some say 2 or 3 days..basically they dont want you to block that hole. When I first ate my chicken broth it felt like a tortia chip that "went down teh wrong tube"..you know that awful buring feeling. I think youre still ok. Just be careful. Regardless of what you might think, you are not in this situation because you are perfect, learn from this anxiety and breathe! If youre keeping the food down, Id say you are fine, just try super hard to follow Docs orders as much as possible, goodness knows they hate to have to redo thier handiwork!! Im making light of this situation because I truely think youll survive this and learn from it. If you are majorlly concerned, call your doc! They are there to help you. Just to remind you..mistakes happen, the best thing you can do is learn from them
  12. tifferoni326

    Any Younger Bansters Here?

    Hi guys! I am in my first week of banding. I wish I couldve done this earlier!! It so nice to see the scale go DOWN for once, and stay there. I go to a HUGE party school in Texas and havent really felt like Ive missed out. I have a friend who was banded and she recomended getting a tap beer and let teh foam go down, and drink slow if you want a beer. Theres a bar in San Marcos that has like 100 diff beers and I found one that was really thin and sweet. Of course, I probally wont be drinking that much anyways, I've kinda think Ive grown out of the whole party thing a lil bit. I still do it every now and then, but not often..Who has time? b/t school and my exercise buddies (Kip is 3 and Petris still a puppy) and sleep I can only zone out for a couple hours a week in front of the TV with Grays Anatomy and or CSI. Plus, I think itll be good for me to only drink a little and be designated jane for the ride home! Besides..I figure once Im thin, Ill have some fun at the beach, and Ill look so good, I wont need to drink!!!!:faint:
  13. Alright I guess I will just introduce myself. My name's Tiffaney. I am 21, in college, studying zoology and biochemistry. I live by myself, with my dog, two cats, a tortoise and a snake. I love animals, if you can't tell, I've always depended on them not to let me down, like so many people have. I had my surgery on 2-8-07. hmmm...what else.My doctor was supposed to set me up with a dietician (sp?) but hasnt done that so far, so Im kinda on my own here. I am currently on the whole clear liquid diet thing, but I am feeling so weak...any suggestions? O and to help make sure that I will get off my butt and exercise, I am getting a puppy, a bull terrier, the target dogs..they are very high energy and HAVE to be walked everyday or else they will destroy your house. I need that kind of ultimatium Anyways..so thats me:clap2:
  14. tifferoni326

    Swallowing pills???

    I have to crush mine up too. Ive started doing it the Mary Poppins way, with a spoonful of Splenda or whatever...takes off some of the aftertaste. I just crush teh pill, put it on a spoon, a packet to half a packet of Splenda over it, then add water to fill up spoon..bottoms up!
  15. tifferoni326

    Food Stuck? Meat Tenderizer??

    Basically, the enzymes are digesting the food in to smaller pieces for you Anything thats low enough in pH will also break down the food, coke works b/c of the acid in the soda Honestly, I think sticking with teh enzymes will be best..I think meat tenderizer will only break teh bonds on teh top of the food, so youd have to drink alot of it to work, also, try some lemonade or something, you might have to drink a lil more, but meat tenderizer UGH! If you do the meat tenderizer, try fajita seasoning, its one the best tenderizers that Ive found for my barbque..that is when I used to barbeque..now it wouldnt be worth my time to fire up the grill!
  16. tifferoni326

    6 days of liquids and ready to snap

    I am in teh same boat.. I'm going to my doc to talk to him on Friday about this. If I look at one more can o broth..I might go insane..my dog's food starting to look tempting!! HAHA I had to boost up my protein intake to stop from feeling so weak. I drink as many of those Special K protein waters as I can, and it helps, try those
  17. tifferoni326

    Newbie here

    It'll be nice to do it together I'm sure. Plus it helps not to have someone sitting besodes you eating while you're drinking chicken broth..my sister did that to me the other day and I wanted to jump her and take the pizza!! It was awful..she told me to just chew on a piece..itd make me feel better...all I could think ok was running with that pizza..HAHA..So Im sure that going at it together will be nice
  18. tifferoni326

    Picture Page

    Alright..If We are sharing fun pics..Heres one of me..and my soon to be exercise buddy. my sister is the red head..and before ya'll ask, my hair does that naturally UGH! My soon exercise buddy... Petri Dish Delight..shes a bull terrier, two weeks old. I cant wait to get her..a bull terrier..thats a Spuds McKenzie incase you didnt know :clap2: cute isnt she?
  19. tifferoni326

    Approved...Now What???

    You are doing this because it is about time you faced yourself and did something for yourself, so that you will no longer be held down by your weight. You are putting yourself through the pain of recovery and the pain of a liquid diet because it will make you a stronger person and a better one... AND most of all...you are doing this so you can wear a bathingsuit without teh stupid skirt around the hips or teh coverup shirt etc..YOU ARE DOING THIS TO LOSE WEIGHT Way to go, and as nerves set in, just think of how much you can lose..look at me, I havent been banded a week and Ive lost 6 lbs already!! CONGRATS:clap2:
  20. tifferoni326

    Help:Biking for the sensitive rump

    It helped me the most with biking was taking my mind off of it. No matter how much gel is in the butt..its still gonna hurt. I bought a radio to go on my handlebars..i didnt want to wear headphones bc then you cant hear someone shouting out warnings etc. i also got an attachment for my bike that lets my dog run beside me...totally helps
  21. tifferoni326

    Special K Protein Water is so good

    I wasnt really fond of them, but if youre on a liq diet, and need protein..I tried the strawberry kiwi one and it had a weird aftertaste
  22. tifferoni326

    What to tell co-workers?

    I only told my best friends and my close family, because I've been judged enough throughout my life... Last year, my sister had a portion of her small intestine taken out, her appendix and her gall bladder. It was all done laproscopically. (They thought she had Crone's disease, which she doesnt, and at first they thought they were just taking out her appendix, but..)She was put on a full liq diet for awhile, and even now can't eat fatty foods. SO I told everyone that that was what I had done, and when they kept asking me about my liq diet I told them that b/c my system was so swollen, I couldnt handle anything else. That way, everyone knows I had surgery and what not,so it wont be weird if I was sore (which I am) but they dont know what i had done I am usually honest with people, but for people who havent been overweight for so long and who havent had this done, they have no idea that its not an easy way out.
  23. tifferoni326

    College supposed to be best time...

    I see my doctor again on Friday. My doctor is not a fan of protein shakes..ugh if I have to look at any more chicken broth...:faint:
  24. tifferoni326

    Austin Bandsters!

    Just banded last Thursday in houston. I hate driving down there to go to the doctor, my teacher at this point thinks I am terminally ill! Ugh Plus I hate this liq stage:cool:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
