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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by o2bthin

  1. Suzzie, based on what you're saying, I think *you would feel more comfortable if you had a tiny bit taken out. It's best to get in 3 really good solid meals a day and nothing else except fluids (no calories). If you can't do that, you are overfilled. The weight you have lost may be from dehydration. I hate to tell you that, but it happened to me. I thought I lost weight and then had my unfill, and oops....back to square one. I still feel pretty tight and have to chew a lot and eat slowly, and open up my band with liquids before I eat. Sometimes my band won't let me eat at all. Breakfast is the hardest. I have no idea what to eat for breakfast and I'm so tired of Protein Drinks, yogurt and cottage cheese.< /p>

  2. Name.......Challenge Start Wt...Current Wt.....Challenge Goal..To Go

    Huntersmom...... 174........... 172........... 159............ 13

    SWEETY.......... 202........... 200........... 180............ 20

    MJsafari........ 268........... 260........... 238............ 22

    captdanbo....... 211........... 211........... 185............ 26

    PaulaD.......... 216........... 216........... 199............ 17

    Stefanie42467... 206........... 203........... 175............ 28

    Suzzzie......... 349........... 349........... 320............ 29

    glindab......... 277........... 272........... 250............ 22

    MM.............. 242........... 235........... 218............ 17

    finallythin..... 254........... 254........... 225............ 29

    BeckieT......... 259........... 259........... 239............ 20

    Miscontext...... 303........... 303........... 275............ 28

    ja9va........... 207........... 202........... 182............ 20

    wombat712....... 180........... 177........... 165............ 12

    Texasmom5573.... 252........... 252........... 230............ 22

    Waters.......... 214........... 213........... 190............ 24

    lessnless....... 206........... 197........... 179............ 18

    MissDarlene..... 223........... 223........... 195............ 28


  3. hello all! I was banded June 25, 2007. I have lost a total of 67 lbs. I can't wear half the clothing in my closet. But how do I release the fear of getting rid of them? I'm going to try this weekend to take them away, clean out my closet. I have this phobia of doing that. As if I expect to be able to wear them again. Anyone else experiencing this? Any suggestions?

    I have no problem getting them out of my closet (to make room for new ones haha) but they're all sitting in piles in the corner of my bedroom. My problem is more about what they're worth and funding my new clothes shopping!:faint:

  4. Subgroup? Subgroup!!!!? Hey! I'm going over there........in just a minute. I may post my hideous pics.

    Busy day today. I have lost quite a bit of restriction, and eating is pretty easy. It's frustrating because I want more, but I won't go back for a fill for a while. It comes and goes, maybe because I am chewing better and eating smaller bites. All in all, I eat less than preband, and I am not gaining. That is progress.

    BCrazy, if that's all you had for your birthday, ya done good! You controlled it, and had what you wanted and didn't overdo it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! It's a new you this year!

    Suzzzie good luck with your new fill. You're right about letting the swelling go down. I tried but I never stopped pbing Water long enough I guess. Keep us posted.

    I went shopping with dd tonight, and it was fun looking at the 16's though it will be a while before I'll wear any......it does motivate me to lose the next 10 pounds. I also told the salesgirls at the store that I had a lapband and wasn't going to buy any $78.00 Silver jeans just yet. LOL I surprised myself telling them, since I haven't told anyone but some close family and one friend.....but it was very freeing. Who are they going to go blab to anyway? Maybe some day I'll be comfortable with telling the world, who knows.

    I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Tomorrow I'll be taking dd out to the beaches and try to find some birds.

    Peace out,

  5. Yep Waters, I have 6.6 cc in my 10 cc band right now. I'm feeling good today. I had some coffee and Protein this morning, and just had 1/2 cup chicken noodle Soup for lunch, with little restriction but I feel full. My weight stayed down today, which probably means I lost more during my suffering! lol I didn't have the strength to eliptical train today--my generous brother gave me his cold when he came to visit last weekend. I feel like going back to bed, and today is a nice foggy Washington day, so I may just do that.

  6. Well I got back to my fill clinic today, and once again they made hamburger out of my stomach--couldn't access the port. She got me in at the hospital in less than 10 minutes, and an MD came in and got me under fluoro. It was very cool to see a needle sticking in my port on the monitor for the first time. Didn't see my band. It took some time---guess the port is deep and I'm "fleshy" ::::gasp:::: but finally he got in and took out 1cc. I tell you I have never been so grateful in my life! I spent last night with Soup broth coming up through my nose at 3am waking me up out of a sound sleep---soup I had eaten at 11pm. Water, fuhgedaboudit...I pb'd it. After the fill came out, I finally could swallow and feel the water trickle down. I went to eat and had a small turkey dinner. As long as I could eat very slow, tiny bites, and chew, I could get it down with no pain. It was amazing. I learned something, I believe this to be true, the pouch doesn't hold the food for 2-3 hours as I've read, the reduced stoma size only slows the food down. This may be true in my case, some say their pouch is full. My skull, neck, shoulders, temples, gut, ribs, intestines...you name it...are completely wracked out. I feel like I got run over by a truck. I felt sorry for myself but I'm getting over it. LOL I finally peed about 7:00 pm and it was dark orange. Sorry for the gorey details, but I know some of you will appreciate it.

    I must be the kind of person that has to whacked up the side of the head to finally get it. Big duh moment. I wanted lockdown, I got it....never again.

    My 3 new resolutions....I had some time today on the road to think about this, and I had my friend with me so I said this outloud. Paying pennance. LOL

    #1 get on my eliptical trainer every morning, no excuses

    #2 no more night time eating/testing...after dinner, nothing but herb tea

    #3 no more buying candy...I won't even go into the aisle

    My weight drop in the last few days...got into the 30's yay...is due to dehydration and not eating for 4 day, but someone said you never post gains, right, so I'm keeping it.

    Oh, I haven't been this weight in 18 years. I got my first real comment today.....that I was starting to look good. Not just losing. Looking GOOD. I got out a tub of summer clothes that I forgot about and all but about 3 tanks and 2 shirts (stretchy) are too big. That's my NSV. Another one I have is it's so much easier to turn over in bed. I love that!

    WTG Safari! You can do it. Think of me blurry eyed on my ET every morning....I'm with ya!

    Amy, kudos to you on your personal choice. One thing you can almost guarantee yourself is if you follow the rules, you won't put the 44# back on.

    Big, I'm so sorry about your aunt.

    Everyone else, keep going for it!

  7. I'll chime in on this one. I was feeling the same way Java, wanting to be "tight" so I asked for this newest fill. She wouldn't give me 2.0 cc, and told me I was getting close, whatever that means....how would she know, maybe by experience. Anyway, I got 1.6, and boy do I feel it. I know what being closed off is. Today was better, but last night was awful. I drank Water and the noises it made kept me awake half the night. Call me Bubble-n-Squeak!

    I think every person is different, in how much you can control your eating, how much you want to exercise vs how much you want to be uncomfortable if you don't follow bandster rules--eating slowly, chewing a lot, avoiding certain foods, etc.

    Time will tell on this fill. Stef I recall you were uncomfortable on your last fill, and now you don't have enough restriction. The 10cc band takes lots of adjustments and as you lose you'll have to get it tightened up...of course you know all that but I'm just stating for the record.

    Ahh the trials and tribs of lapbandland, and we've only just begun our journey.

  8. Debating today whether I should go for my 4th fill tomorrow. I probably will. It's a personal thing I guess. I am looking at my stats and have lost 10 pounds this month, but I also feel I can eat too much, and am hungry most of the time, unless something like chicken or eggs is stuck.

    Danbo, I'm going to try your diet, which I printed out when you posted it a while back. I'm in awe of you!

    I hope everyone has a great weekend. We're back in the throes of school activities and sports and I'll be traveling out of town all day tomorrow for my fill.

    Peace out!

  9. Skinny butt and hubby went home hungry, LIKE I CARE, RIGHT?!

    OMG Waters, I am LOLing here! I needed that...keep 'em coming! I think I could be in your shoes except daughter asked me for one more thing for school...insisted rather...and I gathered up every single item of clothing I had purchased and filled up dh's arms twice, and ordered him to put them in my car and told dd there were going back if they had tags on and to the consignment shop if they didn't. I'm on my own last nerve I think.

    Your gumption reminds me of Fried Green Tomatoes....TOWANDA!!

    I'm a quilter too, only thing is I longarm for customers 24/7 and have to go on retreat to do my own stuff.

  10. Danbo, I'm absolutely floored at the amount of weight you've lost in 2 1/2 months---105 pounds? Holy cow! Do you ever think that you didn't need the lapband if you were able to lose the weight without the assistance of it?

    Well, whatever you've been doing, it's been working for you! Kudos to you.

  11. OK... anyone having problems with their eyes?

    Is that what it is? I wasn't sure if it was my eyes or my head. Tonight I had my dad and his so over for dinner, got my plate and put on a portion of salmon, about 1/2 cup of squash and a corn bread muffin. We're talking happily, and I take a bite of muffin.....chew twice...swallow....take a swig of ICE water......utoh.....gak! I just put my fork down and told a l-o-n-g story....and then my dad says....umm...that device you have....???? I said umm, the cornbread wasn't a good idea. A while later I was able to eat about 3 bites of fish and a couple bites of squash. What was I thinking?

    When I looked at my 30# weight loss pics, I didn't see a different me, only a bit smaller me. All the weight is in the same places. :faint:I can't wait to take the 60# pics.

  12. Too funny Steph! Especially the KY one! ROFL!

    I thought I'd try the Breakfast test. I had about 3/4 cup of cornflakes with milk and 1/2 a peach with no problem. The peach went down tight and I followed it with coffee and it gugled and went down, so I'm going to call about getting another fill.

    The posting about NSV got me to thinking. Not clothes-related, but I have had so much more energy. I've been doing a lot of back to school shopping with my daughter, and normally my feet would give out on me, and I'd be popping motrin and wearing my orthotics and socks. I've been in my Sketcher mary janes, with no problems.

    As my mom would have said, make it a great day!

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