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Posts posted by chyna86

  1. @ KYLLFALCON you are very much so right! I am very grateful I have had no complications at all and can tolerate most foods. I am even ok with being a slow looser. Last time I weighed I was 14 lbs from goal. I finished a slice of pizza at my company lunch and was a bit mortified. Now that I think about it all I ate yesterday was carbs. Maybe thats why I ate more. Didnt eat my Protein first. Thanks guys!

  2. I am almost 8 months out and recently feel that I am beginning to eat more than usual post op. I am afraid that my sleeve may be stretching a bit? My scale broke a couple of weeks ago so I am not positive if I have gained but I am sure that I have. Is this normal for post sleevers? Does anyone else feel the same? Suggestions?

  3. My weight loss is in a major stall. A little discouraging! I know that us starting out under 200 lbs dont have nearly as much to loose as others. I am thinking that this may be why its going slower? I was sleeved 3 months ago and have only lost 34 lbs. Given I only need to loose a total of 65 lbs, so this is actually more than half way there. Not sure what to make of this slow loosing. Can any post oppers who were in the same boat chime in?

  4. Are there any sleever out there with thyroid issues? I had discovered a goiter on my thyroid last year but specialist said all tests were fine. But I just had my first check up post op and my primary slipped in a TSH test and my results were .33 which is a bit hyper. He wants me to see another specialist but Im afraid of being put on meds. Dont they all make you gain weight? Then the sleeve will have been for nothing. Isnt it true once you start thyroid meds you have to take them for the rest of your life?? I dont even like taking asprin! Any advise out there?

  5. Hi all,

    I am 5 weeks post op and would really love to have some veggies again. I know that broccoli and lettuce are the hardest on our sleeves. But what about everything else? Anyone out there try veggies in the early stages? And if so, which veggies agreed/disagreed with your sleeve?

  6. So I finally did it. Upchucked. 5 weeks out and havent thrown up anything. Was it off of cupcakes or pizza? Noooooooo it was coffee! I stop to have a sugar free cappachino on my way to work sometimes and that goes down fine. Today at work I thought "what the heck could the difference be?" So I made a freshly brewed cup. 1 slow sip....fine......2 slow sips....fine.......3 slow sips.....Uh oh

    Beware of the coffe warnings folks! It really cant be tolerated post op!

  7. Thank you all for your comments. I have been trying to use the Protein supplements and I hate them! I am sick of the post surg shakes I drank. I think I can tolerate the Bariatric Advantage pre op meal replacements a little better. I bought Muscle Milk and can't stand it! The Protein Shots upset my stomach as do the muscle milk.

    I'm still trying to force down cottage cheese and the fish and some Egg Beater. I think I'm getting it down a little better. Still a long way to go. I am following the doctors instruction sheet on what to and what not to eat. I'm to stay on this from day 22 to day 40. Also, I took the catsup advice to heed and am using unsweetened applesauce instead with the fish.

    Thanks again.

    Heinz now makes a low sugar ketchup you might want to see if your local grocer carries it!

  8. Hi all I am 12 days post op and ready to move on with food trials! I have absolutely no desire to eat Soup regular or cream wise. I have never ever liked Protein Shakes so I drink Isopure. Im basically living off of Jello and pudding. I know the puree stage should come in around day 21 and I dont want to compromise the healing process. So far so good no nausea or throwing up but I need to get something else in my system.

    What are some foods you all have tolerated well at about 2 weeks post op?

  9. Im the most self conscious person in the word when it comes to nudity but they do make u remove everything b4 going in. I remember them unsnapping my gown and my boob being exposed and thinking "well geesh......." never got to finish my thought because the meds kicked in. Youll be too out of it to care!

    Im the most self conscious person in the word when it comes to nudity but they do make u remove everything b4 going in. I remember them unsnapping my gown and my boob being exposed and thinking "well geesh......." never got to finish my thought because the meds kicked in. Youll be too out of it to care!

  10. If it were me, I would definitely have Soup if it is an option (and take a long time eating it), and then just get some tiny portions of food from the buffet. Push it around a bit and maybe make a pile and then put the plate aside after a few bites. Hopefully people are paying more attention to their own dinner than yours, but we all know that some people are just way nosy!

    And, you can always say you are not very hungry, because that is probably not a lie. Good luck, and I hope you have a fun time with the family!

    Yes good idea Ill just nurse one plate of something and try to move around alot!

  11. I decided not to tell too many people. Only a couple of close friends and my grandmother. Tomorrow is my fathers bday and the whole family will be going to Celebrate at a buffet. grrrreeeeaaattttttttttttt (sarcasm)

    I cant not attend my own fathers dinner yso i have to go but it will be tough smelling and watching everyone eat plate after plate of delicious foods that I cant have :-( Im only 9 days out and still on liquids and Jello. How do you post opers do it?!? And what can I say to stop all the snickering and speculation from family? I have cramps? stomach ache? virus?

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